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Authors: Rose Rosetree

BOOK: Cut Cords of Attachment
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Why not just repeat the same research?

Repeating research on any chakra databanks within a 24-hour period—not such a good idea. Aura reading does not mean doing a lab experiment with the scientific method. It is not like practicing a scale on the piano.

Instead, do your aura research one time and don’t repeat it... unless it is a different day. Or you are in a healing situation, and doing a Before-and-After Picture. Which would mean comparing results, before and after. Otherwise, repeating aura reading research qualifies as giving yourself a hard time. Don’t go there.

Here comes a list of three chakra databanks for your full Before Picture right now:

1. ROOT CHAKRA—Location: Your butt.

Body part: Where you are sitting right now.

Chakra Databank: “Physical Self-Awareness”

  • “Physical Self-Awareness” means paying attention to sensations in your physical body.
  • Information you receive could be about one particular part of the body that has especially strong sensations right now, such as your left elbow having a stinging pain.
  • Or physical self-awareness could inform you about
    process-oriented info,
    like the particular quality of your sensations e.g., Clear or hazy or faint.
  • Or you could receive
    function-oriented info
    about how you deal with the process of paying attention to your physical body, such as curious or unaware.

2. SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA—Location: At the ribcage in front of your body

Body part: Your upper abdominal area, where you have ribs on either side and a soft area in the center of your body.

Chakra Databank: “Sharing Power with Others”

  • “Power” means using speech and action to get what you want in objective reality.
  • “Sharing Personal Power” means how strongly your power is accessed when you are in a relationship with one or more other people.
  • Even when not personally interacting with anyone else, your chakra databank has a size and quality. Every one of your chakra databank does.

3. HEART CHAKRA—Location: The Center of the Chest, at the Breastbone

Body part: If you’re male, that’s your chest. If you’re female, the related body parts are your breasts.

Chakra Databank: “Emotional Self-Awareness”

  • “Emotional Self-Awareness” means being able to notice one or more emotions that you have right now.
  • Information you receive could be about the particular
    of your emotions.
  • Or you could learn about the
    of noticing your own emotions. How do they flow for you? Are there patterns of hiding from yourself, fear of your own true emotions, etc.? Sometimes a person exaggerates emotions, compared to noticing other aspects of life.

TECHNIQUE: Full “Call It, Read It” Before Picture

You can use this technique for yourself as the client. Or use the following steps to research a client who isn’t you. For the Before-and-After Picture, you will need to choose three chakra databanks to research. Make a list. If you like, you could keep things simple by always using the same three chakra databanks that I just listed for you.

Place writing supplies within easy reach, plus your list of the three chakra databanks to research. Read through the following instructions, then do them step by step.

1. Close your eyes. Do the
“Get Big”
technique. Know that you are connected in consciousness to the Divine Being of your choice.

2. Think an
“I am ready to learn more about myself.” Or, if you are helping a client other than yourself, “I am ready to be of service to this person.”

3. Open your eyes and read the physical location for the
first assignment
for research on this list, e.g., Your bottom/tushie/rear/butt. The information you seek will display temporarily through sensations in that body part, plus any related thoughts or emotions or visuals.

4. To do a
Baseline Reading,
close your eyes. Notice how that body part feels. Pay attention here and now, in an easy sloppy way. Find language to describe. Open your eyes long enough to write something down. Then immediately close your eyes again.

5. Now do
“Call It, Read It” Research
on that same chakra databank. Repeat Steps 1 and 2. Reread the name of the chakra databank you are researching, e.g., “Physical Self-Awareness.”

6. In a moment, information about that chosen chakra databank will display as sensations in your body. Be very clear about whether you are researching yourself for self-healing versus researching a client. Either way, information will show temporarily in your body, right at the corresponding physical location. That will be related to the chakra databank topic for the person being read, e.g., Your Root Chakra Databank for Physical Self-Awareness.

7. Close your eyes and research your physical sensations in that body part. How does it feel now? Everything counts as information. Find language to describe. Open your eyes long enough to write something down. Then immediately close your eyes.

8. On to reading the
second chakra databank!
Repeat Steps 1-7, only substitute the second physical location, e.g., The ribcage in front of your body. At Step 7, research the particular chakra databank, e.g., Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Sharing Power with Others.

9. For your
third chakra databank reading,
repeat Steps 1-7, only substitute the third physical location, e.g., Your chest. At Step 7, research the particular chakra databank, e.g., Heart Chakra Databank for Emotional Self-Awareness.

10. Perception part of the technique is over. Congratulate yourself and open your eyes.

11. Look over what you wrote.
the difference between your baseline reading and what you wrote down while researching the chakra databank. Record or write this part down, too. This counts as your Before Picture.

12. If you are helping a client, say out loud what you noticed. This will activate your client’s aura. Besides, it’s just plain interesting.

Later, with your After Picture, you will be researching the same chakra databanks, employing the same aura reading technique.

Now you have completed a Before Picture, perception + interpretation for each of three chakra databanks. Well done!

Were you pleasantly surprised at how much information was there? (Over time, you will definitely find this with more experience.)

Notice you just took a bit of time to learn something pretty detailed about your aura, or the aura of your client. Well, hello, that’s no coincidence!

Doing a quality job at moving out a cord of attachment demands this ability to pay attention to yourself as an individual in the here and now. Mechanical methods for

“Clearing cords” don’t work permanently because your very human soul craves to be recognized. That needs to happen for you to receive permanent healing.

TALE: Scary In-Laws

Gary’s in-laws were giving him grief. His intention for the session was get along with them better. Mission was accomplished—or at least off to a good start. Subsequent sessions could help even more. But here is how Gary changed after only one session.

