CUT (New Adult Dark Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: CUT (New Adult Dark Romance)
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“There’s lipstick on it!”


I was furious. Anger welled up inside me like a bottled wildcat. Jude had a habit of disappearing from time to time and I always suspected he might not be faithful, but he’d never been so obvious about it. Now, he may as well be advertising his infidelity. I wouldn’t do it. I wouldn’t do this!


“I didn’t ask you to look at it. I told you to fucking suck it.”


His hands whipped through my long blonde hair, dragging me painfully toward the edge of the bed. My head fell backward off the edge, his cock lining itself up as I tried to purse my lips drunkenly. Despite everything that was wrong with this, I wanted it to happen. My body betrayed me, desperate and pleading for a little pleasure and release from the world I lived in.


“Yes… Do it,” I whispered.


I didn’t move away, Jude pressed the tip against my lips, the scent of leather and sweat pouring over me. My body started to react the way it always does. Familiar warmth burned between my legs, smoldering, an unwanted and misplaced lust I couldn’t control. I enjoyed this, in some perverse way. My body disobeyed my mind and I didn’t care. I wanted the bad boy to tell me what to do. I always had. My stomach twisted in disgust, rebelling against my instincts even as I stared up at Jude, begging him to use me. I watched his hand rise up. He was going to hit me. My body was ready. Already, I was letting go. I’d be ready to draw another little line of blood on my arm tomorrow…


His hand came back down again, stopping short of my cheek. I gasped, my mouth opening as his hips thrust forward, burying his cock deep. I wanted it… My little fucked up desires had me moaning around his thick shaft, desperate.


Jude savaged me, my cries muffled and the vibrations only driving him wilder. Hands grappled with my breasts, the heaving mounds betraying me as flames of pleasure started to course through my body. Still thrusting between my lips, his fingers traced down my body and forced their way into my pants, sliding roughly under my panties and into my folds. I moaned wildly, giving in to the sensations.


“That’s right bitch, suck it like you fucking mean it.”


I wasn’t going to stop. I was his. A toy for his amusement? A tool for his pleasure? It didn’t matter. I wanted him now as I’d always wanted him. It was easier this way. There was no fight in me, he fucked my mouth with an intensity that was impossible to deny. Closer… His hands knew me. His fingers understood what I liked, and how to take me over the cliff. Was I really this messed up? Was I really this desperate?


Fingertips were relentless on my clitoris, controlling my reaction as if I were a musical instrument even as thick ropes of his salty seed poured down my throat. I swallowed against him, exploding into an orgasm of my own with my mouth quivering around his pulsing cock.


Jude collapsed, his cock pulling free as he fell to the bed. None of this was new to me. Jude had always been rough with me. He didn’t take no for an answer on the rare occasion I tried to refuse him. I’d come to make the best of it, reveling in the darkest corners of my own mind. It couldn’t be wrong if it felt right. Could it? Just like every time this happened my mind worked its games to justify it. Still, something was different…


He hadn’t hit me.


I stared at Jude’s face as he slumped over onto his back with his eyes closed, the dim light from a small bathroom shining on his skin. Damage from the fight was evident. Stitches ran below his lower lip, and six or seven more just under the line of his scalp. Even so, he seemed worse than he had in the moments after the fight. I slipped my hands under his shirt delicately, my nails running across his chest and down to his side. The injuries there were worse. At least two broken ribs, and God only knows how many times he’d been hit.


He’d been broken, and I knew exactly who’d done it. Marcus told me he’d take care of this, and he had.


The worst part was, it made me happy…


My eyes closed, replaying the past few moments in my mind as I straddled Jude’s hips, lowering my pussy to his still throbbing manhood. My fingertips found their way to my delicate petals, spreading myself to accommodate him and dancing across my most sensitive little nub as I impaled myself. There was a difference this time around. I wanted to do this. Maybe the club was good for Jude. If Black could keep him in line, I could have my cake and eat it too… My mouth gasped as I took his cock deep, playing across the shaft with the inside of my velvet tunnel, squeezing my muscles around him, drawing it in. I’d make love to this cock, slave over it and bring it to the wildest heights. My imagination took flight, pulling away from my body. My eyes cast upward, pleading, thankful…


But when I looked down, it wasn’t Jude’s face I wanted to see. I closed my eyes, trying to shake the wicked thoughts creeping into my mind. Black had done something to bring Jude in line. He must have told him not to lay hands on me… I had nothing in the world to give him in thanks. Except…


My body.


Jude moaned beneath me as I rode him softly deep into he night, but it wasn’t
cock I was imagining slipping in and out of my quivering flesh. Some say adultery in your mind is still adultery. If that’s the case, I’m guilty. For the first time in my life, I didn’t care.


And I had no desire to cut myself. Not tonight… The seduction of the blade held no sway over me.









