Curves Envy - Alphas Love Curves: BBW Billionaire Romance (8 page)

Read Curves Envy - Alphas Love Curves: BBW Billionaire Romance Online

Authors: Scarlett Avery

Tags: #Erotica, #Fiction, #Romance, #Romantic Comedy, #Short Story

BOOK: Curves Envy - Alphas Love Curves: BBW Billionaire Romance
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“Maximiliano? I finally know your name and I can properly thank you for paying for brunch now,” I say with relief. “My name is Candice.”

“Candice, you forget your dazzling smile was the only thanks I needed.”

“Okay, I officially don’t know how to answer that,” I say, nervously pushing my hair behind my ears.

“If you insist on thanking me still, why don’t we both head to the lounge and let me buy you a drink while you wait for your cousin to arrive.”

“She might already be there.”

“If she is, I’ll buy both of you a drink.”

I hope to God Trish is delayed.
“Sure. Why not?”

We walk side by side and I’m very aware of this gorgeous man strutting alongside me. Although I’m wearing a pair of four-inch heels, I’m still so short next to his imposing figure.

“Do you often come here, Candice?” He looks down at me before flashing me the same disarming smile he revealed before walking away last Sunday.

“No. It’s my first time. My cousin prefers these types of cool places. I’m more low-key.”

“You could have fooled me with the way you look tonight. You fit right in.”

Holy hell.
It’s either dangerously hot in this hotel or I’ve hit menopause twenty-five years before my time. “Thank you for the compliment,” I say, lowering my eyes before catching a quick glimpse at his stylish shoes.

“Here we go.” He gestures for me to pass in front of him as we enter the lounge.

We barely have time to enter the bar when a voice calls his name. “Mr. Keller, it’s a pleasure to see you again. Would you like your usual table?” An elegant man in an impeccable pinstripe blue suit approaches Maximiliano with a hand already extended.

“Andrew, it’s always a pleasure to see you again. Perhaps you might seat us at the front. My friend Candice here is expecting her cousin and I’d love for her to join me for a drink as she waits. Candice, I’d like to introduce you to Andrew. He’s the manager extraordinaire here.”

“Mr. Keller, you flatter me. Candice, thank you for joining us tonight.” Andrew extends his hands and gives me one of those politician handshakes, grabbing my extended hand in both of his.

“It’s a pleasure meeting you as well, Andrew.”

“Mr. Keller, if you can give me a few minutes, I’ll ask Miguel to clean out the table on the corner over there. It’s private enough, but offers a great view of the entrance. Candice will immediately know when her cousin arrives.”

“Andrew, I like the way you think.” Maximiliano is shaking hands with Andrew again and patting him on the shoulder.

I quickly scan the room to spot my cousin, but a wave of excitement washes over me when I don’t notice the tall leggy blonde.
I won’t lie, I’m dying to know more about my mystery admirer who I’ve serendipitously met again and having my cousin around would be a major buzzkill. Not to mention she’d throw herself at him.

“I hope you don’t mind my forwardness, but when a woman flashes me, I’m compelled to know more about her,” Maximiliano says, curling up his lips in a half smile.

“I didn’t flash you. It was a wardrobe malfunction.”

“Sure. If you say so.” He grins. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m not complaining. You’re a beautiful woman and I’m lucky you accepted my invitation.”

“Thank you.” I blush. Men usually compliment me on my eyes and lips. They’ll use words like ‘beautiful eyes’ or ‘your lips are luscious.’ I’ve been called pretty, cute and even charming. I’ve dated men who were callous enough to suggest I could be pretty if I wasn’t plus-size, but I usually dump their asses when they say hurtful things like that. No one has ever just called me beautiful like Maximiliano did.

“Not to mention, you have a lot to offer.” He lowers his eyes and fixates his gaze on my cleavage. He’s so shamelessly bold and I known I should be offended by his insinuations since we only officially met a few minutes ago, but I can’t help repress a smile.

“You now know my dirty little secret. I love to flash strangers in posh New York hotels. I should go to rehab, but it’s an addiction I never satisfy no matter how many times I expose myself to men.”

We both smile.

