Cronkite (115 page)

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Authors: Douglas Brinkley

Tags: #General, #United States, #Biography & Autobiography, #Biography, #Television Journalists - United States, #Television Journalists, #Editors; Journalists; Publishers, #Cronkite; Walter, #Editors; Journalists; Publishers.; Bisacsh

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   and Kennedy assassination, 270, 271, 273, 274, 275, 279

   and 1949 and 1952 political conventions, 159

Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In
, 217

Saturday Night Live
, 217, 526

   studios, 253–54, 279

   successful television formats, 217

show, 178, 179, 217, 495, 516, 523, 572, 623

Tonight Show
179, 180, 217, 495, 499

NBC White Paper
program, 216

Neal, Roy, 234, 335

Nelson, Gaylord, 433

Netherlands, 124

   Cronkite in the, 125–29

   Operation Market Garden in, 117–20, 125

   starved and displaced Dutch people, 127, 128

   and V-E (“Victory in Europe”), 125–26, 127

(film), 520–21, 601

New Left intellectuals, 393

New London, Texas, school explosion, 1937, 56–58, 613

Newman, Edwin, 188

Newman, Paul, 174

Newport, Rhode Island, 243, 244

New Republic, The
, 381, 538–39

news commentators, radio, 30, 47

, 346

News of the Night
(CBS News), 171


   daily newspapers in U.S., 55

   as the“fourth estate,” 47

   newspaper reporters, 47

   press-versus-radio war, 71

   UP’s wire service reporters, 53–65

   wire services and, 30, 41–43, 54, 71

See also
early journalism career, Cronkite’s

News Tonight
(ABC News), 641

News Twisters, The
(Efron), 464–65

, 155, 187, 195, 234, 284, 292, 317, 318, 343, 385–86, 467

   Big Three anchormen on cover of, 446

   and Carter’s “Dial-a-President” event, 526

   Cronkite on cover of, 265, 283

   and Cronkite’s Middle East intervention, 529

News with Walter Cronkite, The
(CBS News), 171

New York-Cornell Medical Center, 623

New York
Daily Mirror
, 38

New York
Daily News
, 146, 149, 323, 574, 617, 647

New Yorker, The
(magazine), 132, 379, 448, 489

New York Herald-Tribune
, 96, 99, 131, 180, 256, 264, 317–18

New York Journal American
, 230

New York
magazine, 506, 568, 598

New York Opera, 593

New York Post
, 140, 306, 516, 623, 647

New York Times
, 77, 137, 146, 148, 163, 325, 357, 652

   and G. W. Bush administration, 637, 639

   CBS News ads in, 188, 220

   on CBS news coverage, 210, 216, 474

   on Cronkite 1968 news coverage, 398

   on Cronkite and TV journalism, 658

   and Cronkite’s impending retirement, 537, 540

   on Cronkite’s liberalism, 602

   and Cronkite’s Middle East intervention, 529

   Cronkite’s Orwell opinion piece in, 571

   on Eisenhower-Cronkite interview, 230

   and environmental issues, 431, 433

   Friendly’s resignation in, 355

   on Glenn’s
Friendship 7
mission, 233

   on Huntley and Brinkley, 185, 187, 360

   on Iranian hostage crisis, 539

   on Iraq, 604

   McCarthy-Cronkite interview in, 391

   and Nixon’s trip to China, 467

   Pentagon Papers in, 459, 460

   and political conventions/elections, 184, 292, 318, 319, 320, 321, 326, 538, 539, 573, 574, 575, 576

