Read Cowboy Double-Decker Online

Authors: Reece Butler

Cowboy Double-Decker (12 page)

BOOK: Cowboy Double-Decker
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Even now, he could feel her brand scorching him. She tucked a pillow under his head so he could see her better. Thoughtful gal.

He’d played games with a few other women, but no one, not even Candy, inflamed him like Kaela. She challenged him every moment, demanding rather than accepting. She covered herself again, unfortunately. When he had her in his power, he’d keep her naked.

She turned in a circle, flashing golden-red pubic hair. Purposely tantalizing him.

Maybe not naked. With her hair and pale skin, she looked gorgeous in that emerald green floaty thing. He’d dress her in a green satin neck ribbon and garter belt, high heels, and black stockings.

Nothing that would delay him, though he enjoyed ripping off her cotton panties. Maybe matching satin tap pants with Velcro sides.

She tilted her head, biting her finger in a little girl gesture. But the wicked gleam in her eyes proved she had nothing innocent in mind.

She knelt on the bed and crawled toward him like a stripper. She settled her sweet bottom between his legs, a foot on either side of his hips. She leaned back on her elbows, facing him.


Reece Butler

Opened her knees and showed him paradise.

His cock throbbed so hard his head pounded along with it. His balls had been tight, eager for release, since before supper. Hell, they’d been tight since he first saw her in that towel! But now they had a whole week to play. Six nights before he had to return to the Double R.

Alone, dammit!

Kaela reached a finger between her delicate folds and stroked her rising bud. Blood rushed to his cock and his brain went on autopilot.

“My, my,” she crooned. “Where shall I start?”

She pressed a finger into her core. He fisted his hands, remembering her tight channel.

“Forsooth, the thief is weeping for me.”

Candlelight sparkled on the drop of pre-cum, resting like a crown at his tip. He clenched his ass muscles and his cock nodded.

“Does it want to play with me?”

She placed both hands on the bed and lifted her bottom up.

Though the light was dim, he could see her swollen flesh, red and juicy. He licked his lips, hungry for her taste.

He flexed his hands and feet, straining. The tape stretched maybe an inch, then held.


If he was loose, he’d throw himself on top of her and surge deep, proving how much more pleasure she received from his cock than her fingers.

“You seem eager to work, sirrah.”

“My cockstand awaits your pleasure,” he growled.

She rolled forward and straddled one thigh, scraping herself against him. She thrust her head back, breasts high. Nipples pressed on fabric, eager for his hands and mouth.

She stood, glistening wet thighs proof of her arousal. As if her wide eyes and swollen flesh weren’t enough! She stepped forward, her feet once again either side of his hips.

Cowboy Double-Decker


Sit on my cock!
He gave the silent order. She tilted her head and pressed her lips out as if thinking.

“I think not,” she said.

She turned to face his feet and backed up, far enough that he could look under her gown, past her belly and breasts to her chin. Then she dropped all at once to his chest, the fabric fluttering after to settle.

She wriggled, paradise inches from his nose. Her swollen vulva wept for his tongue, his cock, anything, dammit!

He gazed up her perineum to the tiny rosebud of her sweet ass hole. Her virgin asshole, but not for long. If she backed up a few inches, he’d run his tongue up that slick road right into that light brown dimple. He’d press her cheeks apart to reveal the pink rim inside the brown. He’d delve deep with his tongue, easing the way until she was ready for his finger.

If they had enough time, he’d teach her how to enjoy more than fingers.

A vision of Kaela riding Adam’s cock while he surged into her ass hit, and he almost came like an overeager schoolboy.

He closed his eyes and groaned, sucking air deep, inhaling her fragrance. Her essence filled every cell of his lungs. It filtered into his blood, roaring all the way to his heart.

A wet tongue swiped across his glans, and he bucked in shock.

She grabbed tight, squeezing him. She swallowed his tip and more, scraping her teeth lightly when she pulled back.

He forced himself not to come, squeezing his fists as hard as he could.

“More of that and I’ll erupt like Vesuvius,” he warned, gasping.

