Damage Control (The Hollywood Series Book 2) (34 page)

BOOK: Damage Control (The Hollywood Series Book 2)
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“Stop looking at the clock and start unpacking,” Jill said for the third time. “If you’re not done by the time your mother is back from the spa, she’ll want to help and end up driving us crazy.”

“There’s not that much to unpack,” Grace said. She had left everything but her books, clothes, and a few other personal items behind, preferring a fresh start.

“Still. There’s no sense in watching the clock all the time.”

“I’m not keeping an eye on the clock because of my mother,” Grace said.

“I know, but it’s still useless. The numbers will come in when they come in.”

“Easy for you to say,” Grace mumbled. “I’ve got a lot riding on that movie.”

Jill stacked the books onto the cottage’s floor-to-ceiling bookcase. “And I don’t? People will keep an extra close eye on me in every scene I’m in, trying to find any sign of my MS or proof that I’m not fit to play the very cute, very straight best friend.”

Grace wanted to club herself over the head with her cast.
God, how insensitive can you possibly be?
She put her good hand onto Jill’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, Jill. That was stupid of me.”

“No. I understand why you’re worried. But look at it this way. What do you have to lose? You’ve got a few million stashed away. If push comes to shove, you can just retire.”

“At thirty?” Grace gave her a skeptical glance.

Jill shrugged. “Why not? Just get yourself a hot lover to help keep you busy.”

Laughter bubbled up from Grace’s chest. “I’ll take it into consideration.” An image of Lauren formed in front of her mind’s eye. She chased it away with a shake of her head. It was completely normal for Lauren to pop into her head a lot, right? After all, she was still stunned by that revelation two days ago. It didn’t mean that she saw her as anything but a friend. A friend who had the hots for her. She still couldn’t quite grasp that thought, and that baffled her even more. What was so extraordinary about it? She’d had acquaintances before who’d revealed a romantic interest in her. After telling them she thought of them just as friends, she hadn’t wasted much thought on it anymore, so why couldn’t she stop thinking about Lauren’s confession? Was it just because Lauren was a woman and all the others had been men?

“Where dos this box go?” Jill’s question interrupted her thoughts.

Grace checked the label. “Up in the bedroom. But I’ll unpack that one myself, if you don’t mind.”

“Ooh!” Grinning, Jill nudged her. “That’s why you’re not interested in finding a new lover! You’ve got an entire collection of sex toys!”

Grace’s cheeks warmed. “It’s hardly an entire collection.”

“Hey, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Toys are fun.” Jill set the box aside and peeked into the other one. With childlike enthusiasm, she dug into the moving box and triumphantly lifted something in the air. “You’ve got Scrabble? Let’s play!”


“Why not? You’re practically unpacked, and it’s going to be hours until we hear anything from the studio, if they even call today.” Jill dragged her to the couch and set up the Scrabble board. “Come on. I’ll even let you go first.”

They each took seven tiles from the letter bag and arranged them on their trays.

Grace stared at her tiles, but they just wouldn’t form any words. Not finding the right words seemed to be a common occurrence lately. She hadn’t known what to say to Lauren’s revelation either.
Stop thinking about it.
She arranged her letters this way and that and realized she could form a word after all.
Making a face, she laid out three of her tiles on the star square at the center of the board. “S-E-X. On a double-word score, which gives me twenty points.”

Grinning, Jill used the x to form out the word
. “I think that’s fifteen points.”

Grace looked down at the seven letters on her rack. Most of them were useless vowels. Just when she was considering trading most of her tiles for new ones, she discovered one option that might work. She picked up three of her wooden letters and placed them to the right of Jill’s b.

and now
?” Jill laughed. “Are you trying to tell me something?”

Blood rushed to Grace’s cheeks. “It’s just a stupid game, Jill,” she said, a little more defensively than she’d wanted.

Jill held up both hands. “Hey, I’m just teasing. Jesus, you seem really tense today. I hope the studio doesn’t make us wait too long to find out the numbers, or you’ll be a nervous wreck.”

Admittedly, it wasn’t only waiting to find out the numbers of the opening weekend that made Grace so tense. She hadn’t slept much the last two nights. “Sorry,” she mumbled and busied herself reaching into the bag and drawing out three new tiles. She hoped none of them would form any more sex-related words.

