COWBOY FOR SALE--A Second-Chances Spicy Romance (19 page)

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Authors: Janet Wellington

Tags: #romance novel

BOOK: COWBOY FOR SALE--A Second-Chances Spicy Romance
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Her skin goose-bumped as she rocked against him, riding wave after wave of ecstasy with every thrust, loving how he felt inside her. As she pulled him closer and closer still, she pressed her fingers into his back, then shifted to guide him more against her clitoris, feeling his hardness against her, only wanting one thing…more…more…

She wanted him deeper. Closer. Tilting her pelvis and rocking against him, she heard Jared's moan. She opened her eyes to watch him.

“I can't wait much longer,” he said, “you feel too good.”

“Don't wait.”

She encouraged his thrusts to go deeper, faster…such delicious pressure as he seemed to know exactly how to move until she felt the wave begin and build, soon helpless to control herself from screaming her pleasure as her own climax engulfed her. Stars exploded behind her eyelids and she felt strangely detached from her body, and yet at the same time, connected intimately to every cell of her being.

“Oh, Jared…” Her voice was a breathless whimper.

As soon as her spasms had quieted, Jared felt his own spiral building. He’d waited, more than anything wanting her to have her climax, to enjoy what they had created together. Then he felt her intimate grasp as he slowly began to thrust, pulling out and in again as he sank deeper and deeper into her. Surprise flashed in her eyes as he stared into their depths.

They moved together so well, so smoothly, their bodies in exquisite harmony. A fresh hot tide of passion raged between them as they clung to each other, both soaring over the edge together.



Chapter Thirteen


In the middle of the night Lacey woke. It hadn't been a dream. Jared was still snuggled next to her, their legs entwined, her hair draped over his chest. She shivered. The fire had burned down to white hot embers and the room was getting chilly.

“Lacey,” Jared whispered. Her shiver had roused him. Gently, he stroked her hair, a sleepy smile on his lips, then he leaned toward her to kiss her.

As their lips touched she felt him stiffen in response, instantly ready.

He pulled back, breaking the kiss.

“Hi, there, sleepyhead,” she said.

“Who's sleepy?” he asked, his eyes still half-closed. Then he smiled a sweet smile, adding, “What do you say we move to the bed? This floor is getting harder by the moment and my back isn't what it used to be.”

Lacey nodded and let him help her to her feet. The thought of slipping between the crisp linen sheets of the four-poster was almost too delicious. A girl could get used to this. As soon as the thought formed, she squelched it.
It was only one night. Tomorrow everything would return to normal.

“I'm going to duck in here for a minute,” Jared said as he left her in the hall and stepped into the bathroom.

She walked into the bedroom, reality sinking in with every footstep. Jared was absolutely not the kind of man she needed in her life right now…or ever. Too many things going against it. Besides, he'd already shared that he didn't understand career women.

And then there was Jamie. Her heart couldn't take another wound. Of that she was certain.

End it before it begins.

She pulled back the covers and crawled into the bed, sinking into a layer of softness that almost made her swoon. There was a thick, downy featherbed between the fitted sheet and mattress. Luxuriously cozy. Obscenely soft. She cuddled under the covers.

Staring at the ceiling, she wondered if she should put something on. Like what? The girls had conveniently taken out her pajamas, and wearing the white negligee was not the message she should be sending.

Frowning, she rationalized what had happened: Making love in front of the fire—two lonely adults, too much champagne, weakened resolve.

Flinging the covers back, she stepped out of the bed and grabbed an oversized t-shirt and clean panties. Just as she heard the sound of the bathroom door, she slipped back into the bed, pulled the covers to her chest, and turned her face away from the door.

Eyes closed, she strained to hear the sound of Jared's footsteps. Either he was awfully light on his feet or maybe he'd gone somewhere else. When she felt his weight sink the opposite edge of the bed, it startled her enough to make her gasp.

“You okay?” he asked.

“Just tired. Goodnight, Jared. See you in the morning.”

Lacey waited, listening to the heavy silence until she finally fell into a troubled sleep.




Jared's jaw clenched tightly as he sat on the edge of the bed. He stared into the darkness until he heard Lacey's slow, even breathing, then turned to look at her.

I don't get it

A couple of short hours ago they had been more intimate than he'd ever allowed himself to be with any of the women in his life. Now she was sound asleep, as though nothing had happened between them.

He shook his head. Maybe he was wrong after all. The thought sickened him. How could he have been fooled like that?

It’s official…I'm an idiot.

In her sleep, Lacey rolled toward him, her hair covering half her face. Carefully he reached out to take a lock of her hair, leaning forward so he could bring it to his cheek. So soft, finer than silk. As he brought it to his lips he remembered how it had felt draped over his chest. He frowned. It had felt so right to be with her. How could he be so wrong?

In the starlight streaming through the glass of the French doors, she looked like an angel. He stared at her for several minutes, wanting to remember everything about her.

Murmuring in her sleep as though she was having a bad dream, Lacey tossed and turned in the big bed. Jared brushed her cheek with the back of his fingers, just like he had done hundreds of times for Jamie. Then he began to softly sing her favorite lullaby…


“Sugar Plum, you got some sweetness inside of you,

One that makes me laugh when I’m feeling blue.

Keep on smiling, keep shining, the whole day through…

Sugar Plum, I love you.


He watched Lacey’s face. Soon her furrowed brow relaxed, her frown replaced by a soft smile. He leaned closer to her and kissed her forehead. When he pulled away from her, her eyes fluttered and half opened. She raised her hand as if to touch him, but sleep overtook her and she snuggled deeper under the covers.

