Cured By Blood: A Vampire Pregnancy Romance (8 page)

BOOK: Cured By Blood: A Vampire Pregnancy Romance
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So if that was the case, then how was it possible that she was pregnant?




The first thing Tara noticed was the lack of pain. She almost couldn’t remember what it was like and for a moment, though that it hadn’t worked and she was dead. She was almost afraid to open her eyes. What if she was lying on the mortician’s slab, like in her nightmare weeks ago?

Even as the thoughts crossed her mind, her senses kicked in. She could smell the light floral fragrance of Dru’s house. She could also smell Dru, a mixture of a deep woodsy scent and cloves. She felt him next to her. As she opened her eyes, she thought a light was on in the room. After a moment, she realized this wasn’t the case.

Her eyes were simply picking up the minute light and amplifying it, as were the details of the room. Everything seemed enhanced and the more she focused, the more it was like looking through a high definition microscope. There was a faint black pattern on the dark blue velvet blanket she hadn’t noticed before.

She could see the carvings on the interior of the canopy of the bed. She could see Dru, every silvery hair, his ice chip eyes, the tiniest movements of his mouth as he watched her.

“Am I different now? I feel different now.”

Her voice seemed crisp and clean, no longer haggard by vomiting and coughing or weak.

“Yes, love, you are different now.”

She smiled at him, her love for him seeming to encase her in warmth. He was trying to smile back, but something in his eyes was off, his mannerisms, how unsure he was.

“Do you still love me? Now that I’m like you, have you changed your mind about me?”

He frowned before laughing and shaking his head.

“No, no, I promise. I definitely have not changed my mind.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong, per se. But I think you need to feed, and then we can talk.”

Tara eyed him suspiciously, feeling uncomfortable at his words. But as he got up and brought her one of the blood filled bags, all thoughts fled. She felt a burning in her stomach, she wasn’t completely pain free after all. Her body felt d like it was filled with a molten wire frame as the predator reactions took over.

She snatched the bag and bit into the corner, sucking down the savory, rich blood. Each swallow seemed to fuel her, energize her. She emptied a second one before finally being able to slow down enough to merely sip from the third. Dru watched her, his eyes following her movements, seeming to analyze her.

“This is strange to see, actually. I have never witnessed a newly turned in the modern era, when blood is in bags. Before, we had someone that would be…given to the newly turned. Their first meal.”

“To kill?” She wiped her mouth with the tips of her fingers and was happy to see them unstained.

“Yes, back then it was the only way.”

“Well, I am happy I don’t have to kill someone right away.” Tara giggled with a sense of hysteria. She was a vampire. She was no longer dying. The cancer was gone.

“It’s a lot to take in, is it not?”

“Yes, so much.” Tara sat the third empty bag on the pile with the other two.

Dru was startled as Tara jumped up out of the bed and ran to the bathroom. He smiled wryly as he saw her looking into the mirror.

“My eyes are like yours now. Like the blue was drained out and some of it just lightly stained them.”

“Yes, I will miss those sapphire eyes.”

“Will you?” Tara turned to look at him, suddenly feeling a different hunger, a need.

Dru arched his brow as Tara began stalking towards him. He had never seen her move like that, lithe and seductively. He felt himself stir at the very thought, and then he was jerked from his lust by  the knowledge of what it had done already.

“We need to talk, Tara.”

She pouted, another new look, before running to the bed and flouncing down next to him, her face bouncing from worried to distraction as she continued taking in all the new information and senses.

“Tara, there are some things, about vampires, that you don’t know. Things we have kept from humans. I was going to tell you, eventually, but it seems that I have no choice but to get it done now.”

“What?” Her eyes were snapped to his now, locked in, trying to see where he was going with the conversation.

“First, I need to explain that there are two different types of vampires. Those that are made, and those that are born.”

“Vampires can be born?”

“Yes. I was born. You live a normal human growth cycle until your body reaches a point between 25 and 30 years and then it ceases to age. At that point, you will remain the same until your final sleep.”

“So, your parents were vampires?”

“Yes, they were.”

