Craving You (TBX #2)

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Authors: Ashley Christin

BOOK: Craving You (TBX #2)
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Table of Contents

Craving You



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six


About the Author





Craving You

(TBX series)

Ashley Christin



All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner, the only exception being inclusion of brief quotations for review. This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. Please note this novel contains profanity and sexual situations.


Cover by Sprinkles on Top Studios

Formatted by Marisa-rose Shor of Cover Me, Darling and Allyson Gottlieb of Athena Interior Book Design



4 months ago




The last thing I want to do tonight is chase down my brother, but here I am lookin’ all over. He ran off during a little spat we were havin’. Grabbing a hold of the door handle, I pull the glass to the dorm halls open, the air-conditioned air blowing across my face. This is where he will go to find release. I didn’t see him at the gym, so the next best thing is a warm body. Just thought Brealynn was more to him than that. Not that I’m against him havin’ sex, but he seems different with her.

Strolling down the hall in a haze, I brush against a small shoulder. “Watch out.” Kelsey’s face is playful at her remark as she spins around causing her long, golden brown hair to whip around her as she looks directly up at me.

“Has Colt been through here?” Her eyes, for once, don’t seem guarded.

“Uh- Yeah. I wouldn’t go in there if I were you. It’s like a fuck fest in there right now. Gross really, but what can ya’ do?” She shrugs while blinding me with her straight smile.

“Go grab dinner? Interested?” I hope my smirk doesn’t show I’m interested in more than dinner. I’ve had my eye on Brealynn’s best friend for a while now. Her smart-ass attitude gets my dick hard every time she opens her mouth.

“You buying?” I swear she has the same promise I’m wearing in my grin mimicked on her face.

“If you’re sellin’.” My heart rate picks up speed; this is a dangerous game I’m playing with the best friend of Colt’s girl.

It sure is going to be fun, though.

“No such luck, but I’m always down for some chicken strips.” I nod my head toward the doors, and we walk side-by-side to my truck.

“What sounds good?” Nerves cause her voice to crack.

Fuck, that’s a loaded question.

“Whataburger?” When I look toward the passenger seat of my truck, she’s twisting her hands together, so I settle for the PG13 hunger.

“Perfect. So how’s the riding going?” Again, I look over at her. It’s no surprise she wants to talk about that. That’s all any girl ever wants to talk about with me. I can already feel a pounding headache comin’. She’s going to ask all the standard questions;
Can you get me front row passes? Can I ride your bike?
And then probably want a T-shirt or something to sport around.

“Good.” My jaw clenches tight as my white knuckles gripping the steering wheel, and I wait for the questions to follow.

“How’s school goin’? I can’t believe summer break is so close!” Letting out the breath I wasn’t aware I was holding, a soft laugh escapes.

“What?” Kelsey gazes over at me confused at my relief.

“Nothin’. Classes are good. You?” Over the three or four mile drive, we talk about bullshit, honestly. We talk about TBX and school when the only thing I’m interested in is talking about her. Her lips, her naked skin on mine…

“You okay?” The rasp of her sweet voice pulls me from my lust.

“Yeah, just hungry.” Once I park and we order, I’m finally a little relaxed. Don’t know why being around her puts me on edge so much. She’s just another girl. Same deal, different pussy.

“Thanks for dinner, Parker. I was just playing around, but I appreciate it.” Kelsey takes a sip of her Sprite eying me over the lid. Focusing on her lips wrapped around the straw, my mind instantly goes dirty, thinking about them wrapped around my dick.


Shifting casually in my chair, I give her a tight smile while I readjust myself. “It’s not a big deal,” I assure her. Don’t need her thinking anything into this. “We’re just two hungry people grabbin’ food.”

“True. We’re also two people who don’t want to witness what’s going on in room 8A right now.” Kelsey laughs at her own joke. When she smiles, her gray eyes are lit with humor, and on an unrelated note, my dick twitches. He seems to have a thing for Kelsey.

