Culture Shock (29 page)

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Authors: Ginger Simpson

BOOK: Culture Shock
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Cynthia canvassed the rear wall with the light. Nothing appeared to be out of the ordinary, other than the archaic wiring. But why did she smell her perfume? Could it be just her imagination?

A strange noise kept her from closing the door…a scuffling, caused by something much bigger than a rat. The sound came from behind the circuit wall. She stood perfectly still and cocked her ear but heard only her own breathing. "Alex," she called.

Again, she heard a noise, only this time it sounded more like a muffled cry.

Heart racing, she ducked through cob webs. "Alex, is that you?"

A web adhered itself to her arm, and when she tried to remove it, the gauzy substance stuck to her palm. She swiped her hand against her pant leg until the spider's creation let go. "Alex, if you can hear me, make another noise."

The muffled cries became constant, and she followed the sound.

Closer to the circuit panel, she discovered a niche between it and the back wall. Unless one entered the room, it would be easily missed. Her stomach knotted as she approached and aimed her light around the corner. Her heart seized. "Alex! Oh, my God, it's you." Her breathing returned, keeping rhythm to the hammering of her pulse…Alex's pulse.

Duct tape covered his mouth. His wrists and feet appeared to be bound with electrical wiring, and his tied hands were secured to his ankles. Curled in a fetal position on the dirty floor, he lay wedged between the electrical panel and the wall. She shivered, seeing herself bound, gagged and wide-eyed on the floor. She was about to rescue herself in a sense.

She stepped forward to release him. The floor was littered with years of accumulated debris, and her foot caught on a piece of wire. She stumbled, but caught herself before she fell. Kneeling beside him, she laid the flashlight on the floor, and carefully peeled the tape from his mouth.

Dirt covered the dress he wore, and one sleeve hung by only a few threads. He looked as though he'd put up a valiant struggle. At such a pitiful sight, she swallowed the lump forming in her throat. He cast her a look that pleaded for her to hurry.

"God, it's a wonder you can even move in these cramped quarters," she rambled. "I'm so happy you caught my attention. I was ready to leave."

His eyes widened and he flinched, but once his breathing was no longer restricted, Alex gulped air in deep breaths.

"I was so afraid I'd never see you again…me again." Cynthia worked to free him from his bindings, being careful not to brush against the panel. The area was cramped and she struggled to maneuver. "Boy, there isn't much wiggle room here."

"Be careful," he warned. "Some of connections are hot. Thomas Carpenter's the one who stowed me here. He made sure to loosen quite a few wires to encourage me to stay put. How could I have been so wrong about him?"

"We both were. It's a long story and I'll gladly share it when we get you out of here and catch that maniac." She managed to unwrap the cord from his wrists.

Before she could move to his ankles, he grabbed her hand. "Oh, Cyn, I've never been so glad to see someone in my life. Thanks!"

"I can say the very same thing to you." She squeezed his hand. "I thought I'd never see you again…never get the chance to let you know how I feel about you, despite.…" Her manly voice crackled with female emotion.

Tears glistened on his cheeks. He quickly wiped them from her dirt-blemished skin.

"Part of me is embarrassed for you to see me cry, but I guess since I'm a girl, it's okay. Being one might have advantages, after all."

She worked to untie his feet. "Cry if you want. I've fought off tears more times than I can count, but never gave in. After all, I have to keep up this manly image, you know." She chuckled to lighten the moment.

"Yeah ... cry!" A gravelly voice behind them sliced through the brief silence. The door slammed shut leaving only the flashlight to silhouette the frame of Thomas Carpenter. Even in the dim light, she saw his beady eyes.

"My, my! Isn't this a touching reunion?" His voice raised goose bumps on her arms.

He threw his signature doll on the ground, took a piece of electrical cord from his pocket and tightened it between his hands.

