Cronkite (108 page)

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Authors: Douglas Brinkley

Tags: #General, #United States, #Biography & Autobiography, #Biography, #Television Journalists - United States, #Television Journalists, #Editors; Journalists; Publishers, #Cronkite; Walter, #Editors; Journalists; Publishers.; Bisacsh

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Abbey, George, 428

ABC News, 157, 166–67, 516

   anchorman offer to Rather, 532

Apollo 11
, 413

   Brinkley with, 567

   and Cronkite-CIA rumor, 519

   and Glenn’s
Friendship 7
flight, 234

Good Morning America
, 572

   half-hour news format of, 257

   and Iranian hostage crisis, 535

Issues and Answers
, 179

   Jennings death, 647

News Tonight
, 641

, 535, 614, 615–16

   and 1960’s elections, 210, 219, 220, 307

   and Pentagon Papers, 460

Presidential Round Up
, 220

   ratings over CBS News, 551, 554

   Reagan assassination attempt on, 552

   Reasoner as co-anchor for, 516, 523

   Sawyer with, 377

   Smith with, 250, 253, 320, 480

   space coverage, 333

This Week
, 567

   Walters and Sadat, 530

   Walters as co-anchor for, 516, 523–25, 526

   Walters at 1980 GOP Convention, 540–42

World News Tonight
, 551

ABC Radio, 112, 115, 269

ABC TV, 175

   and Kennedy assassination, 267, 269, 272, 273, 275, 280

Abdel-Rahman, Omar, 560

abortion, 343, 522, 598

“Abortion and the Law” (
CBS Reports
), 343

Abrams, Creighton, 373–74

Abrams, Warren, 215

Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, 648

Acme Newspictures, 252

A. C. Nielsen Company, 288

Adams, Ansel, 429

Adams, John, 593

Adler, Larry, 579

Adler, Marlene, 618, 619, 634, 639, 646, 652, 659


   AFTRA strike and, 359

   for CBS News, 153, 155, 162, 165, 166, 191, 212, 252, 399

   television, 242–43, 270, 271

Advocates, The
(public TV show), 463

African Americans

   Chesterfield Club waitresses, Kansas City, 50

   and civil rights struggle in Birmingham, AL, 245–46, 329–30

   Cronkite and Bernard Shaw, 482–85

   and King’s assassination, 395–96

   and March on Washington, 258

   treatment of blacks in 1920s Houston, TX, 24–25, 297–98

   treatment of black Vietnam servicemen, 331

   use of term “negro,” 331

African National Congress, 604

Agence France-Presse (AFP), 527, 528

Agnew, Spiro, 415, 445, 446, 448, 471, 481

   Des Moines, Iowa speech, 440–41, 442–43

   resignation of, 493, 502

Agronsky, Martin, 309

AIDS, 496

Ailes, Roger, 631

Air Force One, 264–65, 266, 276

Air Force, U.S., 196, 197

   Operation Rolling Thunder (North Vietnam), 342, 347, 354

Air Time: The Inside Story of CBS News
(Gates), 403, 406

Aldrin, Buzz, 412, 419–22, 424, 425, 603, 628, 665

Alfred I. duPont–Columbia University Award in Broadcast Journalism, 532

Allbritton, Louise, 130

Allen, Woody, 470, 580

Allred, James, 56

All Things Considered
(NPR), 622

al Qaeda, 633, 635, 636

Alter, Jonathan, 593

Alvarez, Roberto, 607

Amanpour, Christiane, 607, 639–40, 658, 663–64

Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, CA, 396–97

America as a Civilization
(Lerner), 55

“America Held Hostage” (ABC News), 535

American Assassins, The
(CBS News), 284

“American Challenge, The” reports (CBS Radio), 501

American Experience
series (PBS), 134

American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA), 357–59

American Foreign Correspondents Association, 113

American Heritage
magazine, 174, 338, 395

American Morning
(CNN), 642

American Newspaper Publishers Association (ANPA), 71

American Pharaoh
(Cohen and Taylor), 405

American Rifleman
(NRA), 154

American Society of Newspaper Editors, 599

Americans with Disabilities Act, 604

American University, 465

America’s Cup race, 1962, 243–45, 250, 253, 261, 594

Amusing Ourselves to Death
(Postman), 557


   “anchorman” term, 115, 141, 142, 161, 543

   Cronkite as anchorman for
CBS Evening News
, 249–63

   Cronkite’s concept of, 203

