Cursed (28 page)

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Authors: Wendy Owens

Tags: #Fiction, #Coming of Age

BOOK: Cursed
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“Yeah, kind of hard to get excited when all I can do is worry about Sophie though.”
Gabe replied.
He remembered Michael’s sudden trip to the council.
It was clearly not about Baal finding him.
He again wondered if it might be about the memory wipe.

“I know sweetie, hang in there.” Dina said, patting Gabe on the back.

Gabe felt overwhelmed by the frustration of it all.
He turned away from his friend and, shoving his fist into the nearby wall, let out a moan.
It wasn’t Dina’s fault, he knew that and he wasn’t angry with her.
He wanted someone to understand where he was coming from.
If just one person would try and be there for him, perhaps this would be more bearable.

“Gabe,” Dina gasped, stunned by his behavior.
“What has gotten into you?”

Gabe turned and thrusting his back against the wall, slid to the floor in a huff.
Dina, folding her legs, kneeled next to him and placed a delicate hand on his arm.

“Are you alright?” Dina could finally see the toll all of this was taking on Gabe.

Gabe ran his fingers through his hair, resting his elbows on his knees.
His face had flushed red in his anguish.
He couldn’t put into words the despair he felt.
Feeling hopeless, he simply shrugged in response.

“Come on, talk to me.
Don’t shut down.” Dina insisted.

“I don’t know how much longer I can do this, Dina.
Nobody talks to me, I feel so alone.”

“We’ll talk to you sweetie.” Dina reassured her friend who was now trembling.

“I can’t talk to anyone about Sophie; it’s always the same thing.
Everyone tells me to be patient, give her time.
I feel so alone without her.
Think if it were you and Raimie.” Gabe proposed without looking at Dina.

Dina sat silent, her hand falling from his arm.
Gabe wondered if he had offended her with his words.
He had never thought of himself as a needy person, but perhaps he had devolved into one.
He was ashamed he’d unraveled into the emotional heap he was.

Dina slowly stood, still silent.
When Gabe at last mustered the courage to look up at his friend he saw her hand extended towards him, open palm.
Instinctively, he reached up and took hold.
Dina pulled him into a standing position and cupped her other hand over the top of his.

She waited for him to look into her eyes and then whispered with a slight smile, “The training area on the cliff side.
Go get her.”

Gabe’s mouth dropped open.
He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
At last a person was not telling him to wait, to be patient and give Sophie time.
Dina understood, finally.
Being deprived of the person you love is like being deprived of oxygen.

Gabe leapt forward and embraced Dina, “Thank you!”

With a swift pat on his back, Dina urged Gabe not to waste anymore time.
“I know how you feel, Gabe.
Now go tell Sophie!”


As Gabe left Dina’s side, he busted out into a full speed sprint.
His feet burned from the intensity with which they hit the earth.
If he could fly there, he would have.
All he wanted to do was reach Sophie and tell her everything.
She needed to know that not only was he in love with her, but before all of this happened she had been in love with him as well.
Their relationship was destined according to the Oracle.

At last he wasn’t going to listen to Michael and Uri.
Instead he was going to finally tell her everything.
Gabe approached the stone steps near the training area.
He had such fond memories of the place.
When he had first arrived at the manor that was where his friends had taught him so much.
He thought about the day Sophie had watched one of his earlier lessons from those exact stairs, their relationship just beginning to blossom.

Gabe bent over, hands on his knees, heaving, trying to catch his breath.
He couldn’t wait to talk to Sophie, but he wanted to make sure he would actually be able to speak when he did.
With one last huff, Gabe decided it was time; in a moment he would lay everything out for Sophie.
He just hoped her response would be one of joy.

The first step, then the second… his stomach twisted as the butterflies swarmed.
Gabe leaned against the cool stone wall.
He wanted to catch a glimpse of her before they spoke.
Peaking around the edge, he could hear faint voices and Gabe wondered who Sophie might be talking to.

Still unable to see her, he edged around the corner a little more.
At last her flowing auburn hair came into view.
It cascaded down her back in large bountiful locks and Gabe longed for her smell.
Her silhouette was accented by a gown that had layer upon layer of white sheer fabric.
It hinted at the bare flesh that hid beneath it.

Sophie had always been sort of a tom boy, since the wipe a more feminine side had definitely emerged with her appearance.
As beautiful as she had always been to him, Gabe thought he could get used to this new aspect of her personality.

Just before he emerged from his hiding spot, Sophie shifted slightly and Gabe could see who she had been speaking to, it was Uri.
Instinctively he clung to the wall again.
Dina had said nothing about Uri being here.
Perhaps she didn’t know.
Pressed firmly against the wall, out of sight, Gabe watched.

He could not hear anything they said, just soft mutterings.
Gabe intensely watched their interaction, hoping body language would reveal what they were discussing.

Uri shrugged and Sophie reached out to touch his arm.
Gabe covered his mouth, resisting the urge to shout.
Uri pulled away, he seemed almost agitated.
Sophie stepped forward but it only caused Uri to shift back even more.
Gabe thought he would give anything to hear what they were discussing.