“Good. I want you to come for me. I want you to cover my breasts. You’ll lick it all off then I’ll kneel over your face.”

She went down on him again, pulling up his cock as she engulfed him. Unable to stop, he let himself go, releasing the pressure in his balls. He pressed his arms and legs against the bed and lifted his pelvis, thrusting with every jolt of release.


Reece Butler

Finally, he collapsed on the bed, heaving for breath.

“Mmm, yummy.”

He barely heard the words through the roaring in his ears. The bed shifted under him, but he didn’t open his eyes. Didn’t move.

Couldn’t move.

“Wakey, wakey.”

He ignored the singsong voice. Until something pinched his nipples.


He opened his eyes to find a swollen nipple hovering just over his lips. He lifted his head and caught it. He sucked it deep, flavored with his salty cum. Kaela said she had never played these games before, yet she obviously wanted to explore this whole new world with him.

She switched nipples on him for a moment and then moved her body around until he’d licked her everywhere she wanted. By then he was again at full mast, eager for completion.


She stood over him like a Valkyrie, breasts heaving. She shuffled backwards, sank onto her knees, and grasped his cock like a video game controller.

All thought of games fled. It was Bryan and Kaela now. Equals in their need for fulfillment.

She guided his tip just past her gates and then stopped. She stared down at him, tied beneath her as if helpless. She grinned at his predicament.

Helpless? Not on your life, sweetling!

Teeth clenched, he thrust up into her. Only a few inches, but enough to prove his power. She groaned, pressing all her weight to force him down. She ground herself into him and clenched him tight with her strong pelvic muscles.

He groaned in return. Had it only been a day since he’d felt her tight flesh grip him?

She leaned forward and set her palms on his chest to adjust her
Cowboy Double-Decker


angle until his cock hit her just right. She shafted herself back and forth, determined to reach the best place for friction.

If he hadn’t exploded earlier, no way could he have waited for her now.

It was still an effort. He wanted to hold her hips and slam her down. Grab the swollen tits swinging past his face. Show her what no man would ever do better.


At the height of her orgasm she clenched him so tight his own need raced to follow. He fought the bonds to surge up into her again and again until, finally, blessed release. She collapsed on his heaving chest, a welcome dead weight.

Again, he cursed his bindings. He wanted to hold her in his arms as she came down from her orgasmic high. To keep her close to his heart. Instead, she rested on him, toes tucked under his thighs, limp arms around his chest.

He waited as long as he could. But she didn’t know knots well, and the plastic tape was designed to tighten when stretched. He stretched the hell out of it when he pounded up into her.



“Uh, sweetling, those scissors of yours nearby? I’m losing circulation here.”

“Oh my God!”

She pushed up so fast that her knee caught him in the ribs. He held back a soft curse, her look of panic proving she was embarrassed enough without the added note of pain.

“You should have said something!”

She snipped away, apologizing repeatedly when the sharp points gouged his skin. He sat up, rubbing his wrists for a moment. Then he stretched out his back, rolled to the edge of the bed, and stood.

Pins and needles erupted. At his wince, she ran forward and hugged him around the chest.


Reece Butler

“I’m so sorry, but I got carried away. Would a massage help?”

He considered letting the naked woman sooth his aches, but she’d face a long day tomorrow.

“I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not.”

“Kaela.” He lifted her chin with his finger. “I’m a cowboy who used to rodeo. I’m used to pain. And, believe me, that was more than worth it.”

She stepped back and bit her lip in what he’d learned meant embarrassment or indecision. Or both.

“I guess it’s your turn to pay me back,” she choked out.

He shook his head. Her voice tight, along with eyes that wouldn’t meet his own, proved she wasn’t ready.

“That can wait. You need your sleep. Got to have your brain awake tomorrow.” He looked at the bedside clock. “Today. You’d better grab the first shower. The only thing I have to do tomorrow is play with Scotty.”

“Is that what you think? Just ‘play with him?’” She snorted, already more relaxed.

“He’s just a kid.” He shrugged. “No big deal.”

