Daisy's Choice (A Tale of Three Hearts) (41 page)

BOOK: Daisy's Choice (A Tale of Three Hearts)
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Daisy’s eyes fluttered shut. She lifted her head from the earth, her locks heavy with seawater as she arched further into the hottest sweetest kiss. Her body feverish and needy, she fought her own impatience as he lowered her zipper and tugged at the waistband of her shorts to bring them off her hips. She lifted her ass to assist, not caring about propriety. Urgent was her need to touch him. She could see him as a boxer, hot, strong and sweaty. It was how she liked him. Daisy ran her hands over his hard biceps, firm and granite tight. Her pussy quaked sensing what was to come next and what she wanted to come next.


I want to touch every inch of you,” he said, more so to himself not her. Staring down at her, he tugged at the thin band to her panty and slowly rolled it off her hips and down her legs. Daisy swallowed the cry building in her throat for him to hurry. She was close to flipping him and taking over. He was going painfully slow. He spoke. The water sloshing into her ears dulled her hearing. He grunted something she couldn’t understand and then palmed her sex, rubbing her clit between two fingers. Hungry for her, he lifted, shifting his weight so he wasn't covering her. Daisy's shirt was pushed up, and his hot gaze finally went from her shaven mound to her breasts. Her nipples, hard and pointed, beckoned his attention.


You’re mine," she heard him say. "No other man… just me.”


She sipped at the air, in reaction to the way his fingers eased and parted the lips of her sex. He then rolled her clit and sent currents of electric hot pleasure through her pelvis forcing her hips to shake and obey. She breathed in and out, her senses clogged with the scent of the sea, the strangeness of the night and the budding feelings blossoming in her heart.


Say it, Daisy. Say you’re mine.”


She’d crawl on her knees for it after the finger play. When his middle finger pierced her channel, she moaned. Another shuddering jolt gripped her. Her thighs pressed hard against his and her ass moved. Water reached just at the base of her spine. The hard grainy sand under her bottom was a strange mix. The friction caused her channel to combust with more heat.


Say it, Beautiful,” he said, kissing her once more. “Don’t make me beg. For this pussy, I will,” he said, dipping his tongue into her gaping mouth as he finger fucked her and then inserted another and another. She parted her knees wider and groaned from some place so deep, it rumbled in her throat.


I’m yours. We’re yours… all yours,” she whimpered, hoping, praying she’d have him soon. She could feel his smile pressed into her lips at her submission.


The heels of her feet dug into the sand up heaving the wet earth, kicking up more as he fucked her harder and harder with his hand until she was creaming herself and tears stung behind closed lids. Her tears released a passion that had been building in her since she got a taste in Arizona.


He kissed her face and got between her legs.








Aiden lifted to unzip and release his cock before it tore through the fabric of his pants. His balls were so tight now that his back and pelvis suffered sharp spasms for relief.


Possibly, it was his love for her that had shifted the current in the sea. It broke again under her, sweeping them both up in a cool wave. He latched to her nipple and suckled with his cock pressed firm between the soft lips of her pussy, and she moved in a slow grind beneath him.


She gasped, arching her back from the sand and plastering her body against his. And his will broke. He lifted his hips and angled his cock to her center with his tip brushing more wet heat before he went in deep. She dug her nails into his shoulder, but he took her hands and raised them above her head. Those dainty well manicured fingers interlaced with his fingers and disappearing into the cool waters. Face to face, looking into her eyes, he gave her inch-by-inch. Every muscle in his pelvis clenched tight rock hard as his toes curled. The sweet tightness of her vagina stretched to a perfect fit. She was so tight it set his mind to spinning


Oh yes,” he muttered, pulling back ever so slightly and blinking his eyes. Wind, sand and the making of tears he didn’t understand blurred his vision. He lifted and looked down to where their bodies met. Arms stretched above her head, breasts bouncing with each thrust, and her hands in his had him joining with her in ways that fed his soul. Her eyes closed and her beauty shone in the moonlight with her hair slick to her face and more waters coming in covering them both.


This has to last, ” he said in a soft plea, pumping hard and fast into her as pleasure and desire coiled tighter around his cock. She was so divine, so righteous. He was never going to be able to let go.








Daisy cried out, holding to him under the intensity. His down stroke met her upward thrusts with such force she felt she'd be ripped apart. He fell on her, capturing her lips again. Aiden continued fucking her and loving her, not defining the difference. It was so primal. Her breath came in small gasps against his lips and her hands fisted on his back. Daisy’s thighs tightened and her eyes fluttered closed as she rocked herself hard into his rhythm.


Aiden,” she panted, “please—”


He lifted her ever so lightly, changing the angle and making her eyes pop open in wonder. They both stilled. The waves continued to flow beneath them with their faces mere inches apart. They were locked in each other's gaze, heaving deep breaths of the same salty sea air. And then he moved, she groaned and her universe contracted to the place where their bodies were joined. She wrapped her arms again tightly around his neck, inhaled his scent over the smell of the sea, tasted the tang of his skin and felt his toned muscles surround her and block out the world. They both made it last, refusing to give in to the ultimate pleasure as the minutes ticked by and through the cool night-breeze slick sweat gathered between their bodies where the heat was undeniable.