“So what are you goin’ to do until they finish … If they finish.” Her eyebrows rise slightly as she shrugs. “You can come back to the house with me and hang out.” My suggestion is laced with an underlying promise of more than I’m leading on.
Will she take the bait?

“And do what?” Her tongue darts out seductively over her straw before she pulls it into her mouth. I suck in a quick, silent breath at her movement.
Again, dick twitch
. This girl is killin’ me, and I haven’t figured out if the fact she knows it turns me on or not.

“Eat candy and watch a movie?” It’s hard to hold my laugh in. That’s the last thing I want to do with her.

“I don’t know. My mom always told me not to go with men who offer candy.” Those gray eyes hold firm contact with mine challenging me.

“Come on, sweetness.” I encourage, not beg.
Let’s get that straight. I don’t beg.

“Ugh. You’re already giving me a toothache. What would happen if I actually licked you?” Her pink tongue swipes over her kiss-me lips.

Leaning toward her, I rest my arms on the white and orange table. “You just made my dick so fuckin’ hard. Thanks,” I whisper as she begins to giggle. “Laugh all you want. When I get my mouth on you, I promise, you won’t be laughin’ then.” Mid-giggle, she looks into my eyes, hers watered over with humor.

“Riiiiight.” She drags out the word with fake agreement.

Challenge accepted.

“You want to come back with me, or am I droppin’ you at the dorm?” I’m getting impatient.

She sighs. “I’ll go with you but only to hang out. Parker, I’m not your type. ” If Kelsey thinks biting her lip makes me want her less, she’s as crazy as I think.

“Sure thing, sweetness.” Throwing my arm around her neck playfully, we make our way to my truck.





I never expected to come back from the shower with the door to my dorm
. The banging and moaning were a clear sign to steer clear for a while. It does surprise me that Brealynn is actually giving him some. She’s into him, or um, more literally, he’s into her.
Cough, cough.
But I digress. I decide to head to the commons area and wait out the Fucklympics that is currently taking place for the first time in the United States of America.

I don’t know what came over me. Flirting with Parker like that. Am I just that horny? Honestly, it’s not that bad.
He’s not that bad
. Did I really just say that?

“So once I nailed the landing, it was all over.” Parker is telling me about his latest competition. Since Colt has been MIA, Parker has been attending the local competitions, and from what I hear, gaining a lot of attention. I got the feeling in the truck he didn’t want to talk about TBX, but this time, he brought up the conversation.

“I bet you got laid that night.” Wiggling my eyebrows, I shove his shoulder playfully.

“Twice.” His panty-melting grin tells me he is speaking the truth. I lift my legs and bend my knees placing my feet on the couch cushion, digging my toes under to warm them. Parker sits to my right, watching my movement.

“Your feet cold?” As he asks the question, he places the pillow further over my feet.

“They’re always cold. So why were you looking for Colt?” Being nosy. It’s one of my superpowers.

He places his arm on the pillow, hand resting on my ankle. “I just need to speak with him.” His fingers start absently rubbing the skin of my ankle soft as a feather. Parker’s expression is concerned. I hope everything is okay with Colt and Brealynn.

“Do you have any good movies?”

“If porn works for you.” Smirk in place and a gleam in his eye.

I bark out a laugh and counter, “Is it your own homemade porn?”

“Wish it was with you?” The low tone of his voice sends butterflies stirring in my stomach.

“I could have you if I wanted you.” The goal is to tease him to hide my growing arousal, but his brown eyes light with desire. A tiny flame sparks deep in my core, and I quickly try to extinguish it. Parker’s fingers trace up from my ankle to my knee as he leans into me, inches from my face. My breath is caught somewhere between the base of my lungs and my mouth, trying to fight its way out of my body. “Well, sweetness, I’m right here. Have me.” His challenge is crystal clear, and damn, it’s

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