After scribbling down the score, Jill studied her own tiles and then added an
to Grace’s

When it was her turn again, Grace added a y to
, which Jill then used to spell
. What a strange game this was turning out to be. Grace gave up on trying to find a word in the mess of letters on her rack and exchanged the tiles for new ones.

“Other than being worried about the opening-weekend gross, are you okay?” Jill asked.

Grace clutched the tiles in her hand so hard that the edges dug into her skin. She wanted—no, needed—to talk to someone, but how could she tell Jill what was going on with her without betraying Lauren’s trust? “I’m fine,” she finally said. “There’s just a lot going on with the release of
Ava’s Heart
, the divorce, the media nightmare, and all.”

“Anything I can do to help?”

Sometimes, Grace didn’t know what she’d done to deserve a friend like this. “You’re already doing it, keeping me company and helping me move.”

Jill nodded and laid out her next word,

Finally a perfectly innocent one. Grace took it as a good sign. “Did you ever have feelings—romantic feelings—for a friend?” she asked while Jill was distracted drawing new tiles.

“Besides you, you mean?” Jill said with a grin.

Grace threw a tile in her direction.

Jill was too slow to catch it, so it bounced off her chest and tumbled beneath the coffee table. She bent to retrieve it and handed it back to Grace. Now with a more serious expression, she nodded. “Once or twice. Falling in love with a friend is practically a lesbian rite of passage.”

See? It’s perfectly normal. Jill got over whoever she had feelings for. Lauren will too.
Somehow, the thought did nothing to help improve her mood.

“Amanda and I were friends long before we became lovers too,” Jill added.

The tiles she’d just picked up dropped from Grace’s limp hand. “What? You and Amanda…you were lovers? Are we talking about the same Amanda? Amanda Clark?”

“The one and only.”

Grace sank back against the couch. “I had no idea. When was that?”

“Hmm. About four years ago, back when no one had ever heard of Amanda…or me.”

“What happened?”

Jill shrugged. “The usual.”

“Which is?”

“We were both busy building our careers and didn’t have much time for each other. Plus I was so far into the closet, I practically lived in Narnia. That can be really tough on a relationship. But at least we managed to stay friends after we broke up.”

“Wow.” Grace could only shake her head. “I had no idea.”

“Why would you?”

Yeah. I’m not exactly the best at figuring out what my lesbian friends are feeling.
This was the second confession this week that had blindsided her.

Jill studied her across the Scrabble board. “So, why the sudden interest in my romantic past?”

“Can’t I just be curious?” Not looking at her, Grace trailed her fingers over the tiles on her rack.

“The reason for your curiosity wouldn’t, by any chance, have anything to do with Lauren, would it?”

Grace’s wooden rack toppled over, spilling tiles all over the table. “Why would you say that?”

“You should have seen her when you had the accident. I mean, I was pretty worried too, but Lauren… She was frantic. She would have mowed down every paparazzo in LA to get to you. I know you think I’m imagining things, but I really believe our favorite publicist has a pretty big crush on you.”

Instead of answering, Grace started picking up her tiles.

“She told you?” Jill said, her voice reflecting her surprise.

“I didn’t say that.”

“No, but you also didn’t deny it, which speaks volumes.” Jill slid a little closer on the couch and covered Grace’s hand with hers, stilling it. “How do you feel about it?”

Grace let go of her letters and clutched Jill’s hand instead. “I have no idea. I’m trying not to think about it too much.”

“Why not?”

That was the million-dollar question. Why had she so far avoided looking at her own feelings too closely?

The doorbell interrupted before Grace could answer.

“Damn. Saved by the proverbial bell.” Jill pointed a finger at her. “But don’t think for a minute I’ll just let this go. I want to know every last detail.”

“There’s nothing to know,” Grace grumbled and got up to open the door.

A quick glance through the peephole showed her that Lauren had braved the drive up to the cottage.

Grace’s heartbeat accelerated. It was just because she knew Jill would tease her mercilessly, she told herself. She slowly pulled the door open.

“Hi,” Lauren said. She shifted her weight from one leg to the other.

“Hi.” Grace stood rooted to the doorstep, taking her in.

Lauren’s hair was windblown as if she’d had the window open on her drive up, and the sleeves of her blouse were wrinkled from being pushed up her forearms earlier. Her hazel eyes behind the horn-rimmed glasses were red and surrounded by dark shadows. Had she lain awake the last two nights too? And if yes, was it because she worried about having ruined their friendship or was she just working too much, as usual?

“Can I come in?” Lauren asked.

