Dakota Heat (Book 3 - Dakota Hearts) (7 page)

Read Dakota Heat (Book 3 - Dakota Hearts) Online

Authors: Lisa Mondello

Tags: #fiction, #western romance, #romance, #romantic suspense, #contemporary romance, #books by Lisa Mondello, #Harlequin Romance Author, #Montlake author, #hotshots, #fire fighters, #Smokejumpers, #South Dakota, #Dakota Hearts

BOOK: Dakota Heat (Book 3 - Dakota Hearts)
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Sam muttered a curse under his breath and squeezed her tighter. Fresh tears fell down her cheek.

“When the police broke through the door, the woman was dead. Same MO except the killer actually talked to me on the phone and threatened me,” she said, a silent shudder running through her at the thought of the madman who was now targeting her.

“So the police chief sent you here?”

“Not at first. We didn’t think there was any way for the killer to know which 911 operator he’d spoken to. Being a city, Providence has a lot of 911 dispatchers. But to be safe, I stayed with my friend Bobbi. I mentioned last week that she’d become a police officer.”

Sam nodded, recalling the conversation at dinner.

“But a week later, a fourth body was found on the same morning a newspaper was delivered to my apartment doorstep. Sam, he knew where I lived. He put a picture of me coming out of Bobbi’s apartment inside the newspaper and put a red bulseye on it. They’d had a car watching my apartment and he still managed to get inside. That’s when Matt told me to leave. Matt went to college with Adam White. They arranged the whole thing.”

“Adam knew about this?”

Summer could feel the rise of anger in Sam by the way his body stiffened.

“I didn’t want anyone to know. Adam thought it would be easier if no one in the crew knew. You all have a job to do that is bigger and more dangerous than—”

“Than a serial killer coming after you?”

“They all thought I’d be safe here. I began to believe it to until…”

She pulled herself from Sam’s arms and stood. Sam did the same.

“Until what?”

“A woman’s body was found along the same route I took coming to Rudolph, just a few hours away from here in Montgomery.”

“Was it him?”

“Ethan is checking it out. Matt told him the MO was very similar and there have been no other murders in Providence since I left. It could be him. It might just be a random killing that is unrelated. But…I’m scared Sam. He was at the front door of my apartment. He got a picture of me. He knows what I look like. What if he followed me here? For all I know he could be in Rudolph right now.”

* * *

Sam felt as if he’d been hit by a truck. His mouth went dry as he took in each word Summer said. He felt an unbearable coldness spread through his entire body as he realized what everything she’d said actually meant. Someone wanted Summer dead.

The helplessness and fear in Summer’s eyes made his body throb with restrained anger.

“I’ll be okay,” she added. “But I’m better now.”

Sam stared at Summer for a long moment, wanting to wipe away all that fear she felt. She was trying so hard not to be afraid. But how could she not be with a monster hunting her? And it terrified Sam just as much to know that monster was still out there.

“I’m not going anywhere, Summer,” he said, pulling her close again. “No one is going to touch you.”

“You can’t make that promise, Sam. You can’t be everywhere. You have a job to do. And you can’t be thinking about me while you’re out facing a wall of fire that’s out of control. I should just leave here. Go somewhere else where he won’t find me.”

“You did that here. Look, we don’t know yet if that murder in Montgomery is from the same guy. I’m sure the police chief in Providence just wants to be cautious, which is good. Ethan will check it out. In the meantime, you’re safe right here in my arms. And I’m not letting you go.”

It took about an hour for Summer to settle down. She’d gone from being quiet to jumping at every noise she heard outside her door. When she finally fell asleep in his arms, Sam called Ethan’s cell phone.

“How is she?” Ethan asked.

“Sleeping,” he said quietly, watching the rise and fall of Summer’s body against his to make sure he didn’t rouse her.

“I talked it over with Mom and Dad. Logan and Hawk are coming over tomorrow to help clear out some of Wade’s things in the room over the garage. I’m sure you’d feel more comfortable knowing Summer is close-by while you’re out working a burn.”

