Cursed (14 page)

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Authors: Wendy Owens

Tags: #Fiction, #Coming of Age

BOOK: Cursed
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“I don’t know. I’m sure you’ll think of something.”
Uri climbed out of the window, feet pressed against the wall, staring back in the opening at Gabe.

“Please be careful,” Gabe pleaded.

“I always am.” Uri replied with his famous sarcastic tone.

Gabe watched as his friend hoisted himself down the rope.
Each foot closer to the ground he got, it seemed as though their knots might give way.
Just when Gabe thought the sad equivalent of a rope could hold on no longer, Uri, hanging from the tip at the bottom, released his grip, falling the remaining distance.
Though Uri came down with a thud, he quickly hopped to his feet, dusted off his bottom, and motioned a thumbs up in Gabe’s direction.
Gabe did not find the action as reassuring as Uri had intended.

“Piece of cake.” Uri called up in a hushed tone.
“Your turn!”

Gabe gave a big huff, and closed his eyes tightly.
Please, just let me make it out of this alive.
He whispered to himself and then climbed out the same window, mimicking Uri’s actions perfectly.

As Gabe shimmied down the old stone wall, he thought how Uri had made it look much easier.
Once he had reached the halfway point, Uri called up, “Hurry, I think someone is coming.”
Gabe looked down in a panic just in time to see Uri duck around a corner as a shadow approached them.

Holding his breath, Gabe didn’t move in hopes the passerby wouldn’t notice him dangling from the building.
A few moments passed and he heard nothing.
Just as Gabe was about to begin climbing down the rope again, he began to feel the connecting knots starting to slip and give way.

Gabe scrambled as quickly as he could down the frayed make-shift rope, but it was becoming quite evident he was not going to be able to beat the unraveling of the ropes to the bottom.

Seconds later, Gabe felt the knots let go and he began tumbling through the air.
Gabe had no time to think as his body quickly moved towards the earth at rapid speeds.

“Levitis,” Gabe heard a young woman’s voice call out.
It was as if a cloud swooped in and scooped Gabe up.
When he at last opened his eyes, he saw he was floating just feet from the ground.
Gabe glanced around and standing before him was a figure shrouded in a green hooded cloak.
The person’s hand was extended towards him and as the hand lowered slowly, so did Gabe.
Until at last he was resting on solid earth.

At first Gabe said nothing, still trying to process what had just transpired.
Then Gabe lilted, “Thank you so much.
We were just, uhh…”
Gabe wasn’t sure exactly how to explain what he and Uri had been doing.

“We?” Came the same voice as the spell from under the dark hood.

Gabe glanced around and realized Uri was still hiding. “Come on out, Uri. I would say we’ve been discovered.”

Uri skulked out into the moonlight, head down, clearly not pleased their plan had already failed.

“I’m Gabe and this is my friend, Uri.” Gabe said, motioning over to his pouting partner.
“I can’t thank you enough.

The girl took a step closer to the boys and slid her hood off, allowing it to drop to her shoulders.
The girl was young; her skin had an unnatural golden hue to it.
Her hair was almost white in color with just hints of gold that seemed to almost disappear in the moonlight.
Her bone structure was petite as were all the features on her face.
Gabe thought how she almost looked elfish in appearance.

“Hi!” Uri exclaimed, clearly no longer pouting.
Gabe looked over at his friend, surprised to see him starting at the stranger with his mouth gaping open wide.

“Hi, I’m Artis,” the girl said, giving Uri a slight smile.
“You’re the Guardians from Rampart.
Aren’t you?”

“Yeah, and you’re beautiful.” Uri said with a grin.
Gabe was shocked at his friend’s behavior.
He had never seen him act in such a manner.

“Uhh… Yeah, you’ll have to forgive my friend.” Gabe said, giving Uri a stomp to the foot.
“He must have hit his head on the way down.”

“You know, we do have these great things called doors.” Artis said jokingly.
“You guys should give them a try sometime.”

“Yeah, well we’re not exactly supposed to be out of our rooms.
We would really appreciate you doing us a favor and keeping this quiet.” Gabe explained.

“We’re on a mission.” Uri added puffing out his chest.
Gabe glared back at him, wondering what had happened to his friend.

“I know why you’re here.
I actually was coming to talk to you guys.” Artis replied, ignoring Uri’s attempt to impress her.

“You were?” Gabe asked.

“Yeah, I was one of the people working in historical artifacts the day your friends came to retrieve the runes.” Artis continued.

“Oh wow, then you’re exactly who we need to speak to,” Gabe added, thrilled with their luck.

“I’m afraid so.” Artis replied.
“The problem is that I came in contact with those same artifacts as did half the people in my department and none of us are showing any signs of this illness that has struck your friends.”

“No…” Gabe said distraught, shaking his head, refusing to accept the possibility they were on the wrong path.
“That can’t be.
It’s the only link.”

“Well, I don’t know what to tell you except for what I witnessed.
We were in possession of the artifacts for weeks before your people arrived and we didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary then or since.”

“Is there anyone who could have had access to them before Dina and Raimie left, even for a moment?” Uri asked.

“I don’t see how.” Artis replied.
“They would have been kept in our storage chambers until they left.
It’s very secure.
Only Mr. Beetlemeyer has a key and he lets very few in.”