Cynthia hunkered on the floor next to Alex and peered up at Carpenter. "You won't get away with this. My partner will be right back, so you may as well give yourself up. There's a city-wide search going on for you as we speak." She hoped her voice didn't show the nervousness churning in her stomach.

An evil smile spread across his face. "It doesn't matter. I always finish what I start. First, I'll take care of you, and then I'll have my moments of pleasure with your lady friend."

Her mind raced. Of all the days to be in plain clothes. If only she had Alex's gun. She hated the idea of firearms, but this was one occasion she'd be only too glad to shoot someone.

Her gaze scanned the dim interior for some kind of weapon. She had to find a way to catch Carpenter off-guard.

He eyed them with malicious hunger, swirling the electrical cord over and over in his hands.

"Why kill us? We've done nothing to you." Cynthia stalled for time.

His nervous twisting stopped for a moment. "You weren't part of the plan…just the charming Miz Freitas." He pointed toward Alex. "She's just like her. They all were." His thin lips turned into a sneer. "I devoted my life to her and she dashed my dreams. How could she vow to love me 'til death do us part', and then change her mind? I guess death came a little earlier than she planned." He cackled. "She pleaded with me for another chance, you know?" Ice tinged his voice. "Even vowed to love me again, but it was too late. The lying, cheating, bitch. She thought I'd believe her. I made sure she wouldn't hurt anyone again." With clenched fists, he pretended to tighten the electrical wire around an imaginary neck. "Her last gasping breath numbed the pain for a little while." His demeanor defined evil.

He ogled Alex in Cynthia’s body with a lingering sweep, then looked away.

Cynthia took advantage of the distraction and discreetly reached for the wooden chair leg she had spied earlier. Her fingers locked around it and she pulled it close.

She needed to keep him talking. "She must have really hurt you." She tried sounding sympathetic.

He stiffened, and his smile melted into a frown. "She did! I could have been a husband and father, but she took my baby away. I begged her not to have the abortion, but she just laughed in my face."

His eyes, that only moments ago looked void of feeling, now brimmed with tears.

The puzzle pieces were falling into place. For a fleeting moment, Cynthia felt a pang of pity for him.

Thomas Carpenter stood lost in thought. Cynthia mustered every bit of strength in Alex's body, jumped to her feet, and, wielding the wooden club, slammed it against his temple. He crumpled at her feet.

She stared down at his unmoving body and then glanced at Alex. "I guess I didn't feel as sorry for him as I thought."

"Wow!" Alex shouted. "I wanted to do that, for all the times he leered at me…you, but maybe it was more fitting this way."

His words were the most welcome sound she'd ever heard.

With no time to waste, Cynthia picked up the flashlight and aimed it at Thomas Carpenter. A river of red trickled from a nasty gash in the side of his head. She couldn't believe she'd actually felled the villain. Her hands trembled, but she steeled herself and turned to Alex.

As she gazed upon her own face, the eyes looking back at her held the soul of a man for whom she cared deeply, maybe even loved. She wasn't sure. She reached for him. "Now, how can I get you out of there?"

"Just grab both of my wrists and pull me straight up off the floor."

Cynthia shined the flashlight on the back of the circuit board. "There are so many wires. Most of them look loose and threatening." She set the light aside. "Okay, take my hands, and hold tight. I'm finally thankful for this burly frame of yours."

With closed eyes, she yanked Alex to his feet. When she slammed against his chest, he heaved a sigh of relief.

The heel of the pump Alex wore became entangled in the discarded cord, and he lost his balance. Pulling Cynthia with him, he fell against the electrical panel.

Sparks flew in all directions and Cynthia fought to free herself from the binding shock. Alex's body shuddered as the current passed through him and adhered
them together. Fight! Fight it, Cynthia! Her mind screamed and she responded.

Calling on Alex's strength again, she bucked against the surge and tugged him away from the hot wires. She toppled backwards, pulling him atop her. The arcing sound ceased and the room was quiet.

She peered, with relief, into a familiar face.