He closed his eyes. He didn’t want to leave her at all. But the reality of it was, he had to. He couldn’t be a man who would come home to her every night to sleep next to her and make sure she was safe. That was the reality of the job he loved and did well. It’s one of the reason he’d never settled down before now. It took a special woman to understand what it took to be a Hotshot and live that kind of life, never knowing where you were going or when you’d be home. Being gone for weeks on end, fighting a monster fire that threatened to destroy people’s homes and lives, was part of the normal course of his life. What woman wanted an empty bed every night?

But he could be here for Summer tonight and God help him he’d make sure she was watched over when he couldn’t.



“I talked to Matt Jorgensen of the Providence PD. He’s going to keep me up to date on anything at all that happens with this case. Summer is going to be fine.”

“How’d Mom take it?”

Ethan hesitated. “She said Wade’s room has been dark long enough. It’s time to put some light back up there.”




He hung up and put his cell phone on the nightstand by the bed. Pulling the blanket up over Summer, he snuggled next to her. She felt so right next to him. She was sleeping soundly, most probably because of emotional exhaustion. But Sam knew the last thing he’d get was sleep tonight. Not when a killer had put a bullseye on Summer.

# # #

Chapter 8


Kate McKinnon was sitting the middle of the empty bedroom above her garage when Summer walked in carrying her suitcase. Summer had finally met the two remaining McKinnon brothers, Logan and Hawk, as they were leaving after helping their mother straighten the room of their eldest brother’s belongings.

Kate glanced up at Summer and said, “Let me help you with that, dear.”

“That’s okay. It’s just a few suitcases.” The sheen of moisture in Kate’s eyes showed how much emotion she was trying to hold back being in the room.

“I’m sorry for forcing you to do this, Kate. I told Sam I’d be fine at the motel. He told me this was Wade’s room and how hard it was for all of you when you lost him. I don’t want to make things more difficult for you.”

Kate waved her off with a weak smile. “Don’t be silly. There’s no safer place for you to be than fifty feet from that house,” she said, pointing across the driveway. “Sam has a very dangerous job and he won’t be able to do it safely if he worries about the woman he loves.”

“Oh, I think you…Sam doesn’t…”

“Love you?” Kate said with a chuckle. “Dear, I know my boys better than they think I do. And I know when one of them is in love. He may not know it yet, but he definitely is. Logan was always madly in love with Poppy. Now he’s happy and planning a wedding that should have taken place years ago. Hawk, well, I saw that one coming long before he did. It was if he and Regis were cut from the same cloth. It’s only a matter of time before the two of them will be announcing wedding plans and I couldn’t be happier. And Sam? I thought I was happy enough to have my son home for the season. But when I see him with you, I know he’s found someone special.”

Summer started to protest as Kate lifted from her seat.

“Don’t bother to deny it. I see the way you look at him too. He told you about Wade? Sam never talks about Wade to anyone. Not that I know of anyway. That’s something.”

“I…don’t know what to say,” Summer said.

“You don’t have to say anything. You’ll be safe here. Ethan and my husband, Donald, will be right across the driveway in the house every night. And Sam? Well, I know he spent last night with you.”

Summer’s cheeks flamed.

Kate chuckled at her reaction. “It’s none of my business. He’s a grown man and you’re a grown woman. And I’m just a mother who wants her boys to be happy. I think you make Sam happy and for that I’m grateful. I think even Wade would approve of giving up this room for you.”

Summer wanted to cry. “That’s very kind of you.”

Sam appeared in the doorway with her other suitcase. He looked at both of them. “Everything okay?”

“What took you so long?” Kate said, winking at Summer.

“I was talking to Hawk and Logan.”

“Well, I’m not cooking dinner tonight. Daddy is taking me out for dinner and dancing. Who knows, maybe we’ll find a hotel room and have a little...you know.”

“I don’t need to hear this, Mom.”

