Read Crescent Bound Online

Authors: Karli Rush

Tags: #Fantasy, #Romance

Crescent Bound (23 page)

BOOK: Crescent Bound
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His eyes are much darker than
the usual soft golden brown and
what he’s doing.  Looking directly at me, his voice deepens
as he begins chanting the lifemate binding spell,


By the blood of my blood, I bind you to me. For all of time, and through eternity, fire begets ice within our runes.  Our bodies dance by the powers of the moon.  Throughout all of time as one we’ll be, by the blood of our blood. So mote it be.”

He says the chant as if it is embedded in him since the beginning of time.  With no hesitation he speaks his claim,
his vow, and his oath of a life
mate.  He is binding us as one.  I am completely startled as Marc suddenly claims me as his lifemate.

Thoughts bore into my mind. 
When did he know how to do this? How did he know? Did he always know? Did some witch part of him lay dormant all these years?
  Flooding my thoughts with a million and one questions, then, like I am watching myself through a mirror I look as I hold my hand out to him.  I feel a quick, sharp pain.  Taking my hand, he kisses my bleeding palm, licking the blood that runs from the open cut.  His own eyes look on mine wi
th such intensity
as I begin spe
aking the binding spell to him,

“By the blood
of my blood, I bind you to me.
For all of time
and through eternity, fire begets ice within our runes.  Our bodies dance by the powers of the moon.  Throughout all of time as one we’ll be, by the blood of our blood.  So mote it be.”

I hold his hand in mine, pressing our wounds together, concentrating my thoughts to heal our hands.  The feeling is only a slight subtle swirl of pure energy as it surrounds our hands.  Our wounds heal instantly, sealing them shut as if they never existed.  Moving closer to me, his lips find mine and we are lost again in a kiss.  The remainder of the night, we immerse ourselves into the pleasures our bodies offer one another.



Chapter 15



Waking up in Marc’s bed, I find him propp
ed up on one of his elbows; the back of
gently caresses my face.  He smiles as if he holds the se
crets of the world before him. Breaking the silence he softly speaks,
“Do you believe in the stories of falling in love at first sight?” 

I look up at him and place my hand
across his bare chest and answer him
honestly, “I have heard of others falling in love at f
irst sight, why?”  He leans in
and kisses me passionately leaving me
in a state of breathlessness
and then
places his hands around my face.
His thumb strokes over my lower lip, as his next words
me off my feet.

“I did, Alyssa…the very first time I saw you, i
n the hall.  Your breathtaking
, mesmerizing blue eyes are the first thing I noticed about you.  In that moment I knew somehow, some way I would be with you.  To be with you, just the way we are right now.  I feel like these past few months have been some kind of surreal dream.  I’m so afraid that one day I’m just going to wake up from this and you’ll disappear.”

turn over so we’re face to face.
“If you weren’t a witch, I wouldn’t truly exist in your world at all.  I feel like I’m in between
two very different worlds, Marc. A
nd soon I’ll be in the world I was born into.”  Sighing, I glance away, emotions fill my heart and I decide to continue with my overwhelming
, impulsive
thoughts. Never in my wildest, naughtiest dreams would I believe I would become his lifemate.

“Cloaking ourselves in the human realm has become necessary because of the obtuseness.  Over hundreds of years we have learned to protect ourselves.  Now, that we are lifemates, bound together through our hearts and souls as one, you will never be without me.”  I place
my hand gingerly on his stout chest
, feeling the indomitable rhythm
of his heart

lowers his head and begins to send
slow deliberate
along my neck till he reaches
my lips
, m
aking my entire
body heat up.
tilts my chin toward him and
, “Are you hungry?  You name it and I’ll fix it.”

I tell him, “I’m fine

I curl my body around his.  I never want this moment to end.  He shakes his head and I hear his low laugh I have come to know so well.  He wouldn’t pass up the chance to
cook for me, getting up
he pulls on some faded jeans
which fit sublimely

“Stay right where
you are, I will be back
, no clothes, got it
he teases and tosses me a warning look a
s he
steps out  and dashes
downstairs, I wrap the sheet around my body and shift into the bathroom.  Walking into the regal style bathroom, complete with his personal hot tub, I quickly veer off to the sinks.  I gather my dress and gradually begin putting it back o
n when I feel weak and shaky.
Ignoring my instincts
I think
perhaps it is the fact it has been awhile since I have been with anyone, that’s why I’m feeling this way. 
I finish dressing then wash my face and fix my
hair.  I walk back out coyly sit
down on his bed again.  Something deep inside is telling me I need to go home soon.

Marc appears in the bedroom seeming more energized, unlike myself.  Carrying an entire tray of food, poached eggs, hickory smoked bacon, waffles topped with whip cream, and a creamy chocolaty hazelnut spread on toast with two glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice.
  Is this what sex does to him, oh my, what an insatiable appetite.

We sit on the bed together talking while we eat. I try to grab my glass of juice and instead of picking it
I knock it off the tray
. T
he juice spills down the side of the bed.  “I don’t know what in the world is wrong with me, I’m not usually clumsy.”   I look at him dumbfounded.  “Let me get a towel
I shift from his bed to the bathroom and I instantly realize shifting took every bit of energy I have. Grabbing the doorframe to steady myself I turn
wearily around
.  Marc moves from his bed in an absolute blinding blur.  His arms grip around me as I look into his eyes with grave concern.

