Read Creative People Must Be Stopped Online
Authors: David A Owens
The Innovator's Dilemma
Insufficient vocabularies
Intellection (thinking): constraints to; as core creativity component; description and importance of; stay mindful of your favored ways of; summary of
Intellection (thinking) constraints: being seduced by your problem-solving strategies; Individual Constraints Diagnostic Survey on; overcoming; prematurely narrowing range of possible solutions; problem framing errors
International Development Enterprises
Intuit Software Company
Irrigation pump design
Islamic Fiqh Academy
iTunes music service
iTunes Store
Jack Daniels distillery
Japanese tsunami (2011)
Jazz recording industry
Jobs, Steve
Jones, Tricia S.
JPEG standard
Kamen, Dean
Keep the Change program (Bank of America)
Knapp, Mark L.
Knowing: conscious competence: knowing what you know; conscious incompetence: knowing what you don't know; unconscious competence: not knowing what you know; unconscious incompetence: not knowing what you don't know
Kodak Apparatus Division Research Laboratory
Kodak Eastman story
Krantz, Gene
Kudzu vine
Landley, Robert
Laws and regulations: don't let rules distract you; explicit controls of; human cloning bans; monitoring impending; on Segway Personal Transporter; showing society a better way to change; thalidomide “wonder drug” and; Virgin Galactic's lobbying effort
Innovation strategic leadership
Leading innovation process
LEAF electric car (Nissan)
Learning: leaving time for; time required for learning
Learning gap: minding the; time-based tools to monitor
Learning model: conscious competence; conscious incompetence; unconscious competence; unconscious incompetence
Lockheed A-12 plane story
Long feedback loops
Macintosh Bootcamp program
Macintosh computer
McKinsey Quarterly
Managing innovation process
The Manhattan Project
Mannix, Elizabeth A.
March, James
Marinaccio, Wendy
Market constraints: demands for higher performance at lower price; Industry Constraints Diagnostic Survey on; it's
the economy; legacy systems and adoption costs; maturity of market; overcoming; summary on
Markets: constraints related to; description of; social media role in; watch the market, not the competition
Maslow, Abraham
Master list of ideas
Mavica Electronic Still Video Camera
Meaning: defining sense of group; enforcing a shared sense of
Medal of Honor (video game)
Mendonca, Lenny T.
Method cards (IDEO)
MG Taylor Corporation
Microsoft Excel
Mimicking strategies
Mission Control Apollo 13 story
Mistake avoidance
Moral controls
Morita, Akio
Motorcycle repairs
MP3 music files
Multiple problem-solving approaches
Murphy, Mary A.
Music industry: constraints facing jazz recording; music sharing problem facing the; Napster and the; transition from phonographs to CD and MP3 recordings
Myanmar irrigation pump design
Nadis, Steve
“Naive realists”
NASA's Apollo 13 crisis story
NASA's human exploration destination systems
National Court Reporters Association
Natural environment constraints: availability of necessary inputs; description of; outlets for necessary outputs; strategies for dealing with; suitable site for transformation; summary of; Technological Constraints Diagnostic Survey on
Natural environment strategies: getting an environmental fit for your innovation; getting smart about your supply chain; mimic something that works; use what's available
Neale, Margaret A.
Newcomb, Theodore M.
Newell Rubbermaid
“The Deep Dive” segment (TV show)
Nissan LEAF electric car
Noritsu Company
Northrop Grumman
Olson, Ken
interview with James Turner
Organization strategies: doesn't reflect an ever-changing reality; innovative ideas don't fit the; knowing the intent of; risk aversion first and innovation second.
See also
The innovative organization strategy
Organizational constraints: chapter reflection on; diagnosing failures related to; innovation proposal that considers; Organizational Constraints Diagnostic Survey on; resource; strategy; structural; summary on; Venn diagram illustrating; Xerox PARC scenario on
Organizational Constraints Diagnostic Survey: taking the; using the results
Organizations: downside of size; enriching working environment; examining of why and how innovation is killed by; the innovative; know the value chain of your; mixed messages sent out about innovation by; price of efficiency for
“Other people's money” dynamics
Out of Poverty
Outsourcing: don't outsource the core; innovation
Overcoming competition constraints: become partners to learn, not to kill innovation; develop new tests for new ideas; don't overinvest in efficiency; find new ways to compete; importance of
Overcoming culture constraints: explore to learn, exploit to produce; importance of; mix up group membership; prize new problem-solving methods over traditions and taboos
Overcoming emotion constraints: celebrate failures; have a good fight; support psychological safety; suppress idea egotism
Overcoming environment constraints: automate documentation; facilitate multiple modes of expression; reconfiguring group's working space
Overcoming expression constraints: drawing and other visual techniques; importance of; selling your ideas; stay mindful of your favored ways of talking; sweat the presentation
Overcoming history constraints: importance of; leverage the existing infrastructure; use knowledge in the World; use open standards unless you can't
Overcoming intellection constraints: exploring instead of searching; reformulate the problem; set an ideation goal; use multiple problem-solving approaches
Overcoming market constraints: grab 'em and keep 'em; redefine performance; tell them what's new; watch the market, not the competition
Overcoming natural environment constraints.
