Read Cowboy Love Online

Authors: Sandy Sullivan

Tags: #Siren Classic, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Western

Cowboy Love (15 page)

BOOK: Cowboy Love
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Swallowing hard against the lump that formed in her throat, she tried to focus on the food in front of her and not on the heat that pooled in her groin, making her wet and ready.
Good Lord! I can't believe I'm reacting to him this way.
She tried to calm her racing pulse as she wiggled on the seat and rubbed her thighs together in a vain attempt to still the throb.

Once they were finished, she sat back with her coffee cup near her lips, watching him over the rim as scenes of the night before flashed across her mind. She felt her cheeks flush at her thoughts and the grin on his face grew wider.

She drank the last bit of her coffee and quickly stood, grabbing her plate and cup to take back into the apartment, attempting to catch her breath. He followed close on her heels, and by the time she put her dishes in the sink, he stood right behind her.

Feeling a little self-conscious, she placed her back to the sink and stammered, "I think I'll go take a shower. Then we can decide what we want to do this afternoon."
This is silly. I've already had wild sex with him, oh, at least several times. Why am I being nervous around him now?

"All right. I'll do up the dishes."

She scooted by him, but as she headed toward the bedroom, she peeked over her shoulder, watching him turn on the water.

She took a steadying breath once she reached her bedroom and shut the door, putting her back against the hard surface. After a moment, she grabbed some clean clothes and went into the bathroom, flipping on the shower as she shucked her clothing.

Showering quickly, she dressed in some casual clothes, not sure what the rest of the day would bring. When she returned to the living room, he had already cleaned up the kitchen and sat back on the balcony with another cup of coffee.

"How was your shower?"

"Good," she replied shyly, not quite sure why she wanted to be so evasive with him now. After all, he had already seen everything she had to offer. "It's all yours."

"Thanks. I could probably do with one myself." He sniffed his arm and grinned.

"There are clean towels in the cupboard next to the toilet."

"Okay, I'll be right back." She returned his smile, before he disappeared into the apartment.

A heavy sigh escaped her lips. Her attraction to him confused her. She had never been this distracted by any man before, and fear gripped her insides as she realized her feelings ran deeper each moment around him. She couldn't talk to Chris her feelings, since her friend had been trying to get the two of them together for months.

She looked at the distant skyline as the sun continued to rise in the morning sky, before she peeked behind her and hoping he would be in the shower for at least fifteen minutes.
I'll call Angela. I need to talk to someone who doesn't know him, but knows enough about me and my past relationships that can give me some sound advice.

She darted inside the apartment to grab her cell phone and slipped back out the patio door, leaning on the railing. She hit speed dial, putting it to her ear as she heard the first ring.

The sleepy voice, grumbled. "Hello?"

"Angela? Hey, it's Amy."

"Hey, Amy, what's up? I haven't heard from you in a while," Angela replied.

"I'm good. Listen, I need to ask you for some advice, and I don't have a lot of time."

"Okay, shoot."

"To make a long story short, I've met this guy," Amy began. "I went out to one of my friend's parents' house. He lives next door to them. Anyway, we've kind of hooked up. In fact, he's here at my apartment now."

"Damn! You move fast, girl! Weren't you just seeing that rodeo guy, not long ago?"

"Yeah, but I caught him cheating on me."

"Sorry, Am, that sucks."

"Never mind that."

"So what's up with this new guy?"

"He's about my age, a real, honest to God cowboy. I mean, he breaks horses and everything. He's gorgeous, dark brown hair, brown eyes, nice chest, rock hard abs—"

"So what's the problem? He sounds great! I'm assuming you are attracted to him, so when are you going to bed with him?"

"That's just it, Ang. We already have, several times in fact. You know I don't normally go to bed with someone I just met, but damn Ang, we had sex within the first couple of days knowing each other. I couldn't keep my hands off him." She captured her bottom lip between her teeth nervously.

"So was it good?"

"Rock my world good."

"Exactly why are you calling me then instead of being with him?"

"I'm afraid I'm getting in way too deep already, Ang. He's perfect. Too wonderful to be true, I think. He even cooked me breakfast this morning and did the dishes."

"You better hang onto that one, girl. He sounds like a keeper."

"But I've only known him like two weeks."

