Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis (46 page)

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Authors: James Rickards

Tags: #Business & Economics

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Lehman Brothers
Liang, Qiao
Limbaugh, Rush
Long-Term Capital Management, 1998 bailout of
Louvre Accord, 1987
Lula da Silva, Luiz Inácio
McCarthy, Cormac
MacMillan, Margaret
Maastricht Treaty of 1992
Madison, James
Mandelbrot, Benoît
Mantega, Guido
Mao Zedong
marginal returns
Markowitz, Harry
Martin, William McChesney
Medvedev, Dmitry
Meltzer, Alan
Merkel, Angela
Merrill Lynch
Merton, Robert C.
Merton, Robert K.
Milgram, Stanley
Miller, Alexey
Miller, Merton
momentum investing
banking system definitions of
treating SDRs as
Morgan, J. P.
Morgan Stanley
Morgenthau, Henry
mortgage crisis, U.S.
multinational corporations
multiple reserve currencies
multiplier theory, Keynesian
National City Bank of New York
National Economists Club, Washington, D.C.
National Export Initiative, U.S.
National Monetary Commission
natural gas industry, Russia’s
New Economic Policy, 1971, Nixon’s
Nixon, Richard M.
Nixon Shock of 1971
Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences
normal distribution of risk
Norman, Montagu
Norman v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co.
North Korea
Norton, Charles D.
Obama, Barack
and China’s President Hu
and IMF’s SDR dollar replacement strategy
National Export Initiative
2008 to 2010 stimulus programs
and U.S. attack on Japanese yen
O’Donnell, Bill
over-the-counter derivatives
Pacific theater, dollar-yuan relationship
Page, Scott
Palazzo Corsini, Rome
Panic of 1890
Panic of 1907
Panic of 1931
Panic of 2008
bailouts during
Brazil and
exchange rate disputes
Federal Reserve and lender of last resort function in
G20 and
gold and money supply in aftermath of
liquidity shortages from losses in
money velocity in
SWF investments in
U.S. and China in
value at risk role in cause of
and Wall Street’s risk evaluation methods
paper currencies
Dubai as largest transshipment point for
gold backing for paper money
gold vs. paper money
paper-gold ratio during World War I
paper SDR
paper gold
Paris 1919
Paris Peace Conference of 1919
Pentagon, U.S.
People’s Bank of China (PBOC)
People’s Liberation Army (China)
Pépin, Jean-Luc
Peterson, Peter G.
phase transitions, in complex system
Plaza Accord, 1985
Pompidou, Georges
price-gold-flow mechanism
price-specie-flow mechanism
primary dealers
private enterprise
prospect theory
Putin, Vladimir
quantitative easing (QE)
Ray, Chris
Reagan, Ronald
real estate bubble of 2002 to 2007
recessions, U.S.
1970s to 1980s
of 2001
of 2007
See also
Panic of 2008
regional currency blocs
rent seeking
reserve currencies
risk, in complex systems
risk aversion
Road, The
Rockefeller, John D., Jr.
Romer, Christina D.
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rothkopf, David
Rousseff, Dilma
Rubin, Robert
Samuels, Nathaniel
Samuelson, Paul
San Francisco earthquake, 1906
Sarkozy, Nicolas
Schacht, Hjalmar
Schiff, Jacob H.
Scholes, Myron
Schumer, Charles E.
Schwartz, Alan
Second Bank of the United States
September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks of
Shakespeare, William
Sharpe, William
Shultz, George P.
Slovic, Paul
Smith, Adam
Smithsonian Agreement
social media
social psychology, on economics
Soros, George
South Korea
sovereign debt crisis of 2010, European
sovereign wealth funds (SWFs)
special drawing rights (SDRs)
state capitalism
crisis of 1992
and gold exchange standard
Stiglitz, Joseph
stimulus, Keynesian
stimulus programs, Obama’s
stock market crash
critical state system of a
of October 19, 1987
Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED)
Strategic Command, U.S. (STRATCOM)
Strauss-Kahn, Dominque
Strong, Benjamin
subprime mortgage crisis, U.S.
Sun Tzu
Svensson, Lars
Taft, William H.
Tainter, Joseph A.
Taleb, Nassim Nicholas
Tauss, Randy
Taylor, John B.
Taylor rule
Tea Party movement
tech bubble collapse of 2000
Temin, Peter
Tobin, James
Toronto Star
Trade Act, U.S. 1988
trade deficits
Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917
Treasury, U.S.
and bailout of 2008
China’s accumulation of Treasury debt
China’s purchases of Treasury bonds
China’s U.S. Treasury holdings
currency manipulation charges against China
and dollar-yuan exchange rate
exchange stabilization fund
Federal Reserve IOUs to
on gold exports
gold reserve, increased value of
and 1930s nationalization of gold mines
quantitative easing and Treasury bills
SWFs and Treasury bills
Treaty of Versailles
Tripartite Agreement of 1936
Tversky, Amos
twilight of sovereignty
Tymoshenko, Yulia
United Kingdom.
United Nations

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