Crossroads (21 page)

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Authors: Skyy

BOOK: Crossroads
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The large church was filled with the celebrity community. Almost everyone was dressed in black. Cooley tried to hold back tears under her dark shades. She stood in the line, heart beating harder with each step closer to the casket.
Big Ron sprung for Sonic's funeral. Cooley thought about her friend. She had died in a roach-infested hotel room. The rapper who once ruled the female rap game lay dead from an overdose, broke and alone. Guilt took over Cooley's body. She felt her knees buckle.
Sahara placed her hand on Cooley's shoulder. Cooley looked at Sahara's beautiful face. Her hair was pulled back in a bun. Sahara's black Armani suit made her appear regal to Cooley. She loved the toned-down look more than Sahara's normal sexy attire.
“I don't know if I can do this,” Cooley's voice cracked.
“It's OK, sweetie. Just take your time,” Sahara said as they drew closer to the casket.
The scent of the hundreds of flowers entered their noises. Large flower sprays covered in roses, gladiolas, and other flowers covered the front. It was beautiful; Cooley hoped Sonic was happy with the funeral and turn-out.
Cooley took a deep breath. One foot at a time, they walked up to the bronze casket. Cooley pulled her shades off. Her bloodshot eyes welcomed the cool breeze. She looked at Sonic.
Cooley's mind drifted to the first time they met. She looked more like she did that first night at the Jam Zone party than she did the last time she saw her alive.
“Bruh, I'm sorry,” Cooley whispered. “I, I hope you can forgive me.” Tears flowed down her face. “I”—Cooley turned her head; she walked away from the casket, unable to take anymore.
Cooley and Sahara took a seat on the second row. Cooley lowered her head.
James sat next to Sahara. “Wade's having a hard time, I see,” he whispered to Sahara.
“Yes, they were very close.” Sahara rubbed Cooley on her back.
“Sad story, but I guess that's what happens when you live like that.”
Sahara wanted to slap James. She looked at his smug face. She was glad Cooley didn't hear him, or the funeral would have been turned out.
Cooley and Sahara listened as friends and industry associates talked about the good times they had with Sonic. Cooley laughed at some of the funny stories.
The preacher called for anyone else who wanted to say a few words. Cooley stood up and walked to the front.
“Umm.” Her voice trembled. “I first met Sonic at a party during a Christmas trip my friends and I took while I was still in college. I walked up to her and said something crazy. She laughed, and invited me to sit down.” Cooley smiled, thinking about their first meeting. “Sonic welcomed me with open arms. I ... owe her a lot.”
The crowd nodded as Cooley spoke. Cooley noticed Sahara's face. She was smiling, her makeup ruined from tears. Cooley looked down at the now closed casket.
“Words can't explain how I feel right now. I'll miss you, my friend.” Cooley walked away from the podium.
Cooley privately said her final good-byes as she stood at the gravesite. The thousands of people who gathered at the church had trickled down to a few, since paparazzi wasn't allowed in the cemetery. Cooley quickly realized how fake the industry she loved was.
“I don't want to be like this,” Cooley muttered.
“What, hon?” Sahara watched as the casket lowered to the ground.
“I don't want to be like this. I don't want to party my life away. I don't want to die with no real friends.”
“Carla, you won't. You aren't like Sonic. You aren't on drugs.”
“I know, but ... Sonic never really let anyone in. She wouldn't even let me in when I went to help her. I am just like her. I don't let people in.”
Sahara turned to Cooley. “Carla, you control your destiny. Make it what you want it to be.”
Cooley knew Sahara was right. She held on to Sahara's hand tight. She threw a single white rose into the grave. Cooley knew she had changed, but she knew she had a long way to go. She said good-bye to Sonic, and to the last traces of the old Cooley.
Lena woke up to the strong smell of coffee. She looked at the clock and blinked. She couldn't believe how early it was. She crawled out of Terrin's bed. The cold floor alerted her senses along with the aroma of hazelnut.
“Damn, I didn't mean to wake you.” Terrin stood up from her table. Terrin was completely dressed in black suit pants and a white button-down shirt.
Lena noticed Terrin's black leather pumps, a major difference from the Jordan's she wore most of the time.
“Is it Monday already?” Lena crept into the living room wearing one of Terrin's oversized T-shirts and a pair of boxer shorts.
“Yeah, back to reality for me.” Terrin kissed Lena on her lips. “I gotta go to work, but you can stay here if you want.”
“No. I need to get home before my maid puts out a missing person's report on me. I haven't had my phone in two days.”
Lena turned around to walk back to the bedroom. Terrin followed.