Tara sat back on her heels, allowing the information to sink in. Though it didn’t seem too significant, it was fascinating to learn. It was also somewhat amazing to know that vampires were in fact, their own species, as birth of something meant it was not something else. This also brought up some interesting thoughts.

“So technically, vampires are a different species of human, but humans can be…forced to evolve into a vampire?”

“Yes. I assure you; Darwin had a field day when he came across that information. But the reception of the few colleagues he did speak to were not entertained. Especially those who  wished to keep the information of our species secret. We were not ready to be made public.

Much of that had to do with the lack of science and technology. People would begin to kill anyone they suspected of vampirism simply because they were frightened or didn’t understand. There was also the issue of how we fed back then. There were no blood centers and volunteers. You took what you needed to survive.”

“Ok, I can see that.” Tara cocked her head; her new vibrant eyes making her look even more ethereal. “So as amazing as that is, and as much as I’m going to want to know more about it, why it is so important for me to know right now?”  

“Well, the fact that there are vampires that are born means that vampires can reproduce. At least, born vampires can. But it is extremely rare. Even rarer, and almost never heard of, is a made vampire becoming pregnant. Tara, listen to your body.”

Tara froze at his words, their meaning almost lost on her. She couldn’t have children before, it sounded nearly impossible for her to have them now, especially if she was unable to before. But she held still, her hands going to her lower abdomen. As she focused in, a soft thrumming noise seemed to come from deep within. Her head shot up as she stared at Dru. He wasn’t sure if it was horror, amazement, or both.

“I don’t understand. How?”

“I believe the small doses of my own blood that I have been giving you were able to heal some things, even if it couldn’t beat the cancer. The fact that it was vampire blood that healed the organs means that the organs may have had enough cellular material to be vampiric in nature. When we had sex, we never used protection, due to the highly unlikeliness of this scenario. So, as much as the odds were never in our favor, something in you healed enough and changed enough to allow me to impregnate you.”

“So, what do we do? What’s going to happen?” Tara’s confusion and fear mixed with the wave of emotions she was already dealing with after being turned. She felt panic beginning to rise, “I messed up. We shouldn’t have done this.”

“Please, please never say that. I would hate myself if you regretted this decision. I promise, as rare as this is, it has happened, does happen, and usually, there are many vampires who will do everything they can to make sure you and the baby are safe.”

“The baby…..I didn’t know I could still feel like I’m going to pass out.”

“Trying going a few weeks without blood or turning your loved one into a vampire.”

Tara smiled weakly, her mind racing. She couldn’t stop touching her abdomen, feeling the little thrum. As she sat, focusing her new heightened abilities on her womb, she noticed something.”

“You mean babies.”

“What?” Dru’s face dropped in shock.

“I can feel two different rhythms. There are two of them.”

Dru’s face was a frozen mask, he sat speechless and stunned.


“I think so.”

“Ok, well, I am going to make some phone calls. I have a few friends that I can trust to come over and help. One of them is a doctor, and has been for a few centuries. The other one is one of the oldest vampires I know, and he is a form of record keeper about these things.”

“Can it wait?”

Dru stopped moving and turned back to Tara.

“I suppose, for a bit, but the sooner we find out what we are going to be dealing with and how this needs to progress, the better we can take care of you and them.”

“I know, but I just woke up. I have never felt this amazing. The pain, it’s gone. I’m alive. I’m a vampire.”

“Oh Tara, I’m sorry. Yes, what do you want to do?”

Tara wondered if attention deficit disorder was par for the course with being a vampire as well. Because there was only one other thing she could think about, and she was happy that she was already naked, and it didn’t take long to get Dru to the same state.

Sex as a vampire, and with a vampire, made her feel flammable. She felt like the colors were brighter, the touches softer, and the feelings blew her mind. As they both reached their climaxes, instinctually she latched onto Dru’s neck, and she felt his own teeth pierce into hers. A tidal wave of fireworks and explosions washed over her until they both fell back exhausted.

“Now you can make some calls.”

