Crushing (The Southern California Wine Country Series) (14 page)

BOOK: Crushing (The Southern California Wine Country Series)
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“You’re feeling pretty good then.”

“This is a great guitar, once I do a setup and repair a few things.” He set the equipment in the back seat. “Then I’m going to write a song for you.”

“For me?”

He leaned back in the seat after clicking his seatbelt, “Yeah. You need a lot of songs written about you.” His eyes looked into hers.

Amanda felt the tug of his eyes through hers. A tug that went down her body and wrapped around her soul in rigid chains that jerked her toward him. Kyle leaned to her and their lips melted together. She broke away, backed the car around, and sped onto the road.

Every time she glanced from the road she saw Kyle watching her, “You are beautiful. I’m a lucky man.”

“Lucky? You got injured on the job twice, punched a guy out during a gun fight, your girlfriend got shot … and you think you’re lucky?”

“I’m lucky because … I just found out I have a girlfriend.”

“That shouldn’t have slipped out. Must be my meds talking.”

Kyle looked at the prescription bag still firmly stapled shut by the pharmacy and grinned.


-:-:-:- -:-:-:-


Amanda pulled off to a dirt road that curled through the vineyards. She parked the car in ruts left by a tractor and turned the car off. Amanda pulled a blanket out of her trunk, “Follow me.”

They ducked under the lowest trellis tension wires of several rows crossing up a small hill. The top of the hill held the intersection of a dozen trellis rows that arced away in every direction. A lone olive tree hung with rich fruit.

Amanda spun the blanket out and touched Kyle’s arm, their eyes meeting. The breeze swirled around and brought Kyle’s delicious scent to her. She closed her eyes and held him balanced on her senses. Meeting Kyle had unlocked something in her; did she find her ever elusive
True Love
? She opened her eyes and gazed across gentle waving grape vines. She wanted to kiss Kyle, press her burning lips against his, and be with him. Her body suggested things to her.

Kyle cupped her chin with his hand and she leaned toward him. The surge at her nerve endings rose and crashed like the ocean surf. Her lips parted. Kyle reached his fingers, thick through her hair, freeing misbehaving strands that fluttered in the breeze. He gripped her mouth with his.

Kyle’s burning touch strummed her nerves. Her back arched and she pressed her breasts comfortably against him. His lips moved across her cheek, along her jaw, and across her neck. Amanda’s eyelids fluttered as the pleasure moved through her. His fingertips stroked her shoulder and wound its way into the small of her back initiating her further recklessness. She yanked at his shirt and he tugged at hers. In a moment of elbows, shoulders, and ribs that they coursed through in a dance that other times would have ended in injury they meshed as if they choreographed their movements. Her body ached for him. Kyle nipped her lower lip with his teeth and the momentary pain alighted her nerves. They sank to their knees. Kyle kissed down her chest, bending her back. He cupped a breast with his hand and kissed her above her heart. His lips marched across her breast leaving light kisses and little flicks of his tongue. His other arm clamped her back, now like a hot rail that flexed into her. Amanda pinched her eyes tight and moaned as her body boiled beneath him. Her fingers yanked at his hair as he moved, kisses leaving a trail of pleasure from her breasts that meandered down her body. He lay her on the blanket to free his hands so he released her shorts and panties in one slick move over her ankles. Amanda opened her eyes to see his inescapable beautiful eyes locked on hers. He ran a rough hand from her ankle passed her knee. He tongued the back of her knee until fire burned between her legs. She moaned as his kisses and touch crept deeper up her inner thigh. She did not care that the wound on her leg throbbed with her increasing heart rate. She cared not how Kyle’s kisses leaped over the bandages and then almost …

Kyle’s lips left her thigh and bounded up her body to her lips. She ran her hands down his body from his abs and to his pants. He moved. One of his arms ran behind and across her, his bicep hard and knotted against her side. He crushed her against him and it was right. She wanted more than she could express to be smashed against him. Her body knew the words she could not place next to each other. Her hips lifted into him. She could not think. She did not care. She pushed and pulled at him. His hands moved again, wonderful dexterity that played touching tones, arranging and plucking that only needed a chorus and the burn of desire from her.

