Coyotes & Curves (5 page)

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Authors: Pamela Masterson

Tags: #RNS, #Literature & Fiction, #90 Minutes (44-64 Pages), #Werewolves & Shifters, #Paranormal, #Romance, #Short Stories

BOOK: Coyotes & Curves
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Red is a complex man who lives between two worlds. One he was born into – the material world of human beings – and the other, an animal kingdom; where survival of the fittest is the rule. And only thing on your mind is, what can I eat, who can I fuck, and where can I sleep. It’s a ruthless world with death waiting for you under every rock and behind every tree…But it’s a simple life, devoid of emotions. Most couldn’t understand, but she does; and that’s what Red loves the most about her. Sometimes it seems as if she knows him more than himself.

It takes a special kind of spirit to live in the World created by the humans – most can’t do it – eventually, choosing the existences of their animal or insect; or like some – a life of committed subordination within a coven providing protection for those who fight to exist upon the fringes of a human society. Jessica helps him to understand the thoughts and emotions that haunt his soul. Not everyone is out to get him, and compassion can still be shown; even by someone as tough as himself.

The sight of Miss Jessica alone was enough to get his cock hard; her beauty is like none he’s seen before. The soft curves of her alabaster skin, and the fullness of her breasts; all something he craves, every time he’s away…and this time is like no other. He wanted her and he wanted her bad. Bad enough, to take her like an animal in the center of the room; tearing off her dress, lifting up her bustle and screwing her from behind; all while standing on his haunches and howling at the moon. But of course he would wait. With a look across the room, he signals, and she goes. Up the stairs and out of sight, Miss Jessica Lily disappears to prepare her room for her man.

“I missed you so bad,” she moaned as she removed his dusty clothes, revealing his muscular body. “I don’t like it when you leave for so long, Red. I get scared and lonely,” she continued. Her hands covered his chest, weaving through the thick curly hairs as she pushed him back onto bed.

“I know, Baby. Hopefully this next time will be the last,” He replied. This is what he had told her the last time, before he left and the words were getting old.

“You said that, before you left this time!”

He could see the disappointment on her face, so pulling her naked body close to his own he wrapped his strong arms around her, hoping to ease the disappointment and pain. She had been after him to leave Rock Ridge, for months now.

“I know… But, I still have work here.”

“What work? Helping the government kill… your people?” Her words were soft, but they cut deep. Deeper than Red, wanted to admit.

“They’re not my people.” He spoke but his words had no validity, only the pain of not knowing what, or who he was. He wanted to be human, but he wasn’t. He didn’t want his blood to be mingled with that of the red man, but it was. And the animal that lived inside of him was strong, fighting constantly to be released and seek revenge for the abuse he suffered as a pup. There was a time when he wanted to kill them all, but that was before he met her, Jessica. She’s the one who has taught him how to love – To realize that there is good among the humans, that including the Indians to.

“Let’s leave Red. Let’s just pack everything up and go.” Jessica’s face was glowing with the thought of the two of them finally leaving the dusty pit of a town, and moving further west. “We could go to San Francisco, Red. They’d never find us there. Please say yes, oh please.” Her brown eyes were large and they pleaded with him to go… But he couldn’t. He knew if he didn’t help Kearny find the girl, there would be trouble for them all. So he had already decided that he would help him get the girl – settling his debt – and then he would take Jessica Lily and leave this godforsaken place…for good.

“I can’t… Not yet. And that’s the end of it.” His word was final, and seeing the look of concern on his face – something he never shows – she knew he was done and would talk on the subject, no more.

“Then make love to me, you wild animal…” She smiled and her eyes lit up once again.

And that’s what he loved the most about her. She was always going to stand behind him, and all of the decisions he made…right or wrong.

Her body was wonderful. It was soft and pale, with full curves that he loved to explore. Sometimes with his fingers and sometimes with his tongue – which no ends to the depths in which it could reach. He took her when the need to hold, and it took hold often; but she always held a little in reserve – Keeping his beast at bay. But tonight she wanted it all… Anything he wanted, that’s what she had said.


“Anything?” He asked, parting her legs.

“Yes,” She said. And electricity shot through her body as she guided his hand over her thigh, and between her legs, where she pushed his fingers firmly against her wetness. She closed her eyes tightly and moaned loudly as he massaged the outside.

“Ooooh,” she cooed, lightly, enjoying the touch of her man as he slowly made his way inside. She curled her lips, looking for his, and he moved ever so close; covering her mouth with his, providing a wet kiss that seemed to last forever.

Another finger joined and he pushed deeply, massaging her clit with his thumb as he probed inside. Her hips rose, pushing her pelvis into his hand, and she bucked back and forth, signally her want for more. Like teenagers in heat they ravished each other, locking their mouths in a wet embrace. His tongue filled her mouth, searching her thoroughly before letting go and biting her lip. A shock of electricity traveled through her body with the pleasure of the pain, and she tugged at his hair, sending his face below.

“You have such beautiful breasts. They’re so white and, so soft,” he whispered, panting and removing his fingers from her hole. She gasped with the loss, only to purr when he freed her breasts, squeezing them together and taking a long nipple in his mouth. Her areolas were dark—the sizes of a 50 dollar gold piece and her nipples, thick, making him moan with the delight of suckling the over-sized nubs.

