CSS: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (57 page)

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Authors: Eric A. Meyer

Tags: #COMPUTERS / Web / Page Design

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List-Marker Positions

There is one other thing you can do to influence the
appearance of list items under CSS2.1: decide whether the marker appears outside or
inside the content of the list item. This is accomplished with




Initial value:


Applies to:

Elements whose
value is



Computed value:

As specified

If a marker's position is set to
default), it will appear the way list items always have on the Web. Should you desire
a slightly different appearance, though, you can pull the marker in toward the
content by setting the value to
. This
causes the marker to be placed "inside" the list item's content. The exact way this
happens is undefined, but
Figure 12-5
shows one possibility:

li.first {list-style-position: inside;}
li.second {list-style-position: outside;}

Figure 12-5. Placing the markers inside and outside list items

List Styles in Shorthand

For brevity's sake, you can combine the three list-style properties into a
convenient single property:



[ || ||
] |

Initial value:

Refer to individual properties

Applies to:

Elements whose
value is



Computed value:

See individual properties

For example:

li {list-style: url(ohio.gif) square inside;}

As you can see in
Figure 12-6
, all
three values are applied to the list items.

Figure 12-6. Bringing it all together

The values for
can be listed in any
order, and any of them can be omitted. As long as one is present, the rest will fill
in their default values. For instance, the following two rules will have the same
visual effect:

li.norm {list-style: url(img42.gif);}
li.odd {list-style: url(img42.gif) disc outside;} /* the same thing */

They will also override any previous rules in the same way. For example:

li {list-style-type: square;}
li.norm {list-style: url(img42.gif);}
li.odd {list-style: url(img42.gif) disc outside;} /* the same thing */

The result will be the same as that in
because the implied
value of
for the rule
will override the previous declared value of
, just as the explicit value of
overrides it in rule

List Layout

Now that we've
looked at the basics of styling list markers, let's consider how lists are laid out
in various browsers. We'll start with a set of three list items devoid of any markers
and not yet placed within a list, as shown in
Figure 12-7

Figure 12-7. Three list items

The border around the list items shows them to be, essentially, like a block-level
element. Indeed, the value
is defined to
generate a block box. Now let's add markers, as illustrated in
Figure 12-8

Figure 12-8. Markers are added

The distance between the marker and the list item's content is not defined by CSS,
and CSS2.1 does not provide a way to affect that distance. Interestingly, CSS2 does,
which is a subject briefly covered in the sidebar "
List-Marker Positioning

With the markers outside the list items' content, they don't affect the layout of
other elements, nor do they really even affect the layout of the list items
themselves. They just hang a certain distance from the edge of the content, and
wherever the content edge goes, the marker will follow. The behavior of the marker
works much as though the marker were absolutely positioned in relation to the
list-item content, something like
absolute; left
. When the marker is inside, it acts like an inline element at
the beginning of the content.

So far, you have yet to add an actual list container; in other words, there is
neither a
nor an
element represented in the figures. You can add one to the mix, as
shown in
Figure 12-9
(it's represented by
a dashed border).

Figure 12-9. Adding a list element

Like the list items, the list element is a block box, one that encompasses its
descendant elements. As you can see, however, the markers are not only placed outside
the list item contents, but also outside the content area of the list element. The
usual "indentation" you expect from lists has not yet been specified.

Most browsers, as of this writing, indent list items by setting either padding or
margins for the containing list element. For example, the user agent might apply a
rule such as:

ul, ol {margin-left: 40px;}

This is the rule employed by Internet Explorer and Opera (see
Figure 12-9
). Most Gecko-based browsers, on
the other hand, use a rule like this:

ul, ol {padding-left: 40px;}

Neither is incorrect, but the discrepancy can lead to problems if you want to
eliminate the indentation of the list items.
Figure 12-10
shows the difference between the two approaches.

Figure 12-10. Margins and padding as indentation devices


The distance of
is a relic of early web
browsers, which indented lists by a pixel amount. A better value would be
something like
, since this scales the
indentation along with changes in the text size.