His touch molded her as her breaths came rapid and her increasing heartbeats pounded in rhythm to his. Her moans became uncontrolled, animal-like as she surrendered to each kiss. His touch light and intense. Stroking along her body. Never really getting to any target but getting achingly and passionately close – purposefully and knowingly teasing her body into higher states of desire. He became too much. Her body agreed and crashed her passion against him. Golden energy radiated out of her as his lips alighted on first one nipple and then the other. His teeth pinched them nearly to pain that glittered along her arms and legs and rippled with energy through her core. His silky chest pressed hot against hers as their lips touched again.

“Shit!” she gasped, “Enough teasing. I want you inside me.”

“You’re not ready for that yet,” his sounds spoke in her ear but she felt the rumble of his voice all down the front of her naked body.

“The hell I am.” Amanda tipped Kyle with her hand against his shoulder and rolled him over. Her hair draped down and brushed his chest. Her nipples felt every ridge in his stomach as she slid down his body. Her eyes keeping his gaze. Her fingers unhooked his pants and freed him. Amanda looked at the glowing hot brand that she so unceremoniously released. Kyle wiggled and pushed his pants from his hips. She watched how his dick hinged from side to side. She pressed her breasts around it. Feeling Kyle’s concentrated body heat. She slid her tongue along its tip and down its length, sucking his length into her mouth.

Kyle groaned.

She could not believe how much she wanted him inside her, to fill that raw need that splay open. She climbed forward on him.

Kyle tucked her leg and rolled her to her back on the blanket. He edged down and licked between her legs, spreading her. “Oh!” A pair of his fingers penetrated her. “What are you doing?”

Kyle rumbled, “I found your little wrinkle. Right here.” Kyle pressed firmly with his fingers and moved them ever so slowly. “I can stop if you like –”

Her voice growled, “You better not stop.” Then Amanda squealed, “Oh, G
!” What chord would he strike next? She would unravel already. Who was this man? His ear lay against her abdomen, listening to her heart beat course through her. Her body wanted to explode. Kyle halted. When her heartbeat eased of its sprint, he moved his fingers again and she forgot everything she might have thought. He wound her body up again. “
Oh, God!
” A flash of understanding the loss of his hand and what it would mean for him. She cracked her eyelids between bursting runs and saw Kyle did most of this with his damaged hand. She had heard the advice to find a man that was good with his hands but did not know what they truly meant. “
Oh –
” She gripped the blanket and the ground cover directly below with her uncontrolled hands. The grass roots were the only things that anchored her to the world – she feared she would drift away. She tried to narrow the focus of her mind that burned forward and back with wide pleasure. “Stop … stop … stop, stop, stop!”

Kyle said, “I think you like this, no?” He breathed on her inner thigh and then licked at her.

“No. No. No!” Her hands flopped beside her. “It’s too much. TOO MUCH!” She mumbled, “Please stop.”

“I don’t think you want to stop here.” He licked her in a swirl. “Or stop here.” She moaned, her hips rising. “But maybe here? Should I stop here?”

Oh, God!
You can’t stop THERE.”

He stood up, cupping her hips with both hands and holding her upside down. Her legs swirled around until they hooked over his shoulders. He lifted her slowly and ran his tongue into her, his lips briefly caressing the rest of her.

Her body ripped open at every seam.

Amanda’s arms wrapped backward around Kyle’s legs. Her body bucked and her legs flailed. When the wave finished crashing through her from side to side and up and down and swirling in the tempest that Kyle had created – he lay her limp body down on the ground. She could barely lift her hand to touch Kyle’s chest. Her eyes slid half open and her mouth fell slack as her mind tried to order itself after the destruction of every sense she had.

Kyle ran a finger along her spine. Goosebumps rose on her arms and her breasts puckered. “No, I need to rest.”

“I know women don’t need a rest. For some of us guys it’s a myth too.”

“What do you mean?”

Kyle licked a nipple that held itself together, “You’re mine.”

Amanda brought her hand up to her chest and squeezed the fullness of her breast as Kyle licked it again. Her body stirred. Like picking itself up out of the dirt from one battle and charging forth for the next. Each step her body gained strength, sureness, and the will to engage in full-on conflict again.

