Damaged Hearts (22 page)

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Authors: Angel Wolfe

BOOK: Damaged Hearts
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“Well, this nightgown is a bit large.”  Her aunt said looking at it.  “But at least it should be comfortable.  Let’s get those ribs of yours unbound so you can sleep a little more comfortably.”


“Thank you so very much for your hospitality and for your thoughtfulness.  You did not have to be so nice to us and I really appreciate it.”  Kat told her.


Suddenly, the door burst open and Rick strode in without so much as a knock.  “Just how much family do you expect me to believe you have?”


“What are you taking about Rick?”  Kat asked, confused after her conversation with her aunt that she knew Rick didn’t know about yet.


“There are two men downstairs claiming to be your brothers.”  Rick started.  “They said that they heard down at the Tumbleweed that you were staying the night here and came as soon as they could.”


“Oh no.”  Kat sighed, a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.  “Sounds like my long lost brothers just showed up.  Well Aunt, shall we go down and meet some more of our prodigal family?  “


“Give us just a minute to make her presentable again and we will meet you downstairs.”  Josephine told Rick firmly.  “Just remember one thing son; all of Kaitlyn’s family is also your family once you are wed.  If you have second thoughts about that, maybe there is more to think on.” 


“I’m not having second thoughts ma’am,” Rick told her.  “I’m just frustrated that Kaitlyn is hurt and just starting to heal and now there are people crawling out of the woodwork that want to meet and talk with her.  In all reality, I want to take her back to the ranch and hide her away so I can spend time with her by myself with minimal interruptions.”


“Well, if that is the case;” Turning she looked at Kaitlyn.  “Niece, I fully endorse your choice.  He is definitely the kind of man I’d want my own daughter to marry.”


Well, sorry Aunt but your daughter can’t have him.  He’s mine.”  Kat raised her eyebrows at him as she giggled.


“I’ll be in the hall when you’re ready to go down and Honey; please try to hurry.”  He winked as he walked out the door and softly latched it behind him.


“Well what are we waiting for Niece, let’s get you presentable so we can go down and meet these brothers of yours.”  Her aunt laughed, helping her out of her nightgown and back into her britches and shirt.


Opening the door, Kat took a shallow breath and Rick’s arm and started down to the parlor.  Josephine followed behind, curious what kind of reception her errant nephews would receive.


“Well Brother, you’re looking good for not having heard from you in years.”  Kat started almost sarcastically, as she reached the foot of the stairs.  “What brings you to Franklin after all this time?”


“Hello yourself Sister Dear.”  Mark replied; equally sarcastic.  “It has been a long time, thought you might be more than a little happy to see us.”


“Why is that Mark?  Angel and I have been on our own for more than fifteen years; we don’t need any help from you now.”  Kat replied, upset at his nonchalant attitude.


“I think what Mark is trying to say Kat is that after all this time we were hungry for home and wanted to see you and Angel again.”  Charley interceded.  “Part of it may have even been curiosity about how you did for yourself too.”


Seating herself on the edge of a sofa, she turned to Rick.  “Well Rick, these are my brothers Mark and Charley; guys, this is my fiancé’ Rick.” 


Stepping forward Rick shook both of their hands and rejoined Kaitlyn on the sofa.  “So what does bring the two of you back here?”  Rick asked curious.  “Surely it wasn’t word of the weddings that brought you running out here.”


“There’s going to be more than one wedding?”  Charley asked.  “Who else is tying the noose?”


“Angel is getting married to Matt Jamison, Rick’s brother.”  Kat answered.  “How about the two of you; either of you married?”  Kat asked suddenly curious herself.


Charley shook his head to the negative but turned to look at Mark.  At the same time, the door opened and a small dark-haired little girl came in looking cautiously around before heading straight to Mark.  “Daddy, are you and Uncle Charley done talking to people yet?”  She asked.


“Emily, this is your Aunt Kaitlyn.  Kat, this is your niece Emily.”  Mark said introducing them.  “To answer your question, I was married but…”


“Mommy’s in heaven.”  Emily supplied.  “She was going to have my brother but he was a big boy.  Daddy said that God must have needed a little boy in heaven, that’s why they’re both gone.” 


“I see.”  Kat said gently to the little girl.  “That means you and I have something in common; my mommy is in heaven too.”


“Just like Daddy’s huh.”  She looked to Mark for affirmation.


“Do you see that nice lady over there?”  Kat whispered to her conspiring.  “She is your dad’s Aunt Josephine.  Do you think he remembers hearing his father talk about her?”


“I can hear you two whispering.”  Mark laughed.  “Yes, I do remember hearing Dad talk about his sister Josephine.  Nice to meet you.”  He said before stepping forward to engulf her in a hug.


“My goodness, I swear you’re his spitting image.”  Josephine sighed.  “Maybe a little taller and a bit stockier but the last time I saw him, he was twenty-two.”


“Well thank you ma’am.  And may I say you’re just a beautiful as he always said you were.”  He added sincerely.