For authors who want to change the indentation distance of lists, I strongly
recommend that you specify both padding and margins to ensure cross-browser
compatibility. For example, if you want to use padding to indent a list, use this

ul {margin-left: 0; padding-left: 1em;}

If you prefer margins, write something like this instead:

ul {margin-left: 1em; padding-left: 0;}

In either case, remember that the markers will be placed relative to the contents
of the list items, and may therefore "hang" outside the main text of a document, or
even beyond the edge of the browser window.

Generated Content

CSS2 and CSS2.1 include a new feature called
generated content
This is content created by the browser but not represented
either by markup or content.

For example, list markers are generated content. There is nothing in the markup of a
list item that directly represents the markers, and you, the author, do not have to
write the markers into your document's content. The browser simply generates the
appropriate marker automatically. For unordered lists, the marker is a bullet of some
kind, such as a circle, disc, or square. In ordered lists, the marker is a counter that
increments by one for each successive list item.

List-Marker Positioning

One feature many authors request is the ability to control the space between a
marker and the content of a list item. CSS2 defined ways to do this, including a
property called
and a
value of
. Implementation experience revealed this to be a clumsy approach,
and these features were removed in CSS2.1

As of this writing, the current working draft of the CSS3 Lists module defines a
new and more compact way to affect marker placement, which is the
pseudo-element. Assuming that the module does
not change before becoming a full Recommendation, you may someday be able to write
rules such as
li::marker {margin-right
in order to get markers snugly against the
content of list items without actually bringing them inside.

To understand how you can affect list markers and customize the counting of ordered
lists (or anything else!), you must first look at more basic generated


As of this writing, no version of Internet Explorer supports generated

Inserting Generated Content

To insert generated content into the document, use
pseudo-elements. These place generated content before or after the
content of an element by way of the content property (described in the next section).

For example, you might want to precede every hyperlink with the text "(link)" to
mark them for printing. This is accomplished with a rule like the following, which
has the effect shown in
Figure 12-11

a[href]:before {content: "(link)";}

Figure 12-11. Generating text content

Note that there isn't a space between the generated content and the element
content. This is because the value of content in the previous example doesn't include
a space. You could modify the declaration as follows to make sure there's a space
between generated and actual content:

a[href]:before {content: "(link) ";}

It's a small difference but an important one.

In a similar manner, you might choose to insert a small icon at the end of links
to PDF documents. The rule to accomplish this would look something like:

a.pdf-doc:after {content: url(pdf-doc-icon.gif);}

Suppose you want to further style such links by placing a border around them. This
is done with a second rule:

a.pdf-doc {border: 1px solid gray;}

The result of these two rules is illustrated in
Figure 12-12

Figure 12-12. Generating icons

Notice how the link border extends around the generated content, just as the link
underline extended under the "(link)" text in
Figure 12-11
. This happens because generated content is placed inside the
element box of the element. As of CSS2.1, there isn't a way to place generated
content outside the element box, other than list markers.

You might think that positioning would do the trick, except CSS2 and CSS2.1
specifically prohibit the floating or positioning of
content. List-style
properties, along with table properties, are similarly prohibited. In addition, the
following restrictions apply:

  • If the subject of a
    selector is a block-level element, then the
    can accept only the values
    , and
    . Any other value is treated as

  • If the subject of a
    selector is an inline-level element, then
    the property
    can accept only the
    . Any other value is treated as

For example, consider:

em:after {content: " (!) "; display: block;}

is an inline element, the generated
content cannot be made block-level. The value
is therefore reset to
. In
this next example, however, the generated content is made block-level because the
target element is also block-level:

h1:before {content: "New Section"; display: block; color: gray;}

The result is illustrated in

Figure 12-13. Generating block-level content

One interesting aspect of generated content is that it inherits values from the
element to which it's been attached. Thus, given the following rules, the generated
text will be green, the same as the content of the paragraphs:

p {color: green;}
p:before {content: "::: ";}

If you want the generated text to be purple instead, a simple declaration will

p:before {content: "::: "; color: purple;}

Such value inheritance happens only with inherited properties, of course. This is
worth noting because it influences how certain effects must be approached. Consider:

h1 {border-top: 3px solid black; padding-top: 0.25em;}
h1:before {content: "New Section"; display: block; color: gray;
border-bottom: 1px dotted black; margin-bottom: 0.5em;}