   using two, 185–86

, U.S.S., 112

Andelman, David, 604

Anderson, Doug, 583

Anderson, John, 538–39

Anders, William A., 409, 427

Andrew Sisters, 35, 109

Andy Griffith Show, The
(CBS TV), 252

Animal Planet, 556

Anna, Illinois, 37, 43, 165

report, Murrow’s, 48

“Answer, Please!” (CBS Radio), 199

anti-Cronkite website, 623

apartheid system, in South Africa, 559

Apollo missions, 233, 337–38, 407

Apollo 1
tragedy, 336–37

Apollo 4
, 338–39

Apollo 7
, 408, 409

Apollo 8
, 409, 427, 430

Apollo 9
, 409

Apollo 10
, 416

Apollo 11
, 336, 409, 410, 411, 412–26, 597, 603

Apollo 12
, 426, 444

Apollo 13
, 428–29, 436

Apollos 14 through 20
, 429

Apple Computer, 553

Apple, R. W., 350, 367, 379, 474, 574

Arbitron, 288, 321, 358

Archive of American Television, 28, 263, 276

Arizona Republic
, 583

Arizona State University, 484

   Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at, 583–84, 648

   Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Journalism, 484

, U.S.S., 79–80

Arledge, Roone, 523, 529, 532, 554, 567

Arlen, Michael J., 379

Arlington National Cemetery, 279, 280–81

Armstrong, Neil, 197, 412, 416–17, 419–22, 424, 425–26, 603, 666–67

Army Air Corps, U.S., 71–72, 89

Army, U.S.

   Army Pictorial Service, 92

   and Cronkite’s Vietnam tour, 346

Military Review
, 513

   Rangers Second Division, 572

   satellite launch, 197

Arnett, Peter, 605, 606

Arno, Ed, 489

Around America: A Tour of Our Magnificent Coastline
(Cronkite), 636–37

Around the World in Eighty Days
(film), 190

Arrowhead Stadium, Kansas City, 45

Ascension Island, 241

Ashford, Mike, 527, 581, 609, 653, 662

Asimov, Isaac, 193, 224, 416

As It Happened
(Paley), 321–22

Asman, Bob, 194

Asner, Ed, 498, 532

Associated Press (AP), 30, 41, 42, 75, 300

   and Kennedy assassination, 267

   and Kennedy’s Vietnam policy, 259

   and LBJ’s death, 489, 490

   and Nuremberg trials, 131

   Tet Offensive dispatches, 366–67

   vs. UP, 53, 54, 55, 63

   during World War II, 82, 94, 96, 119, 129

Associated Press Managing Editors Convention, 349–50

As the World Turns
(CBS TV), 252, 270, 357

“At Home With . . . Mrs. Walter Cronkite” (
New York Post
), 306

Atkinson, Brooks, 321

Atkinson, Jayne, 657

Atlanta Journal-Constitution
, 329, 537

Atlantic Monthly, The
, 375, 392

atomic bomb, 130–31, 175, 176

AT&T, 267, 269, 526

Atwater, Lee, 599

Aubrey, James Thomas, Jr., 289, 291

Audubon, John James, 24

Auletta, Ken, 585

Ault, Philip, 82

Auschwitz, 126

automobile racing, 16, 180–81, 243

Autry, Gene, 583

aviation, military

   Allied air war against Germany, 89–91, 93–95, 97–98, 108–9, 112

   Cronkite as aviation buff, 72, 192, 195

   Cronkite on German bombing raids, 95, 97–98, 109, 112

   Cronkite on 101st Airborne glider, 117–19

   Cronkite’s first flight, 11–12

   during Vietnam War, 344

   during World War II, 71–72

Aykroyd, Dan, 526

Baby Boomers, 145–46, 401

Bailey, Harry, 49–50

Baillie, Hugh, 87, 99–100, 103, 106, 107, 115

Baird, Bil, 178

Baker, Howard, 538

Baldwin, Bill, 57

Baldwin, Hanson, 194

Balfour class rings, 33, 34

Ball, George, 535

Ball, Lucille, 200, 306, 317, 357

Baltimore Sun
, 169

Bancroft, Griffin, 154

Banow, Joel, 418

Barber, James David, 536

Barhydt, Frank, 70

Barker, Eddie, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 277

Barnes, Ben, 578

Barnes, Clive, 382

Barnes, Kay, 136

Bass, Jack, 328

Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn (ad agency), 318

“Battle of Ia Drang Valley” (CBS News), 348–49

Baxter, Charles, 279

Bean, Al, 426

Beatles, the, 290, 291

Beattie, Ed, 87, 88

Beatty, Morgan, 175

Beatty, Warren, 472

Before the Colors Fade
(Reasoner), 194

Before the Storm
(Perlstein), 305

Begin, Menachem, 528–29, 530, 560

Belgium, 120, 122, 124, 129

Bell, Jack, 267, 269

Benchley, Peter, 317, 318

Benedict, Howard, 425

Benét, Stephen Vincent, 54

Benjamin, Burton “Bud”