"So? He sounds like the type to take home to Mom, you know? There aren't many of those around anymore. Usually the gorgeous ones are married or gay."

"Don't I know it," she grumbled.

"Well, my advice would be to play things through 'til the end. Take everything there is to take, but be careful. Don't fall in love with him. Then again, that advice might be a little too late from the sound in your voice."

"That's what I'm afraid of. I think it probably is, Ang. It would be so easy to fall in love with him without even trying."

"Just be happy, Am. You deserve to be after the jerks you've been seeing. If you think he's the one, then go for it."

"Thanks, Ang. You've been a ton of help. I'd better go. He'll be out of the shower soon." She turned around only to be met by Tanner's questioning gaze as he leaned against the door jam and she stammered, "I gotta go, Ang. Talk to you later." She shut the phone with a click, her gazed riveted to the handsome man standing in the doorway.

Chapter 11

"Hi." He grinned as he leaned against the door jam with his arms across his chest. His clean light blue T-shirt fit snuggly over his taunt pectorals and the standard pressed Wranglers complimented his long legs and lean hips. Wet hair combed off his forehead, curled at his neck and fresh shaven face gave her the urge to rub his cheek with hers and let his unique scent fill her head.
Oh crap! How much of that conversation did he hear? Probably much more than I wanted him to.

"Hi," she replied, not meeting his gaze.

"Was that Chris?"

"Uh…no. I called a friend of mine out in Oregon."

"How's the weather out there?" His non-committed comments confused her as he slid into the chair across the table.

"Rainy, of course."

"Did you decide what you wanted to do this afternoon?"

"No, not really. What about you?"

"I don't know, either. We could just stay here and watch a movie. That is unless you want to go out somewhere."

Although not exactly sure why, she was a little panicked at the thought of spending the entire afternoon alone with him in her apartment.
A little too domestic, maybe?
Just having him this close drove her to distraction. "I need to run by the hospital and pick up my pay check."

"Cool. I can see where you work and meet some of your co-workers."

"I'd like to hit the farmer's market today and get some produce. Did you bring your guitar?"

He grinned and said, "Always. Like the American Express card, never leave home without it."

She laughed and shook her head. "Why am I not surprised?"

"I thought you would have known me well enough by now to guess that one."

"Anyway, Gilley's has open mic night tonight if you'd like to go."

"You're kidding me."

"No. I'm perfectly serious. You might be able to do a song or two."

"That would be awesome!"

"I know of a nice spot for a picnic near the market. We could get some chicken, pack a lunch and just relax under a tree."

"Anything is fine with me as long as it lets me spend time with you."

"It's a date. Let me grab a few things from here to take along and we'll go."

He stood as she neared him, taking her hand in his to stop her, placing a quick kiss to her lips and a caress to her jaw.

"This should be fun," he grinned. "At least I can get to know you better this way."

She grabbed her sandals, a blanket and a couple of small pillows. She figured it would be better if they stopped somewhere and bought something to take for their picnic. She really didn't have a lot of food in the house, since she wasn't sure if she would be home this weekend with the rodeo.

They took his truck and Amy gave Tanner directions to the hospital. He wrapped his arm around her possessively while the elevator moved from the parking garage to the floor where she worked.

Approaching the nurses' station, several pairs of eyes settled on the gorgeous guy next to her and jealousy stabbed at her heart like a hundred bees stinging the vulnerable organ.

"Hey, Amy. What are you doing here today?" Virginia sat perched on her chair, but Amy knew from the interest in her eyes, the other woman's gaze was riveted to Tanner.

"I needed to pick up my pay check. Are they in the drawer?" Amy moved from Tanner's side to a spot around the other side of the desk. None of the four taking up space in the immediate area even noticed her movement.

"Yeah, same place as always. Hey, aren't you going to introduce us to your friend?"

Amy almost groaned as the sexy, flirty, you-know-you-want-to-fuck-a-cowboy smile graced his lips.

"Girls, this is my
I guess I can call him that since we've had sex,
"Tanner. Tanner this is Virginia, Allison, Katie and Veronica."

He tipped his hat and Amy could have sworn all four women melted on their chairs as he drawled, "Howdy, ladies."

Katie, with her love 'em and leave 'em attitude said, "Where has Amy been hiding you?"

"We haven't been seein' each other all that long," he answered.

