Cowboy Double-Decker (19 page)

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Authors: Reece Butler

BOOK: Cowboy Double-Decker
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“Mmmm, so soft,” whispered Candy.

Fingertips stroked the outside of Kaela’s breast. Squeezed her flesh.

“Shall I stop?”

Kaela shook her head. Blood rushed to swell her tissues. She opened her eyes just a slit to watch. Delicate hands with pink pearl nails lifted her breasts just out of the water. Candy ran her cheek over one, then nipped the other with her lips. There was no beard hair to rasp her skin.

“Your hands and mouth are so soft and gentle,” whispered Kaela.

“Show me what yours are like.”

Kaela reached out a tentative hand and stroked the underside of Candy’s breasts. She lifted them out of the water, surprised at their weight.

“It’s different feeling you than when I touch myself. More sensuous somehow.” Before she could stop herself, she leaned forward and dragged her teeth over Candy’s nipple, just the way she liked it herself.

Candy hissed and ran her hands down Kaela’s sides, tracing the way to her hips. Skimming her nails over Kaela’s lower belly, she caused another shiver.

“I want to taste all of you,” said Candy. “My bed is dry and far more comfortable. Shall we go upstairs?”

Kaela knew this was inevitable. She realized she wanted it since

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she first saw the picture of Candy bent over the chair, Adam slamming into her from behind. She opened her mind to the future and closed her past.

“That depends. Where’s the chocolate?”

“I have a private stash in my bottom drawer. I keep it with my monthly supplies so the men don’t go near.” Candy gave a slow smile. “I know where we can hide a square or two, let it melt, then lick it all up.”

When Candy said the word “lick” slowly and with her nostrils flaring, Kaela imagined the sweetness melting from Candy’s inner heat. She could use her tongue and sip up every drop.

“Lead the way.”

“Race you!”

Changing the mood, Candy scrambled out of the pool, dripping water, and took off. Wet footsteps marked her trail. Kaela followed Candy up the stairs. They ran down the hall, giggling, and into Candy’s suite. Following Candy’s lead, Kaela leaped onto the huge bed and jumped, behaving like she should have at ten years old.

“Where’s the chocolate?” she demanded.

Candy tackled her. They fell to the bed, Candy half on top of Kaela, and lay there, panting. Kaela looked into Candy’s blue-green eyes, watching as her face slowly descended. She opened her lips to Candy’s soft caress. The kiss was sweet, but short. Candy slid down the bed, licking up drops of water from Kaela’s neck to her navel.

Kaela had only been with two men, and Bryan only twice. She wasn’t experienced, but Candy’s sensuous kisses felt like nothing else. It was as if Candy had all the time in the world for each kiss.

Nothing hurried. Just sweet lips and grazing teeth. Until she parted Kaela’s froth of curls with her finger.

“Women’s parts are so much more interesting than men’s,”

murmured Candy from between Kaela’s legs. “They have everything out in the open, but we have hidden surprises.” Candy slid a finger over Kaela’s nubbin and she arched, hissing.

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“Let’s see if you like what I do. Lift up.”

Kaela lifted her bottom, and Candy slid a thick pillow underneath.

Kaela lay back and drifted in a fog of wine and pleasure while Candy’s gentle but determined hands, fingers, and lips explored her.

When her chin and cheeks touched Kaela’s tender skin, no rasp of a beard made her wince. She relaxed as Candy took her time, rousing her with flicks and licks. Showing her that time had no meaning beyond the moment.

It was as if Candy enjoyed pleasuring her without wanting to hurry to the next stage. Of course, Freddie had never tried oral sex, but from her small experience with Bryan, she knew he wanted to get to the main purpose. With Candy, pleasure
the purpose.

Kaela finally groaned, pushing her heels down to press her mound into Candy’s lips. When she came it was in a wave, slow and intense rather than high and fast.

While Kaela shivered with aftershocks, Candy nibbled her way back up Kaela’s body. “I guess we like the same things,” Candy smirked, eyes laughing as Kaela panted her way back to Earth. “After you catch your breath, why don’t you show me what
like to do?”