“You have a great sense of humor.” He holds my gaze a second too long and I turn my head to break the intense connection between us.

Down, girl. He’s a stranger flirting. He most likely has a harem waiting for him at home.

Andrew comes back at the exact same moment my phone rings. I look at the number flashing and I swallow hard.
Damn. There goes my chance to get to know him.

“I’m sorry, Maximiliano. It’s my cousin. I’m going to step out for a few seconds to find out when she’ll arrive and I’ll be right back.”

“I’ll be over there and I’ll wait for you.” He winks.

“I shouldn’t be long.”

God. Is this a dream or did I actually bump into this insanely hot guy who insists on having a drink with me after I flashed him?
I guess it can’t be a dream since Trish has arrived.

I grab Trish’s call before exiting the lounge with a lump in my throat.

“Hey, Trish. Have you arrived in Manhattan yet? I’m already at the Brinkley Lounge inside the Bymark Hotel, but I don’t see you anywhere. Am I at the right place?”

“Hey, Candy. Yeah, it’s the right location, but I’m stuck in Nashville. There’s this rainstorm raging. We ended up circling the airport trapped in the plane for at least an hour before we were able to land. The city is a mess and it took forever for me to recharge my phone before calling you.”

“Oh, no. Are you okay?”

“It was a little scary for a minute, but I’m safe and everyone on the plane is also safe, but it seems like I might be stuck here for a few days. What a bummer. I wanted to be able to see you before I headed to Maine to see my mom.”

I know Trish is family and I’m so happy she’s safe and sound, but I’m also elated at the fact she won’t get in the way. “It would have been great to connect before you head to visit Aunt Caroline. We’ll have to connect when you come back.”

“Yeah. I should be back soon. Fingers crossed I land this part in this national commercial shooting in New York. I’ll keep you posted. I wanted to let you know I wouldn’t make it tonight so you don’t worry.”

“Thanks for calling. I’m happy you’re okay.”

“Are you going to go home since you must be hanging out alone?”

Thanks, Trish, for assuming things you know nothing about.
“You know what? I got all dressed up and I’m wearing a pair of ridiculous heels killing my feet, but since I’m here, I might pop into the bar for a quick drink.”


The insinuation cuts me. “Yeah. Why not? I might meet someone.”

“Candy, I don’t want you to get hurt. The Brinkley Lounge is a place where… how can I say this?” She pauses and I can hear the wheels in her head turning trying to find a hurtful comment. “It’s a spot in New York where gorgeous models, famous celebrities and high-powered executives hang out. I’m not saying you’re not a cute girl. You have the most beautiful green eyes I’ve ever seen, but…”

“But what, Trish?”

“I would hate to know I wasn’t there to prevent others from making disparaging remarks about your size.”

Fuck you, bitch.

Devin was right. Trish is a real backstabber and if it weren’t for blood ties, I would have dropped her like yesterday’s trash a long time ago. She has no idea I’ve lost ninety pounds, because I’ve never shared my weight loss journey or the URL to my blog with her. I couldn’t stand her judging me. Heck, she doesn’t even know what I do for a living. She’s so caught up in herself she couldn’t be bothered to find out if anything had changed in my life.

“Thanks for your concerns, Trish. I’m going to hang up now because while I was waiting for you to arrive, I connected with an eligible bachelor who happens to be sizzling hot and who, unlike you, has no issues with the way I look.”

Bye bye.

I clutch my phone, enraged by her comments. How can she always find the right words to irk me so much? Even though I’m at a much healthier weight, I’m sure Trish would find a way of putting me down.
Thank God for a rainstorm.

I shake Trish’s words off when I remember my sexy admirer is waiting for me. I’m so giddy I could click my heels like Dorothy in the
Wizard of Oz

She’s not coming,
I chant in my head before turning around.
let me text Devin so he doesn’t get too worried.


Sorry about cutting our conversation short. I literally bumped into my secret admirer while I was making my way to meet Trish.


I’m so excited when he responds immediately.




What are you talking about?




I have to run, but essentially, Trish is stuck in Nashville in a rainstorm and I’m about to go have a drink with the guy who paid for brunch last Sunday. You know, the one Lia was telling you about before you called me earlier.