I felt like I’d been hit by a truck.


Drinking is always more fun when you’re doing it, and less fun when you’re waking up from it. Sunlight streamed in through a window and I stared at Jude, laying twisted on the bed. Purple and red covered his face arms swollen and battered.


like he’d been hit by a truck.


Serves him right…


I smiled, stretching in the bed, trying to make my way out of it when the door crashed open. Acre stood looming in the open space, and he didn’t look happy.


“Get his ass up, we’ve got a fucking meeting.”


I looked over at Jude, lifting his arm and letting it fall again, turning back to give Acre a shrug.


“I’m not asking. Black wants Jude downstairs, do what you gotta do,” Acre said, storming off and slamming the door behind him. Jude didn’t even flinch. With the beating he’d taken and the fucking I’d given, Jude’s body needed time to sleep it off. I jumped out of bed, stumbling into the bathroom and turning on the sink faucet. Cupping my thin hands beneath the stream I let them fill with cold water before walking back into the room and dropping it straight on Jude’s face.


That worked, but I immediately regretted it. His eyes snapped open, boring holes into my head.


Murder eyes.


I tried to step backward, but he grabbed me up and rolled me onto the bed.


“Didn’t get enough last night?”


He pressed down on my chest, pushing the air out of me as he shifted his weight.


“Black… Meeting…” I coughed, trying to pull myself away.


“Ahh fuck,” Jude said, rolling off. He reached down, grabbing clothes and pulling his t-shirt over flexing and tattooed flesh. Something stirred inside me, I almost wanted him to stay. I could close my eyes and imagine someone else… Someone better. Someone worse for me than Jude ever was…




“Take a shower, when I’m done down there I’m coming back for you.”


I shivered, balling myself up on the bed. Maybe he saw the fear in my insecurity, but he didn’t seem to pay it any heed.


“That’s right baby. I fucking love you, you know that.”


I nodded. It was never a question. His love was flawed, twisted, but it was never in doubt. Jude would never let me go, not as long as the sun rose in the morning.








The shower had worked wonders for sobering me up, and by the time I heard a light knocking on the door, I was feeling more or less ready for Jude’s return.


Only Jude doesn’t knock. He crashes in and takes what he needs. Spinning curiously to watch the door, I held my breath.


The spitfire of a redhead caught me half dressed as she burst into the room, her green eyes almost as wild as her hair. I gasped, tossing arms across my chest as she threw hands on her hips and stared me down. “Don’t tell me I’m cleaning this place up by myself. You’re Jude’s old lady, right?”




“Shame… The whole badass killer look was really working for me.”


Badass killer? She doesn’t know the half of it…


“Who the hell are you,” I asked, laughing as she stormed through the room shaking the blankets out and fixing the bed. This girl couldn’t stand still if she wanted to. She squirreled her nose up and gave me a little huff. “I’m Penny, hey, you know how to cook?”




“Blackfast! Cover your tits, I need some help down here.”


Penny trotted out like the whole world should follow her. I let out a little laugh at her insanity, but without a second thought, I tossed my shirt back on and did exactly that. Walking out the door and down the stairs toward the main floor I was surprised to see the clubhouse empty and quiet. The cage loomed in the center of the space, and in stark contrast of last night, you could have heard a pin drop inside the large echoing room. I shivered, the cool air wrapping around me as I followed Penny through a sea of empty bottles and the remnants of last nights drunken revelry.


No wonder she wants some help.


Finally, voices began filtering through the air. Still walking behind the fiery redhead I turned my eyes to stare at the huge oaken doors closing off a big room near the far corner of the warehouse. I couldn’t make out what they were saying, but it was clearly the meeting Acre was yelling about. This wasn’t my first rodeo, I knew exactly why the club wanted Jude in that meeting. Give the fresh blood a job to do. We’d talked all about it since the first time Jude ran with the Rampant. In more ways than one, our lives were leading up to this for years…


“Do you know how to handle the meat?”


I about choked on my own tongue, laughing at the sparky redhead.


“Oh forget it! Get on eggs, I’ll handle the meat baby doll.”


We’d arrived at a makeshift kitchen. Both countertops were dominated by long griddles and I was instantly having flashbacks to my first job in a fast food restaurant when I was fifteen. Penny wasn’t waiting on me to respond, tossing sausage and bacon across the already heated griddle. My stomach grumbled as the smell of sizzling meats filled our space, the huge cooktop filled end to end. Turning to the second cooktop I fell into a rhythm, cracking eggs and filling the griddle, stopping to flip cooking eggs as I went. Penny raced around me like a woman possessed, tossing together toast and making a gravy to throw over biscuits. I focused on my task, juggling eggs to keep them from burning, stopping only when I felt thin hands wrap around my waist.

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