   on presidents, 201, 299, 539

   on Rather and Cronkite, 596

   RFK-Cronkite interview in, 391

   space coverage, 333–34, 418, 423

   on television, 141

   and Vietnam War, 342, 367, 378–79, 381, 393

   and World War II, 90–91, 94, 96, 97, 102, 119, 131

New York Times Book Review
, 622

New York Times Co. v. Sullivan
, 447

New York Times Magazine
, 624

New York World-Telegram
, 92–93

New York Yacht Club, 244

Nielsen, Arthur Charles, Sr., 288

Nielsen ratings, 280, 288–90, 291, 292, 293, 295, 315, 367, 383, 465, 577

Night Beat
(CBS News), 249

(ABC News), 535, 614, 615–16

(Orwell), 570–71

“1984 Revisited” (
CBS Reports
), 570–72

Niven, Paul, 222

Nixon in China
(opera), 593

Nixon, Pat, 452, 564

Nixon, Richard M., 164, 422, 501, 592, 593

   and Cronkite, 440–56, 465, 466

   and Cronkite’s
Presidential Countdown
program, 211–12, 213, 214

   Enemies List, 467, 481, 572

   and EPA, 431–32, 436

   Ford’s pardon of, 503

   impeachment of, 502

   and the news media, 440–48, 451, 454–55, 457–58, 466

   and 1960 elections, 204, 205, 210, 211, 212, 220, 310–11

   and 1968 elections, 365, 390–91, 399–400, 409

   and 1972 elections, 471, 478

   and Pentagon Papers, 459–60

   and President’s Commission on Campus Unrest, 435

   resignation of, 470–71, 502–3, 505–8

   at Sadat’s memorial service, 562, 564

   and U.S.-Soviet Wheat Deal, 474

   and Vietnam War, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 463, 472–73, 513

