Crave (Splendor Book 2) (14 page)

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Authors: Janet Nissenson

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BOOK: Crave (Splendor Book 2)
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He insisted on drying her off, even though she protested she could do it herself. He wrapped her up in the same sort of plush, cream colored bath sheet that he’d draped around his own hips.

“I have something for you, Tessa,” he said, handing her an incredibly soft pearl gray garment. “The tags are still intact so if you don’t like it we can exchange it for something else.”

The robe was gorgeous and fit her perfectly, the fabric exquisitely warm against her bare skin. “It’s beautiful, Ian. I love it,” she told him sincerely. “But you’ve already done too much for me.”

“I’ve barely begun to spoil you the way I intend to. I have some other things for you as well. Come have a look.”

As he took her hand, she glanced down and almost fainted when she glimpsed the tag attached to the cuff of the robe. It was La Perla, a label she’d heard Gina and Alicia rave about on numerous occasions, and the price of the robe was a jaw-dropping four hundred and fifty dollars. That was more than Tessa’s food budget plus the cost of her bus pass for an entire month combined, and she was stunned that he would spend so much on her for one simple item.

“Ian.” She tugged on his hand. “This is way too much money for just a robe. I can’t let you buy me something so expensive.”

In response he merely took hold of the offending price tag and tore it off. Grinning wickedly, he urged her along.

He showed her the drawers and cabinets in the huge double sink where toiletries, skin care products, and cosmetics had been stored for her, everything still in their wrappers and boxes. Tessa recognized some of the brands, especially the cosmetics that the makeup artist had used on her yesterday, while others were unknown to her. All of them looked expensive and high end, and much nicer than any of the discount and generic products she’d always used.

But the real surprise came when Ian led her into his enormous walk-in closet. She had thought Julia’s closet jaw-dropping, but this one easily dwarfed her friend’s several times over. The clothes racks, dark wood drawers, and granite topped counters had obviously been custom built and installed, for the closet was the sort of elaborate set-up that one only saw in design magazines or on TV shows about the homes of the rich and famous.

Tessa stared at the rows of carefully hung suits, shirts, trousers, jackets, sweaters, and other apparel. Dozens of pairs of shoes were neatly arranged on racks. The built-in drawers undoubtedly held things like socks, T-shirts, and underwear. It was a huge space, far more than one person needed, as evidenced by the empty spaces here and there on the clothes racks.

“I didn’t have time to select much, just a few things really,” Ian was telling her as he walked her over to a partially filled clothes rack. “Once Marlene was able to confirm your sizes, she packed everything up and had it delivered here to the house. I - I hope you like them, Tessa.”

She was startled at the amount of clothing, far more than a “few things”, that hung from the rack. There were dresses, skirts, trousers, jeans, blouses, sweaters, and jackets. On the shoe rack just below were half a dozen pair of assorted pumps, boots, and casual footwear. Tessa didn’t need to look at labels or price tags to know that all of it had been very costly.

She’d never, ever, had such beautiful things before, never even let herself imagine she would ever own things as luxurious as these. For her entire life, her clothes had come from thrift shops, discount stores, and when things had been really bad, donations of used items from a charitable group.

Tessa couldn’t help the rush of tears that filled her eyes as she tentatively ran her hand over a pair of designer jeans before admiring a gorgeous silk blouse of pale blue.

“Do you like them?”

She turned to face Ian, who stood just behind her, a rather anxious expression on his face. It touched her deeply that he had evidently hand selected all of these lovely things for her, and even more so that he was worried if they were to her liking or not.

Tessa wrapped her arms around his waist, snuggling her face against his bare chest. “How could I not?” she replied tearfully. “I know without even looking at everything that it will all be perfect. You have wonderful taste.”

He tipped her chin up, frowning at the sight of her tears. “If you like everything so much, then why are you crying?”

She felt a tear begin to trickle down her cheek. “Because you’re so good to me,” she whispered brokenly. “I’m not used to anyone doing these sorts of things for me, or trying to take care of me the way you do. I guess I’m just a little amazed.”

Ian kissed both of her eyelids. “This is just the tip of the iceberg, you know,” he told her solemnly. “I intend to buy you whatever your heart desires, Tessa. I don’t ever want you to be deprived again.”