“Where are you staying?  Did you just get into town?”  Josephine asked them.  “Kat and Angel are both staying in town tonight and then they will be discussing the charges that should be brought up against the sheriff in the morning.”


“We have a room at the boarding house for the night but had planned to talk to Kat tomorrow until we heard she was in town.  We were going to see if she was opposed to having us out at her ranch house.”  He explained.


“We have plenty of room out there for Emily; of course I’ll have to talk to Angel but I’m sure it will be no problem.”  Kat laughed.  “The ranch house will belong to Angel in a matter of days though and it will be up to her whether or not they want company as newlyweds.”


“We don’t want to impose Kat.”  Charley said.  “We had hoped to be able to stay just a few days until we could find some suitable ranch property for sale.  Mark and I were hoping to do some cattle ranching ourselves.”


“I know where there are a couple places for sale around the area.”  Rick told them.  “Or if either of you are interested, I think my father will be looking to hire a sheriff.”


“Well let’s get some sleep and if you don’t mind, Charley and I will meet you all in the morning.”  Mark said noticing how tired and fragile his sister was looking.  “Where are you planning on meeting?”


“Matt and I talked about it and we sent Frank around to let everyone know we want to meet at Ruby’s.  She has the best coffee and pastries in town.”  Rick replied before helping Kaitlyn up and shaking hands with the two men once more while winking at Emily.  “It’s nice meeting the three of you and we will see ya all in the morning.”


“See ya all tomorrow.”  Kat echoed as she allowed Rick to lead her from the room and up the stairs, leaving Josephine to talk to them men and let them out when they were ready to leave. 


Up in the bedroom, Rick assisted Kat back into her borrowed nightgown and into the bed.  Sitting on the edge, “It seems like your mobility is getting a lot better.  How are your ribs?  Your breathing seems to come a little easier too.  I just don’t want you to overdo it.”  Rick told her.


“Yeah, my mobility is quite a bit better.  My leg is still real stiff and tender but at least it’s usable.  My ribs are still sore and it’s a little difficult to breathe but it’s getting better every day.  As far as over doing it, I’m not sure that’s possible Rick.  I’ve been doing hard labor for years so a little riding and walking around has to be good for me.”  Kat replied.  “I’m not sure that I can sleep alone anymore though.  I’ve kinda gotten used to you being right there all night.”


“I’m sorry Baby.  I think we will probably be better off not doing that tonight.  I’m afraid your Aunt and your brothers just might take exception to the thought.”  Rick said gravely.  “But if you’re really serious about being my wife and don’t care to have all the fripperies, my father is the judge and I’m sure we could arrange a quick, quiet ceremony.”


“Do you think we could do that Rick?”  She asked anxiously.  “I mean, will it disappoint you too terribly much if I don’t come to you in a beautiful dress?”


A hesitant knocking sounded at the door causing them to both look up.  “I hope you don’t mind my interrupting but Kaitlyn, I think we could probably send someone to the ranch house and have everyone show up here in town tomorrow.”  Josephine began.  “I could take you and Angel first thing in the morning to pick out your dresses and then we can see about getting the two of you married in the evening.”


“I like the sound of that Kaitlyn.”  Rick agreed.  “I have to admit that I’d love to see you all dressed up just once.  Plus, everyone can be present; we can get all of the plans ironed out and get our life together moving instead of waiting another few weeks.  I don’t know, what do you think?  This is going to be the only time you get married, I want you to be happy and have it your way.”


“Rick as long as we have the paper we can get married whenever you want.  Sooner is better so if we can do it tomorrow, let’s do it.  I know Angel and Matt are beyond ready.”  She turned to look at her aunt; “Aunt Josie, if you’re willing to take us to find suitable wedding attire, then I’m sure Angel would agree that we should take advantage of your offer.  I know she wants a large fancy wedding but I think with everyone there and the two of us dressed in wedding dresses; she’ll be plenty happy.”


“Then it’s settled.”  Rick stated.  “This time tomorrow we will be officially married.  Mrs. Andrews, I know it will seem scandalous but if it’s not a huge problem I plan on staying with Kaitlyn tonight.”


“I thought you might say that.”  Josephine shook her head.  “Here is my suggestion, go downstairs and have a drink and smoke with my husband.  After I leave Kat’s room, I won’t be back until morning and I’ll make sure the servants understand that she is resting and should not be disturbed.  After your drink and smoke, I have no notion as to where you may disappear to.”  She told him, all but pushing him from the room.


“Thank you Aunt Josie.  I was unsure how to approach that conversation but like I told Rick, I don’t think I can sleep alone anymore.  He drives away the nighttime demons.”  Kat explained.


“If you’ll think about it, I was young once too.”  Her aunt laughed.  “Besides, what’s in a reputation?  No fun at all, I can tell you that much.”  After checking the covers and making sure her niece was tucked in, Josephine made her exist and went across the hall to check on her own daughter.




“Well Mother…”  Frances began as soon as she stuck her head into the room.  “The three of us are extremely curious now; what was decided?  What’s going on with Kat?  Are they going to hang Marie’s father?”


