Crushed (3 page)

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Authors: Marie Cole

BOOK: Crushed
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I was ready to get a shower and was
headed for the locker room with the rest of the jocks but the angel
was standing against the wall, dressed in a pair of white jeans and
a baby blue button down shirt. Those jeans hugged her legs tight
and I swallowed hard thinking about how nice it would be to sink my
teeth into those white creamy thighs. I put my charming smile on as
I got closer, hoping she didn't notice me undressing her with my

She didn't seem to notice. She
smiled at me as sweet as ever. "Hey Neil, I know you just finished
with practice I was wondering if we could talk...I need some help
with something and I couldn't think of another guy I could ask..."
She looked nervous, it was cute as hell.

I stepped closer, unable to help
myself, I put my hand on the wall beside her head, and crowded her.
I was close enough to smell her sweet scent but I wanted closer. I
leaned down until my lips brushed her earlobe, "What kind of help
do you need, Claire?" I felt her shudder and my pants started to
tighten. She was so sweet and innocent. I loved that I could make
her react with just a few whispers in her ear. She laughed
nervously and pushed me back, I let her. I wasn't one to force
myself on a girl. I had never needed to.

"I just need to ask you some
questions. Can you meet me for lunch?" Her cheeks were flushed, I
wanted to rip her shirt off and make her blush more. I squeezed my
hands tightly at my sides and smiled at her.

"Sure, Claire. I'll meet you at the
café in twenty." I winked at her and then left her standing there
staring after me. I'm pretty sure she was checking out my ass. It
made me smile.



I sat down across from Claire,
setting my lunch in front of me. I took in her tense body and hid
my grin. Whatever she wanted it was about sex, no doubt about it. I
started to unwrap my sandwich as I waited for her to speak first.
She cleared her throat and my eyes went to her face, her plump lips
curling into a soft smile.

"So... there is this guy that I
like, and lets just say that this guy was you, how would you want a
girl to approach you?" I had just taken a bite of my sandwich and
wish I hadn't. Claire was dating now? This was news.

"Like for sex?" I grinned as she
coughed on her iced tea. She wasn't ready for dating. She was still
a wee baby girl.

"No...not for sex. More for
like...a date?"

I kept quiet for a minute,
finishing what was in my mouth before going on. My mortal mother
taught me well. "Well, I don't know what kind of guy you're going
after, the tool should man up and ask you out himself but,... if a
girl wanted to get my attention she could do a number of things.
She could ask me for help with something." I winked at her and she

She sighed softly and sipped her
iced tea. "Alright, I get it. Never mind. I'll figure that out by
myself." She smiled sweetly in my direction and my eyes narrowed a
little, becoming suspicious. "In your experience is it better if
the girl takes control or if she lets you do whatever you want to

If she thought that question was
going to shock me she was going to be disappointed. If she thought
that question was going to cause a stir in my pants, she would've
been dead on. I shrugged and sat back, my hands slid under the
table to re-adjust. "I'm not sure either is better. Having sex is a
give and take, love."

"The best sex of your life, were
you in control or was she?" She pressed her lips together and held
her breath as she waited for my answer.

"I was." I laughed remembering a
particularly hot romp in the girl's locker room senior

"Its hard to be better than Neil
Begley." She rolled her eyes as she said it, joking.

"Damn straight," I said, the
seriousness was there.

We finished our lunch, we laughed a
lot. I had missed the time I used to spend with Claire at the high
school lunch table. When we finally had to part ways I hesitated
and as I watched her walk away my mouth grew dry and I couldn't
wait for the next time she would come asking for advice.

Chapter 5



Determined to get Will to say yes I
put on my most flattering outfit, the skinny jeans hugged my curves
and the white three quarter sleeve v-neck would give Will just a
peek at my goods. I popped my lip glossed lips and headed out to
find Will, I was sure he'd be in the dining hall, he was a big guy
and liked to eat.

I entered the dining hall and
looked around for him.
I can do this, I
can do this. What if he hates the color white? What if another girl
has already asked him out? What if he asked out another
I shook the thoughts out of my head
as I spotted him and forced my boots to walk towards him. I sat
across from him at his table, his nose was buried in a book and he
had earbuds in his ears. I smiled and gently pushed his book down.
He looked like he was going to rip me a new one, his eyebrows
tightly knit together but when he saw it was me they fell back and
he smiled. I pressed my knees together, his smile was so dreamy. He
could melt glaciers with it.


"Claire. To what do I owe the
pleasure?" His ice blue eyes dipped to the v of my v-neck and I
mentally high-fived myself. My man trap was working so

"I was going to go see a movie
tonight but Merit bailed on me last minute. I was wondering if you
wanted to come with me." My feet under the table were pointed at
each other as I anxiously awaited his response.

"Sure. Meet me at my dorm?" I
nodded my agreement and let my finger slip slowly from the crack of
his book. His ice blue eyes were focused on my finger and I
inwardly high-fived myself again. Unless he thought I was being
weird. We would find out soon enough.

"The movie starts at eight so I'll
meet you outside around seven forty-five." I stood up, winked at
him and then walked away, trying not to go too quickly. I glanced
back to see if he was watching and he surely was. And licking his
lips, that was surely a positive.

I met him at his dorm and we walked
to the movie theater on campus. They were showing the 80's classic
E.T. Will watched the big screen as if he'd never seen anything so
interesting. His attention was solely on the movie despite my
attempts to distract him by digging into the popcorn bowl that was
on his lap. His aura didn't change from the orange he'd settled

When the movie ended we walked back
to his dorm, each of us not touching the other. I kept looking at
him as we walked, hoping against hope that he'd made a move and
that his aura would show something, anything other than the blue
which spoke to how relaxed he was. He didn't look my way or reach
out to touch me. As I stepped closer to him I watched as he stepped
away, keeping the distance between us. We made small talk about the
movie on the way and when we arrived I had it in my mind that he
wasn't interested.

