Crescent Bound (69 page)

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Authors: Karli Rush

Tags: #Fantasy, #Romance

BOOK: Crescent Bound
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I know
I could see what was happening through the mirrors, I

m so sorry she was able to pull you in here.

Marc places his fingers under my chin raising my gaze up to him. 

Alyss, I came here willingly, I came here to find you...David told us how to follow you when you enter dream realms.  I

m in the physical world with you in the same state your in.  I can

t exist in any world...without you.

I immediately slide my arms around him as tight as I can, looking out into the forest.  Out of the haze I see a huge antique standing mirror, anchored into the dirt.  Its nothing like the ones I

ve seen before here.  My instincts tell me that it

s our way out.  I wonder if this is the mirror Naomi originally started her scrying in and enabling her to conjure this twisted mirror-land

I take Marc

s hand and walk over to the speculum,

We need to go through this one...

Scanning it over I carefully touch the tainted wood.

Marc gently tucks a strand of hair from my face, placing it behind my ear and without any hesitation says,

When ever your ready, I

ll be right behind you.


I stare into the mirror, instantly I sense the hypnotic, ethereal force inside it.  There is no reflection of us, just darkness.  I feel a direct pull to an opening, like a portal of some type. I don

t feel evilness imbedded there.  Watching the glistening snow fall down around us, I glance back over my shoulder to see a beautiful blanket of the most luminous glowing white snow covering the entire stone monument of me.  As if she is finally being put to rest and allowing me to leave.  I look to Marc.


say calmly and step through….

Chapter 45



Gliding through darkness, a strong
sensation draws
me, descending back to my body.  I suddenly go from feeling numb to feeling pain as I take in a deep breath.  Moving my hand to my ribs, I touch bandages.  Opening my eyes, Marc is here leaning over me with concern.


e says as a smile appears across his gorgeous face.


to speak, my voice sounds so frail and broken, like

been days since I

ve been able to talk.  Marc brushes my hair back, scanning me.  I assume

to see if I came back in one piece.

How bad are you hurting?

  Before I can answer him he moves down, kissing me passionately.

Finally he whispers softly in my ear,

If I had found Naomi, before I found you...she

d be dust.

  I swallow hard and realize without a shadow of doubt he is telling the absolute truth.  Marc wouldn

t let her live to see another day.  He lovingly kisses my neck, remaining there for a moment and I can literally feel the fear in him wash away.

He knows I

m going to be
, he is here with me, and we are together, nothing else in the world matters to him.

Not thinking, I take in another quick deep breath, cl
nching my teeth as the pain surges through me.  Marc glances up to me,


ll be right back,
need one of the healers.

  I try to refuse, but he

s already gone. My mother stands next to the bed in a matter of seconds, and then my father, as well as everyone else

in the house. 

A white sheet drapes across me. The bed is a massive mahogany four poster bed with a sheer white canvas on top.  Mom places her hands on me and begins removing the pain. Energy flows from her hands effortlessly into me, and the pain diminishes instantly.  The only feeling I have now is extreme soreness.  She observes me with such love and concern. I know if she were able to take the pain instead of me, she would, without any hesitation.

My dad sits down next to me taking my hand into his.  I can

t help myself with all the intense emotions radiating th
roughout the entire room.


I begin to say as he looks at me intently.

What was my time?


He winks at me
and says,

Well, we

ll talk more about that later and possibly installing an ejection seat with a parachute in your future cars


suddenly a thought crosses my mind, future cars?  As if my dad reads my thoughts,


t worry Alyssa, we saved what matters most and that

s what

s important.

  I smile letting him know I understand, but my heart sinks nonetheless knowing my car is gone.


s voice chimes in asking everyone to leave the room so the healers can examine my wounds. I recognize several of the witches from our own coven, and some from others.  Lisa is the only one that does not leave.  I overhear my dad telling Marc to go get some food, perhaps something light for me to eat, which leaves my mother, father, Lisa
and the other healers.

The hole that was inside my chest is now incredibly smaller than the last time I remember. The few cuts and scrap
s from the wreck have already
my mother wraps her arms behind me, helping raise me up so they can change the dressings on my healing wound.