Aiden’s name began pounding in her brain. An exquisite pulse started low, became more insistent, forced a moan from her lips and made her hips buck uncontrollably. He whispered back her name, and she was lost. Now his, she was completely lost to herself.


Aiden followed her maddening spiral down. Her name on his lips was repeated over and over into her ear as she braced for the full force of him. His muscled weight pressed her back into the ground and his cock pumped hard and strong. She bucked with him before she found the right pace to join him as thunder broke from within. Together, crying out until she bit into his shoulder, there was release.








Are you okay?” Nina asked, looking up from her dinner salad with her fork piercing a tomato slice, eyes on Pete. She listened to the entire tale of how he arrived at Daisy's and found Aiden Keane there, how they fought and how Daisy didn't deny sleeping with the man again, all after learning about Amy. Then he explained the day at the park where he thought they were connecting. Was this the very day in the park the two of them made up? Was he serious? He told her everything and spared her nothing. Her pride left her, gripping the fork like a knife.


Pete said he wanted to be honest.
Well bully, bully for him.
He said he believed, and so did Daisy, that Amy was his daughter. For Pete, this meant everything, including the threats that Aiden Keane leveraged. It made it worth it. He didn't say he was in love with Daisy again. But he confessed his love for Amy.


That both hurt and inspired her. Nina wasn't sure which emotion to decide on.


He questioned her about Donovan. The offer. What was said. Why did she come? She gave him one word replies. Never revealing her truth about the one she wanted to share but didn’t know how. She was pregnant and in love with him still, and desperate. In fact, Nina was more desperate than she had been when he left and more desperate than she thought she’d be when she saw him.


"I'm fine," she mumbled.


Suddenly, she wasn't.


Excuse me!” she burped and fled. He might have called out to her. She was almost sure she heard her name. But she ran for the restroom following the sign:
Shipmate & Shiplady
. It was a stupid play on words that made her urge to spew even stronger. Throwing open the door, she made it to the stall and released her dinner. The nauseating smell mixed with the toilet water made her dizzy. Nina pressed her hands on either side of the stall walls, struggling to hold on.


Sweating, weak, and suffering a terminal case of heartache, she wanted to go home. What was she doing here? Why torture herself this way? She flushed and went to the sink and splashed her face. She rinsed her mouth as best she could while she talked her self off the edge. In all his explaining, he didn’t say what she feared she'd hear.


I’m still in love with Daisy.


I want her and not you.


I don’t plan to come home to you.


I’ve made my choice.


It was pathetic of her to hold on to hope, especially now when she couldn’t summon the courage to tell him about her baby, their baby. Her eyes lifted to the mirror. Nina stared at herself and faced her own self-image, beaten by love and still seeking more. She should tell him about the baby and even the odds. Fight back. He was her man after all. Daisy didn’t want him.




A knock at the bathroom door startled her.


Babe? You okay?”


Yeah. I am. I'm coming," she said washing her hands and then straightening her back. She opened the door and he stood there staring, his face strained with worry. “I’m fine.”


What is it? You look green.”


Can we go? On second thought, I don't feel well.”


What is it?”


Let’s just go… please.” She walked off before he suspected and before she blurted it out. She returned to the table and got her purse, waited as he paid the tab, but she did not wait for him to walk her out.


He caught up with her at the car door, came in from behind and pressed into her, resting his forehead to the back of her head. “Pete, I just want to go back to the hotel.”


Nina, look at me.”


She turned and put her back to the car door.


I told you all of that to say that I’m in love with Amy. I am. She’s a sweet kid. My kid. I want to be a father to her.”


Fine. Good. I'm happy for you.” She tried to escape him.


But I’m not in love with Daisy. Not anymore. I will always love her. I don’t think that will ever change between us. The truth is we’re different people now. We want different things. I think we always did. Nina, I love you. I’m sorry. I’ll prove it to you. Just don’t give up on me. I need more time to work out my stuff and then let me find a way to prove it to you. Let me try.”


I can’t do this. I can’t do it!” She broke, and he hugged her. Those leaving the restaurant cast sideways glances as she clung to him. The sobs came down hard and strong, and he could barely keep her standing. Pete tried to comfort her. But how could she share with him her conflict?


What is it? What have I done that you can't trust?”


What did you do? What did you do!” She shoved him back. “You came here to chase after her way before you knew you had a daughter. You left me! Left me for her! And now you want me to wait on you to fight to get to know her baby?”


"That's exactly what I want."


I’m pregnant you asshole! Pregnant!”








Daisy felt sand in spots she didn’t want to think about. She itched all over. Her hair was heavy on her shoulders, and her clothes were wet and sticking slickly to her skin. She handed him his shirt.


"You wanna come upstairs and shower in my room? No one will see us,” she offered at his car.


He smiled. Looked up at the house then back to her. “No. I should go. I need to take care of business and…well the test.”


Tomorrow. I can call you. I don’t have your number.” She looked back to the house.


I’ll call and leave it.”


You don’t have my number.” She stopped, realizing he had everything on her. She sighed. “Aiden, one more thing.”

BOOK: Daisy's Choice (A Tale of Three Hearts)
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