"Back off, Katie," Amy growled in the other woman's ear as she walked past her.

"Touchy, touchy," Katie whispered, grinning at Tanner like she wanted to lick him up, from the tips of his pointed boots to his kiss-me lips.

"I'll see you all in a few days."

"Have fun and don't do anything we wouldn't do."

"I know what you would do, Katie."

The four women laughed as Amy took Tanner's hand and moved back toward the elevator.

Once inside, he wrapped his arms around her and pinned her to the wall behind them.

"You don't have to be jealous," he whispered against her lips.

"I'm not jealous."

His disbelieving chuckle grated on her nerves. "The daggers being thrown at your friends say differently."

"All right, so I'm a little. I don't appreciate other woman coming on to my guy."

"Your guy? I think I like that."

"Good, me too," she murmured as the doors slid open to the parking garage.

They stepped out of the elevator and through the glass doors, as the heat from outside instantly caused sweat to gather and roll down her back. His hand caressed her ass, not enough anyone would notice unless they happened to be paying attention, but she did. Heat licked at her insides and her pussy filled with need as his fingers followed the seam of her shorts down the crack of her ass while they walked. Once they reached the passenger side of his truck he stepped behind her and trapped her along the side, breasts squashed by metal as her butt cradled his impressive erection.

"Sweet Jesus! I want to bury my cock in your ass," he whispered, his tongue flicking along her neck, gathering the beads of sweet glistening on the surface.

His hand moved around the front of her shorts, flipped the buttons open down and slid inside. His finger found her swollen clit and massaged as she whimpered with need.

"Someone's a naughty girl." Warm breath caressed her ear, sending shivers racing along her spine. "Open the door and put your foot on the running board," he growled in her ear as he pulled the digit out of her cunt.

I can't believe I'm doing this.
Her hand fumbled with the handle.

As if reading her mind he murmured, "It'll be good, I promise."

Once in position, the door blocking the view from any passerby, he slipped in fingers back inside her panties. "You're so wet." The device of torture came back, rasping from her vagina to her clit and she almost screamed. "Do you want to come?"

Her hips rocked forward as she whimpered, "Oh God, yes."

"Right here, right now?"

"Don't tease me anymore, please."

He chuckled in her ear, but he must have decided to let her off the hook as his finger began to toggle her clit with increasing force. Heat built from her pussy outward as she laid her head back on his shoulder and he kissed her neck. He whispered in her ear as she started to pant, "Come for me, baby."

His command released her from her torment as she bit her hand to keep the screams of completion muffled. Cum flooded her center, wetting his fingers and her panties beneath as goose bumps skittered across her flesh. When the tremors ceased and she could focus, she groaned, "My God."


"Yes, but I can't believe I let you finger fuck me in the garage at my work." Heat crawled up her chest to splash across her face as she fixed her clothing.

"I'd do more than that, but we aren't in a secluded enough spot in here."

She contemplated the thought before brushing it away. His way too sexy grin tempted her and she blushed further. "I can’t believe I’m even considering your suggestion."

He kissed her soundly on the lips, flashing a grin before walking around to the drivers' side. "Where to?"

"Would you think badly of me if I said my house?"

His sexy as hell smile graced his mouth. "We'll take up where we left off later."

A tortured sigh escaped her mouth. "Okay. Take a left out of here, and we'll head to the market."

Always the attentive one, Tanner kept a possessive grip either on her hip or holding her hand as the walked around the market. The smells bombarded her senses, wafting through the air as fans whirled overhead. Ripe strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes, squash, beans, peppers, any kind of fruit or vegetable grown in the area had the proud display from each local vendor. Flowers of every imaginable color hung from rafters or graced long tables as all the dealers haggled over prices. Amy bought several different vegetables, clicking off ingredients in her mind on her mental recipe list for dinner. Tanner found a bright bouquet of mixed flowers and against her protest, purchased them and presented the exquisite arrangement to her with grand flourish and down on one knee, much to the delight of various onlookers. She blushed to the roots of her hair as the crowd clapped and laughed, especially after he stood, wrapped his arms around her and gave her one of his heart-stopping, melt-your-heart-in-your-chest kisses. Always the showman, he waved to the throng as she buried her red face in his chest.

BOOK: Cowboy Love
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