Crash II: Highrise Hell (2 page)

Read Crash II: Highrise Hell Online

Authors: Michael Robertson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Crime, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Crime Fiction

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Dean didn't.

The man pointed at George. "That prick just ran my friend over. Stop! Please?"

The sun on Dean's windscreen made it impossible to see the man inside. Then he leant forwards and George saw the deep frown on his face. A rich shot of bitter bile lifted into his throat and he shuddered. "They're fucked." Swallowing did nothing to dilute the taste.

"Proper fucked," Ravi agreed.

A huge cloud passed across the sun, and the bare chill of winter blew into the car. Folding his arms for warmth did nothing to counter it.

The two diesel trucks continued forward. Their loud engines were thunder rolling up the high street. Hairs lifted on the back of George's neck. The storm was inevitable. "Can't that man sense what's about to happen?"

Rubbing his face, Ravi shook his head. "I don't wanna watch this."

"No. I don't either."

Neither of them looked away.

The truck got closer, and the children continued to scream.

Tutting, Ravi threw a hand up in the air. "Even the kids can see what's happening. Why doesn't that idiot get the fuck out of the way?"

Despite the chaos increasing outside, a new word rose above the insanity. "Mummy!"

Poking his head out of the window, Dean stared at the man. Dead eyes behind a mask of dried blood.

Remaining rooted to the spot, the man still held his hand up.

The trucks didn't stop.

When the man stepped aside, George puffed his cheeks out as he exhaled hard. "About fucking time."

The man continued to stare at Dean.

Because he'd focused on the man, George hadn't looked at the crossing. When he did, his testicles pulled tight. The injured woman was still in the middle of the road. Everyone seemed to have forgotten about her. When he grabbed the door handle, Ravi clamped a tight grip onto his forearm.

"What the fuck are you doing, boy?" George demanded.

"Don't go out there, George."

"Don't tell me what to do." Looking at the grip that the boy still had on him, George clenched his right fist. Then he let it ease. The boy was right. What could he do? Other than get himself killed. Who would save Sally then?

"The guy thinks Dean will stop." When Dean blew a kiss out of the window, the man's mouth fell loose, and Ravi added, "Maybe he's just realized that he won't."

Unable to remove his eyes from the mirror, George gulped. "Leave them alone, Dean."

But Dean kept going at the pace of the car ticking over. It was only a few miles per hour, but nothing was stopping him. He was as constant as a rising tide.

The girl's voice came again, louder this time. "Mummy! Mummy!"

When Dean's front tires caught the woman's shoulder blades, George lost his breath. After a few thirsty gulps, he said, "Fuck!"

The thick tread pulled her arm. The woman flipped from the recovery position and ended up on her back. Her eyes and mouth flew wide as she screamed at the sky. "Arghhhh!"

Ravi shook his head. "My God."

"Mummy! Mummy! Mummy!"

The truck lifted.

Her shoulder popped.

The crowd screamed.

Lifting his knees up, Ravi curled in his seat.


The truck rose higher as it crossed her chest.

It wobbled.

The gang of looters on the back hollered.

The truck slipped.


It looked like it broke her sternum.

The woman lay silent.

Holding his chest, George felt like his heart would burst free.

The front of the truck dropped off her.

Dean howled at the sky.

The looters howled back.

When Dean sped up, his engine roared. The back bucked as it passed over her.


As Dean went past the man, the man screamed at him, "What's wrong with you?!" He punched the driver's side door.

Shaking his head, George sighed. "What's up with you, mate? Look at his passengers. They ain't fucking hitchhikers. He ain't the local do-gooder."

Pointing at his temple, the man's features flared. "Are you fucking mental?!"

"He just don't get it, does he?" Ravi said.

With his head swimming, George watched the little girl run to the dead woman's side. Dressed in a pink ski suit, she wore pig tails and was no higher than George's knee. Stroking the woman's hair, she cried, "Mummy!" Grief twisted her face like it was made from clay.

Si, who was driving the truck behind George's, sped up.

Before George could open the door, someone yanked the girl away. He let go of the handle.

The second truck made light work of the woman, bucking as it passed over her, shaking the caged prisoners on the back.

The girl's shrill wail hit George at the base of his neck. Calling for Mummy wasn't going to help anymore.

Ravi's face twisted. "What's fucking wrong with them? They need their fucking heads checked."

Sitting back in his seat, George had no words.

The huge battering ram slowly rolled past. It was an ugly lump of metal lined with the scars of welding. Although it wasn't as ugly as Dean's leering grin, which then appeared next to George. His eyes sparkled. He was in his element. Sick fuck.

Just looking at the man turned George's stomach. Whatever was on his mind was something that he didn't want to be involved in. But he was. He was involved to the point where he couldn't back out. Not yet. Not until he got to Sally.

Shouting turned Dean's livid skin purple. "I can't have them talking to you like that, George." After craning his neck to look at the bedlam, his smile broadened to the point where it looked like it would consume his entire head.

"If I've learned anything about this new world," Dean said, "it's that we need to stick together. We need to show them who's boss."

Staring forwards, George ground his jaw. "I didn't ask for your help. Don't do anything on my behalf." There was no fucking way Dean was getting him in his pocket. No way.

Looking like he was preparing a counterargument, Dean opened his mouth to reply but stopped when the man behind shouted, "You're a fucking arsehole."

Looking at the angry man in the crowd, George's entire frame sagged. How could he help him if the stupid prick didn't help himself? Popping his door open, he looked across at Dean. "I'll go and talk to him."