Since the generated content is placed inside the element box of the
, it will be placed under the top border of the
element. It would also be placed within any padding, as shown in
Figure 12-14

Figure 12-14. Taking placement into account

The bottom margin of the generated content, which has been made block-level,
pushes the actual content of the element downward by half an em. In every sense, the
effect of the generated content in this example is to break up the
element into two pieces: the generated-content box
and the actual content box. This happens because the generated content has
. If
you were to change it to
, the effect would be as shown in
Figure 12-15

h1 {border-top: 3px solid black; padding-top: 0.25em;}
h1:before {content: "New Section"; display: inline; color: gray;
border-bottom: 1px dotted black; margin-bottom: 0.5em;}

Figure 12-15. Changing the generated content to be inline

Note how the borders are placed and how the top padding is still honored. So is
the bottom margin on the generated content, but since the generated content is now
inline and margins don't affect line height, the margin has no visible effect.

With the basics of generating content established, let's take a closer look at the
way the actual generated content is specified.

Specifying Content

If you're going to generate
content, you need a way to describe the content to be generated. As you've already
seen, this is handled with the
but there's a great deal more to this property than you've seen thus far.



| [ |
| |

]+ |

Initial value:


Applies to:




Computed value:

For values, an absolute URI; for attribute references, the
resulting string; otherwise, as specified

You've already seen string and URI values in action, and counters will be covered
later in this chapter. Let's talk about strings and URIs in a little more detail
before we take a look at the
attr( )
and quote

String values are presented literally, even if they contain what would otherwise
be markup of some kind. Therefore, the following rule would be inserted verbatim into
the document, as shown in
Figure 12-16

h2:before {content: " "; color: gray;}

Figure 12-16. Strings are displayed verbatim

This means that if you want a newline (return) as part of your generated content,
you can't use

. Instead, you use the
, which is the CSS way of representing a
newline (based on the Unicode linefeed character, which is hexadecimal position
). Conversely, if you have a long string value
and need to break it up over multiple lines, you escape out the linefeeds with the
character. These are both demonstrated by the
following rule and illustrated in

h2:before {content: "We insert this text before all H2 elements because \
it is a good idea to show how these things work. It may be a bit long \
but the point should be clearly made. "; color: gray;}

Figure 12-17. Inserting and suppressing newlines

You can also use escapes to refer to hexadecimal Unicode values, such as


As of this writing, support for inserting escaped content
such as
is not very widespread, even among
those browsers that support some generated content.

With URI values, you simply point to an external resource (an image, movie, sound
clip, or anything else the user agent supports), which is then inserted into the
document in the appropriate place. If the user agent can't support the resource you
point it to for any reason—say, you try to insert an SVG image into a browser that
doesn't understand SVG, or try to insert a movie into a document when it's being
printed—then the user agent is required to ignore the resource completely, and
nothing will be inserted.

Inserting attribute

are situations where you might want to take the value of an element's attribute
and make it a part of the document display. To pick a simple example, you can
place the value of every link's
immediately after the links, like

a[href] {content: attr(href);}

this leads to the problem of the generated content running smack into the actual
content. To solve this, add some string values to the declaration, with the result
shown in

a[href] {content: " [" attr(href) "]";}

Figure 12-18. Inserting URLs

This can be useful for print style sheets, as an example. Any
attribute value can be inserted as generated content:
values—anything. An author might choose to make
the citation information explicit for a block quote, like

blockquote:after {content: "(" attr(cite) ")"; display: block;
text-align: right; font-style: italic;}

that matter, a more complicated rule might reveal the text- and link-color values
for a legacy

body:before {content: "Text: " attr(text) " | Link: " attr(link)
" | Visited: " attr(vlink) " | Active: " attr(alink);
display: block; padding: 0.33em;
border: 1px solid black; text-align: center;}

that if an attribute doesn't exist, an empty string is put in its place. This is
what happens in
Figure 12-19
, in
which the previous example is applied to a document whose
element has no

Figure 12-19. Missing attributes are skipped

The text "Active: " (including the trailing space) is inserted into
the document, as you can see, but there is nothing following it. This is
convenient in situations where you want to insert the value of an attribute only
when it exists.