   and Watergate scandal, 470–71, 475–79, 496–97, 501, 502

Nixon, Robert G., 83

Nobel Peace Prize, 296, 346, 560, 608

Norfolk, Virginia, 81, 83, 84

Normandy invasion (D-day), 80, 103, 110–14, 119, 288, 298–99, 572–73, 620

North by Northeast
(Cronkite and Ellis), 580

North Carolina Is My Home
(Kuralt), 249

North Carolina seashore, 602–3

Northridge earthquake, Los Angeles, CA, 612–13

(PBS), 555

Now the News: The Story of Broadcast Journalism
(Bliss), 120, 442

nuclear power, 533

Nuremberg, Germany, 127

   Nuremberg trials, 131–36, 654

Obama, Barack, 204, 664, 667

Oberdorfer, Don, 367

O’Brian, Jack, 230

O’Brien, Miles, 628

O’Brien, Tim, 384–85

Ochs, Phil, 435

O’Donnell, Kenneth, 390

Of a Fire on the Moon
(Mailer), 417

Office of War Information (OWI), 78

Oganesoff, Igor, 381

O’Hair, Madalyn Murray, 409, 425

Ohio National Guard, 434, 435

oil industry, Texas, 23, 36

oil spills, 429, 438

Oklahoma Memorial Stadium, 59

Oklahoman, The
, 49

Oldfield, Barney, 16, 181

Oliver Quayle and Company, 481, 497

Olsen, Kenneth, 109

Olson, Lynn, 107


   1960 Summer Games, 202–3

   1960 Winter Games, 201–2, 223

   1972 Summer Games, 471

Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, 579

101st Airborne, 118–19

“109 Days to Venus” (CBS News), 287

Ono, Yoko, 593

On the Edge of the Spotlight
(K. Cronkite), 401, 559–60

“On the Road” features, Kuralt’s, 363–64

Operation Desert Storm (Iraq), 604–7

Operation Eagle Claw (Iran), 539

Operation Market Garden (WWII), 117–20, 125

Operation Overlord (D-day), 103, 113–14, 119

Operation Rolling Thunder (North Vietnam), 342, 347, 354

Operation Torch (WWII), 81–83, 86

Order of DeMolay, 30

O’Reilly, Bill, 487, 651

O’Reilly, William, Sr., 487

O’Reilly Factor, The
(Fox News), 487, 651

Origins of Television News in America, The
(Conway), 150

Orr, Kip, 77

Ortiz, Al, 621

Orwell, George, 570–71

Osgood, Charles, 365, 555, 556

Oswald, Lee Harvey, 274, 276–77, 278–80, 282, 284

(NBC News), 181

Outside Looking In
(Willis), 402

Overseas News Agency, 326

Overseas Press Club Award, 346, 559

Oxmoor House, 579–80, 581

Paar, Jack, 179, 180

pacificism, 79, 128, 453

Packer, Sir Frank, 244

painting, 579–80

Paley, William S., 172, 179, 181, 206, 243, 355, 458, 565

Apollo 11
, 413

   and civil rights movement, 178, 295

   and Cronkite on CBS board of directors, 584

   and Cronkite’s commercial appeal, 154

   and Cronkite’s
Evening News
broadcast, 250–51, 251, 254, 256, 258

   and Cronkite’s treatment of Goldwater, 305

   departure from CBS, 584

   and firing of Aubrey, 291

   and firing of Mickelson, 210, 247–48

   and Friendly’s resignation, 354

   honors Cronkite’s career, 587–88

   journalistic training, 218–19

   and Kennedy assassination, 271, 282

   and LBJ’s purchase of KTBC radio, 285–86

   memoir, 321

   and Murrow, 207–8, 209, 217–18, 219

   and Murrow’s departure from CBS, 225–26

   and 1952 elections, 162, 169

   and 1964 political conventions, 311, 312, 316–17, 318, 319, 320, 321–22

   and 1968 political conventions, 399

   as president of CBS, 73, 152

   and Smith’s resignation from CBS, 246–47

   and Turner bid for CBS, 585

   and Watergate scandal, 476–78

Palmer, Bud, 202

Panama Canal treaties, 527

Pan American Airlines, 453–54, 554

Pappas, Ike, 418, 435, 509, 604

magazine, 27, 28, 30

Parker, Charlie, 21

Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas, TX, 266, 268, 269, 271, 273, 274, 278, 279

Parris, John, 82

Paskman, Ralph, 362

Patterson, Eugene, 329

Patton, George S., 125, 131

(movie), 537

PBS documentaries, 34, 134

Peabody Awards, 250

   for CBS News, 192, 283

   Cronkite’s, 258, 548

   Kuralt’s, 364

   Murrow’s, 108, 149, 208

Peace Corps, 472

Pearl Harbor, Japanese attack on, 76

Pearson, Drew, 309

Pelley, Scott, 489, 666

Pendergast, Tom, 61

Pentagon Papers, 458–60, 461–62, 463

Pentagon Propaganda Machine, The
(Fulbright), 449

Magazine, 523, 590

People’s Republic of China, Nixon’s visit to, 466, 467–69

Peoria Journal Star
, 516

Perlstein, Rick, 305

Perot, Ross, 611

Perry Mason
(CBS TV), 291

Pershing, John J., 18

Person to Person
(CBS News), 189

Pétain, Philippe, 82

Peterson, Roger Tory, 438

Petite Amateur Naval Satellite, 629

Philadelphia Evening Bulletin
, 318

photo ops, 518

Pick the Winner
(CBS News), 188, 211

Pierpoint, Robert, 287, 326, 336, 353

   with CBS News, 257, 259–60, 265

   and Kennedy assassination, 267, 273, 274, 276, 277, 278

   and Murrow, 209, 259

Pinkley, Virgil, 113, 114, 115

Pizzey, Allen, 605

Place to Be, The
(Mudd), 189

Plante, Bill, 295–96, 332, 352, 361, 362, 416

Playboy Channel, 558

magazine, 24, 75, 103, 177, 511, 522

Player, Louis, 453

Playhouse 90
(CBS TV), 190–91

Pletch, Ernest “Larry,” 62, 63

Plow That Broke the Plains, The
(TV documentary), 193

PM East
(CBS News), 249

Poland, 553

police corruption, 231

political conventions

   1948, 141, 159

   1952, 159–66

   1956, 181, 182, 183–85, 186, 187

   1960, 187, 203–6, 208–11

   1964, 292, 293, 303–6, 307–17

   1968, 399–401

   1972, 471–72

   1976, 515–16, 517–19

   1980, 540–43

   1984, 573–77

Polk, George C., 458

Polonsky, Abraham, 175

Polster, Sandor, 28, 518, 550

Poniewozik, James, 20

Pony Express, 15

Post, Bob, 96, 97, 98, 100, 101–2, 108

“Postcripts to the 20th Century” (CBS Radio), 629

Postman, Neil, 557

Potomac Panorama
(TV morning show), 189

Powell, Jody, 526, 564

Powers, John “Shorty,” 229–30, 233

Powers, Ron, 24

Powers That Be, The
(Halberstam), 158, 242, 301, 370, 533

Prague Spring reform movement, Czechoslovakia’s, 400

, 139, 198

Prescott College, 453

presidential candidates, fund-raising by, 204

Presidential Countdown
(CBS News), 211–16

presidential debates, Kennedy-Nixon, 204–5, 219, 220

presidential elections

   1960, 203–4

   1964, 291–92, 293

   1968, 357, 364, 365

   1980, 535–36, 537–39

   1988, 597–99, 600

   1992, 609, 610–11

   1996, 621

   2000, 631–32

   2004, 638, 640, 641, 642

See also
political conventions

Presidential Medal of Freedom, 543

Presidential Round Up
(ABC News), 220

President’s Commission on Campus Unrest, 435

President’s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy (Warren Commission), 283

prime-time television, 289, 596

Prohibition, 25

Project Mercury, 224, 227, 232–34, 236–37, 257, 408, 422, 430

propaganda films, U.S. Department of Defense, 449–50

Proud to Serve
(documentary), 34

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