Craving Shannon (16 page)

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Authors: E. D. Brady

BOOK: Craving Shannon
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Chapter 20





The following Monday, Chad hardly had a minute to think. Between finalizing his meetings in Israel then working with the company travel agent to reserve flights and hotel rooms, not to mention car service and client dinners, the day flew by.

It was after three-thirty before he got around to the sandwich that he’d bought for lunch. He sat down at his conference table and took a bite. His mind drifted back to the weekend he’d just spent with Shannon. Two whole days held up in his apartment with her, watching movies, eating junk food and drinking wine, and not once did he have the urge to lay a hand on her, well, at least not in a sexual way. Perhaps he was finally over his addiction to her body.

A knock on the door drew his attention away from his fond reminiscing, a knock that would prove him wrong.

He set the sandwich down and walked across the room. Pulling open the door, she stood before him in a tight, red mini dress that hugged all her luscious curves in the right places. Her dark hair hung loosely over both shoulders, full and wavy.

She smiled sweetly and waved a small brown box back and forth. “UPS delivery,” she said.

Chad, so enthralled by the heavenly sight, barely registered what she’d said. “Where did you get that dress?” he asked.

“When I cashed my paycheck the other day, I saw it on sale as I was walking back to work,” she answered. “Do you like it?”

“Very much,” he mumbled, feeling a stirring in his groin. He shook his head to clear it and beckoned her into the office. He leaned up against his desk and folded his arms in case they took on a will of their own and reached out for her. “I made my arrangements for Israel,” he announced.

“When are you going?” she questioned.

“December 11
until the 19
,” he replied.

“That’s only ten days away.”

“Yes,” he agreed, curious about the sad look that suddenly dimmed her eyes. Was it possible that she was going to miss him? “I’ll only be gone for eight days,” he said reassuringly.

She simply nodded and half smiled.

Overcome by a strange urge to comfort her, he let his rebellious arms have their way and wrapped them around her shoulders, pulling her against his chest.

It was a terrible mistake, one that would unleash a nightmare.

Feeling her body so close to his was too much for him to endure. Without thinking of the consequences, he bent his head down and to the left. He captured her lips with his, kissing them softly, and felt a jolt of heat in the lower half of his body.

Since he and Shannon had started their affair, one place remained off limits, but as he stood in that very place, kissing her, his good judgment was slowly flying out the window.

He ran his hands up and down her hips and waist, deepening the kiss, basking in the feel of her tiny hands on his shoulders. How could he have been so foolish to think his addiction was broken? He longed to strip her naked, to pull that little dress off her and let his hungry hands roam all over her. He pushed her hair to the side, bending her head in the process. He placed his mouth against her throat. “I want you so bad, Shannon,” he moaned into her skin.

She reached between his legs and rubbed his swollen cock through his suit pants. Her little hand caressing him was his complete undoing. He pushed her away gently and crossed the floor to lock his office door, having made up his mind to break his own rule.

Shannon’s eyes were glistening with excitement and she wore an impish grin. She put her hands on Chad’s upper arms and guided him back to his position against the desk. He instinctively knew that she meant him to stay put. She walked across the floor to his conference table, reached up under her skirt and slowly removed her panties. She sat the panties on a chair then turned to lock her seductive gaze with his. Slowly, she let her hands slip up and down her thighs, teasing him. Each time she moved her hands up, her skirt moved a little higher until finally she pushed it up to her waist, revealing her tiny triangle of dark hair.

A moan escaped Chad’s lips. Sweet, innocent Shannon was gone and in her place stood a young woman who was a master at the art of seduction. If he hadn’t been almost crippled by a severe erection, he may have been more proud of his protégé.

As slowly as she could manage, Shannon slid the dress up her body. She pulled it over her head and threw it on top of the discarded panties. She stood across the room in only her pink bra and shoes.

Chad wiped his mouth with the back of a shaky hand, unable to peel his eyes away from her.

With both hands, Shannon unfastened the front of her bra, allowing her fingers to skim her nipples as she pulled both sides back. The bra slipped from her arms. Shannon let it lie where it fell. She walked slowly toward him, allowing his eyes to feast on her.

Chad felt his knees grow weak, the desire turning to excruciating agony.

Shannon stood in front of him and placed her hands on his hips. Her defiant look told him not to move. She undid his belt buckle and unfastened the button of his pants. Chad felt sure he would cum before he had a chance to touch her.

She knelt down slowly, taking his pants with her. She ran her hands up his thighs, front and back, then moved them up to his ass, lightly skimming his cheeks with her fingers.

When she leaned in and took his cock between her lips, Chad cried out. She teased him with her tongue at first, slowly running it up and down his shaft. Chad gripped the desk for support, afraid his legs would give way. Then, all at once, she took him into her mouth completely while digging her nails into his firm cheeks.

“Oh fuck!” he yelled, throwing his head back. He fanned his fingers through her hair and gripped the roots gently, using them to guide her rhythm.

He heard the tiny click of the intercom before hearing Sarah’s voice. “Chad?” she called out. This could not be fucking happening. Sarah never used the intercom.

He leaned all the way back and stretched his arm until he could hit the button at the bottom of his landline. “Yeah!” he called out

“Donna just arrived. She’s on her way to your office,” Sarah answered.

Holy! Fucking! Shit!

For a split second, Chad’s mind could not process the information. It wasn’t until Shannon stood before him with a panicked look on her face that he knew he had to act quickly. “Bathroom! Now!” he urged.

Shannon ran to the bathroom and locked the door while Chad pulled up his pants, his fingers fumbling with the zipper and button. 

He fastened his belt as he rushed over to the door to answer the menacing knock.