“Oh, yes, of course. Sorry.” Grace quickly stepped back and let her in.

“Hi, Jill,” Lauren said as she walked into the living room. “I thought that might be your car in the driveway.”

Jill got up and greeted her with a quick hug.

Sudden envy gripped Grace. She wanted to hug Lauren too, but with this new awkwardness between them, she wasn’t sure it was a good idea.

Lauren looked around the cottage, taking in the two remaining moving boxes and the Scrabble board on the table. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”

Oh, please, please, Jill, don’t say anything.
Grace sent a panicked look toward her friend.

“No,” Jill said. “We finished unpacking most of Grace’s stuff. Now we’re just killing some time while we wait for the studio to call with the opening-weekend numbers.”

“That’s why I’m here.” Lauren pulled a piece of paper from her back pocket and unfolded it. “I’ve got the numbers and thought you might want to know.”

Grace hurried toward her. “The studio called you?”

“No. I called in a few favors because I knew you’d be biting your nails until you found out how
Ava’s Heart
has done. These aren’t the official numbers, just an early estimate, but they should be pretty accurate.”

They both jumped around Lauren like boisterous puppies, making her laugh. “All right, you two. Sit down before you pass out.”

People usually told others to sit down when they had bad news, didn’t they? Grace collapsed onto the couch and gripped it with her good hand.

Lauren looked at the piece of paper. “According to the CinemaScore polls, the people who saw the movie gave it an average grade of A minus.”

Jill pumped her fist. “That’s fantastic!”

Yes, it was. But Grace couldn’t relax yet. Audience ratings weren’t what really counted in Hollywood. For producers and studio executives, a movie’s success was measured only in dollars. “And how much did it gross at the box office?”

“It’s hard to tell if all the media circus harmed the movie or not. If it did, the numbers would have been spectacular otherwise.” A big grin spread over Lauren’s face. “The three-day opening gross will be about twenty-five million dollars.”

It wasn’t Grace’s most successful movie of all time, but it was more than respectable. The film had even almost earned back its production budget already. No tabloid would be able to write that Grace’s career was going down the toilet, just like her marriage. Relief weakened Grace’s muscles, but she jumped up nonetheless and stumbled through the living room toward Lauren.

Lauren caught her and whirled her around, both of them laughing like maniacs.

When they stopped in the middle of the living room, Grace felt so dizzy she had to clutch Lauren’s shoulders to stay upright. Lauren gripped her hips. The warmth of her hands filtered through Grace’s jeans. Grace stared into Lauren’s eyes, fascinated when she discovered that tiny green flecks sparkled in the hazel irises.

Jill squeezed past them. “I think I’ll head back to the city now. Call me when you get the official numbers from the studio, okay?”

Lauren and Grace looked at each other, then at Jill’s retreating back. They let go and stepped back at the same time.

“What the…?” They were still in the middle of a Scrabble game, and she hadn’t even given Jill a congratulatory hug yet. Why the sudden hurry to leave? Was Jill hurt that she’d hugged Lauren and not her? She hurried after her and caught up with her at the door. “What’s going on? You didn’t feel left out, did you?”

“No, that’s not it. I promise.” Jill glanced over to Lauren, who’d stayed behind in the living area of the cottage. She lowered her voice and added, “I just think that the two of you could use a moment alone.”

“What? We don’t need… It’s not like that, really.”

“Who are you trying to convince—me or yourself?” Jill asked.

Before Grace could think of an answer, Jill squeezed her shoulder and was gone.

Her head buzzing with thoughts, Grace trudged back to the living room. “Um, can I offer you something to drink? Coffee?”

“No, thanks. I drank too much of it already, even by my standards.” Lauren glanced in the direction of the door. “Is everything okay with Jill?”

“Yes. She’s just… She’s fine.”

Silence spread through the cottage like a physical entity. It was so unlike the effortless conversation and the teasing banter they’d exchanged in the past. Grace hated this sudden awkwardness between them, but she had no idea how to change it.

“So,” Lauren said and massaged the back of her neck with one hand, “you’re all moved in already?”

“Yeah. I just had a few moving boxes.”

“Need any help with these?” Lauren pointed at the last two boxes.

“No. This one is just some board games that will go into the closet down here, and the other one goes up in the bedroom.”

“And how are you supposed to navigate the ladder with the moving box and just one good arm?”

Grace hadn’t thought of that. “Uh…”

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