A few more days, and with any luck there should only be a slight scar

y mother sa
encouragingly.  Velain lights pure white candles in a circle around the room, I notice she is softly chanting a protection spell as she fills the air with sage.  After everyone decides I am healing properly, one by one they kiss my forehead, chant their blessings and leave the room. 


s been so long that I can finally feel at peace, sighing, I suddenly realize how my body feels exhausted from all the jostling about, my mind isn

t though, the last thing I want to do is...
.  My dad holds my mother

s hand as they sit in the chairs beside the bed.  Lisa sits cross legged beside
I glance around the room and wonder where David, Megan, and Dawson are.  I guess I have this
growing perplexed
expression, when Lisa answers my w
ndering thoughts.


re not here

he slides her hand around mine, David and Chandelle figured out that Naomi was at the track that night, they went after her and so did Megan and Dawson.

My dad adds,

The track officials have a video feed with the view of a red headed woman standing at the edge of the track when your car exploded.  It was David that noticed it and had asked to review the videos.  He went to look at the registrations and including the check-ins of all the witches there.  Once we had the evidence, our coven, as well as the Heavans went to seek out Naomi.


I scrunch up my eyebrows,

How long have I been out?


My mom answers,

Three days, you went into a deep repose after your healing, Velain never left your side until she knew you were safe.

  I take a quick glance around the room to see if she still remained in the bedroom, but she has vanished.  

nobody knew that Marc and I were in the other world, besides Velain.  My mom and dad leaves Lisa alone with me, I relish the fact that I can take a breath without the intense pain. It is going to take time to heal completely. 

Lisa moves closer to me,

You really can

t tell you were even in a car accident,

just that dark redness in your


  She pulls out a small round compact mirror, before she can raise it in front of me I knock it out of her hand, sending it sailing through the air.  Marc catches it in one hand as he holds a tray of food in the other. 

With a curious raised eyebrow he looks at Lisa, as he sets the tray down on the bed and hands it back to

I don

t think showing her one of these

e point
to Lisa

s hand with the mirror in it,

is the best idea, right now.

  She has an absolutely confused
Marc sits down beside me and helps me sit up. 

Marc and I explain as much as we can to Lisa about what happened to us.  I tell her it

s still very difficult to talk about and if she wants she can explain it to everyone else.

Lisa sits on the bed silently taking everything in,

I don

t mind telling everyone, but I think this is something you really need to tell your dad and mom, Alyssa.


I know Lisa is right,

As soon as the time is right
when my parents come back I

ll tell them.

Lisa seems to relax a bit more after I reassure her, she stays with us for awhile, as Marc eats a couple of sandwiches, I take a sip of a vervain mélange herbal tea, I am told I will be on a liquid diet for a few weeks.

Different witches check in with me, changing the bandage if needed.  Lisa tells us that they found where Naomi was living, but no other word has come yet.  As the night descends I find I

m not able to sleep, Marc lies next to me resting peaceful. I turn myself gently towards him and watch him, the slow steady r
ise and fall of his chest, I fi
nd myself missing his sensual smile and the way his eyes deepen in color whenever he looks at me. I laugh at
myself thinking
I can
miss Marc, when he is lying right beside me.

I can

t take it any
more, trying to force myself to sleep. I carefully ease out of the bed, gripping my ribs, slowly walking, seriously debating about crawling to the deck that is just outside the bedroom. I notice I am wearing a long white silk gown, wasn

t sure if it is Lisa

s or Megan

, but
either way it drags the floor.

Once outside the air feels so revitalizing, I hear the sound of the river flowing in a tranquil manner, leaning against the wooden deck and absorb the vital nature I

m pleased to be immersed in, my chest begins to throb in pain, but I push it away concentrating on only the sound of the water.

I want to go home, and be with Marc, to forget what has happened. I will be forever grateful for everyone coming to my aid, but I

m ready to move on, to move forward. No, I

m not fully recovered, but I will be.
I grip both my arms around myself, as if it will block the radiating discomfort.
Forcing my eyes close I sense the soothing melody of the river play.

Marc stands behind me, placing his hands firmly on my waist,

You should be lying down... it st
artled me, not seeing you there,

he whispers.

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