Ten minutes later, Kaela pressed a square of dark chocolate deep inside Candy. She settled between Candy’s legs and took her time, exploring the swells and secret places of a woman’s body while the chocolate melted. Like the time Bryan kissed her and she tasted herself, Candy’s flavor was a mix of sweet and salty. The chocolate was an extra reward. Responsive to every touch, Candy writhed, pressing herself against Kaela’s finger, mouth, and chin until she came in a gush of liquid joy. Kaela rolled onto her back and sighed as Candy’s gasps slowed.

“Oh, God, I need a nap,” moaned Candy. “I haven’t been so relaxed since, um…”

“Since the last time you had an orgasm?”

“Mmmm, probably longer than that.” Kaela’s head still rested on Candy’s thigh. “It’s been pretty hectic around here the last while. But

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now that Bryan’s back and you’re such a help as well, we might get some fun in.”

Kaela rolled onto her side, as limp as cooked spaghetti.

“I’m ready to zonk out, too,” said Candy. “But in case we wake up totally horny, I’m getting my tools out now.” Candy crawled off the bed and pulled open her bedside table’s bottom drawer, first flicking the baby latch.


Candy rustled around for a minute before she held something up.

“This is a butt plug.” It was hot pink and shaped like a tiny toy Christmas tree with all the branches smoothed down. It even had a base to stand it up. Candy held up a narrower blue one, still in its package. “This one’s your size. Brand new, just waiting for you.”

Kaela watched Candy’s grin and eyebrow wriggle. “What aren’t you telling me?”

“When you ride—” Candy shut her mouth and shook her head, eyes glinting. “Nope. I’m gonna leave that for a surprise. But don’t worry, you’ll enjoy it.” She lifted out a black plastic bag and set it on the bed. “Might as well get everything out. Dildos and condoms to put over them, toy-safe lubricant, all sorts of stuff. Over there,” she pointed to a long carved wooden box sitting on a high dresser, “is where Adam keeps

Kaela wasn’t going to ask if Adam had a butt plug as well.

“I see what you’re thinking, but no.” Candy laughed. “That’s where he keeps a few floggers, blindfolds, and tie-downs.”

Kaela looked back at Candy.
“I don’t know what to say.”

Candy left the bag of toys at the foot of the bed and snuggled close to Kaela. “You could say, ‘yes, please,’ but not until we have a long nap.”

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Chapter Twelve

Bryan crept quietly into the kitchen while Adam parked the truck.

After dropping the kids off at Doc and Madge’s place, expecting to stay, they were sent home again. The volunteer grandparents insisted they’d return the children the next morning. Adam and Bryan couldn’t speed home fast enough.

“The gals didn’t clean the kitchen, so they must be up to mischief,” whispered Adam, quietly removing his boots at the back door.

“I already checked the jungle pool,” replied Bryan, grinning.

“Found an empty bottle of wine and clothes all over the place.”

“Damn!” Adam shook his head, smiling through his grimace.

“Where’d she toss ’em this time?”

“Caught a couple flashes of hot pink high in the trees.”

“I just bought her that set. They’re real silk!”

Bryan shrugged, grinning at Adam’s complaint.

“She’s gonna pay for that. Candy won’t be sitting down for days without remembering me.”

They crept up the stairs like teenagers sneaking home after a late date, avoiding the squeaky steps. When they looked inside Adam’s room, they immediately backed off and scuttled downstairs with pants so tight they hurt. Outside the mud room shower, they shucked clothes left and right.

“Did you see those flashes of wet pink? They’ve been playing with each other,” Adam boasted. “Candy seduced Kaela!”

“Maybe my gal seduced yours, boyo.” Bryan, naked first, pushed into the shower and twisted the knob. He hissed when cold water

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came out, but it didn’t diminish the large, fleshy arrow pointing up from his belly. He washed the necessary bits quickly, rinsed, and backed out to give Adam a turn.

“Don’t start without me or you’re dead meat,” growled Adam.

Bryan grabbed a towel and wiping off water, backed into the kitchen, grinning. A minute later, Adam joined him. Tossing the towels aside, they pushed and shoved their way up the stairs, fighting to be first. They shuffled down the hallway and snuck into the room.

Candy lay on her back, a bent knee showing curls still glistening with dew. One hand covered her own breast, and the other lay on Kaela’s thigh. Kaela was on her stomach, knee drawn up and hip resting on a pillow, facing Candy.

The room smelled of sex and chocolate.

The mid-day light left nothing to their imagination. Hot, wet, swollen female flesh demanded their immediate attention. Their salutes rose even further. They gave each other thumbs-up and initiated a command and control mission. Sliding carefully onto the same side of the bed as their woman, each approached his target.