Lena pulled the shirt over her head. She picked up her pink laced bra. Terrin stood in the door way admiring the view of Lena's backside.
Lena turned around, catching Terrin's peep show. She smiled.
“I swear, you are making me want to call in.” Terrin shook her head.
“No, go to work. I'm not going to be the reason you miss work.”
“I think spending the day in bed with you is a pretty damn good reason to miss work.”
Lena threw Terrin's shirt at her, causing Terrin to laugh.
Terrin headed back to the kitchen.
Lena shook her head. She had spent two days in bed letting Terrin take her mind off of her problems. In the last two sex-filled days she didn't think about Brandon, and her thoughts about Denise weren't as frequent. Terrin was very attentive to her needs, which made Lena feel comfortable.
And she seemed to love to taste Lena. Lena had never had anyone want to lick her as much as Terrin wanted to. She was impressed.
Lena walked into the living room. Terrin added her black blazer to complete her look. She had traded her stud look for a professional look that Lena found very sexy. She could see Terrin's curves in the suit, something she only saw through Terrin's boxer briefs and wife-beaters when they were in bed.
“I will call you when I get in, OK?” Terrin wrapped her arms around Lena.
Lena nodded her head. “Let's get some sushi tonight.”
“Sounds good.”
Lena and Terrin parted ways.
Lena headed up the elevator to her lavish loft. She unlocked her door and walked in the dimly lit room. Lena placed her purse on the kitchen table and walked into the kitchen. She thought about Terrin and smiled to herself.
“It's about time.”
“Ahhh!” The voice startled Lena, causing her to drop her bottled water. She turned around to see her mother, Karen, sitting in the dark living room. “Oh my God, Mother, you scared the sh—mess out of me.”
“Well, maybe if you would answer your phone, you would have known I was here.”
“How did you get in?” Lena walked out of the kitchen toward her den. She turned the light on.
Her mother sat in a pair of Donna Karan grey pants and a white blouse. Stunning at forty-nine due in part to great genes and in part to an excellent surgeon who helped make her look like she was still in her thirties, Karen sat with her Apple laptop book open.
“Oh, darling, you know I have my ways.” Karen sat still with a calm look on her face.
“So, what are you doing here?”
“Well, funny you should ask. The other day I was surfing the Web and I came across this blog site called MediaTakeOut.” Karen picked up her laptop. “Funny, the first thing that pops up is this.” Karen turned the laptop toward Lena.
Lena's whole body froze as she looked at the heading.
Pro Baller Already Creeping on his New Wife. Hope she isn't reading this.
Lena picked the computer up from her mother. She clicked on the large link.
Seems Grizzlies superstar Brandon Redding was having a good time in Miami with an unidentified Hispanic honey. Bad thing is, Brandon is a newlywed. Pictures were snapped of Brandon in some serous positions, including kissing the Latin mamacita. I hope his wife isn't reading this, 'cause it's a wrap if she is.
Lena scrolled down to the pictures. She tried to keep a straight face as she looked at pictures of Brandon hugged up and kissing a sexy Latina woman. Furious, Lena closed the laptop.
“Mother, it's not what you think.”
“Well, that's obvious. I could tell that, the second I walked into this ghost town of a house. I noticed all of Brandon's things are gone.”
“You went through my house?!” Lena stood up and walked away. She didn't know if she was more upset with her mother for snooping or at Brandon for being so careless to get caught on camera.
“Don't you take that tone with me, young lady! What did you expect me to do? You obviously have been hiding a lot from me. Do you know what kind of embarrassment this has caused? Your father is furious. He was ready to take a hit out on Brandon.”
“Oh my God!” Lena covered her mouth.
“I was able to calm him down. I told him I was coming to get to the bottom of things. Lena Jamerson-Redding, what is going on?”
“Mother, Brandon and I are separated.”
Karen stood up, her lips pressed firmly together. “I knew it. I knew you and that girl—”
“Yes, Lena. You want to sit here and tell me it has nothing to do with that girl!”
Lena's face dropped.
“And before you form your mouth to lie.” Karen picked up a piece of paper and opened it.
Lena stared at the American Express bill in her mother's hand.
“Plane ticket, New York Hotel.”
“It's not what you think.”
“Oh, really. What did you do go to New York for? A shopping trip?”
“Mother, please!”
“What else could it be, Lena?”
“Brandon has a baby! He had a baby by another woman! He has been cheating on me our whole relationship!”
Karen's straight face fell. “Why are you just now telling me this?”
“Because I wasn't trying to get you or Daddy involved. This is my life and my relationship. We had to figure things out on our own.”