Kate rolled her eyes. “Boys. Feel free to make use of the kitchen.” She gave Sam a squeeze. “Just don’t blow anything up.”

“You’re never going to let me forget that, are you?” Sam said as Kate walked out the door, laughing.

“What’s that all about?”

“Ian and I did a little experiment in the kitchen when we were about ten years old and…let’s just say it didn’t exactly turn out as planned.”

“Oh, no.”

Sam shrugged. “As I recall the fire department did come to the house and there were some kitchen cabinets that needed to be replaced. But that was a long time ago.”

Summer laughed. “I think I’m going to like it here.”

She turned to look at Sam and instantly knew that staying here so close to him was going to be a mistake. Her breath caught in her throat as she looked into the gray eyes that gazed down at her. She wanted to be with Sam. She wanted to feel the strength of his embrace again as she had last night when he’d held her. She wanted to feel him against her as he kissed her lips. She wanted him to hold her in an embrace that left only them as the world melted away.

And she wanted to feel his warm breath on her skin as he made love to her.

The realization struck her hard. She only hoped that when all of the drama of this crisis was over, she could return home with her heart still intact. Sam McKinnon was a man who loved his job and was always leaving, chasing another fire. She was a woman who loved her job, loved her city, and was now falling for Sam McKinnon. She was sure of it. But the decision to stay here or go home wouldn’t matter. Either way, Sam would be moving on to another town, another fire. It didn’t matter where. It would be without her.

* * *

The headlights in the driveway sent fingers of light stretching across the ceiling of his bedroom before it went dark again. Sam had passed the night tossing and turning, unable to forget the fact that Summer was only a few steps away from where he was.

He heard his parents talking as they came into the house and then a few minutes later, as they climbed the stairs to their bedroom. Sam waited a few minutes before getting out of bed. He looked out the window toward the garage and saw that the light in the room above the garage was still on. Summer was awake too. Either that or she’d fallen asleep with the light on.

He quickly pulled on his sweatpants and a tee-shirt and walked through the house barefoot to the front door and then across the driveway. For a second, he paused at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the room above the garage. Summer may be sleeping. If she’d managed to calm herself enough to sleep, he didn’t want to disturb her. He just needed to see for himself that she was fine.

Having her in his arms last night and waking up with her this morning was the only thing that calmed his nerves. Watching her, taking in the rise and fall of her body against his, touching her full lips with his fingers as she slept…he needed that again. He needed to have that connection again.

To his surprise, when he reached the top of the stairs the door opened. Summer stood in the doorway wearing a fluffy pink terry robe that looked two sizes too big for her frame. Her hair was tousled on one side as if she’d been tossing in bed.

“You couldn’t sleep either?” she asked.

Sam shook his head. Stepping aside, Summer opened the door wider so he could come inside.

“I usually make myself a cup of tea when I can’t sleep,” she said.

“Do you want to go over to the kitchen? I’m sure there’s some tea—”

“No, I don’t want tea,” she said. Her voice, slightly rough from fatigue, caressed him as much as the cool night breeze he’d felt as he’d walked over.

She shut the door behind him. He stood in front of the oversized chair in the corner of the room that he and Wade had struggled mightily to get up the stairs and through the door years ago.

He’d known exactly what he wanted when he’d left the house. He wanted Summer in any way he could have her. He’d wanted so much to make love to her last night, but it wasn’t right. She was upset. She needed his comfort and his strength, not a man to take advantage of her vulnerability. His body still ached from wanting her and yet he was at war with his desire for her and his need to protect her from all the uncertainty surrounding her right now.

But right now, the woman standing in front of him wasn’t gazing at him with fear in her eyes. All he saw was the same red hot desire that was burning inside him.

* * *

Summer could feel the same heat blazing in Sam’s eyes that was burning within her. Whatever doubts she had about loving Sam McKinnon were long gone. She’d live with whatever heartache that remained when it ended. All she knew now was that Sam wanted her just as she wanted him.

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