Cry of the Hawk

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Authors: Terry C. Johnston

BOOK: Cry of the Hawk
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July 26, 1865
On the far hills, hundreds of warriors were leaping atop their ponies, kicking them furiously downhill toward the river. They had spotted the tops of the wagons not long after the fort had seen the incoming train, inching along the road on the Indians’ side of the North Platte.
“How many’s with Sergeant Custard?” Shad Sweete inquired.
“I remember him having ten soldiers and fourteen teamsters,” Hook answered.
“Say!” shouted a picket above them. “The Injuns just cut off five of our boys from the rest of the wagon.”
“How many warriors following those five?” Shad slung his voice up the wall.
“More’n a hundred, mister.”
Hook felt helpless, knowing some of those men out there by face, if not by name. Knowing they had families back home, waiting for a husband or father or brother to come marching home. “Ain’t nothing we can do to help ’em?”
“Ain’t a damned thing now, Jonah,” Shad whispered. “Not a damned thing.”
Cry of the Hawk
Winter Rain
Dream Catcher
Carry the Wind
One-Eyed Dream
Dance on the Wind
Buffalo Palace
Crack in the Sky
Ride the Moon Down
Death Rattle
Wind Walker
Long Winter Gone
Seize the Sky
Whisper of the Wolf
Sioux Dawn
Red Cloud’s Revenge
The Stalkers
Black Sun
Devil’s Backbone
Shadow Riders
Dying Thunder
Blood Song
Reap the Whirlwind
Trumpet on the Land
A Cold Day in Hell
Wolf Mountain Moon
Ashes of Heaven
Cries from the Earth
Lay the Mountain Low

    for Bruce and Sandra,    
and all they’ve meant to me

Hook Family
Jonah Hook
Gritta (Moser) Hook
Hattie Hook
Jeremiah Hook
Ezekiel Hook
Hook’s Mentor
Shadrach Sweete     Toote Sweete/Shell Woman
Pipe Woman—daughter
High-Backed Bull—son
Danite Freebooters
Colonel Jubilee Usher
Major Lemuel “Boothog” Wiser
Captain Eloy Hastings
Riley Fordham
Laughing Jack
Healy Stamps
Sam Palmer
Major Military Characters
General William Tecumseh Sherman—Commander, Military Division of the Missouri
Lieutenant-General Philip H. Sheridan—Commander, Military Dept. of the Platte
Lieutenant Caspar Collins
General Patrick E. Connor—Commander, Military Dept. of the Plains
Captain Henry Leefeldt—Co. K (Camp Marshall)
Captain A. Smith Lybe
Sergeant Amos Custard—11th Kansas Cavalry
First Sergeant William R. Moody—Co. I
Major Martin Anderson—Platte Bridge Station, post commander
Captain Henry Bretney—11th Ohio Cavalry
Lieutenant George Walker—Platte Station Adjutant
Corporal James Shrader—11th Kansas Cavalry
Captain Henry E. Palmer—Powder River Exped. Quartermaster
Colonel Henry E. Maynadier—Commander, Fort Laramie
Dr. Henry R. Porter—surgeon, 7th U. S. Cavalry, Ft. Hays
Captain Frederick W. Benteen—7th U. S. Cavalry
Major Wycliffe Cooper—7th U. S. Cavalry
Captain George W. Yates—7th U. S. Cavalry
Lieutenant Myles W. Moylan—7th U. S. Cavalry
Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer—7th U. S. Cavalry
Lieutenant Thomas Ward Custer—7th U. S. Cavalry
Major Joel H. Elliott—7th U. S. Cavalry
Captain Louis M. Hamilton—7th U. S. Cavalry
Lieutenant Lyman S. Kidder—2nd U. S. Cavalry
Lieutenant Edward Godfrey—7th U. S. Cavalry
Pawnee Battalion
Major Frank North
Lieutenant Issac Davis (Co. B)
Captain Luther North
Half Rope
Lieutenant/Captain James Murie (Co. B)
Sgt. Bear Runs Him
Major Indian Characters


Crazy Horse—Oglalla
Spotted Tail—Brule
Roman Nose—Cheyenne war chief
Grass Singing—Pawnee
George Bent—half-breed Cheyenne son of fur trader Bent
Black Kettle—Cheyenne
Blind Wolf—Cheyenne chief (father to High-Back Wolf)
Pawnee Killer—Brule
Spotted Wolf—Cheyenne
Young Man Afraid—Oglalla
He Dog—Oglalla
High-Back Wolf—Cheyenne
Turkey Leg—Cheyenne chief
Major Scouts
Jim Bridger
Captain E. W. Nash—Omaha and Winnebago scouts (Powder River)
California Joe (Moses) Milner—Hancock Expedition
Jack Corbin—Hancock Expedition
James Butler Hickok—Hancock Expedition
Will Comstock—Platte River Expedition
Major Civilian Characters
Nathan (Nate) Deidecker—newsman, Omaha
Artus Moser
Samuel Hosking
Eldon Boatwright
Major Edward W. Wynkoop—government agent to the Cheyenne
Colonel Jesse W. Leavenworth—government agent to the Sioux
Sidney Gould—mercantile sutler, Fort Larned
It is not easy to visualize the enormous spread of frontier where these 6,000 [galvanized Yankees] marched and fought and endured the tedium of garrison duties. From Fort Kearney to Julesburg. From Julesburg to Laramie and along the Sweetwater through South Pass to Utah. From Julesburg up the South Platte to Denver, by Cache la Poudre to the Laramie Plains and Fort Bridger …. They made themselves a part of all the raw and racy names on that wild land of buffalo and Indians—Cottonwood Springs and Three Crossings, Lodgepole and Alkali Station, Medicine Creek and Sleeping Water, Fort Zarah and White Earth River, St. Mary’s, Fort Wicked, Laughing Wood, Soldier Creek, Rabbit Ear Mound, Dead Man’s Ranche, and Lightning’s Nest.
—Dee Brown
The Galvanized Yankees
Led by desperate men … the guerillas, most of them only boys, fought a total war. West of the Mississippi they plunged a fairly stable … society into intense partisan conflict that was felt by every man, woman and child. This was not a war of great armies and captains, this was bloody local insurrection, a war between friends and neighbors—a civil war in the precise definition of that term. Here organized bands of men killed each other and the civil population hundreds of miles behind the recognized battlefronts. Here there was ambush, arson, execution and murder; warfare without rules, law or quarter.

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