Oh, God!
” Amanda bent her knees away as Kyle’s fingers found her again. Then she pushed him back. She rubbed the flat of her fingers along his knee back and forth feeling the warmth of his leg. She studied Kyle’s expectant eyes, which emboldened her. She pushed Kyle’s chest back so he lay propped up on his elbows watching her. Her tongue compressed her lips, moistening them in a generous arc. Her hand stroked against his inner thigh and she slid her fingers along his smooth skin and stroked her finger along his manhood. It yearned for her fingertips. It lifted and with each pulse, searched for her touch. She kissed and licked him. His pulse throbbed in her mouth with each pump of his heart. She massaged him again, glistening between her fingers while she climbed forward and straddled his hips. She guided him into her so she faced him. Her breasts swayed before his face as she tipped her pelvis up and down.

“Ohhhgr!” Amanda growled, “You feel so good. So deep!”

Kyle moaned and sucked on her breast. Amanda’s body rose to bursting pressure again, too rapidly. She slowed and changed the angle of her hips so she only fluttered at the tip of his penis. She could feel him harden yet more and then his hips slammed his length deep into her. So deep, she felt as if he bumped the base of her skull. He pulled back slow until they barely contacted and then he slammed in deep again. She wanted to rip her skin off if she could only locate the buttons and zippers.

Kyle held the sides of her hips as she moved rhythmically up and down. Her back arched. Rough and slow. Hot and wet. The passion escalated. She grappled the intensity and rolled her hips deepening the motions and their effects. His body bucked against her as they climaxed in pleasure together.

Amanda tipped over to Kyle’s side and draped her arm and face across Kyle’s chest. The spasms between her legs subsided like the undulations crossing a pond’s surface after a mortar strike.

Her fingers found his and she laced their hands together. She said, “I really love your hands.”

“I love the way you vocalize.”

“It’s embarrassing.”

“No. It’s too sexy.”

“How is it too sexy?”

He coiled into her, pressing her hip back and touching her. “Because we’re ready to go again.”

“Hmmm. Just like that?”

Kyle tugged at her fingers and slid her hand down his body.

Amanda smiled, “I guess we are.” She kissed him and guided them together.




Chapter 20


Amanda awoke to the coolness of evening. The blanket wrapped around her while Kyle sat dressed on a small boulder protruding from the earth. Amanda saw what was in his hand, besides his guitar that he seemed to have tuned already, “Hey! That’s my diary notebook. You know that.” Amanda reached for the precious book from Kyle, squeezing the blanket to remain covered.

“I’ve been looking through here –” He spun around keeping his arms free of her grip.

“I see that.”

“And these lyrics are really great.” He flashed his perfect teeth, “I really want to meet this hunk of a guy named Kyle. There are three pages of songs about him.”

Give me that!” Amanda reached for her notebook.

Kyle pulled her to him, sliding a hand on her lower back. He kissed her. Her temper melted into him but not so far that she melted into lust.

Kyle said, “How you describe morning over the vineyard,
how the vines are like lifelines anchored into the world
.” He flipped a few more pages. “Or here.” He released Amanda and sat down, swinging the tuned up guitar onto his knee. His fingers struck chords of a driving melody that he matched with her words. He flipped to another page and the music changed, getting deep and rending.

“How are you doing that?”

“All those days of healing I kept running music through my mind. I promised myself I’d put music to your words if I could ever play again. So you need to let me borrow this book.”

Amanda bent down and kissed Kyle, “That’s so nice. But those are just jumbles of words I toyed with.”

“I’m serious. You have great lyrics here.” He hit other notes that flowed with her words. “You have song structure built in here, there’s the bridge for this other song, the chorus. This one we can break out a little group of words and make a great splash.” He strummed and sang more of her words.

“You’re just being nice.”

“You don’t get it. I’m serious.” He put her book in his jeans pocket. “I’m keeping this for a day or two to work out the start of my new songs, what will be our new recordings.”

“What do you need new songs for? And
new recordings?”

“I’d have problems with all my other songs because Sardis and Elliot would claim chunks of them. Then I’d need a band to play their parts.”

Amanda pulled Kyle up from his seat, “Put that guitar away. You can use my words tomorrow. I want to use your body right now.” The blanket dropped in a swirl to the ground and she pressed against him. He let the guitar roll to its side in the long grass.

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