Dru smiled as he kissed her lips, smelling his own clove scent mingled with the light floral aroma of hers. He stood and dressed, watching as she stretched out on the bed, her fingers gliding over the velvet quilt and her skin. Every touch brought a sigh to her lips. Her eyes danced around the room, testing their limits, taking in all of the tiny details that were now completely visible to her. Dru felt warmth grow within him. She was amazing, and even more so now. She was also pregnant, with his children, plural. He shook his head trying to clear out his thoughts as he left the room to go to his office.

Tara didn’t know what to focus on. What she could see, hear, smell, and everything around her? Or inward to the fact that she was a new species, that Dru had always been this, and that together they had created two more vampires. He may have turned one woman, but the result was three new lives.

Everything seemed so heavy, so big and important. And yet, at the same time, insignificant and only a small blip on the massive screen that was her future. She was going to have children, something she never thought she would have. She was going to live long past everyone she knew, something that was recently unbelievable. She had a man that loved her as much as she loved him and together they would experience so much more in life, in the world.

As her thoughts kept spinning, something else suddenly hit her.
Cyndi. She hadn’t called or texted her in a few days, and she knew that Cyndi would be worried. What would she tell her? She wanted her to know about the babies and that she wouldn’t die now, but how would Cyndi
Suddenly it was all too much again. From insignificant little blips back to giant mountains right in front of her that somehow, she would need to overcome. And she hadn’t even begun to think about how they were going to deal with the government. Hiding a newly made vampire as an old one was one thing. But how did you hide a pregnant vampire?





“This is the first I have heard of this. Have you spoken to Ardo?”

“Yes, he is flying out in the next few days. He said he had seen it twice before, usually with humans that were ill before the change and receiving vampire blood then.”

“I have delivered three vampire babies in 1800 years, and this is the first hybrid child. I am very interested. I suppose you are prepared for multiple visitors? I hear your home is quite exquisite.”

“Of course, Salvador. I have around eight guest rooms, more than enough to provide adequate arrangements.”

“What of lighting? You know I am very weakened, but Salvador can barely tolerate the smallest exposure anymore.”

“That is not an issue. I assure you.”

“Very well, Druian, I will have equipment showing up tomorrow morning that will need to be set up in a room. Do you have a sterile environment for the end term or will we be using a facility?”

“I will have a room prepared. There are circumstances that make this situation…delicate.”

“Ah yes, the government protocols. I will see you in two days’ time, Druian.”

“I look forward to the reunion, Salvador.”

Dru hung up the phone and immediately called one of the local contractors he knew of that specialized in discretion and jobs that required specific technical skills. By paying triple, the men would begin working to renovate one of his rooms within three hours. Dru asked them to park in the back where the entrance to the cellar was.

The majority of the rooms down there were used for his wine cellar and his blood storage area. There was a good third of the basement that was nothing but rock and concrete. Now a portion of that was going to be changed into a miniature medical station.

Sighing, Dru sat back in the chair, rubbing his brow. Even after all of these years, he supposed the body knew when it should have been getting a headache. His emotions were all over the place. He had gone from no longer feeling anything to feeling more than he knew what to deal with. He had found someone that he loved more than he understood. He dealt with the emotions of falling in love with her as she was dying, unsure if she would make the decision in time to save her.

Then he did and was able to finish it in time and had the moment of pure joy only to have the confusion of the pregnancy, a mix of fear and unbelievable surprise. He had never had children, had never thought about having children, and now he was going to have two. Although he wanted to be happy, his fear of what would happen was growing.

Having Tara be an illegal vampire was going to come with some difficulties, but keeping the birth of two vampire children was going to be near impossible to keep from them. One wrong person, wrong call or email, anything, would put them on the radar and risk the authorities coming after Tara.

“Did you make your calls?”

Looking up at Tara, he felt himself pause in momentary bafflement. She was out of bed, dressed, and looking healthier than he had ever seen. Her skin was a solid tone, no shadows in her face, no sense of frailty remaining. Her eyes still surprised him as well. He kept expecting to see the dark blue and was stunned at the vivid pale blue that met his own.

“Yes, we will have company in about two days. There will be workers here tonight, turning a section of the basement into a medical room.”

