DAC_II_GenVers_Sept2013 (32 page)

Read DAC_II_GenVers_Sept2013 Online

Authors: Donna McDonald

Tags: #Romance and Humor

BOOK: DAC_II_GenVers_Sept2013
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“Not that long,” Taylor denied easily, “and you were more than just good. You were extraordinary. I never fully understood why you went into accounting instead of music.”

“I was young, just out of the orphanage then, and wanted security. If I hadn’t gotten the scholarship I would never have met you two. My left brain and stomach won the debate over what to major in,” Chloe said. “I’ve made some good investments with my degree and don’t regret my accounting work. It gave me security, which I badly needed in my life even if the work wasn’t very fulfilling otherwise.”

“Or fun,” Emma said, cringing at the idea of sitting behind a desk for days on end with no movement. “I’m with Taylor. Singing tonight will be like the old days. We’ll do back-up. It will be fun for all of us. We’ll all pretend we’re twenty again.”

“Twenty? Don’t make me laugh. I don’t intend to spend my sabbatical money on the amount of lubrication it’s going to take for me to get up the nerve to sing in public after all this time,” Chloe informed them with a laugh.

“Lubrication is on me then,” Taylor said, laughing. “I want to hear you sing, Chloe. If you can sing again, then I will believe anything is possible, including me finding a decent straight man in southern California.”

Chloe held up a one-piece black bathing suit that had more cutouts than material. “Well, if this bathing suit can cover all the important parts, then
believe anything is possible.” She looked at Emma, who was smiling at her. “What are you smiling about?”

Emma shrugged. “I always believe anything is possible. And I would like to hear you sing tonight too. That bathing suit is going to make you look dangerous, Chloe. Be careful wearing it.”

“Dangerous?” Chloe repeated with a laugh, holding the suit to her body in front of a mirror. “Yeah, all my fat will squish out the holes and I’ll probably look on the verge of exploding.”

” Taylor exclaimed, choking on the laugh. “You have the body of a centerfold. God, those Easterners did a number on you. I remember when you used to brag about your curves, especially the ones falling out of your bra. Emma and I couldn’t even get an interested look from a guy until you were hooked up for the evening.”

Chloe looked at the clothes over her arm and snorted at the irony. Everything they had pushed on her to try on looked like clothes a more confident woman would wear.

What happened to her over the last decade? Had she truly become a different person?

“You two crack me up. I’ve gained at least thirty pounds since college, and I wasn’t skinny then. Was I really like that?” Chloe asked.

“Yes,” Emma and Taylor both answered firmly, exchanging a look that had them both laughing. They used to complain to each other all the time about how lucky Chloe was with her curvy body.

“I guess I don’t remember it the way you two do,” Chloe said, realizing it was true.

“Your new sexy clothes will put you back in touch with your inner slut,” Emma told her. “Wear the short belted dress to lunch. Work your way up to harem girl. The shock would be too much for the men in this hotel.”

Taylor plucked a blue halter dress off the rack. “I love this. Look at this,” she demanded, hooking the hanger over her head.

“Everything looks like that on you Taylor,” Chloe said, grinning.

Emma laughed. “I love it. It matches your eyes perfectly.”

“And thanks to the tanning bed I put in at the gym, I have no tan lines,” Taylor said gleefully. “Did you find anything, Em?”

“A few things,” Emma said, shrugging. “I brought my white strapless dress. I think I’m wearing it tonight. What do you think about this little vest to wear over it?” She held it up to her chest for Taylor to see.

“Love it,” Taylor said, noticing Chloe was smiling at them. “I think Chloe likes it too.”

“Chloe likes everything today,” she said, her grin spreading. “This is more fun than I’ve had in a long time. I hung out with Aaron’s family so much that I never really made friends where I lived. I’ve missed you both. I’m really glad I came back to California.”

“That’s because you came back to us—people who love you,” Taylor said, while Emma nodded in validation.

Chloe laughed. “That’s very sweet, Taylor, but I’m still not working for you.”

Taylor narrowed her eyes, making Chloe laugh. She didn’t care so long as the woman went back to being the feisty friend she really was under all that self-effacing garbage she was spouting.

“I was not flattering you for that reason, Zanders. In fact, I’m changing tactics totally. I’m going to wait for you to run out of money and then offer you half of what I would have today. I’ve become very shrewd,” Taylor said.

