Cowboy All Night (Thunder Mountain Brotherhood, Book 5) (11 page)

BOOK: Cowboy All Night (Thunder Mountain Brotherhood, Book 5)
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“I know. That’s why I had to break up with her.”

“Good thing you did, too, because...wait. Are you saying you broke up with her because I was traumatized?”


“I thought you broke up with her because I presented you with the damning evidence of her betrayal.” She remembered saying those exact words when she’d handed over the pictures. It had been one of her finer moments.

“Not quite. I had a pretty good idea she was getting it on with Jerry but I pretended not to know.”

“You knew already?” She stared at him in confusion. “Why didn’t you dump her?”

“Because the sex was
good. But after what you put yourself through, not to mention how outraged you were on my behalf...” He shrugged. “I had no choice.”

“I can’t believe you didn’t care that she was boinking someone else. You’re just saying that.”

“Actually, it’s the truth. At seventeen, a guy doesn’t always make those fine distinctions, especially if he’s having sex for the first time in his life and it’s the best thing ever. I never wanted it to end.”

She was stunned. All these years she’d congratulated herself on rescuing him from the bad girl’s clutches. “And I ended it for you.”

“Yeah, but you meant well.”

“That’s humbling.” She thought about it while she rubbed a spot on her jeans where Linus had nuzzled her. Then she glanced up. “You probably think I’m doing it again, huh? Butting in when I should leave you alone.”

“In a way, yes. But this isn’t kid’s stuff anymore. I loved eventing more than I ever loved Clara.”

“I know.”

“That’s gone forever.”

“I know that, too, but that doesn’t mean—”

“It means the man I thought I was died.”

She sucked in a breath. “Oh, Josh.”

“I’m sorry, Aria, but playing around with a cute little foal isn’t going to change that.”


lively poker game suggested by Cade, Brant managed to get through the time between dinner and Aria’s arrival. He’d texted her directions for reaching the cabin by a back road so she wouldn’t have to drive past the house. She’d said not to expect her before ten.

But he didn’t want to take the chance she’d beat him there, so he cashed in his chips at nine thirty. Everybody except Herb gave him a hard time about getting too old to stay up late.

“Hey, ease up,” Brant said. “Ringo left an hour ago and I didn’t notice anybody razzing him about it.”

“Ringo went to hunt mice in the barn, not catch extra shut-eye,” Cade said.

“Yeah, but Ringo’s been snoozing all day whereas I’ve put in long hours of manual labor, right, Dad?”

“Right, son.” Herb concentrated on shuffling the cards and didn’t look his way, for which he was grateful.

Ty pushed back his chair. “Deal me out for the next hand. I’ll walk the tired old man out the door.”

That produced more laughter and teasing, but Brant was grateful for Ty’s help in moving out. “Great. Glad to have the company at my age.” He figured Ty had something on his mind.

Sure enough, once they’d ambled down the porch steps, Ty came out with it. “What’s going on with you, bro? You’ve been watching the clock all night and that’s not typical of the laid-back guy I know.”

“Aria’s coming out to the cabin sometime after ten.”

That brought Ty to a complete stop. “She

Brant met his gaze. “Yeah.”

“So that’s how the wind blows. I wondered after seeing you two together. Did you know her before this?”

“Nope. She was just some kid I passed in the halls at school. She was three years behind me. Do you remember her?”

Ty shrugged. “Not really. The name’s familiar, and I sort of remember her brother Josh.” He paused and rubbed his chin. “Are you saying this all developed since yesterday?”

“I know how it sounds but—”

“It sounds like you’ve been blindsided.” He smiled. “I wondered if that would ever happen.”

“It’s not what you’re thinking. The chemistry’s off the charts but she has her life and I have mine. Once Linus’s training is over, I’m gone.”

“Yeah, right.” Ty gave him an irritatingly know-it-all smile.

“You always were a smartass and I see that having Whitney around hasn’t changed that particular aspect of your personality.”

“Good thing you love that about me, huh?”

“Sure is.”

“Whitney has changed me, bro. I’m a better man because of her.” He was quiet for a minute. “Can I give you some advice?”

“Are you asking my permission? Because if you are, I’m gonna pass.”

“Judging from your behavior, you think a lot of this woman. If I were you, I’d make sure she understands that you’re not planning to stick around.” He peered at him. “Unless you are.”

“Nope. Not hanging around. Not my style.”

“Then she deserves to know that. She might misunderstand your eagerness.”

“She won’t. It’s not that kind of relationship.”

“Tell that to somebody who hasn’t known you for fifteen years. You don’t leave a hot poker game with your nearest and dearest unless it’s important. She’ll pick up on that.”