She shook her head. “I don’t care about any of that, Ian. I’m used to making do with what I have. I hope - I mean, that’s not why I’m here with you. Because of your money, I mean. That’s just not important to me. So don’t expect me to ask you for things because I won’t.”

“I know that, darling.” He combed her damp hair through his fingers. “Which is exactly why you can expect to receive a great many surprises from me. Ah, let’s not forget these.”

He opened a built-in drawer to reveal half a dozen sets of lacy lingerie, each in a different color. Ian picked up a very sexy bra of black lace and a matching pair of panties.

“I’ve been imagining you in this particular set since I picked them out,” he murmured in a husky voice.

Tessa fingered the lacy cups of the bra, feeling a little shy that he’d personally chosen lingerie for her. “They’re beautiful. And I’ll wear them for you whenever you want me to.”

The smile on his handsome face was positively amoral. “Well, if I had my preference, I’d keep you dressed in nothing but these skimpy bits - or nothing at all - twenty four seven. But I suppose I need to let you out of my bed once in awhile, don’t I?”

She giggled, liking this playful side of him. “Don’t forget I have a job. And a very demanding boss. Somehow I don’t think he’d consider these “skimpy bits” proper office attire.”

“You’re damned right he wouldn’t,” he growled, banding an arm about her waist and yanking her against him. “I haven’t waited this long for you only to share the sight of this luscious body with anyone else.” He cupped her breast through the soft fabric of her robe, his thumb rasping over the nipple. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t wear these under your clothes, so I can fantasize about how you look in them all day.”

Tessa gave a little moan as he continued to fondle her breast. “I’ll do whatever you want so long as you keep touching me like that.”

His fingers splayed open over her breast before giving it a squeeze. “You are quickly becoming a lusty little thing, aren’t you?” he purred. “But I’m afraid you’ve wrung me dry for the moment, love. Christ, I’ve never had this much sex in such a short amount of time. You’re like a constant aphrodisiac. Now, it’s time to take care of other appetites, hmm? Let’s find you some clothes so we can head out for breakfast.”

She ran a hand up over his pectorals, loving this opportunity to touch his bare skin. “Is it still raining?”

“Absolutely pouring. It eased up a bit during the night, I believe, but a second front is passing through right now. Why do you ask?”

Tessa rested her head on his shoulder, her fingers plucking at the towel wrapped around his waist. “Would you mind very much if we just stayed here today? I’d love to cook for you. I mean, my skills are pretty basic but I can manage breakfast.”

“I don’t want you to have to work at all this entire weekend,” he declared. “That is - I hope you can stay with me the rest of the weekend. Am I interfering with any plans you’d made?”

She grinned. “Just a hot date with my laundry. And a very fun afternoon at the grocery store. Nothing that won’t keep a couple of days. Staying with you all weekend would be wonderful, Ian. And I really don’t mind making breakfast. You have such an amazing kitchen that I’d love the chance to use that stove. Provided I can figure out how to operate it, that is.”

“Ah, so now the real truth comes out,” teased Ian. “It’s my kitchen you’re really interested in, not me. I’ll tell you what, love. We’ll cook breakfast together, all right?”

She raised a brow in surprise. “You know how to cook?”

He shrugged. “Well, I’m no Emeril Lagasse but I can manage some basics. My brothers and I were required to work our way up from the bottom in the company, and for me at least that included a stint or two working in hotel restaurants. My housekeeper usually restocks supplies on Friday, so we’ll see what we can put together. Now, I suggest you get some clothes on, love. If you stay in that robe, it will be far too tempting - and easy - for me to slip it off you at a moment’s notice.”

Tessa tugged playfully at his towel. “Not as easy as it would be for me.” Then she squealed as his big hand swatted her bottom.

“Behave,” he admonished. “I think we’ll both be safer if you dress in here while I go shave. And don’t even start looking at price tags. I should have had them all cut off.”

“When exactly did you have time to put all these things away, anyway?” she asked curiously.

“I’m afraid I had to leave that task to my housekeeper,” he admitted. “Fortunately, Mrs. Sargent is both accommodating and discreet. Though I could sense she was very anxious to ask me several questions about who all these things were for.”