But Dean didn't reply. Lost behind a glazed look, the lunatic had gone to that place that George never wanted to visit. The glimpses he got of it were more than enough.

Swallowing the sticky saliva in his ever-drying mouth, George shook his head. "They're just kids, Dean. Why don't we leave them and move on?"

Whether he heard George or not was hard to tell. What was perfectly clear was that he didn't reply. After he lifted the hammer from the passenger seat, he opened his door, a flash of clarity returning to his distant eyes. "Here we go again, George. It looks like it's party time."

Dread as thick as tar crawled over George's skin, smothering him as he watched Dean walk towards the group. Whistling Jingle Bells, he moved with a skip in his step like he was off to fix a bent nail.

Once Dean was out of earshot, Ravi leant in and whispered, "We've got to get away from that cunt as soon as possible."

The stink of the boy's aftershave kicked George in the face. Clamping his nose, George remained silent.

"Remind me, George, why did your sister marry him?"

Keeping his eyes on the lunatic in his mirror, all George could offer was a weak shrug.

Red Rag

Watching the mirror and seeing Dean stride ahead of his crew, George sighed. "What's fucking wrong with them?"

The line of thugs spread across the road behind their leader. It was their usual dramatic formation. Some let their weapons hang by their side. Others swung them at imaginary foes.

The leather seat creaked when George turned to look over his shoulder. "Do they really need to intimidate a group of children?" Lifting his hands, he stopped just before rubbing his face. Flipping them over, he saw the blood had already turned brown and was gathered around his fingernails. Who was he to judge anyone?

Still sitting with his knees pulled up to his chest, Ravi watched through the wing mirror.

The boy wasn't cut out for this life. Far fucking from it. Shoving him to get his attention, George pointed back. "We could intervene?"

Ravi's eyes widened. "We wouldn't last two minutes."

"No. You're right."
You wouldn't last two seconds.

Resting his hand on the dashboard above the blowers, George let the warm air funnel up his sleeve. "I used to think I was a strong man." Heat spread across his eyeballs as he looked back again. "This new world has taught me I'm no better than those spineless fucks following Dean. I never would have thought I'd let shit like this happen."

Turning his palms to the sky, Ravi raised his eyebrows. "But what can we do? Really? Other than die protecting people who'll die anyway."

"Don't justify it, Ravi. We're cowards no matter which way you slice it. We have a choice, and we're choosing to do nothing. Simple." As George watched the gang stride forward, what little pride and self-worth he had left shrivelled like plastic too close to a flame.

Then Dean started singing. "Swing lo, sweet chariot."

The booming reply from the other men bounced off the shop fronts lining the high street. "Coming forth to carry me home."

Turning so he was looking out of the back window too, Ravi said, "What the fuck? That's a new one. What are they, rugby boys on tour or something?"

Looking at the children, their innocent faces blurred by his tears, George cleared his throat. "Run, you fools."

They didn't.

Shaking from his rasping squall, Dean sang again, "Swing lo, sweet chariot."

"Coming forth to carry me home."

The little girl in the ski suit was back at her mother's side, stroking her hair. It looked like she was whispering something to her. It was impossible to tell what.

Shaking his head, Ravi sighed. "She's tiny."

"She looks about the same age as ..." George lost his words to the lump in his throat. He couldn't say his boy's name. "She looks like an angel."

Sitting up, her face long with grief, she looked at the men approaching. "Mummy, Mummy, Mummy."

When Dean's shadow smothered her, she fell silent, wide-eyed and slack-jawed. Then she started again. "Mummy, Mummy, Mummy, Mum—"


The hammer protruded from her skull.

Heat rushed through George's bowels.

Her hands fell limp. Her jaw dropped. Beauty turned to horror. Claret ran down her pale face. She hung from Dean's weapon like a coat on a peg.

When George put his hand against his chest, the frantic thud swelled against his palm. Shaking where he sat, his throat tightened. Why hadn't he done something? The choice to stay in the cab had killed the girl.

Turning away from the tiny corpse, George looked down at the key in the ignition. When he looked back up, he saw Ravi was staring at him.

Reading his intention, Ravi said, "You wanna go? Okay. I'd need to get my parents from the tower block first though. I can't leave them."

Looking behind them again, George returned his attention to the key. What about Sally? All of the muscles in his body sagged, and he stared at his lap. "I can't lose another family member."

There was no reply from Ravi.

"Besides, there's no way we'd get to the tower block, get your parents and be gone before Dean caught up with us."

When Ravi dropped his head, George looked in the mirror again. Although people were screaming and crying, no one had moved.

When Dean shook his weapon, the dead girl slipped off and hit the floor like a damp towel.

Bile burned George's throat.

There was a loud roar, and the men rushed forwards. They were outnumbered at least four to one, but that didn't matter. Most of their opponents were kids, and they were armed with both medieval weapons and a deep passion for violence.

"Why do they keep on killing?" Ravi asked.

"I wouldn't like to guess what goes on in the minds of those degenerates." Craning his neck to see the group as they moved further up the road, George's lip lifted into a sneer. "Run, you fucking idiots."

They remained still. Tears stained many cheeks. Mouths hung wide. The children screamed. No one ran.

When the men were on top of them, some of the adults found their spines and moved in front of the children to protect them.



They fell without resistance.

Heaving, Ravi went off like an alarm. "What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck?" Each question coincided with another deadly blow.



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