“We need to talk to him then.” Gabe insisted.

“Alright, but you can’t go around looking like that,” Artis said, walking over to a nearby burlap sack.
Pulling out two cloaks that looked identical to hers, the boys just watched in silence, unsure what to make of this helpful stranger.
“Put these on,” she said, tossing them in their direction.

As they caught the robes, Uri grinned at Artis with a mischievous delight.
“I don’t think you were just coming to talk to us, were you?”

“That’s for me to know.” Artis flirted back with Uri as Gabe rolled his eyes at the sickening display between the two.
Gabe thought there was a good chance he was going to be sick.

Gabe pulled the hood of the robe over his head and looking at Artis said, in an almost growl, “Let’s do this.”

Uri busted out laughing as he pulled his hood into place as well, hitting Gabe lightly in the stomach with the back of his hand.
“Whoa there tiger, slow down.
Where will this Beetlemeyer be this time of night?”

“He sleeps in the storage chambers.” Artis replied.

“Seriously?” Gabe asked.

“I told you he takes his job seriously.
That’s why I can’t see how someone could have made it past him to tamper with the stones.” Artis reaffirmed her earlier statement.

“Well then, I guess show us the way malady.” Uri said, motioning Artis to lead the way.
Gabe rolled his eyes again.


“Stay close to me and keep your heads down.” Artis whispered.
“If anyone stops us don’t say a word, got it?”

The two boys just nodded, neither sure how to respond to this small creature demanding compliance.
They simply moved in closer to her heels and did as she said.

Gabe couldn’t see much in the darkness around the edges of the robes that surrounded his face.
He focused on the dusty ground in front of him.
Even though he was thousands of miles from home, there was something familiar and safe about the earth under his feet.

He continued to follow as his thoughts trailed off into those of Sophie.
He wondered if she still slumbered peacefully.
Gabe couldn’t help his thoughts drifting to various horrors.
He worried what might happen to her if they could not break the curse.
He could feel the despair growing within him.
It was as if an actual person’s hands were wrapped tight around his throat, trying to suffocate him.
His gripping fear was interrupted when at last Artis spoke again.

“This way,” she said, rounding the corner of a moss covered stone wall.
There were torches mounted every few feet at eye level along their path.
Since the group was hovering so close to the wall, the torches required them to duck down one after the next.

The boys followed closely, unsure what they would find once they reached their destination.
After the three cleared the stone wall, Artis crouched low and tiptoed across the clearing, concealing herself behind another building.
Instinctively, Gabe and Uri mimicked her actions.

When they were hidden behind the safety of the small cottage, Artis turned to face her new friends and whispered.
“This is it.
Mr. Beetlemeyer should be inside.”

Artis crept quietly to the corner of the building, careful to stay concealed in the shadows.
She asked, looking back at the boys one last time.
The two boys nodded eagerly and Artis stood to exit into the torchlight.

Artis was about to take her first step when she heard voices.
Quickly she extended her arm and pushed Gabe and Uri back against the wall, crouching low once again.

“Shhh,” Artis hushed them quickly.
“Someone is coming.”

Gabe’s breath caught in his throat as he thrust his body back against the stone wall.
Soon the voices were close enough that he could make out Patina’s assistant Alfred’s wheezing tone.
“No, Madame, they are still in their room.
I checked with the guard and he said they have been quiet all evening.
No one in or out.”

Gabe assumed Alfred must have been talking about Uri and himself.
He thought how odd it was to be the focus of someone’s conversation in secret.
Leaning slightly forward, Gabe was able to see Alfred as he rounded the corner and began to walk down the path towards the main door of the cottage.
Following close behind were two short cloaked characters.

Gabe wondered who they might be just before he caught sight of an eerie figure who appeared to move as if it were floating.
A moment later he heard the figure speak.
It was Patina’s voice.
“Well, be sure that they stay that way.
The last thing we need is them snooping around.”

With her words Gabe’s heart sank.
He heard a slight gasp from Artis as they all pressed back into the wall once again.
The door to the cottage made a creaking noise as it opened.
The group entered and Gabe heard the door close again.

“What the hell was that?” Gabe whispered, clearly frustrated by what he had just heard.

“Calm down, Gabe.
We don’t know anything for sure.” Uri cautioned.

“I know that their leader is trying to keep us in the dark while our friends at home have to be kept in a deep sleep.” Gabe snapped back, trying his best to keep from raising his voice and exposing their location.

“Do you know what’s going on, Artis?” Uri questioned as he looked at the petit girl.

She looked confused and overwhelmed by the situation.
“I don’t understand it.” she said shaking her head, clearly distraught.

“Well we are about to get to the bottom of it.” Gabe hissed, hopping to his feet and running down the length of the wall.
He came to a stop below a window.

“Uri, come here.” Gabe whispered, straining to be heard and waving his hands wildly.

Uri glanced at Artis, pausing for a moment before rushing to his friend’s side.
“What is it?”

“Help me up.” Gabe insisted, motioning for Uri to offer his assistance in pushing Gabe up to the open window.
Without a word, Uri quickly knelt on one knee and cupped his hands over the other.
With a hop, Gabe pulled himself up and carefully peaked over the edge of the window.

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