Shut up. I need to know more.




Kiss. Got to go.


I turn off my phone knowing full well Devin must be going out of his mind right now. I have no doubt by the time I sit next to Maximiliano he’ll have texted Lia and Lexi with the news.

I walk back with a spring in my step and I can’t wait to have my drink with Maximiliano. He immediately gets up like a gentleman when he sees me enter the lounge.
Is this really happening?
I take a step forward, but stop and lift my eyes towards the ceiling speakers the minute I recognize the smooth song playing. The room is immediately engulfed in a sultry mood thanks to Canadian singer Feist. Her
sexy rendition of the Bee Gees’ classic
Inside and Out
is a great vibe for this upscale venue
The only reason I know this song is because it’s one of Lexi’s favorites.

As I approach our table, I notice a silver bucket cradling a bottle of champagne in a mountain of ice cubes. Before I even have time to speak, he rebuffs any objections I might have.

“I took the liberty of ordering champagne and a few appetizers. I hope you like the selection.”

I look down at the spread—tiny open-face sandwiches, cheese and mini pizza squares.

“It looks delicious.” I’m impressed by the attention.

“Why not make a splash, since it’s going to be the three of us? And let’s not forget this is sort of a celebration.”

“What are we celebrating?”

“What are the odds of bumping into the same woman in two different locations in a massive city like New York?” 

“Good point. I agree, champagne is an excellent choice, but I’m afraid my cousin is stuck in Tennessee and she won’t join us.”

“Lucky me. I get to spend more time with you.” He extends his hand to help me to my seat and I hesitate. The last time he touched me, I nearly melted and I can’t imagine my body will react any differently today.
Mother of God.
The second he wraps his hand around mine I go weak in the knees and he has to hold me a little closer to catch me.

“Are you okay?”

“These heels are a bit too high,” I lie.

“Those heels perfectly match your bra,” he whispers in my ear.


“I particularly love how they show off your bright pink toenail polish. Very sexy,” he continues before looking down at my feet.

I’m so turned on by his proximity and his words, I can barely breathe. “Thank you,” I babble. I’d love to come up with some witty repartee, but honestly this guy leaves me tongue-tied.

“Shall we sit?”

I carefully slide onto the soft cognac-colored leather sofa. When I stretch my legs I notice the cozy fireplace to my right. Past his shoulder I hear some commotion to my left and realize there’s more to this lounge. Although it’s only mid-April, I can’t help but marvel at the brave souls crammed on the patio.

“If you prefer, we can sit on the patio. It offers a magical view of New York, but since you were waiting for your cousin, Andrew thought this might be a better spot for us.”

“No. Thank you, Maximiliano. This is perfect. It’s still a bit chilly at night and since I’m always cold, I’d rather be close to the fireplace.”

“Before we leave, we should go up to the private VIP members’ den on the forty-first floor so you can take in New York from atop. You’ll never be able to look at the Big Apple the same way ever again.”

He says that as if he already knows we’ll be leaving together later tonight.

“I agree. I never get tired of seeing the city at my feet.”

He hands me a champagne flute and holds his glass in the air. Since meeting him four days ago this is the first time I’m able to admire the different shades of browns and greens speckled in his seductive and inviting eyes.
He’s gorgeous.

“Here’s to unexpected encounters.”

“Here’s to mysterious strangers,” I cheer, holding his gaze.

“I hope by the end of this evening I’ll no longer be a stranger.”

I take a sip of my champagne. “I already know your name, so I’d say we’re off to a good start. It’s more than I knew last Sunday when we met.”

“Good point.”

I want to pinch myself to make sure I’m still awake. The Brinkley Lounge is packed with the typical Manhattan mix—fifty percent successful hot men, fifty percent stunning leggy women… and little ol’ me. I mean there are dozens of tall, slim and sexy women in this bar, but here I am sitting with the handsome Maximiliano. He might only be indulging me because I flashed my bra at him earlier, but I really don’t care. Being here with him is the kind of fairy tale that never happens to a person who looks like I do.

“And I guess I also know a lot more about you as well. I know your name and I also know you match your lingerie with your shoes,” he says with a cocky smile.

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