“Something’s wrong.

hen everything goes pitch black.

Waking up in Marc’s arms, lying on the floor
sn’t the way I envision ending the perfect date.  His poor look of distress is written all over him.

Clearing his throat he asks, “You don’t have to faint to get my attention, you know?” 

I try to sit up and I find I’m still shaky.
  This carries over to my voice.
“How long have I been out?”

His gaze studies me
for a moment
before he replies, “Just a couple of minutes.  I’m going to lay you back down on the bed,” he says gripping me close and getting ready to pick me up.

“Give me a second and I’ll get up.”
I strive to sounds convincing.

Once he r
ealizes I am fine,
slight smile crosses his lips
“Are witches known
for experiencing fainting spells?”

I shake my head in disbelief
“Not unless you have learned over night how to cast a spell on me,” I say jokingly. 

He gently picks me up and carries me over to his bed.  “Yes, that’s it you’ve now exposed my plans of how I’m going to kee
p you forever in my bed,” he says with an evil, playful
laugh.  I roll my eyes at him and wrap my arms around his neck holding him close.

I see Marc’s concern for me and after an hour or so he insists in carrying me to his car.  “I can walk, you know,” I say, but he’s
being stubborn and not listening.
He drives and I lay my head on his shoulder and try to take in everything around me.  His cool, crisp evergreen scent, the way his body feels as he moves while he’s driving.  He reaches over and holds my hand.

I feel a sudden dread rising within me, soon we will be apart.  I know I will see him again and I’m sure it may seem silly, but right now the very thought of us not being close aches like a gaping dark hole in my heart.

He pulls his car into my driveway and parking as cl
ose to the front door as he can.
“Stay here, I’ll come around and open your door.”  Before I can utter a
word, he stands on my side opening the door for me.  Stepping in, he leans down and picks me up once again and carries me to my front door.

I lean my head back, placing the back of my hand over my forehead dramatically.  I recite what I think is appropriate, “
O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name. Or if thou wilt not, be, but sworn my love and I’ll no longer be a Capulet

I peek through my dark lashes to see him smiling at my antics.  He finally lets me stand on my own.  I open my front door and turn to see Marc kneeling down on one knee.

But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?  It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.  Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, who is already sick and pale with grief.  That thou, her maid, art, far more fair than she…the brightness of her cheek would shame those stars.  As daylight doth a lamp; her eye in heaven.  Would through the airy region stream so bright. That birds would sing and think it were not night

I lean down to him and brush my lips tenderly to his, gazing over his gorgeous face
I whisper, “I feel as if our souls have met before some time long ago, and destiny has played a part, so that our hearts might beat again as one, I love you.  I promise, I will call you later.  I want to talk to
first; they may know
what is going on with me,” I declare
as he gives me this look that I recognize as the
, I’m worried and not playing,

I’m thinking that if I get some sleep I will feel like the old me.  He places his hands around my face and kisses me goodbye.  I know his concern, but I can’t find the answers until I’m home.  I try to shift to my bedroom, but I’m just too weak, so I slowly walk up the stairs, which seems to take forever just to get to my room.

My whole body feels like it’s weighed down, as if I’m wearing layers and layers of clothing which are all soaking wet.  I throw my things on the dresser and walk into my bedroom and slip out of my dress.  I am cold, so I put on my favorite T-shirt and crawl into bed.  I call Lisa and tell her what happened last night, and she is so ecstat
ic to know that Marc is my life

“When I was bound to
I never had anything happen to me like you
describe,” she says with worry
in her voice.  All I want to do is sleep. “I’m gonna call you later
and check on you, get some rest,”
he asserts
and ends with “I’m so excited for you!”  And she hangs up.

I drift off into a deep, sound sleep, and then I feel as if I am walking into a dream within a dream.  I’m in this beautiful evergreen forest, wearing my white evening gown again.  I hear the sound from the edges of my dress dragging the ground as I move.  The smell is tangible; the deep scent of the vast rich evergreen trees is strong.  I bend down and touch the forest floor and breathe in the natural earthy aroma.

Looking up at the sky, I see several different hues of vibrant colors, fiery reds, sapphire blues, and deep, dark purples fill the entire sky.  The colors mix and mingle together for a second or two and then shift apart into a solid color again. Straight ahead I see a blazing bonfire burning, out here, in the middle of nowhere.  I can feel the intenseness of the fire, but welcome the heat.  The dancing fire beckons me, drawing me closer.  My own fire element calls back as it stirs and awakens inside.

I start walking towards the familiar flames. Suddenly, a bone chilling breeze blows past me and behind me the trees start to freeze.  Some of the trees are falling over from the weight of the burdening ice.  The air behind me is now deathly still and cold.  I can see a light haze of snow falling.  I look forward once more I still see the flames bur
ning bright from the bonfire and
begin running towards the blaze, but the ice storm is rapidly catching up with me,
approaching.  My bare feet are freezing as I run across the ground.  No matter how hard I try running faster towards the fire, i
t doesn’t matter.  I simply can
not outrun the
ice storm.    

BOOK: Crescent Bound
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