Adam laid his head behind Candy’s bottom and sighed into her mound, lightly blowing warm air through her nether lips. Candy smiled and reached down to pat his head, eyes still closed.

Bryan slid forward on his back and tilted his head so his nose and tongue reached between Kaela’s swollen petals. He started slowly, as he had when she thought he was an erotic dream. He built up his strokes until her hips pressed down, giving him greater access. He reached up and caressed her bottom, pulling back her cheeks for his wet fingers to explore. She moaned, pressing into him, panting faster as he drove her closer and closer to the edge.

Finally, she rolled onto her back, away from where Candy and Adam silently watched and opened her arms, eyes still closed. He took the condom Adam held out, covered himself, and surged into her. Weeks’ worth of unmet need drove him forward with a vengeance.

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“Yes, oh God! Harder!”

He changed angles, lifting up on his hands to scrape his cock against Kaela’s G-spot. She moaned, grinding up against him. He was too close to explosion to wait long for her, so he rose to his knees, pulled her bottom to him and ground against her clit. When she moaned and clenched him internally, he set her back on the bed and pounded into her.

His violent need spurred her on and she came, crying out his name and shoving her heels down to slam up into him just as wildly. He roared his possession as their flesh slapped together, wet and wanting until, finally, he fell onto his elbows and rested his panting chest on hers.

“Hmmm, that you Bryan?” murmured Kaela. “Or did the milkman finally deliver?”

“If you aren’t sure, sweetling, I can do this again.”

“Adam, honey, I want one of those.” Candy whined like a trophy wife in front of a tray of diamond bracelets.

Kaela gasped and rolled her head to the side, eyes blasting open.

Candy lay on her side, head resting on her fist. Behind her, Adam snuggled close, eyes with the same “I’m gonna get lucky” look she’d seen on Bryan before their first time. Candy’s top leg lifted up and over Adam’s thigh. Kaela gulped when she noticed Adam slowly thrusting between Candy’s legs, his huge cock rigid and wet.

Kaela held her breath, staring as the naked man shafted his wife a few feet away. Grimacing with effort, he still managed to wink at her.

“Oh, my God,” Kaela moaned. She turned her red face away, eyes jammed shut.

“Glad you like my bed,” said Adam, his words broken up by grunts as the thrust deep.

Kaela slammed her fist into Bryan’s bicep. “You did it again!”

“Did what, sweetling?” he murmured, wriggling his hips to prove he was still hard inside her.

“You took advantage of me when I was asleep!”


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“Face it, hon,” said Candy, her voice low and throaty. “You took advantage of each other.” Candy gave Adam a purring cat look.

“She’s hot, husband of mine. And she tastes sooo good.”

“You’re not helping,” muttered Kaela. “Did you know they were coming back early?”

“Nope,” said Candy. “What happened, man of my heart?”

“Doc and Madge threw us out ten minutes after we got there,”

said Bryan. “Said they’d drop the kids off tomorrow. So we came home.”

“And what did we find but two sweet pussies, wet and wanting, winking at us,” continued Adam.

“Adam Richardson! Is that poetry?” Candy beamed at her husband.

“Sounds more like bull,” muttered Kaela. She shrieked when Bryan rolled over, taking her with him. He pulled her close to his chest as she straddled him. Though she lay on top, he held her too tight to escape, her bare bottom high.

“Her butt’s bare, bro, all ready for your hand. Can’t have a woman sassing her man like that.”

“He’s not my man!” yelled Kaela, breathless from fear or anticipation. “He’s Candy’s!”

“If you play in my bed, you’d better not sass me.”

Kaela whipped her head around to silently beg Candy for help, but the other woman smiled, shrugging. Kaela shrieked when Adam’s hand swatted her bottom, though it was just hard enough to sting. She struggled, but Bryan, laughing, held his arms around her back and hooked her legs with his feet, holding her tight. She shrieked again when Adam spanked her other cheek.

When rough lips kissed the heated flesh between her legs, the slight sting morphed into desire and she stilled. Bryan spread his legs, widening hers as well. Unfamiliar lips and tongue traced down the crack of her bottom, splaying her wide with callused hands to lick her nectar. Adam’s tongue was much thicker and longer than Candy’s.

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