High Heart Chakra Databank for Soul Thrill

Before Picture: Not too much.

After Picture: More is there, and I feel calm.

Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Sharing Power with Others

Before Picture: A burning sensation.

After Picture: Much better, more normal.

Heart Chakra Databank for Emotional Self-Awareness

Before Picture: Tense. The energy feels compressed.

After Picture: Relief. It really feels different for me emotionally.

Extra Tips for “Call It, Read It”

When receiving information through your body, stay in flow. Feel the sensation. To describe it, use whatever words come to mind, no censoring.

Never give yourself a hard time over those words. Avoid straining to figure out an interpretation at the same time as you find a perception. Believe me when I say aura reading is perception + interpretation.

  • Dressing to go out to a party, when you put on your underwear, that’s not the same as buttoning your coat.
  • Sitting in your car, when you turn the key in the ignition, that’s not the same as arriving at your destination.
  • With Gutenberg literacy, you physically read all the words in this sentence. You read the parts of a paragraph one sentence at a time. Only then do you register that paragraph’s meaning.

So let’s get real about energetic literacy, a.k.a. aura reading. Whatever technique you use, don’t include magical thinking about short cuts. Take time to do the perception part, adding whichever words come to mind. Don’t be fussy, blurt those words out! Write them down or record them. Let interpretation come later.

Cutting cords is serious healing, I agree. Which is exactly why you can afford to be sloppy, reading your aura. You have done the Get Big” technique, which positions your consciousness perfectly to get results.

Trying hard. Striving for control. Pushing yourself to be perfect. Why? With all due respect, you’re never going to be as perfect as God or Jesus or Kwan Yin or Archangel Gabriel. As the human part of the team, let go and let God.

Some final thoughts about the “Call It, Read It” technique specifically...

It works because of synchronicity, no need to overthink this wonderful kind of simplicity built into life on earth. Because you have set up a spread, your Higher Self projects information about your aura right onto your body.

The “screen” for this movie is located at the body part that corresponds to the overall chakra location for a chakra databank.

Receiving the information projected there, don’t fret about the technicalities. When you watch
Defending Your Life
—or whatever your favorite movie happens to be—why bother to focus on the movie screen?

“Call It, Read It” could be compared to watching a movie, except you are engaging your complete, natural Gift Set.

Therefore, physical sensations might just serve as a springboard for your other gifts. You might mostly smell the data or feel emotions. Unlike a real-life movie, you may not see a thing. All that matters with aura reading is that you receive information: Spontaneous perception that, later, you interpret in order to have an aura reading

Enjoy the entertainment with all your senses. Trust that the movie of your aura will be projected perfectly well onto body parts like your chest, your heart or even your butt. Who knew that your butt could become so deeply informative?

At this point, you can go on to Step 4 to cut cords of attachment.

A Visual Technique for Reading Auras

Auras are not colors. They are energy bodies full of information. Similarly, cords of attachment are not visual images but real structures at the astral level.

The following techniques is a visually-oriented alternative to “Call It, Read It.” Personally, I strongly prefer the “Touch It, Read It” technique, which will follow later in this chapter. My second choice is “Call It, Read It.” Which makes this one is my least favorite, but that’s just me.

One of these three techniques can become your favorite, too. Courageous Explorer, that depends on your personal Gift Set.

TECHNIQUE: Introducing “See It, Read It”

The following technique will be especially comfortable if visual abilities are a big part of your Gift Set.

Position yourself in front of a full-length mirror before you begin. Clothing is no obstacle to an aura reading, so don’t feel the need to become physically naked. Aura information makes any person naked enough.

Do this technique for yourself several times before you do it with a friend or family member. By then you will be accustomed to aiming your eyes at the appropriate body part. (If you don’t make a big deal of this “staring,” neither will your client.)

What else? Place writing supplies within easy reach. Read through the instructions, then do them step by step.

To prepare further, choose one chakra databank to research. Here, I’ll give the example of the Throat Chakra Databank for Communication in New Relationships.

Figure out which body part corresponds to your chosen databank. In this case, that would be your neck. As you stand before the mirror, practice looking at the relevant body part, e.g., Your neck.

This chakra databank is about how you speak, email, leave voice messages, etc. when you are new to a relationship, be it personal or at work. To research for a Before Picture:

1. Close your eyes, Courageous Explorer. Do the
“Get Big”
technique. Think the name, once, of your Divine Being of choice. Know that you are connected in consciousness.

2. Think your
like “Learn more about myself.” Or “I am ready to be of service to this person.” Look at the body part, e.g. Your neck.

3. Start the
technique while you look. Ask inside, “What is going on with [the name of the chakra databank]?” In this example, ask, “What is going on with my ability to communicate in new relationships?”

4. Close your eyes at this point. Release the question with two Vibe-Raising Breaths. Then return to normal breathing.

5. Whatever you experience right now counts as information. After 10-20 seconds, notice this perception. Put it into words. Write it down, quick and sloppy.

6. Courageous Explorer, close your eyes and congratulate yourself on completing the
part of this technique. Maybe thank that Divine Being who helped you, too. Open your eyes.

7. Look over what you just wrote.
what your perception could mean about the chakra databank you just read. Write that down as your Before Picture.

Whatever your perceptions with this technique, trust that they count as valuable information. Just add an interpretation and voila! You have an aura reading.

Q&A About “See It, Read It”

Some visually-oriented people find this technique ridiculously easy, while others run into a few temporary difficulties. Does that include you? Let’s do some problem solving.

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