“Would you really do that to Chloe?” Emma asked, shocked.

Taylor sighed and snorted. “No—of course I wouldn’t
I’m ruthless, but not where you two are concerned. I love you like sisters.”

Relieved to know her friend wasn’t becoming as heartless as she had sounded for a moment, Emma walked over and hugged Taylor, who just laughed.

“Come on, let’s try on clothes,” Taylor ordered. “I need lunch. I’m starved.”

Chapter 3

Jasper’s gaze kept being drawn to the three women sitting on the patio drinking mai tais. From his table by the café window, he had a prime view of them, especially the one with her top unbuttoned for comfort who looked ready to bust out of the short dress any moment. She was a lot of woman for a city that regularly produced dozens of tanned and toned clones like her tablemates.

He shifted in his seat, surprised at his reaction to a stranger—and a hotel guest.

“I bet I know which one you’re looking at,” Max said with a grin, forking up a bite of his meatloaf.

“I’m not looking at anyone. I was checking out the pool,” Jasper denied, his gaze going immediately back to the woman’s breasts as she laughed, her voice full and rich, the movements of her body mesmerizing to him.

“There’s not a single woman in the pool with breasts like the laughing brunette’s. I’m your brother. Why are you lying to me?” Max asked. “I like the taller of the two blondes, the one with the short hair. She was in here a couple of weeks ago in a sharp business suit. I’m intending to sleep with her. Go for the brunette. She’s just your type.”

“Max, you
sleep with hotel guests,” Jasper said sternly. “We talked about this before you decided to recuperate here. It’s not ethical. Neither Sam nor I have ever violated that rule.”

“Jasper, I haven’t slept with a woman in four months. I bet what’s going on in your pants isn’t ethical either. You’re forty-five, not eighty-five, so stop waiting and go after those breasts. You don’t have to settle for being your ex-wife’s booty call,” Max said fiercely, staring at his brother over his food.

“It’s complicated,” Jasper told him. “When you’re older, you’ll understand.”

“I’m thirty-one, not thirteen,” Max joked. “And I aged a lot those two months in the hospital before I came here. I realize now that life and luck can change in an instant. The one with breasts looks fun, sexy, and like she’d be nice to touch. Go for it.”

“She looks like she’s enjoying the company of her friends, relaxing for the first time in ages, and smart enough to sue the hotel if I offend her,” Jasper commented, having to shift in his chair when she leaned over the table. He
having a strong reaction to her, but it wasn’t worth risking the hotel’s reputation to follow the urge.

“Those three are going to end up in the piano lounge tonight with me. If you don’t come join us, I’m going to seduce all three of them, even the one with big breasts,” Max bragged, settling back in his seat and looking at his older brother with a definite challenge in his gaze. “I will not spare your feelings just because you’re too old to go after what you want. It’s not my fault I’m a menopause baby and have the advantage of youth on my side.”

“Menopause baby? Where do you get that crap? Those women are all probably a decade older than you and way too smart for your lame pick-up lines. Plus, they haven’t been looking at anyone but each other all through lunch. They are not here on the prowl for men, much less
men,” Jasper predicted, looking at Max’s grin in disgust. “Fine. I’ll take that bet. You won’t get even a friendly kiss out of any of them.”

“Bring cash. Twenty each since you’re so sure,” Max warned, standing and getting the attention he was used to from the rest of the dining room occupants.

The physically fit body that made him a successful hockey player also came in handy in gaining him all the female attention he wanted, and then some. Since he wasn’t limping anymore, no one could tell he’d even been hurt. He might have failed on the ice, but Max never failed with a woman he’d set his sights on seducing.


Chloe had laughed so much in the last hour that her face hurt. And several mai tais had put a humorous haze over pretty much everything.

“Emma, those quizzes are all going to say that I can’t get a guy because I have some sense of decorum about not groping a guy’s crotch in public. Do women in their twenties actually follow that advice?” Chloe demanded.

“Yes,” Emma said firmly. “And I think they have a lot of sex.”

“But do they ever find a genuine love-that-lasts kind of relationship?” Taylor asked, trying to sound wise.

Emma scrunched up her face. “Well, two of them found mine and Chloe’s husbands, so I think the answer is yes in some cases. Of course, this is assuming they actually love our ex-husbands and vice versa.”