   during Carter’s presidency, 525, 527–28, 529

   CBS News producer, 191, 192, 193–94, 199, 201, 343, 484, 499, 553, 570, 578

   and Cronkite-LBJ interview special, 490, 491

   and Cronkite’s
program, 548, 555

   death of, 600, 661

Benny, Jack, 200, 317

Bensley, Russ, 347, 353, 356, 381–82, 401, 466, 474, 484

Benton, Nelson, 265, 276, 277, 361, 484

Benton, Thomas Hart, 45, 579

Berchtesgaden, Germany, 305–6, 307

Bergman, Jules, 234, 333, 335, 423

Berg, Patty, 156

Berlin Airlift, 139

Berlin, Irving, 593

Bernstein, Carl, 471, 474, 475, 476, 503

Bernstein, Walter, 175

Best News Stories of 1924
, 32

Better Homes and Gardens Cook Book
, 306

Beverly Hillbillies, The
(CBS TV), 256

Beyond the Moon
(documentary), 630

“Bicentennial Minutes” (CBS News), 514

bicentennial, U.S., 514–15

Bigart, Homer, 95, 97, 99, 100, 343

magazine, 115

“Biography of a Bookie Joint” (
CBS Reports
), 231

Birds of America
(Audubon), 24

Birnbaum, Bernard, 283

Birney, Fred, 29, 30, 32, 36, 102

Bivens, Carl, 62

blacklisted writers, 175, 178, 199, 571–72, 620

Black Panther Party, 399, 454–55

Black Power movement, 307

Blackstone Hotel, Chicago, IL, 163

Blake, William, 224

Bleckman, Izzy, 468, 469, 555–56, 559

Bliss, Edward, Jr., 120, 264, 265, 268, 272, 279, 442, 465, 651

Blitzer, Wolf, 620

Block, Merv, 252

blogs, anti-Cronkite website, 623

Bluff, Peter, 607

Bohemian Grove, California, 608, 628

Bolivar Peninsula, 24

Bond, Julian, 329

Boner, C. Paul, 36

Bonn, Ron, 253, 258, 332, 343, 345–46, 402, 430–31, 432, 434, 474, 475, 510, 521

(C-SPAN), 381

Borman, Frank, 338, 409

Born Again
(Ellsberg), 459

Boston Globe
, 470

Boston Pops, 190

Boston Post
, 169

Bourgholtzer, Frank, 157

Boyer, Peter J., 596

Boy Scouts of America, 25

Braden, Tom, 502

Bradlee, Ben, 251, 475, 478, 479, 508, 571

Bradley, Ed, 331–32, 426, 511–12, 513–14, 554, 582, 651–52, 656

Bradley, Omar, 122–23, 124

Brand, Stewart, 428

Braniff Airlines, 59–60, 61, 89

Brauer, Alex, 344

Brave New World
(Huxley), 416, 521

Braver, Rita, 525

Breckenridge, Mary Marvin, 105

Bridge Too Far, A
(Ryan), 117–18

Bright Shining Lie, A
(Sheehan), 381

Brinkley, David, 431, 575

   with ABC News, 567

   after World War II, 130

   and AFTRA strike, 357, 358

   on celebrity newscasters, 360

   comparison to Cronkite, 251

   death of, 661

   memoir, 292

   at 1964 GOP Convention, 314

   and Nixon, 445, 448, 454

   pairing with Huntley, 182, 207

   retirement from NBC, 460, 567

   welcome to news anchor Cronkite, 251

See also
Huntley-Brinkley Report

Brisbane, Arthur, 37

Britain, Battle of, 73–75

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 74, 91, 171, 254, 578

British Second Army, 121

Broadcaster of the Year Award, 455–56

broadcasting career, Cronkite’s, 47

   awards and honors, 436, 438, 454, 455, 458, 503, 532, 543, 548, 559, 583–84, 648

   broadcastography, 171

   firing from KCMO for ethical behavior, 52

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