“So you don’t normally buy things for your overnight female guests?” she asked pointedly.

Ian shook his head. “Except for family members, I have never purchased clothing - much less very fetching lace undies - for a woman. Same thing with overnight guests. The only women who have ever been in this house are Mrs. Sargent and family members.”

Tessa was extremely pleased at this revelation. “So I’m a first for you in at least a couple of ways, too.”

He held her face between his palms and kissed her forehead. “More than a couple, love. Let me grab some clothes now and I’ll go change outside after I shave.”

She clasped his wrist. “Wait.”

As he gazed at her expectantly, she asked him shyly, “Would it bother you not to shave today? I, um, like you this way for a change. The stubble, I mean. It’s very sexy.”

Ian grinned as she caressed his cheek. “I don’t mind at all, Tessa. In fact, I don’t always shave when I’m home on the weekends. And if you find it sexy, then I definitely won’t do it today.”

She pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. “Thank you.”

Sweat broke out on his brow and his eyes darkened. “Christ, I feel like a horny teenager whenever I’m near you. I’d better get my things before I check another item off your list of firsts.”

She regarded him curiously as he efficiently selected clothing from the racks and drawers. “What item would that be?”

He winked at her cheekily. “Shagging in the closet.”

Chapter Seven

The quiet, mellow morning was one of the most enjoyable that Ian had ever spent in this big, often lonely house. He typically spent so much time traveling on business, attending meetings or social events, that he wasn’t actually here all that much.

But he could certainly make a strong case for spending a great deal more time at home provided that Tessa kept him company as she was right now.

They had cooked breakfast together, Tessa wide-eyed and almost awestruck at the assortment of pots, pans, and cooking utensils the kitchen cabinets revealed. It had been a quiet, companionable meal, the two of them gazing out the kitchen windows as the storm continued to bring heavy rain and winds outside. Tessa had been delighted to discover that there was a secluded terrace just outside of the kitchen’s sliding glass doors, and was even more pleased when he’d promised her they could have breakfast out there another time when the weather allowed.

After cleaning up the dishes, they spent a couple of hours in his home office. Ian worked on preparing notes for yet another trip he was taking week after next, while Tessa happily curled up on the sofa with a short stack of books he’d helped her select from his library.

He glanced up at one point and smiled fondly as he watched her unobserved. She was wearing the gray yoga pants and pink thermal sweater he’d bought for her, her bare feet tucked beneath her. She was avidly looking through a thick, glossy book with beautiful photographs of Tuscany, wrapping a lock of her hair around her fingers as she did so. She was enchanting, enthralling, and he thought he could happily stare at her for hours on end.

She looked up then, as if feeling his gaze upon her, and returned his smile a little shyly. “Hi. Taking a break?”

Ian pushed aside the reports he’d been reviewing. “Calling it quits for the day, actually. I don’t want to spend even one more minute of this weekend with you doing work. But speaking of work, we ought to get that issue resolved while we’re able to think rationally.”

“Okay.” She set aside her book as he took a seat next to her on the leather sofa.

Ian picked up her hand, idly brushing his thumb over her knuckles. “You know I’ve broken all of my rules for you,” he began half-teasingly. “In all the years - decades, actually - that I’ve worked for my family’s company, I have never dated or even flirted with an employee.”

Tessa gave him an impish smile. “And I’m guessing it wasn’t for lack of opportunity. An awful lot of opportunities.”

He rolled his eyes at her. “Don’t believe all the gossip you hear, darling. I’ve worked hard to develop a reputation as a cold, unapproachable bastard over the years. It’s done a lot to keep most of the overly optimistic females at bay.”

She snuggled up against him, her hand creeping under his gray cashmere pullover to rub his lower back. “There’s nothing the least bit cold about you,” she whispered, her breath tickling his ear. “You’re actually really, really hot.”

Growling, he yanked her onto his lap. “And you’re making me burn for you, my sweet. Careful about playing with fire, hmm?” He brushed a kiss on her cheek. “Now, before you make me forget my damned name again, let’s talk about the office. More specifically, how you and I are going to have to conduct ourselves while we’re there. At least for the short term.”

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