Jared sighed and stared at Lacey’s face for a long time, wanting to remember everything about her. Then he touched her hair one last time, bringing a silky strand to his lips. Finally he stood up.

He figured he might as well see how comfortable the sofa was because there was no way in hell he would get any sleep lying next to her.

His body ached for her all over again.

Looking back at her when he reached the door, he felt his heart ache as well.




A soft knocking at the cabin door stirred Lacey from her dream. Keeping her eyes closed, she tried to recapture its essence before it disappeared.
. Something about walking…Jamie between them holding their hands…the smell of lemons…a well-worn path…stopping to pick flowers, stealing a kiss…

Lacey's eyes flew open. Her gaze darted around the room and in an instant, she remembered where she was, what had happened. Her body reacted to the memory with a throbbing tingle between her thighs. Just the thought of him sent her pulse racing.

Closing her eyes and sinking her head into the pillow.
Dreams are one thing, but this is not going any farther. It can’t.

The sound of the front door opening and closing got her attention. When she looked up she saw Jared's face at the bedroom door.

“Good morning.” His voice sounded neutral.

Good. He probably felt the same, right? Both of them coming to their senses before the light of day was a good thing.

“Was that our breakfast arriving?” she asked, pushing herself up on both elbows.

“Yup. Smells good. I've already showered—if you want, I'll set up outside and you can clean up.”

“Meet you on the patio in about fifteen minutes,” she answered, grateful for the time to get her thoughts collected.

She watched Jared disappear from sight, then climbed out of the bed, gathering clean clothes and her toiletries. She knew a quick shower would help clear her head. And she would need a clear head if she was going to share breakfast with the man she had made love to the night before.




They ate silently, occasionally sharing thoughts about how flaky the croissants were, how fresh the peaches seemed. Two cups of coffee later and the silence felt more comfortable to Jared.

Lacey spoke first. “I wonder what time check-out is.”

“There's a flyer taped inside the cupboard in the kitchen. Three o'clock.”


“Did you want to stay? We could go for a walk or...” His voiced drifted off, not finishing the sentence. Not really knowing what he wanted to say.

“I guess I hadn't thought that far. I figured you might want to get back early—make sure Jamie is okay. I didn't know if your animals needed care or…”

Jared stared at her. It was like she was a different person in the light of day. He wished like hell he could turn back the clock—be with the Lacey he had been with the night before.

“I was thinking,” she started again, “if you wanted to get back, I could give Kandy a call and ask her to come get me, and we could go to lunch and do some shopping on the way home.”

“Sounds fine. I really should get back to the ranch.” Truth was, it sounded perfectly awful. It was as though she couldn't wait to be apart from him. He felt a painful tug on his heart. Maybe she just needed some time. Time to think.

About what? They’d succumbed to the moment. No promises were made. Nothing
had been implied…by either one of them.

“Okay, it's a plan,” she said.

Her voice sounded overly cheerful to him. No matter what, it was obvious that last night meant more to him than it did to her.

. He didn't need the aggravation.

“I'll clean up,” she offered, gathering the breakfast dishes.

Jared didn't answer her. Instead, he left her on the patio and busied himself in the cabin, packing his small leather bag. When he was finished, he placed it near the front door and leaned his guitar case against the wall.

Lacey looked up from the kitchenette. “I didn't get to hear you play your guitar,” she said, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

Jared replied without looking at her. “Maybe some other time.”

Lacey didn't answer. Instead she brought her fingertips to her temples, rubbing them.

“You okay?” he asked.

“Just a little champagne headache, I think. I'm fine.”

“I was thinking of going for a walk—I promised Jamie I'd bring her one of those giant pine cones for her collection. Maybe the air would help your head,” he suggested.

Lacey nodded.

Jared reached for the doorknob and held the door open, waiting for her. When Lacey passed in front of him he followed close behind her, impulsively reaching for a curl. What was it about her hair that drove him crazy? Shaking his head, he dropped his hand and stepped forward so they walked side by side.

“There's a path over here. I saw it yesterday.” Jared pointed to the side of the cabin.

“It's so pretty here. So peaceful. You sure you don't mind me taking advantage of the rest of the day?” she asked.

“Nope. Enjoy.” And he meant it. If things had turned out differently, he thought, they would have spent the day making love, soaking in the hot tub, and napping in the luxury of the four-poster. He sighed. He wished things had turned out differently.

“Here's one,” Lacey said, stooping to pick up a pine cone the size of a pineapple. “Coulter pine, right?”

“Right.” Jared smiled. It pleased him that she had been paying attention on the ride up.

“Look,” she said, pointing at a trailhead sign. “Manzanita Trail: two-point-five miles.”

Jared looked skeptically at her thin-soled sandals and gauze skirt. She was definitely dressed more for a day of shopping than for a hike, even on an easy trail.

Hands on her hips, Lacey declared, “The air seems to be helping my headache—do you mind if I go on ahead?”

“I should be getting back, anyway.”

He watched as Lacey took a deep breath.

Jared took the pine cone out of her hands. “Well—”

“Thanks for…everything. It was a nice evening. I had a good time.” Lacey finished his thought and looked away, staring down the trail, seemingly eager for the conversation to end.

“Sure.” Jared tossed the pine cone from hand to hand. He didn't feel right leaving her in the woods. But, she's a grown woman, for Pete’s sake. She should be able to take care of herself on an easy trail. He was being silly.

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