Sophie spun around towards the cliff side.
She stumbled a few feet forward and buried her face into her hands.
It was clear she was crying.
Gabe couldn’t decide if he wanted to go punch Uri or hold Sophie.
Uri rushed up and touched Sophie’s shoulder.
Gabe was at least glad he seemed sorry about upsetting her.

Sophie didn’t move.
Grasping her other shoulder Uri tried to turn her around.
Before Gabe could even comprehend what was happening in front of him, Sophie turned and threw her arms around Uri.
A second later their lips met in a kiss.
At first it was just Sophie kissing Uri, but a moment later her lips parted and Uri was returning the passion.

Gabe didn’t realize he had stumbled out into the open while watching the spectacle.
In shock, he was only able to stare and watch the kiss happen until at last he muttered, “Sophie?”

Uri pulled away looking over at his friend in a panic.
“Gabe!” he exclaimed.
Gabe looked at Sophie’s face but there was nothing.
It was as if it didn’t register that she had just reached into his chest, pulled out his heart, and crushed it.
Gabe’s head was spinning.

“It’s not what it looks like.” Uri insisted, running towards Gabe.

“Save it.” Gabe snarled.
In an instant, the dizziness faded and Gabe snapped back into reality.
He knew he didn’t want to talk to Uri so he turned and ran.
He didn’t know where to go, just as long as it was anywhere else but where the two of them were.

Gabe could still hear Uri calling after him, but he didn’t slow his pace.
He decided he would escape to Michael’s office.
According to Dina, Michael had been called away, but Gabe made up his mind he would simply wait there for him to return.
Michael would know how to deal with this treachery Gabe thought.
If anyone could fix this is would be him.

With his destination determined, Gabe quickened his pace.
Darting through the cleric’s garden and cutting through the library hall, Gabe closed in on Michael’s office.
Each step was still haunted by flashes of Uri and Sophie’s passionate embrace.
Some friend
, Gabe thought.
Uri swore he had no interest in Sophie.
That he was my friend and would never go there.
Gabe had trouble quieting his thoughts.

Gabe reached Michael’s office, bursting through the doors, panting, ready to scream with frustration.
However, Gabe was startled by a man standing behind Michael’s desk, garbed in long black robes.

The man was of above average height; Gabe thought at least six foot, five inches.
His head was large and long.
His hair black and cut tight and close to his scalp.
His ears looked like they loosely hung from his head and Gabe couldn’t help but be distracted by the large mole on his cheek.
His eyes were dark and sunken, nose large and bulbous, lips wide and thin.
An unsettling dark looking character.

“Excuse me,” the odd man moaned in a low tone.
“May I help you?”

Who are you?” Gabe demanded, trying not to reveal he was slightly afraid of the man.

“Bishop, but I think the question is, who are you?” The man replied coldly.

“No, I don’t think so,” Gabe said defensively.
“Why are you in Michael’s office?”

“It is my office actually, and I asked you a question,” the man paused and glared at Gabe intensely.
“Who are you?” he bellowed loudly.

Gabe had no idea what was happening, but he knew this was not a man he wanted to cross.
“Gabe Harwood.”

“Ahh yes,” the man acknowledged in a softer tone.
“Michael told me I would need to speak with you.
You’re the protector.”

“I suppose.
But I’m confused.
You said this is your office?
Where is Michael?” Gabe questioned cautiously, not wanting to make the large man angry again.

“He is now a member of the council, I will be taking on his role here.
Please feel free to come to me if you need assistance with your training.” The man’s response was so matter-of-factly that Gabe did not know what to say.
He continued staring at the man named Bishop who had returned to busy work packing up Michael’s belongings in a box.

Seeing the boy had not moved, Bishop asked impatiently, “Is there anything else I can help you with?”

“I’m sorry… sir,” Gabe stammered.
“I am just trying to make sense of all this.
Are you telling me Michael left without saying goodbye?
When is he coming back?”

Bishop didn’t bother looking up from his work as he responded, “He won’t be back.
When the council calls on you for service, you go.
Now please leave me, I have much to do.”

Speechless, Gabe stumbled from the office.
“Close the door behind you please.” Bishop called after him.
Gabe did as requested.
The journey back to his own quarters was a mindless one.
He stumbled in, securing the door behind him.
Gabe dragged his body over to his bed and collapsed in a huff.

The challenges of the day were replaying through his mind over and over.
Betrayed by a friend, forgotten by a lover and abandoned by his mentor, Gabe couldn’t imagine things being much worse.
He had nothing left in him to fight the crushing feelings of despair.
Gabe closed his eyes; only sleep could bring him peace at this point, if sleep were even possible.


The morning light did not create more clarity for Gabe.
Uri had banged on his door the night before for at least an hour, begging to plead his case but Gabe chose not to acknowledge him.
Instead he drowned out the noise with a pillow over his head for most of the night until he had managed to drift off to sleep.

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