“O... kay…”

“He will need a place to do the ultrasounds, checkups and eventually the birth that isn’t easily accessible to other people. Even a vampire run center has leaks and government eyes.”

“Oh, I see. Okay. So now what?”

“Well, we can go into the gardens. You will be amazed what you can see and smell now.”

Dru was relieved to see the excited smile on her face. It had just occurred to him that she was actually carrying his children. He would need to keep an eye on her, make sure she stayed healthy and keep her from worrying too much. He wasn’t sure how it would affect a vampire pregnancy, but this was something that he wanted to be as careful about as possible. He just got her back from the brink of death, he didn’t want to lose her again, or the babies.

“I feel like a cat or squirrel or something. I want to stop and smell and look at everything. The details, the little things you never pay attention to or see. I want to inspect everything.”

“Yes, I could imagine it is very different. Your strengths and sensitivities will make everything very different, almost new. But wait until the gardens. You can finally experience them the way I do.”

They headed down the hall and around to the garden entrance. She could still remember that first night, and had a hard time believing it was only a little over a month ago. The weeks she spent getting to know Dru, and yet growing weaker and sicker.

Looking back, though, the sickness seemed to only exist in a very small fragment of the memories, whereas the time with Dru overshadowed everything else. Learning about him, telling him about her, feeling this need for each other grow, that seemed to have occurred during months instead of only a few weeks.

Tara smiled at Dru as they walked through the glass hall to the atrium. Her nose was already being assaulted with the fragrances. What she had thought of as light floral scents were now almost overpowering. Flowers that seemed to have no smell now had distinct scents attributed to them.

The smell was almost overpowering, until she focused on a purple passion flower. The swirls of dark purple in on the blue petals and the whimsical yellow pollen covered stalks fascinated her. She began looking at each flower she came across. Subtle yellows and reds, little colorful patterns she had never noticed before.

Dru returned her smile when she looked to him, grinning. She was happy for the distraction and could imagine he was as well.

“So, what about athletics? Can I run super-fast and jump really high?”

“Actually, yes, your body is a honed predatory machine.”

Tara bit her lip, looking around the indoor garden before she remembered the ball room. She hurried out, Dru trailing behind with a smirk of interest. As soon as she was through the double doors, she ran across the room. She was afraid for a moment that she wouldn’t be able to stop herself in time, but even as the thought crossed her mind, her muscles tensed and she pivoted in place.

Starting at the back wall, she took off again. As she approached the control room with the door above, she leaped.  To her surprise, and relief, her hands caught the rail in time to allow her to vault over, landing in front of the second floor door. She bent over in laughter.

“Well, I suppose that is one way to test it out. Feel better now?”

“Yes! Very much so. That is amazing!”

Dru laughed with her as she jumped down, landing in a crouch before standing upright and then tackling him. They fell on the floor, laughing hysterically. The pent up emotions getting the well needed release.

“Wow, this is amazing!”

“I couldn’t agree more.”

Tara smiled as she looked into his eyes. She kissed him, feeling her passion wanting to burst within her. She knew if she kept up, they would do nothing but spend every moment in bed. She didn’t know where to start, though, what to do. They bounced to their feet, Dru shaking his head and still chuckling.

She was thrilled to hear such a rich sound coming from him. Lately he had been so somber, so worried, as she slipped further and further away. Having her here and knowing that she would be here for ages to come had transformed him.

Of course, now they had a new concern. But at least this concern was not fear of her death and definitive end. Although, as she thought about the growth in her, the babies that she would have, the world seemed to tilt around her. She still wasn’t able to wrap her head around it.

Dru’s phone vibrated and he pulled it from his pocket to check the screen.

“Well, the construction crew is here. I’m going to get them started. I will see you in a bit, love.”

Tara kissed him, the kiss going deeper and longer than she intended. Dru pulled back shaking his head and smiling. Tara watched him walk down the hall before turning back to the ballroom. She had a sudden urge to spin around in circles. She walked into the middle and held her hands out to her sides, only to be interrupted by her own cell’s vibrations.

“Oh shit.”

