Cupid's Choice: She's a shy beauty in distress. He's a chivalric gentleman. (20 page)

BOOK: Cupid's Choice: She's a shy beauty in distress. He's a chivalric gentleman.
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“Mrs. Richardson, are you warning me against Sir Frederick?” asked Guin falteringly.

“No, I am not! What I am telling you, my dear, is to be very sure of your own heart. And when you are, bestow it where it will be received with gladness and tenderness. It would be a grave mistake to wed where there is not love,” said Mrs. Richardson.

“I see.” Guin drew a long breath. She smiled at Mrs. Richardson, who continued to look at her with a grave, even anxious, expression. “You have given me something to think about, ma’am. I do thank you.”

“I trust that my advice will prove useful to you, Guineveve,” said Mrs. Richardson. She pulled on the reins to bring the phaeton to a stop beside the curb. “Here we are! Just as I promised you, I have brought you safely home, Miss Holland.”

“Thank you, ma’am,” said Guin, climbing down from the phaeton. She looked up at Mrs. Richardson. “I shall remember what you have said.”

Mrs. Richardson smiled, nodded, and then started her team up. Guin watched her drive away and then turned to walk up the steps of the town house. She had been sincere in her promise. She knew that she would not forget what Mrs. Richardson had told her.

Mrs. Richardson had given her the benefit of a totally different perspective. It ran counter to everything Guin had ever heard from her mother. Mrs. Holland had never addressed the question of love and where it fit into the equation when seeking a good match. On the contrary, all that seemed to matter to Mrs. Holland was the prestige and worldly goods that a gentleman could bestow on his chosen bride.

Guin felt confused, but also cautiously hopeful. Mrs. Richardson was a savvy, fashionable lady. Surely she could not be wrong when she advised Guin to seek love in marriage. Surely Guin could find some benefit from such sage advice.

Having virtually resigned herself to the inevitability of accepting whatever offer Mrs. Holland deemed most advantageous, Guin began to entertain the radical notion of accepting the suit of a gentleman for love. Guin had not realized, until Mrs. Richardson had taken it upon herself to speak to the point, that considerations besides worldly position and fortune could be measured as equal in importance. Now it came to her as a blazing revelation, and one that was underscored by a touch of fear. Dared she obey the dictates of her heart? She had been taught all of her life that social position and fortune were the epitome. She had no foundation upon which to build any other belief. She had suppressed her feelings and her emotions for so many years. Dared she even trust her heart?



Chapter Twenty-one


Guin entered the town house with her mind whirling with conjecture, alternating between hope and fear. There was no question that she loved Sir Frederick Hawkesworth, and she knew that he cared for her if only a little. How wonderful it would be if Sir Frederick was to offer for her! Of course, there would be Mrs. Holland’s objections to overcome, for Guin knew that her mother thought less of Sir Frederick than she did of Mr. Lloyd. If only her mother could be brought to recognize Sir Frederick’s superior qualities!

Guin was met with the intelligence that Mrs. Holland and Lady Smythe were closeted in the upstairs sitting room, and that she was wanted as soon as she came in.

All thought of the problem of her future flew out of her head as Guin ran upstairs to her bedroom to put off her hat and gloves and to make herself presentable. Within a few short minutes, during which her maid drew a brush ruthlessly through her hair and helped her to change into a day gown, Guin was able to knock on the door of her mother’s private sitting room. Upon being bidden to enter, she opened the door. “Mama? You wished to see me?”

“Come in, Guin. Here is Lady Smythe, waiting for you this age,” said Mrs. Holland waspishly.

Guin flushed, but pretended not to notice her mother’s displeasure. She advanced, holding out her hand toward her ladyship. “My apologies for keeping you waiting, my lady. I have just come in from an airing in the park.”

“You had no way of knowing that I would call, my dear,” said Lady Smythe with a smile and handshake. Her graciousness was in direct contrast to Mrs. Holland’s censorious attitude. “Were you out with friends?”

“Miss Beasely, ma’am, but I returned with Mrs. Richardson, who was kind enough to offer to drive me home,” said Guin, sitting down beside her mother on the sofa.

“Mrs. Richardson! Well! I am surprised that she bothered with you, Guin, when I have heard any number of times that the lady is most assiduous in matching up eligible
said Mrs. Holland with a tinkling laugh.

“Mrs. Richardson has a certain talent in that direction, certainly,” said Lady Smythe suavely. “Perhaps her friendship will prove advantageous for Miss Holland.”

“As to that, I am certain that no one could have my daughter’s best interests more to heart than myself, my lady,” said Mrs. Holland defensively.

“There can be no argument with that, Mrs. Holland,” said Lady Smythe.

Mrs. Holland smiled and agreed. It was left to Guin to stiffen at what she discerned to be a contemptuous expression in her ladyship’s eyes. Much as her mother succeeded in embarrassing her or throwing her out of countenance, Guin could not stand it when Mrs. Holland was herself perceived with anything less than respect.