“It’s sex, bro. Plain and simple.” Brant knew that was a lie the second the words were out of his mouth. “Well, it’s more than sex and we get along great, but you know me. I don’t make a long-term commitment with any woman.”

“I saw the way she looked at you during lunch. You might want to give her some background on that decision.”

“I see no reason to drag that out. It has nothing to do with what’s between Aria and me. We’re both focused on having a good time with each other in the here and now.”

“Are you absolutely sure about that?”

“Look, Whitney’s terrific and I understand that you two share everything. I haven’t given Aria any reason to think we’re headed in that direction and she hasn’t implied it, either.”

Ty studied him for several long seconds. “Okay. Obviously you’re not ready to hear my words of wisdom.” He punched him lightly on the arm. “I’d better get back in there and continue my complete domination of the game. Have fun.”

“Thanks, I will.” The trek to the cabin took a while, which gave him time to think about what Ty had said. Back in tenth grade, the school psychologist had tried to get him to admit he was upset about his mother taking off after his father’s death.

Not really. He’d accepted that relationships didn’t last and he’d simply enjoy them when he could. Tonight he was about to do that very thing.

After switching on a few lights in the cabin, he went out to the small front porch and sat in one of the two rockers. By ten twenty she still wasn’t there. Although he considered himself a patient man, he couldn’t make that claim tonight. He’d kept his chair in such constant motion that he’d probably worn grooves in the porch floor.

He’d left the porch light off because he didn’t relish sitting in a spotlight waiting for her. Entertaining a woman at his place was a new experience and so far he liked the concept. The washer and dryer had come in handy. This afternoon he’d changed the sheets on the bed and turned them back. He’d washed the towels in the bathroom, too.

In moving from ranch to ranch, he’d always bedded down in the bunkhouse. Consequently any night spent with a lady had been at her place. While that was fine, this was better.

He’d felt right at home from the moment Cade had brought him here. He wouldn’t mind having his own cabin someday, but he couldn’t imagine how that would fit into his lifestyle. He’d just appreciate this one while he had it.

After Aria had left this afternoon he’d made a quick trip to town on the pretext of buying some snacks for the cabin. He didn’t really need them. Cade had left him stuff like bread and crackers, plus some cheese, peanut butter, jelly, a six-pack of beer and some milk. He had not, however, left a box of condoms, because he wasn’t a mind reader.

Now the bedside table drawer had that item tucked inside, and there was red wine on the kitchen counter and white in the refrigerator. He didn’t figure Aria for a beer drinker. She was a gourmet cook and they were all about wine. He’d seen that demonstrated while they’d made coq au vin.

He was ready. He couldn’t be any more ready, in fact. And still no headlights had appeared on the dirt road. He should just relax and listen to the sounds of the night—an owl hooting, the distant yipping of a pack of coyotes chasing a rabbit, the wind sifting through the branches of nearby pines,
the muted growl of an engine.

He stood, as if being upright would allow him to hear it better. Yep, the vehicle was coming closer. His pulse rate accelerated. Had to be her. Then he saw the headlights bobbing along and his chest tightened.

Watching the lights approach, he clattered down the steps. He’d originally planned to wait for her on the porch, envisioning himself in the rocker, looking relaxed. Eager anticipation of a woman’s visit was so unlike him. That thought came and went and he no longer cared if it was like him or not. She was here.

He had her door open before she’d shut off the engine. Gathering her into his arms, he lifted her from the seat and nudged the door closed with his shoulder. Then he started toward the cabin.

“Wait! I brought something.”

He paused. “What?”

“Pie! I brought us pie!”

“Later.” He started off again.

“But it’s still hot!”

“I’m a hell of a lot hotter than that pie.”

She laughed and wound her arms around his neck. “You’re a crazy man.”

“You know what? I am and I can’t seem to do anything about it. Only one thing is going to make me sane again.”

“I may know what that is.”

“I suspect you do.” He climbed the porch steps.

“Cute cabin.”

“It’s cuter inside. Can you open the screen door?”


Shouldering his way in, he carried her across the wooden floor of the main room.


“The bedroom’s nicer.” He strode quickly down the hall. Once inside the room he crossed to the bed and sat her on the end of it. He was breathing hard, but that had nothing to do with the effort of carrying her.

Kneeling down, he undid her ponytail and tossed the scrunchie away. Then he buried his fingers in her hair. “I apologize in advance. I’m feeling like an animal right now. The next time we do this, I promise to take my time.”

Her hands locked around his neck and she gazed into his eyes. “I’ve waited all day. Behaving like an animal sounds perfect to me.”

“But you brought pie.” He massaged her scalp.

“In case you were hungry.”

“I’m desperately hungry.”

Her eyes glittered. “Me, too. Go for it, cowboy.”