CSS2.x defines the returned value of an attribute reference as an unparsed
string. Therefore, if the value of an attribute contains markup or character
entities, they will be displayed verbatim.


A specialized form of generated content is the
quotation mark, and CSS2.x provides a powerful way to manage both quotes and their
nesting behavior. This is possible due to the pairing of content values like
and the property



[ ]+ |

Initial value:

User agent-dependent

Applies to:

All elements



Computed value:

As specified

Upon studying the value syntax, we find that other than the keywords
, the only valid value is one or more
of strings. The first string of the pair defines the open-quote symbol, and the
second defines the close-quote symbol. Therefore, of the following two
declarations, only the first is

quotes: '"' "'";  /* valid */
quotes: '"'; /* NOT VALID */

first rule also illustrates one way to put string quotes around the strings
themselves. The double quotation marks are surrounded by single quotation marks,
and vice versa.

Let's look at a simple example. Suppose you're
creating an XML format to store a list of favorite quotations. Here's one entry in

I hate quotations.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

present the data in a useful way, you could employ the following rules, with the
result shown in

quotation: display: block;}
quote {quotes: '"' '"';}
quote:before {content: open-quote;}
quote:after {content: close-quote;}
quotee:before {content: " (";}
quotee:after {content: ")";}

Figure 12-20. Inserting quotes and other content

The values
are used to insert whatever quoting
symbols are appropriate (since different languages have different quotation
marks). They use the value of quotes to determine how they should work. Thus, the
quotation begins and ends with a double quotation mark.

If you want to
use "curly quotes" instead of the plain vertical-line quotation marks, as is
common in most print media, the

quote {quotes: '\201C' '\201D';}

uses the hexadecimal Unicode positions for the "curly quote" symbols and, if
applied to the previous quotation, would surround Emerson's quote with curly
quotes instead of the straight quotes in
Figure 12-20

, you can define quotation patterns to as many nesting levels as
you like. In English, for example, a common practice is to start out with a double
quotation mark, and a quotation nested inside the first one gets single quotation
marks. This can be recreated with "curly" quotation marks using the following

quotation: display: block;}
quote {quotes: '\201C' '\201D' '\2018' '\2019';}
quote:before, q:before{content: open-quote;}
quote:after, q:after {content: close-quote;}

applied to the following markup, these rules will have the effect shown in

In the beginning, there was nothing. And God said: Let there
be light!
And there was still nothing, but you could see it.

Figure 12-21. Nested curly quotes

In a case where the nested level of quotation marks is greater than
the number of defined pairs, the last pair is reused for the deeper levels. Thus,
if you had applied the following rule to the markup shown in
Figure 12-21
, the inner quote would have
had double quotation marks, the same as the outer

quote {quotes: '\201C' '\201D';}

quotes make possible one other common typographic effect. In situations where
there are several paragraphs of quoted text, the
of each paragraph is often omitted; only the opening
quote marks are shown, with the exception of the last paragraph. This can be
recreated using the

blockquote {quotes: '"' '"' "'" "'" '"' '"';}
blockquote p:before {content: open-quote;}
blockquote p:after {content: no-close-quote;}

will start each paragraph with a double quotation mark but no closing mark. This
is true of the last paragraph as well, so if you need to add a closing quote mark,
you'd need to class the final paragraph and declare a
for its

This value is important because it decrements the quotation
nesting level without actually generating a symbol. This is why each paragraph
starts with a double quotation mark, instead of alternating between double and
single marks until the third paragraph is reached.
closes the quotation nesting at the end of each
paragraph, and thus every paragraph starts at the same nesting

This is significant because, as the CSS2.1 specification notes,
"Quoting depth is independent of the nesting of the source document or the
formatting structure." In other words, when you start a quotation level, it
persists across elements until a
encountered, and the quote nesting level is decremented.

For the sake
of completeness, there is a
keyword, which has a symmetrical effect to
. This keyword increments the quotation nesting level by
one but does not generate a symbol.

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