“We are naturally flattered by your visit, my lady. How may we be of service to you?” asked Guin coolly.

Lady Smythe raised her thin brows. Her shrewd eyes thoughtfully regarded Guin’s flushed face. “Why, the shoe is quite on the other foot, Miss Holland. In point of fact, your mother has graciously granted her permission to allow me to throw you a ball.”

“Isn’t it wonderful, Guin! You are to go stay with her ladyship the entire fortnight beforehand so that she may instruct you in just how all the details for such a function are handled. It is her ladyship’s exquisite consideration which impels her to such an unprecedented step, for I am certain that my own nerves could never stand up to the planning,” said Mrs. Holland with her lovely smile.

The glitter of satisfaction in her eyes was obvious. “Of course, I shall not neglect my duty in chaperonage so that you may rest perfectly easy. I shall be there to be certain all goes just as it ought.”

Guin understood perfectly that her mother was delighted with the arrangement. No doubt being freed of the expense and the organization of a ball exactly suited Mrs. Holland’s taste. She therefore bit back the instinctive protest that rose to her lips, for it would not do the least bit of good to voice it. Indeed, Guin knew well enough that she would fall under her mother’s severe displeasure if she were to even hint that the arrangement was not entirely welcome. She summoned up a smile. “Why, then, I must assuredly thank her ladyship for her condescension, and humbly hope that we do not trespass too hardily on her good nature.”

Mrs. Holland threw a glance at her daughter, but since Lady Smythe greeted this speech with an amused disclaimer, she laughed. “Such a nonsensical girl! As if we could, when Lady Smythe has assured me quite otherwise! You will be glad to know, Guin, I have already given instructions for your trunks to be brought up so that your things may be packed.”

Guin stared in consternation. “But, Mama,” she stammered, “you have surely forgotten! We are to go to Lady Conrad’s musical
this evening and afterward to Vauxhall with Sir Frederick and his party.”

“I certainly have not forgotten, Guin,” said Mrs. Holland, shaking her head, smiling, but with a dagger glance. “Of course we shall fulfill our obligations. However, instead of returning here tonight, you will return home with Lady Smythe.”

“I, too, am attending Vauxhall this evening, Miss Holland,” said Lady Smythe. “Nothing could be simpler than for you to go home with me afterward.”

“I—I know that I am being very stupid,” said Guin. In point of fact, she was reeling from the abruptness with which things were happening.

“Yes, you are!” agreed Mrs. Holland. “You are insulting, besides.”

Guin’s face flamed. Her hands twisted in her lap. She turned an anxious gaze on Lady Smythe. “It is just that I have not had time to adjust myself to the notion, ma’am. I did not mean to offend you. I do hope you understand, my lady.”

“Of course I do,” said Lady Smythe. She rose to take her leave. “I know that you have a great many things to do yet this afternoon, Mrs. Holland, and so I shall leave you now. I shall see you both again this evening.”

Mrs. Holland assured her of it and walked with her ladyship out of the room, ostensibly to show Lady Smythe to the door.

Guin knew that she could not flee to her bedroom, as she very much wanted to do, because her mother would certainly follow her. She had seen the look in her mother’s eyes, just as Mrs. Holland had walked past her, and with a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach had known that she was in for a thundering scold.

She did not have to wait very many minutes for Mrs. Holland’s return. However, her mother was not alone. Lord Holybrooke came into the sitting room with her. Guin’s eyes met her brother’s, a single pregnant moment during which she realized that Percy knew there had been trouble and had come to help her. She sent him a slight smile of gratitude.

“How can you smile, Guin? I was never more put out with you in my life!” exclaimed Mrs. Holland.

“What has Guin done now, Mama?” asked Lord Holybrooke, casually strolling over to the sofa and flinging himself down. He caught Guin’s hand and pulled her down so that she sat beside him.

Mrs. Holland gave an annoyed titter. “Why, she insulted Lady Smythe by daring to question her ladyship’s arrangements to have her to stay. When I think of the advantage you have been handed, Guin, I could shake you for your idiocy!”

Lord Holybrooke had stiffened beside Guin. His expression was still, only his eyes showing emotion. “What is this, Mama? Guin is going to stay with Lady Smythe?”

“Lady Smythe wishes me to stay with her for a fortnight, beginning this evening,” said Guin in a subdued voice. She glanced into her brother’s astonished eyes and smiled. “It is all right, Percy. I—I was merely surprised, that is all.”

“I should say so!” exclaimed Lord Holybrooke, rising to his feet. “Mama, how can you countenance this?”

“Why, Percy! Whatever is the matter with you? Lady Smythe is giving a ball in Guin’s honor a fortnight hence. She merely wishes to afford your ungrateful sister the opportunity to learn what must go into the planning of such a function. I find nothing in that to set up your hackles!” said Mrs. Holland, surprised by her son’s reaction. “Indeed, I am thankful that Lady Smythe is taking such a close interest in Guin. It will undoubtedly be the making of her, if she will but acknowledge it!”