That was all he needed to send him into overdrive. While he jerked off her boots, she pulled her Camille’s Restaurant polo shirt over her head. Next he went for the snap on her jeans.

She quickly caught his hands. “Never mind. I’ll do it.” She sounded as desperate as he felt. “Work on your own clothes.”

She had a good point. No sense getting her naked if he wasn’t. He leaned against the wall and took off his boots. Then he opened the bedside table drawer and took out a condom. He didn’t want to be groping for it at the zero hour and he wanted her to know he’d remembered.

She noticed and smiled. “I wondered about that.”

“Went shopping after you left.”

“Thank you.” She wiggled out of her jeans. “I thought you might be lying in bed naked when I showed up.”

“I needed to watch for you.” He left his shirt mostly fastened and pulled it over his head.

“Were you afraid I wouldn’t make it?” She reached for the clasp of her bra.

“I knew you would. I just...needed to be there when you drove in.”

“So you could sweep me up and carry me off to your lair?”

“Something like that.” He hadn’t planned on scooping her out of the van and hauling her inside, but apparently instinct had taken over.

“For the record, I thought it was fun.” She tossed her bra aside. When she leaned toward the nightstand and picked up the condom packet, her breasts swayed enticingly. “Ready when you are.”

For a moment he couldn’t do anything but stare at her. The rosy flush of her skin and her taut nipples told him that she wanted him and the fierce glow of desire in her violet eyes sent a surge of heat straight to his groin. He almost came.

Fingers trembling with anticipation, he peeled off his jeans and briefs. His cock leaped free, ready for action. A drop of moisture gathered on the tip. He was so damned close to losing control.

Her gaze lowered to his pride and joy. When she looked up, her intent was there in her eyes. “We could play a little first.”

He hesitated, his balls tightening. “I love having your mouth on me.” Lust strummed his vocal cords and deepened his pitch. “I love it too much. If you touch me now, I’ll come.”

“Let me try.” Her voice became a silky purr. “I’ll be careful. When it’s too much, I’ll put this on.” She laid the packet beside her on the bed.

He wanted what she offered. His cock twitched at the memory of her lips drawing him in and her tongue swirling over every sensitive inch. He stepped toward her.

“Just a taste. Then we’ll go for the main event.” Wrapping her fingers around his shaft, she leaned forward and kissed the tip.

He groaned. “I don’t think I can—”

“I do.” She took him in slowly.

Watching her do it was heaven but trying to hold back was hell. His cock touched the back of her throat. He clenched his jaw against the climax that hammered at the door. But, oh, God, this felt amazing.

She hollowed her cheeks, sucking gently as she rose. She finished by pressing a kiss to the tip once more. Her lashes lifted and she looked into his eyes. “You’re magnificent. I love taking your measure.”

He groaned. She was incredible, the most perfect lover he’d ever had.

“Besides, these go on easier when you’re wet.”

He’d somehow missed the part where she’d opened the packet. She rolled on the condom with a minimum of fuss, but he had to brace himself against coming. He’d spent too much time imagining this next step. Finally he’d experience that ultimate connection.

Once she had the condom on, she scooted back on the bed, giving him room to climb in after her. His heart pounded like a jackhammer as he crawled onto the mattress and straight into her waiting arms. It was all so easy, so right.

One moment he was kissing her ripe mouth and the next he’d eased his hips between her thighs. She welcomed him by wrapping her legs around his and then...he thrust deep and was there, all of him.

She moaned and he lifted his mouth from hers. “You okay?”

“I’ve never been more okay in my life.” Her fingers dug into his backside. “We fit.”

He brushed his lips over hers. “I guess you were worried.”

“You’re a big guy.” She wiggled against him. “I like that, but I wasn’t sure if we’d...but we do.”

“So it’s okay to move?”

“God, yes. Move. And move some more.”

That worked for him. He needed to move, to ease back and slide home again. He craved the sweet friction of her tight channel, but now that he was there, he’d regained some control. He fit, but just barely, and that made every thrust a very happy occasion indeed.

Apparently it was for her, too. She rose to meet each stroke and began to make small, whimpering cries of joy. She tightened around him and he bore down. “Can you come?”

“Yes.” She began to pant. “Oh, yes.”

He pumped faster and she arched upward with a cry of release that thrilled his soul. Next time she came he’d let himself go, but he’d wanted to guarantee her pleasure first. Turned out she was easy to please.

Slipping both hands beneath her bottom, he lifted her so he could shift the angle.


“Like that?” He kept rocking into her.

“Yes, oh, yes.”

“Look at me, Aria.”

She met his gaze and took a shaky breath. “I’m looking.”

“We’re going to come together this time.”


He couldn’t help smiling. She was so sweet, so sexy, so willing. “Tell me when you’re there.” He was poised on the edge of his climax, ready to launch himself over.

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