Chloe snorted. “Well, I say good luck to them for trying. My ex’s new woman better stay skinny for the rest of her life.”

They laughed again and took another sip of their drinks.

“Okay—okay,” Emma said more soberly, “one more question and I’ll quit.” She paused until she knew Chloe and Taylor were paying close attention.

“You and your best friend are having lunch. She tells you there’s a hot guy checking out your breasts,” Emma said seriously. “What do you say in reply? Taylor—you go first.”

Taylor laughed, the drinks having worked their magic on her by loosening her tongue. “Well, I would dip into the sarcasm I hold back just for these special situations. I would say ‘Sure, him and every other guy’
in my best, most confident voice. Then I’d do this.”

Lifting her small breasts in her hands like an offering to the gods, Taylor pursed her lips in a smooch, and leaned over the table to her friends. They laughed so hard and so loudly that all the people in the pool starting leaving.

“Just like the old days,” Taylor said. “We’re clearing the area.”

“Okay Chloe—what would you say?” Emma said, swinging an innocent gaze in her direction.

“If the man is checking out my breasts, it’s because he’s not used to seeing so much untanned flesh in the state of California,” Chloe declared, laughing and holding the edges of her lapels open as wide as she could to peer into her dress. “Look—the girls and I haven’t seen sunlight in five years. It will take me months to tan all this.”

They all looked at Chloe’s large and very white breasts, giggling without denying her statement. It was the truth after all.

“Maybe you can start with one of those self-tanners or a bronzer. You have to work your way up to a real tan again,” Emma said with a laugh.

“Emma—that question didn’t sound like the other quiz questions,” Taylor commented, looking at her not-so-innocent friend who was giggling softly and looking guilty.

“Okay—fine. It wasn’t a real question on the quiz. There’s a good-looking guy in the dining room who has been admiring Chloe’s cleavage since we sat down to have lunch,” Emma said, laughing. “I think she should practice her subtlety theory on him.”

“Well I’m certainly in the mood to practice after three mai tais. Show him to me,” Chloe demanded on a tipsy laugh.

Emma’s eyes grew larger as she giggled and whispered. “Okay I will, but just don’t turn around. He’s headed to our table. Just smile at Taylor and pretend to be fascinating.”

Chloe’s eyes widened as she heard the deep voice at her side.

“Good day, ladies. I’m Jasper Wade, hotel manager. I hope you’re enjoying your stay. If you need anything while you’re here, please let me know,” he said gallantly, his gaze taking in all of them before coming back to Chloe and her breasts.

Chloe, full of mai tai and happy laughter, turned her head and smiled into his very nice face, sighing with ego happiness as she watched Jasper Wade’s gaze straining to stay away from her cleavage. The day was certainly turning out to be a very nice way to celebrate her return to California.

“Well, aren’t you sweet, Mr. Wade? I was just going to look for the ladies room,” she said, laughing. “Can you point me in the right direction?”

“It’s in the hallway just outside the dining area. If you like, I’d be happy to show you,” Jasper said, his heart beating rapidly as she rose slowly to her full height.

Jasper couldn’t remember the last time he had been so excited by a woman he didn’t even know. She was tall, smiling, and quite an alluring woman altogether. It was all he could do not to reach out and put his hands on her to assure himself she was real.

Chloe purposely stayed bent over the table until the last minute, and then straightened slowly, her breasts following her slow moments. “Sorry. I seem to be a bit tipsy. Too many mai tais.”

“Lovely way to enjoy a sunny afternoon by the pool,” Jasper said with a smile, placing a solicitous hand on her arm, or at least he hoped it was coming off that way.

Chloe took two steps and stumbled slightly, forcing Jasper to catch her, which momentarily squashed her ample cleavage against the front of him. “Oops—sorry.”

She watched his eyes darken and had to restrain the giggle fighting to be set loose. Behind her, Chloe could hear Emma and Taylor’s in-drawn breaths at her boldness.

Turning innocently to look at them, she had to fight laughter at their obvious surprise. She didn’t need a damn quiz to tell her how to interest a man. She just needed the good-looking motivation currently with his hands on her. It was the most wickedly confident thought she’d had in years, and it brought an equally wicked smile to her face.

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