“My goodness, you did miss a lot didn’t you?”  Josephine said.  “Well, they took Henry to jail and they are going to meet tomorrow to decide his fate.  There will be a double wedding tomorrow night so you girls better get busy planning a quick reception.  Kat and Angel will be marrying Rick and Matt.”


“A dual wedding?  Will they want to share a reception party?  Are they being married in the church?”  Marie asked all at once.  “What are they thinking?  Such a quick wedding with nothing posted, no invitations, did they at least buy some rings?”  Marie asked primly.


“I’m sure by tomorrow night, everything will be fine.”  Josephine calmed her.  “Anne child, what’s wrong?  You have gotten very quiet, are you not happy about your brothers being married?”


“Oh it’s not that ma’am; it’s just that everything has happened so quickly.”  Anne said quietly.  “I really had wanted more time to get to know my sister-in-laws.  Now they will be married and most likely will stay out there on the ranch most all the time.  I also have found my brother and after all this time, I’m not sure I can let him order me around.  I have left my adoptive parents home to move out on my own and show them that I’m an adult, I don’t need someone else trying to provide me with direction.”


“It’s not so bad as that I’m sure.”  Josephine soothed.  “You are a school teacher and have your own income.  You are independent enough to look out for your own interests.  That being the case, you will have more than ample opportunity to ride out to the ranches and see your new sisters.  As far as your biological brother telling you what to do, that’s the normal way of life.  Just keep in mind that no matter what he tells you, you make your own choices.”


“I suppose you’re right ma’am.”  Anne agreed.  “But what do Marie and I do about looking for housing now?  We were going to set out first thing in the morning to go look but now that will need to be postponed.”


“How about this idea?”  Josephine said.  “First thing in the morning, you and Marie can go down to Ruby’s Bakery and see about ordering two special cakes for the weddings.  Ask her to put it on my account there and while you are talking to her, see about employment for Marie.  If you were to help her with these two cakes ordered on such short notice; it will give her the opportunity to see how efficiently you work.”


“That’s a wonderful idea.”  Marie agreed in earnest.


“While the cake is being made, Anne and I can go over to the courtroom to see about decorating.”  Frances added.  “Where do you think we should have the reception Mother?  While we are out, maybe we should do a little decorating there too.”


“Since the weddings will be held at the court house; maybe the Jamison’s would like to have the reception at their home.”  Josephine said thoughtfully.  “Let me do some thinking on it.  In the meantime, I need to go downstairs and speak with Frank.  If he’s willing, I’ll have him run out to Kaitlyn’s place and apprise everyone there of the situation and change of plans.”


Josephine made her way down the stairs and out through the kitchen to the stable.  “Evening Ma’am.”  Frank said politely tipping his hat.  “It’s a little chilly tonight; you might want to not spend much time out here.”


“Good evening Frank.  Yes, it is a bit chilly this evening.  I only came out for a second to ask a favor of you.”  Josephine replied.


“I’d be happy to do anything you need ma’am.  Until Miss Kat and Miss Angel get back to the ranch and get things back to normal; I’m kind of lost.”  Frank told her adding, “If I could at least get Marie to speak with me, it wouldn’t be near as bad, but she won’t even meet my eyes.”


“Well Frank, if you take care of my favor for me, I will attempt to speak with Marie for you.”  Josephine offered.  “All I need is for you to ride out to Kat and to Rick’s ranches and let everyone know they have to be in town tomorrow evening for two weddings.  Then, if you can make yourself available, the girls may need a driver to get them around town off and on tomorrow.”


“Oh ma’am, that’s no problem at all.  I don’t need to be repaid for doing that small thing for you.”  Frank told her. 


“You may say that Frank, but I know how Mrs. Jamison is.  You’ll have your hands full getting her back into town in time.  After she’s here, there will be hell to pay for making plans without her input.”  Josephine explained.


“If you’ll excuse me, I better get going then ma’am.”  Frank said.  “If it’s going to be as rough as that I might ought to get a head start.” 


“I appreciate it Frank.”  Josephine told him sincerely.  “And don’t you worry about Marie; I’ll have a talk with her and see if I can figure out her problem.  She’s always been a little flighty so please don’t take it personally.”


Frank nodded as he headed back into the stable to ready his horse.  Josephine headed back into the house and nearly ran into Rick as she turned towards the study.  “Well I thought for sure you’d already be upstairs.  You had better get to it before Kat thinks you’ve forgotten her.  Don’t worry, I’ll go keep my husband busy in the study, and he’ll never notice you didn’t return.”  She laughed easily.


“Thank you Mrs. Andrews, I really appreciate all you’ve done for us today.  I guess I’ll be seeing you in the morning.”  He turned to head upstairs.


“Oh and Rick just so I don’t forget to tell you in the morning; your mother will be back in town for the weddings.”  She told him laughing softly at his grimace.  “I’ll try to keep her occupied so she doesn’t stir up too terribly much trouble, but I can’t make any promises.”


“It’s ok ma’am.  I know how my mother is and we’ll just deal with whatever happens when it happens.”  He smiled as he headed up the stairs to Kaitlyn’s waiting arms.


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