Karen walked up to Lena and put her hands on her shoulders. “Lena, you never have to go through anything without us. That is why we are there. We love you.”
“I know, Mother. But this is my life and my relationship. I have to figure things out on my own.”
“I understand, honey.” Karen hugged her daughter. “But I must ask you, and I want you to be honest with me. Does she have anything to do with this at all?”
Lena paused. She could see the concern, and fear in her mother's face.
“No, Mother. Denise and I are only friends.”
Lena let her mother out of the house. She couldn't bear to break her mother's heart. She looked around at the big space.
Instantly Brandon entered her mind. Anger set in. She grabbed her cell phone off the kitchen counter. Lena dialed Brandon's number, but got the voice mail.
“I am furious with you. Call me!” Lena slammed the phone closed. She walked back in the living room and sat on the couch. Lena turned the TV on. She screamed when Denise's face appeared in a Jocku ad.
When it rains it pours.
Lena turned the TV off and headed to her room. She had to get a grip on her life, and quickly.
Cooley and Sahara couldn't keep their hands off of each other. Sahara sat on top of Cooley's desk with Cooley's hand buried deep inside of her. Cooley kissed passion into Sahara's mouth. Each time they had sex, it was like the first time. Cooley was impressed. Sahara's sexual skills were unmatched. She even had Misha beat.
“Shit! Oh shittt! Cooley,” Sahara moaned, as she grinded on Cooley's hand. Cooley's fingers hit her spots in perfect motion. Sahara's short dress sat up on her round ass as it bounced up and down.
Cooley glanced at the clock. “Girl, they gon' be here any minute.”
“Wait, no,” Sahara panted. “Not yet, almost there.” Sahara grinded her pussy harder.
Cooley placed her thumb on Sahara's clit. She applied pressure, rubbing it in a fast, side-to-side motion. Sahara's body started to tremble.
Cooley bit her lip. She smirked as Sahara's body twerked. Their eyes met as Sahara exploded on Cooley's hand. Cooley pulled her fingers out. She sucked her index finger.
“Finger-licking good.” Cooley laughed as she sucked Sahara's sweet flavor off her sticky fingers.
Sahara playfully hit Cooley as she jumped down from the desk. Their lips met again.
Cooley pulled Sahara close. She inhaled the
Berry Kiss
by Victoria's Secret that covered every inch of Sahara's body. Cooley loved the way Sahara used every product in the line from the bath gel to the final step of the body mist.
“Damn, you smell good enough to eat.” Cooley ran her nose on the side of Sahara's neck.
“You can do that tonight. Send me to Miami in style.” Sahara playfully bit her lip as she pulled away from Cooley. She walked over to the floor-length mirror and began to fix her short halter dress and hair. She reapplied her lipstick. Cooley checked her look in a small mirror in her desk.
Someone knocked at the door. Sahara opened the door. Tee entered holding a stack of CDs.
“Hey, y'all, sorry I'm late. Cooley, I went through all the CDs and these are the ones that I like the most.” Tee placed one stack of CDs on the desk. “And these weren't that bad either,” she said placing the last CDs next to the other stack.
“What's all this?” Sahara said, walking over to the desk. She picked up a CD.
“Well.” Cooley flipped through the disks. “I do have to find other artists. Can't keep my job off you alone.” Cooley winked at Sahara, whose pouty expression showed she wasn't happy. “Don't be like that.”
“Like what?” Sahara smirked.
“Whatever.” Cooley raised her index finger and motioned for Sahara. Sahara smiled, leaning in toward Cooley. She planted a kiss on Cooley.
A deep voice clearing its throat made them both jump. They looked up at the three mortified execs standing in the doorway. Marco crossed his arms. James stood with a stern straight face.
Tommy, Sahara's publicist, stormed into the office.
“Out!” Tommy pointed at the door.
Tee looked at Cooley. Cooley nodded for Tee to leave. Tee hurried out of the office.
Tommy slammed the door behind Tee. “Are you out of your fucking mind?”
“I knew this was a bad idea.” Marco paced the floor.
“What the hell are you all talking about?” Sahara stood with her head held high.
“When did this start?”
“So the rumors are true? You two are an item?” Tommy sat in one of the chairs in front of Cooley's desk.
Cooley tried to keep a straight face, not show her nervousness.
“Look, Sahara and I had something a long time ago that just arisen again.”
“I bet.” James huffed.
Cooley threw him a dark glare. “This is not to go public, you hear me.”
“How is that any of your business?!” Sahara contested.
“It is our business because you are our artist, and a lot has been invested in you! If Big Ron—” James interjected.

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