Donna fell into his arms. “Baby, I’ve missed you so much,” she exclaimed.

Chad put his arms around her back stiffly in a less than enthusiastic hug. “Hi, Donna,” he answered in a voice void of emotion.

She stood back and looked at him, her brows knitting together. “Did I come at a bad time?” she questioned.

“No…no…of course not,” he stuttered, trying to sound somewhat happy to see her. He managed to plaster a phony smile onto his face, but felt sure that she could see through his ruse. “What are you doing here?” he asked. “I thought you weren’t back until later in the week.”

Seeming satisfied by his response, her stance relaxed. “Would you believe that after causing me to miss Thanksgiving, those idiots decided that they didn’t need me to stay this week, after all? I got back late last night. I would have called you but it was after midnight before I reached my apartment.” She pulled out her cell phone and looked at the screen. “Sorry, I have to answer this text,” she said, rolling her eyes and smiling.

As Chad watched her fingers fly over her phone, from the corner of his eye, he spotted Shannon’s pink bra in the middle of the floor, not thirty feet away. He swallowed, feeling his heart rate rise. He quickly walked toward his desk and leaned up against it—a familiar position that day.

Donna walked over and stood in front of him with her back to the ominous piece of pink material. How the hell would he ever get her out of his office before she noticed it? She put her hand on his cheek, her eyes flashing over his face. “You look tired,” she observed. “Have you been working a lot?”

“Yes, I’ve got a huge deal pending,” he answered. “I actually just booked a flight to Israel.”

“For when?” she questioned, frowning.

“I’m leaving on the eleventh.”

“But I just got back,” she moaned. “When will you return?”

“On the nineteenth.”

“I suppose that’s not so bad. At least you’ll be back for Christmas,” she said. “I have a few things planned for the two of us.”

Chad felt agitation flare up. “We can discuss that when I get back,” he replied, trying not to get angry. “So, what brings you here?” he asked.

“I thought I’d steal you away for an early dinner,” she answered. She ran her fingers through the front of his hair and moved closer to him. “After that, I thought we could go back to my place for dessert.” She bit her lip and arched her eyebrows, letting him know exactly what kind of dessert she had in mind.

Oh, shit!

“Donna, as happy as I am to see you, I’m actually pretty busy,” he responded, fighting the urge to flick her hand away.

“Can’t it all wait until tomorrow?” she purred in a ‘girly’ voice. “There are more important things than work.” She ran her finger across his bottom lip. He managed to stifle a flinch. “You just look so stressed out, over worked.”  She let her finger travel to his jaw, then down the side of his neck. “I’ve missed you so much.” Her finger moved down his chest and ducked in to an opening in his shirt. “And I have ways of relieving stress.”

Realizing that she wasn’t taking no for an answer, he figured it was best to play along. “Okay,” he said, nodding. “Where did you want to eat?”

“That little Indian place on Sixth Street?” she suggested.

“Sounds good,” he agreed. “Why don’t I meet you there in an hour?”

Her face fell. “Why can’t you leave now?” she asked.

“I just have a few things to finish up.”

She opened her mouth to argue, but must have thought twice about it. “Okay,” she agreed, nodding.

Chad quickly moved to the other side of her. He put his arm across her shoulder and led her to the door while managing to block her view of the huge, flashing, pink
‘cheating asshole’
sign that lay on the floor.

“See you in an hour?” she said, standing in the doorframe.

“I’ll see you then,” he answered. He allowed her a small kiss on the lips. He closed the door behind her and leaned his head up against it, sighing deeply. He turned when he heard the bathroom door open.

Shannon stood across the room, distraught, her shoes dangling from the fingers of her right hand. She looked over at him, her lip quivering.

“Shannon,” he moaned. She covered the side of her face with her hair and made a move to retrieve her clothing. Chad darted in front of her. He gathered her into his arms and pulled her against his chest. “It’s okay,” he whispered into her ear, feeling her body tremble. “She’s gone, it’s okay.” No sooner were the words out of his mouth than he noticed Donna’s cell phone sitting on the corner of his desk.

Dread flooded him as he realized he had forgotten to lock the door.

It was too late!

The door flung open and Donna barged in. “I forgot my—” She stopped short, the blood drained from her face. “—phone.” Both hands flew to her mouth; her eyes bulged. “Oh. My. God!” she squealed. “Oh, my God!”

Shannon began shaking so hard, Chad feared she was about to collapse. He held her tighter and turned her around to block Donna’s view of her naked body, hoping to spare her complete and utter humiliation. He stared at Donna over his shoulder. “Donna!” he called out then realized there was nothing he could possibly say to make the disaster any better.

Donna stood rooted to the floor, eyes fixed on the scene before her, shock oozing off her so badly it polluted the entire atmosphere. After a moment of silence, she seemed to pull herself together marginally. “I’ll just grab my phone,” she said in a broken and stunned voice. She picked up her phone, her face contorted with devastation. Without saying another word, she rushed out the door, slamming it behind her.

“I’ll be right back,” Chad said in a hurried voice. He flew out of the office and caught up with Donna at reception. “Donna, wait!” he called.

Sarah sat at the reception desk talking to Kyle. They both stopped in mid-sentence, looking back and forth between Chad and Donna, obviously sensing the tension.

Donna turned on her heels, her face red with rage. “Get the fuck away from me!” she bellowed.

Chad put up his hands in a calming gesture. “Just let me talk to you,” he pleaded in a soft voice.

“We have nothing to talk about, you asshole,” she yelled, seething.

Sarah and Kyle shared a strained look.

“Please…” Chad begged.

“What the fuck could you possibly say?” Donna asked, exasperated.

“Just calm down,” Chad said as evenly as he could manage.

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