Suddenly, a bright, white light engulfed the room as an arm extending through the doorway held a lantern in the air. "Mike," Cynthia called out in relief.

He eyed the two of them lying on the floor and his mouth dropped open. "Oh, my God, you found her, Alex. Are you two all right?"

Cynthia sat up and brushed herself off. "I think so."   Still feeling weird from the electric shock, she brushed the tingling aside and reveled in their good luck.

Mike walked closer and helped Alex to his feet, then bent to cuff Carpenter. "The electricity went out for a minute, so I hurried down here knowing you were checking this room. God, I'm glad you did. We might have—"

"Don't worry about it now, we found Alex and that's all that matters," Cynthia cut in.

"Found who?" Mike's brows raised in confusion.

Cynthia glanced up at Alex and realized she looked at the real McCoy. She wore her own dress, tattered though it was, and was back in her own body! It really was Alex standing next to Mike, not her. Her heart quickened and she wanted to scream with joy.

The smile on Alex's face as he pulled her to her feet told her he knew what had happened, too.

He turned to Mike. "Don't pay any attention to her. She just had the shock of her life. She's disoriented." He gathered Cynthia into his arms and gazed into her eyes. "Besides, I'm a little shocked, too."

Carpenter moaned and opened his eyes. Mike yanked him to his feet and hustled him toward the door. "C'mon, buddy, you're headed for a cell not much bigger than this closet."

Mike paused at the doorway and looked over his shoulder. "Alex, are you sure you two are okay?"

Alex smiled at Cynthia then at his partner. "Actually, up until this very moment, I haven‘t felt much like myself, but now everything is fine, just fine. I have a little unfinished business to tend to and I'll be right with you."


He bent his head and claimed Cynthia's lips to finish the kiss they started back in her apartment on that oh so dreadful day. This time, the sparks were legitimate.



Three Weeks Later


Alex sat with Cynthia on the same threadbare sofa in her apartment they had shared on their first date. He turned and gazed lovingly into her eyes. "It's sure nice to be looking at you like this."

"I know what you mean," she agreed. "I can't believe the horror is finally over. I think after what we survived, we can get through anything."

"I agree, but I can't stop thinking about Thomas Carpenter. Isn't it strange how a person's mind can work when something drives them over the edge?"

"Would we have ever solved this case if you hadn't been kidnapped?"

"I'd like to think so, but I was sure wrong about the perp. I can't believe Carpenter thought he could rid the world of all the women who looked like the one who aborted his child. That doll and blanket bit represented the son he'd never have. The whole thing is kinda sad. I know he hated her, but.…"

Cynthia pressed her hand over his mouth. "Hush, let's not talk about it anymore. The nightmare is over."

He took her hand from his mouth and held it. "I do feel like I'm still dreaming," he said, as he placed her hand back to his lips and kissed her palm.

She reclaimed her hand and caressed his cheek. "I hope it's a good dream, this time."

"I'd say it's pretty good." He swiveled and faced her. "Do you remember what I said to your brother?"

She thought for a moment. "You said lots of things to Kevin."

"Something about marriage..." Alex hinted.

"Oh that something," she chuckled. "I believe you announced
that we were engaged."

"Well, then..." Alex slid off the couch and dropped to one knee. "I have a very important question for you."

He reached into his pant’s pocket, retrieved a small, black velvet box, then grasped her left hand. He raised his gaze. "Cynthia Freitas, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

She gasped and covered her mouth with her free hand. "You…you aren't kidding me?"

"I'm very serious," he assured her. "If you can stick with me through what we've just been through, then married life should be a snap." He opened the box and revealed a sparkling, solitaire diamond.

Cynthia blinked back tears as he removed the ring from the box. "Oh, Alex…yes, of course I'll marry you."

He slid the ring onto her left hand, then stood and pulled her into his arms. His mouth sought her lips and parted them with his eager tongue. Nipping and probing, he wanted this kiss to be the one to seal them together, but in a much different way.

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