Cyndi was calling. She almost didn’t answer before realizing she would need to get this over with soon. Her friend needed to know the truth and she wanted her there as the pregnancy progressed.


“Oh my god! You had me worried sick! It’s been almost a week!”

“I’m so sorry. Things have been…complicated.” Tara sighed, unsure how to even begin.

“You sound different. How are you?”

“I’m doing really well, actually.”

“Well, that’s good to hear. Surprising, actually. The last time we had much of a conversation you were worried that things were progressing faster than normal, and that your timeline was speeding up. Did you get on better medication?”

“Hm, I guess you could say that.”

“Ok…Tara, what’s going on?”

“Actually, I think, maybe, that you should come visit. It would be better to talk about this in person, and I really miss you! It would be nice to see your face again.”

“Yeah, sure, I can do that. I’m just sitting at home now. I could make it there in an hour, if that’s good for you?”

“Yes, an hour is great. I will let the guards know.”


“Uh, yes. My guy is kind of loaded, and careful. Apparently he has had issues with some former fans or something, so he has a guards to keep certain people out. My protective prince.”

“If you say so. Well, I will be there. See you then, girl.”

“See you, Cyndi.”

Tara hung up and returned the phone to her pocket. She felt anxious and decided to get as much out of acting  like a child as she could. With no preamble, she began doing backflips and cartwheels across the ballroom until she fell over giggling again. She hadn’t explored the whole house, but she was wondering if there was a gym or someplace she could work off the excess adrenaline.

Her mind wandered to the exterior. The house was surrounded by a forest. Though it was only several feet deep in the front, there were hundreds of acres of woods around the place. Without a second thought, she headed toward the hall and one of the rear exists.

As she stepped outside, her senses were once again assaulted. The faint fragrance of dew, the clean smell of the pines and the cool breeze enveloped her. She felt invigorated as she headed toward the tree line. As soon as she passed the first few trunks, she began to run.

She felt amazing as she darted around trees, leaped t over bushes, and ducked under low hanging branches. She wouldn’t run out of breath and her heart wouldn’t feel as if it would explode. Her muscles didn’t burn. The air should have been bordering on freezing, and yet she was in a thin long sleeved shirt and jeans.

As she ran through another clearing of bushes, she abruptly stopped at the large rock wall that shot out forever in either direction. With one leap, she was crouched on top of the twelve foot wall. She dropped her feet over the side and sat, staring at the world around her. She could hear, smell, and see so many animals and bugs and plants.

Her view of nature had majorly been upgraded. As she scanned the forest, something brightly colored in the distance caught her attention. As she looked closely, she was sure there was someone out there.

Jumping down, she began to stalk the person without even realizing it. As she got closer, she climbed into a nearby oak tree, and watched. There were three people; two men and a woman. As the woman complained loudly about the conditions of their shabby camp site, Tara realized she recognized her voice. It was Blaine Connie.

Tara froze, a feeling of red rage burning up inside of her. She didn’t even realize she was growling until one of the men looked her direction, a frown on his face. Without thinking about what she was doing, Tara jumped to the ground and headed toward the three people.


Dru thanked the supervisor of the construction workers. The men filed passed him carrying boards, metal wall sheets, and an assortment of tools and other materials. Dru was confident it would be done by the time his Salvador and Ardo arrived. Feeling somewhat relieved now that things were in motion to help Tara and that he had some allies to help him, Dru headed into his office to put the signed contract from the workers and the receipt for the obnoxious amount he paid up front on his desk.

He stapled the papers together after he sat down and put them in his miscellaneous expenditures file. Before he went to find Tara, he pulled up his security camera footage. As the different angles and images filled the screen, Dru clicked through each angle. About half way through the cameras on the wall around the property, Dru saw spots of color that didn’t belong in the browns and greys of the sparse winter forest.

The camera zoomed in with his prompting, someone was in the woods. At first he wasn’t too concerned, until he saw the blue jean and black long sleeve clad form moving with a newfound lope that he had seen not even half an hour before. He was about to dismiss the images, figuring Tara took out her adrenaline on a run through the woods, and then he saw the shades of red, orange, green, and a few other out of place colors.

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