"Do you want to come in and kiss or
something?" His deep voice and innocent puppy-dog eyes didn't seem
to go together, I was sure I'd imagined him saying it. I stared at
him dumbly for a few long seconds before nodding my head. His aura
was still blue.

"Oh yeah...sure..." I smiled and
stepped into the dorm when he held the door open for me. We both
had popcorn breath so that was a positive, right? At least we
didn't eat garlic, that always makes your breath smell bad. Oh my first kiss. My first ever kiss and I was going to have it
with Will.

When we got to his room he unlocked
the door and stepped in before me. I looked around after stepping
in and saw lots of books on his side of the double room. He clicked
off his computer screen quickly as he walked around, trying to tidy
up a little. I grinned to myself. He'd been looking at first date
tips on his computer before we went out, how adorable.

I sat down on the bed after he
pulled the comforter over it and nodded to the other side of the
room which was very tidy but had a clear music loving vibe with
artist posters and rows and rows of CDs. "Who is your

"Tse." He said gruffly as he sat
down next to me. I leaned towards him, my arm warming against his
warm, firm arm. His scent was so nice and flooded my insides. He
looked down at me and a slow smile crept over his lips. "Do you
know him?"

I nodded slowly, "We are on the
debate team together. He's very good. I didn't know he was so into
music, though." My eyes left his as I looked towards Tse's side of
the room. I felt Will's warm large finger on my cheek and he turned
my face back to his. I held my breath and closed my eyes, waiting
for his lips to touch mine. My hands were in my lap and one second
passed then two and I opened my eyes to find him staring at me. My
eyes widened. Did I have something on my face? I started to pull
away and his large arm wrapped around my back and pulled me against
his large chest as he pressed his lips to mine. Flickers of
electricity traveled from our mouths straight to the spot between
my legs. Before I my eyes closed I saw sparks of purple shooting
from him.

I moaned softly as his kisses
intensified, his grip around my back grew tighter and it felt like
he was trying to consume me, to make me one with his body and while
I was all for that I was freaking out a little. I whimpered and
pushed at his chest to get his lips to leave mine. "Will!" He
followed my lips and crushed them again. His other arm went around
me and held me tight, it was getting hard to breathe. In a way it
was super hot and in another way it was super scary. Was I going to
die kissing this man? Was my first kiss going to be lethal? No way.
I pushed at his chest again and when he didn't relent I bit his
tongue. He moaned and gripped my hair. Shit! He was turned on by

I felt my hands weaken on his chest
and he pulled back, laying me on his bed before reaching down for
his pants, undoing them quickly. I gasped for air and put my hands
up. "Will! Please, stop! I'm not ready for that!" He either didn't
hear me or didn't care. His large body was over mine again, his
lips pressed to mine. I felt his fingers on my jeans and he was
popping the button quicker than I could've undone it. I whimpered
again and reached for his hand, pulling it up. He was moaning
against my lips and as much as I wanted to enjoy any part of this,
I couldn't. He was going to rape me and steal my

His hand went to my breast and
squeezed it through my shirt. He growled against my lips and then
ripped at my shirt, the buttons popping off one by one. He was a
man possessed. What happened to the sweet innocent puppy dog that
I'd fallen for? Surely this was not one of the tips on the website
he'd been looking at.

I pulled his head down so his lips
moved to my neck and while he was pre-occupied I bit his ear hard.
He hissed and pulled back, panting as hard as I was. "Claire! That
hurt." He was pouting, actually pouting at me. And I wanted to
laugh but I didn't; I was still trying to catch my

"No shit! Will, you need to stop."
He went back to kissing my neck, moaning and rubbing himself
against my jeans.

"I can't," He groaned against my
neck. "I want you so badly, I can't control myself. I don't want to
rush you but if I don't get inside you I'm going to die." I pushed
at his chest to try to get him off me but he was too

"Will! You'll have to die because
you aren't going to take my virginity!!" I wasn't going to give up,
I couldn't. When he leaned to the side and one of my legs was free
I was kicking at his stomach, trying to use my strong thighs to
push him off. Will groaned and pushed my leg back down, pinning

He murmured against my hair,
"Claire, please... I love you." I stilled underneath him,
did he just say?...
love you, Claire."
Holy shit, he did. What
the hell is wrong with him??
I started
struggling again, I had to get him off me, I had to put distance
between us.

The door opened and Tse walked in,
when he saw Will over me he turned back around. "HELP!" I yelled as
I turned my face to the side and reached out towards Tse. Tse
paused and looked at us, wide eyed. He wasn't sure what to do, I
could see it in his face that he had a big decision to make. His
roommate was bare assed trying to seduce a woman in his bed, did he
help or walk away? Thank god Tse bolted forward and pulled at
Will's large arm.


"Hey man! Get off her!" Will pushed
Tse back with a growl. Tse's back hit the wall with a loud thud.
Will got up and pulled his pants up and approached Tse as he redid
his buttons. I pulled my shirt together to try to cover myself and
hopped off the bed. I looked between the guys, unsure what to do

"What the hell is your problem,
man? I'm just trying to make love to my woman."


Tse snorted. "She didn't want to be
made love to, Will. You need to go take a cold shower, dude." Tse
stayed where he was and was very carefully avoiding looking at

Will turned around and looked at
me, now that his skin wasn't touching mine he seemed to be a bit
more sane. His eyes roamed my body and he ran a hand through his
hair. "Fuck! Claire, I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. You
should go. Now." He didn't have to tell me twice. I grabbed what
was left of my clothes and high tailed it out of there, not looking

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