Her body responded with a shiver, and she began rubbing his fully erect cock. This is what she needed, and what Red wanted. And with the excitement of feeling Red’s massive girth – her own wild beasts emerged – and with her fingers finding her own clit, she fanned wildly until orgasming while screaming aloud.

Red could take no more, and with raging hard dick in hand; he pushed the bulbous head of his cock through her swollen lips, and fucked her until he came. He was deep, oh so deep, and Miss Jessica Lily orgasm on the beastly pole until they were both sexually spent for the night.


Red and Lily were still asleep when they heard the commotion outside of the room. A loud knock at the door brought them both out of their peaceful slumber; and Red, reaching for the pistol that lie beneath the pillow under his head.

“Red! Red! Are you in there? Wake up! Wake up!”

The voice was Jasper’s and the sound of it made Jessica’s stomach sick. The sound of it could only mean one thing, Danger.

Red was up and dressed and at the door in a whoosh; confirming all of her fears.

“What is it, Red?” She asked in fear.

“I don’t know.” He spoke soft and firm. He opened the door for Jasper, who practically fell into the room.

“We gotta go Red, we gotta go! It’s him, it’s him!” He was screaming in a panic.

Red grabbed the crazed man, shaking him by the lapels of his dirty slicker. “Get a hold of yourself!” He yelled, while slapping Jasper, across the face.

“It’s him, Red!”

“Who, Goddammit?!!”

“The Priest!”

“The Priest!? What the hell is he doing here?”

“It’s gotta be for us! It has to be. Who else could it be for!?”

“Who’s the Priest?” Jessica asked. She saw the look on Red’s face as he heard the name, and what she saw was fear – something she had never seen from the man before – not even when he faced Major Kearny and his troops when they first showed up in town seeking his employ.

“He’s a bounty hunter. His name is Bishop Roberts.”

“Why do they call him the Priest?” Miss Lily asked, thinking it was silly for a man who was named Bishop to be called a Priest.

“Because someone’s always having their Last Rights being read to them, after he’s been in town,” Red answers with a sigh. But that’s not the only thing the two coyotes are worried about – Bishop Roberts is also a notorious hunter and killer of shifter entities. He calls himself a bounty hunter, and that’s how he exists amongst the world of the human beings – but he’s as old as the world itself – or so he claims; and, he’s a shifter being. Somewhere during the time of his eternal existence, he joined forces with a human society with the knowledge of shifter beings, whom also seek to destroy them. He’s unpredictable and feared by all.

“What are we going to do, Red?” Jasper asked, still nervous and nearly pissing himself from fear.

“We’re going to go down there, and see what he wants.”

“What!?” Are you crazy!? Let’s go out the back stairs and get the hell out of here, while we still can! That’s what I say, Red!” Jasper added, milling nervously about the room, while pulling back the curtains that looked onto the street below. He didn’t see the man, but he didn’t see any reason for sticking around to find out what the killer wanted. It just may be them!

“I don’t care, what says you!” Red growled, and his long canines were exposed. Lily’s skin crawled with sexual electricity. Danger or not, when he sets to growling, she became hot.

Red finished strapping on his gun belt and headed for the door, pushing Jasper out into the hallway.

“Wait, Red! Don’t go!” Miss Jessica jumped from the bed, grabbing his arm.

“Wait for me downstairs,” he ordered the shaking Jasper, and he closed the door.

“Please don’t go down there!” she cried. She felt fear – real fear. And for the first time – it was for Red.

“I have to go. Don’t worry, honey. I’ll be okay.” The truth was, he didn’t know if they’d be okay. He knew the priest was there for his band. He had probably caught wind of the Government’s plans here in Rock Ridge and figured there must be shifters involved. Anyway, if he needed help, he could always get it from Kearny.

No one could blame Red for thinking that the Cavalry would come to his rescue, and it should have been true. However, having already fulfilled the Major’s need for him, by telling him where the girl was, Sheriff Red Granger was no longer needed in the scheme of the Great Councils plans… And the Priest was called upon to do the dirty deed.

Jasper barely had time to know he had been shot, before his lifeless body dropped to the ground in front of the stairs leading to the street in front of the saloon. One single shot bore through the center of his forehead, before blasting out of the back side of his skull.

Red’s number one man was dead – Sending him back into the saloon and looking for cover.

“What the hell do you want, Roberts!?” Red, yelled out to the street.

“I want you, Sheriff!” The man answered back. He was tall and thin – dressed all in black, with his hat pulled down, concealing his angry eyes. “I want your badge… Your services are no longer needed here; and I was sent to deliver the message. Now you can either come out here, and face me like a man, or I can come in there and git ya’!... What’s it going to be, Red?”

Seeing no other thing he could do – Red walked through the hanging double doors and down into the street, facing the man dressed in black.

It was cool that morning – when the Priest put a bullet in the shifter sheriff’s chest. Red’s pistol hadn’t even cleared leather; and now he lay in the street, presumably dead.

Miss Jessica Lily held him in her arms, kissing his face. “No, No, Red, don’t die! Don’t die!” …


To be continued in Book two of the ALPHA SHIFTERS SERIES


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