“I grant you that Lady Smythe’s friendship is advantageous to Guin—to us! What I don’t understand is her ladyship’s willingness to be so helpful. Why, Guin is a stranger to her. What possible motivation is there for Lady Smythe to concern herself so nearly in Guin’s affairs?” exclaimed Lord Holybrooke.

“You are making a piece of work over nothing, Percy. It is very plain to me that Lady Smythe has been influenced by the fact that you are the Earl of Holybrooke. That is the reason her ladyship is being so obliging,” said Mrs. Holland, much in the tone reserved for reasoning with a child.

“I have never entirely believed that, Mama,” said Guin quietly. As she expected, her mother took exception to her voicing of an opinion that ran counter to Mrs. Holland’s own.

Mrs. Holland gave an angry exclamation, before saying, “Then you are a great zany, Guin! Let me tell you that being the Earl of Holybrooke is counted as something in this world and—”

“Have done, Mama,” said Lord Holybrooke wearily, throwing up his hand. “I have heard you on this subject until I am sick to death of it. I agree with my sister. Lady Smythe is herself too up in the world to care one way or the other what I am called. That alone does not suffice to explain this patent interest in Guin’s affairs.”

“I shall not argue with you, dearest,” said Mrs. Holland with a determined effort toward a smile. Her eyes still snapped with anger, and she avoided glancing at her daughter. “I am going upstairs to rest before I change for dinner. You will congratulate your sister on her good fortune!” Mrs. Holland swept out of the sitting room, slamming the door behind her.

“Lord, Guin, what’s to be done? You can’t go stay with Lady Smythe! It’s the queerest turnout I’ve ever heard of,” said Lord Holybrooke, taking a turn about the room.

“Actually, I think that I
do so,” said Guin thoughtfully. When her brother swung around to stare at her, she chuckled. “No, don’t look at me like that, dear Percy! I haven’t run mad, I assure you. And I am not knuckling under, as you would say! I am just remembering something our uncle said to me not too long ago. When Lady Smythe made her first overtures, he told me that he had the feeling that it might be the very thing for me.”

“I don’t see how,” said Lord Holybrooke. His eyes were hard, and there was a mulish look about his mouth.

Guin rose to her feet and smoothed her skirt. “Nor do I, Percy. However, I am very willing to find out if our uncle is right. Oh, don’t look so tragic, Percy! I shall be back in a fortnight, after all. And it is not worth fighting Mama over. I should prefer you to keep your worst outburst for if she decides on someone perfectly repulsive for me.”

Lord Holybrooke laughed. He shook his head. “I still don’t like it. But I shan’t stand in your way if you truly don’t mind.”

“Well, I do
but only because I shall miss you and our uncle,” said Guin. “However, it is not for very long, and you will come see me every day.”

“Yes, of course I will!” said Lord Holybrooke quickly, sliding an arm around her shoulders for a quick hug. He opened the sitting room door for her. “You know, I was engaged with a party of friends, but I think I shall go along with you and Mama to this music
Just to keep an eye on you, you know.”

“Thank you, Percy. I know that I may always count on you,” said Guin, smiling up at him as she passed through the door.


Sir Frederick proved himself the perfect host. He had spared no detail or expense. He had secured one of the best situated boxes, where the activity in Vauxhall Gardens could be observed like a show and, later, would prove to be an excellent vantage point to watch the fireworks display. The supper which he had ordered for his guests was superlative, the champagne excellent. The mix of guests was skillfully done, providing even Mrs. Holland a compatible companion in her elderly admirer, General Layton.

It proved to be a successful gathering, and Sir Frederick was complimented more than once by his various guests for his efforts. When the fireworks began, there was a general move toward the front of the box. Most of the ladies chose to have their chairs resituated, but Guin stood at the rail, watching as the fireworks exploded high overhead across the soft night sky. It was a glorious sight, as the appreciative murmurs and laughter proved.

The evening air had grown cool, and Guin pulled her shawl closer. A warm hand drew the edge of the shawl gently over her shoulder, and she turned a surprised face.

Sir Frederick smiled down at her. His face was half in shadow, lit flickeringly by the glare from the fireworks. “Is that better?” he asked quietly.

Guin nodded. ‘‘Thank you, Sir Frederick. You always see to my comfort.”

“I should like to have the right to do so, certainly,” he said softly.

Guin’s pulse leaped. She found that she could not breathe properly. She stared up into his face, attempting to read his expression in the uncertain light. “Yes, Sir Frederick?”

“Would you object if I were to call on you, in a formal way, Miss Holland?” asked Sir Frederick in a low voice. There was an undercurrent of meaning in the polite phrase.

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