Natural environment strategies
Overcoming perception constraints: broaden your sources of data; change your perspective; enrich the input; importance of; use practiced empathy
Overcoming physical constraints: bringing in an expert; determine how hard the problem might be; importance of; invest in what you need; let other people do the hard part
Overcoming process constraints: following phases of innovation for; importance of; summary of
Overcoming resource constraints: feed and starve innovation; ignore the ROI; importance of; know the value chain; providing “fail forward” work
Overcoming social control constraints: don't let the rules distract you; importance of; monitor impending rules and regulations; show society a better way
Overcoming strategy constraints: importance of; know the strategy; tell the story; trust the doers; understand (and communicate) the risks
Overcoming structural constraints: cultivate dissent; fluid structures; importance of; innovate outside the lab; mix it up; stay aligned
Overcoming supplier constraints: acknowledge the threat of your innovation; don't outsource the core; importance of; share the wealth; understand the true costs of capital
Overcoming time constraints: first things first; importance of; leave time to learn; mind the learning gap; watch the clock
Overcoming values and identity constraints: do good change and let people know; importance of; let values by your guide; look for clubs that wouldn't have you have a member
Owens, David A.
Pang, Alex Soojung-Kim
Paper-folding problem
PARC (Xerox) scenario
Parker, Sean
Pattern finding
PC Gamer
PDA (personal digital assistant) device
Pearce, Mick
People resources
Perception: constraints to; as core creativity component
Perception constraints: Individual Constraints Diagnostic Survey on; limiting the universe of “relevant” data; as looking without seeing; not getting close to the data; overcoming; selective perception and stereotyping; summary of
Performance: demands for lower price and higher; redefining
Phillips, Damon
Physical constraints: conscious competence; conscious incompetence; knowing what you know and what you don't; overcoming; summary of; Technological Constraints Diagnostic Survey on; unconscious competence; unconscious incompetence
Pike, Gary R.
“Pizza and Red Bull” phase
Polack, Paul
Porter Walker
Portfolio maps: description of; Map 1: Returns Profile; Map 2: Risk Profile
Portfolios building
Post-it story
“PowerPoint Is Evil” (Tufte)
Powers, Francis Gary
Practiced empathy
Presentation: constraints to expression during your; expression element of your; overcoming expression constraints to your
Prius hybrid car (Toyota)
Problem solving: being seduced by your strategies for; errors in framing the problem; explore to learn new ways of; IDEO's “method cards” for; learning to prize new; music industry's poor approach to; prematurely narrowing possible solutions; set an ideation goal for; use multiple approaches to.
See also
Solutions; Technological constraints
Problems: determining the difficulty of the; errors when framing the; identifying; music industry and music sharing; paper-folding; reformulating
Process: conflict over; constraints to; description of; overcoming constraints to; seven phases of innovation
Process constraints: Group Constraints Diagnostic Survey on; importance of understanding; overcoming; summary of
Products: developing new test for new; legacy systems and adoption costs; redefining performance of; using social media to market; telling customers what's new
Professional Organizations
Psychological safety
QSS-II photo processing
QWERTY keyboard
Raelian Movement
Rainforest Alliance
Rapid Viz
(Hanks and Belliston)
Redefining performance
Refine phase of innovation
Reformulating problems
Laws and regulations
Relationship conflict
Resource constraints: capital and capabilities; complex and well-defined value chains; getting capital where and when it is needed; having the right people for the job; Organizational Constraints Diagnostic Survey on; overcoming; summary on
Robertson, John
Rogers Commission
ROI (return on investment) issue
Rousseau, Jean Jacques
San Francisco sourdough bread
Sasson, Steve
Innovation scenarios
Schwartz, Stephen I.
Security issues
Segway Inc. story
Selective perception
“Sense making”
Sequencing and coordinating issues
Set Direction phase of innovation
SETI project
Seven phases of innovation: overcoming process constraints by implementing; overview of
Shaw, Mildred L. G.
Sholes, Christopher
Sholes-Gidden Type Writer
Shop Class as Soulcraft
ShowArts story
“Showstopper” innovation constraints: identifying the; Sow-N-Gro example of
Silicon Valley
Sillars, Alan L.
Silver, Spence
Six-Sigma approach
Slabbing (fashion innovation)
Sneader, Kevin D.
Social control constraints: explicit controls: laws and regulations; overcoming; Rousseau on; self-protection and regulating behavior; Societal Constraints Diagnostic Survey on; summary on; tacit controls: morals, ethics, and traditions
Social status: criticism as threat to; as emotion constraint
Societal constraints: chapter reflection on; diagnosing failures related to; enlarging so that it overlaps the other constraints; history; innovation proposal that considers; Keep the Change program overcoming of; Segway Inc. story on; Sow-N-Gro product; social control; Societal Constraints Diagnostic Survey on; summary on; three main areas of; values and identity; Venn diagram illustrating
Societal Constraints Diagnostic Survey: taking the; using the results
Society: choosing to change; human cloning rejection by; laws and regulations governing; rejection of human cloning by; the Segway Personal Transporter rejected by; tacit controls of moral, ethics, and traditions; values and ideals of
Solutions: exploring for; prematurely narrowing possible.
See also
Ideas; Problem solving
Sony Corporation
“Sony's New Electronic Wizardry” (1981)
Sow-N-Gro product failure
Spy planes.
Lockheed A-12 plane story
Standards: history constraints and associated; JPEG; persistence of historical; whenever possible use open
Stein, Rob