She pushed out her lips and sucked her teeth. “We’ll see what the big, tough cowboy says after a day with a teething toddler.”

He sighed, admiring the way her peach-shaped ass swayed when she walked. Her cheeks jiggled, enticing him with her curves. The hotel room was way too small to appreciate her properly. He’d put her in stiletto heels and a clingy dress that almost covered that ass. Then he’d follow her down the bedroom hallway, all the way to the playroom. He’d bend her over his favorite padded chair, shove up her dress, and slam into her from behind.

Though he just exploded, his cock surged again, eager for more. He’d had sex with a lot of women in his early days, but that was all it was. Sex. Candy was great, but she belonged to her husband.

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Though Kaela was far from the wife he wanted, there was something about her. A mix of determination, hurt, fury, strength, and vulnerability. Smart, but also smart-mouthed. He wanted quiet and serene, not explosive. Other than the sex, of course. That could be volcanic.

The wife he wanted would, first of all, want to please him. She must need him more than he did her. A man’s job was to protect and provide for his family, and Kaela was too damn determined to do everything herself.

He still wanted Kaela with something more than lust. He wanted more of her, but no way would he think beyond this week.

He flopped on the bed, mind racing. Could he convince her to visit the Double R? Thanksgiving was almost here and she didn’t have any family. In fact, she had nowhere to go after Friday.

He needed a reason to bring her to the Double R, one he could say out loud. Not “I said I’d bring a wife home and I don’t want to look like a loser,” or “I want you to stay until I can look at you without wanting to screw you senseless.” No way could he say, “I’m lonely and I need you because you make me feel whole.”

Shove that thought deep. He didn’t need anything more than he already had. A wife was just a convenience so he’d have his own children, his own bed partner.

Nothing more.

Kaela was fun to be with. He enjoyed sparring with her in the classroom as well as outside it. But he was on vacation. No way would he want those hassles back home.

He’d enjoy Kaela until Friday, and if things didn’t work out, he’d return to Candy’s bed. He’d get on the Internet, check out dating sites, and be married by summer. No heart, no hassles.

He rolled to his feet. By the time Kaela returned, he’d made the bed and tidied up.

“You made the bed?” She stared around the neat room, frowning in surprise.


Reece Butler

“Have to keep milady happy.”

She squealed when he ripped her towel off and smacked her bottom with his hand as he ran past. He’d wanted to do that since the moment he’d seen her, staring him down wearing little but bravado.

Laughing at her shrieks of outrage, he shut the bathroom door on her.

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Chapter Eight

Kaela didn’t know how she would have gotten through that week without Bryan. Not only did he care for Scotty during the day, but he did everything so she could work on her projects and study. The males crashed early, Scotty because he was only a year old. As she expected, Bryan was surprised at how exhausting caring for a toddler could be, even without a full time job, cleaning, cooking and all.

Wednesday night he literally bowed down, praising her for what she’d done on her own. She’d chosen to be a single mom but, though she was always exhausted, Scotty made it worthwhile. She did admit that some days she wished he’d sleep twenty hours straight.

She worked at the desk each night, crashing into bed hours after Bryan. Though she tried to be quiet, he’d reach out a long arm, pull her against his chest, and fall asleep again. If, that is, he even woke up.

Though she knew it was only temporary, she let herself enjoy being cherished. She never had someone care about her, thinking of her needs before their own, especially a strong, handsome, demanding man. One night, finding her sitting on the bed rolling her aching shoulders, he knelt behind her and massaged her muscles. When he finished, he gave her a chaste kiss and hauled her into his arms to sleep, demanding nothing but her company.

After such caring, Kaela knew the next few months would be even harder. But she’d be far too busy with Scotty, finding a place to live and looking for work, to fall apart. When her life was finally going right, she would draw on these good memories to fill the lonely days and aching nights.


Reece Butler

By Friday morning, she was exhausted and both were sexually frustrated. Scotty, however, had never been better. He thrived on the attention and the activities Bryan got them into.

BOOK: Cowboy Double-Decker
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