Damaged Hearts (28 page)

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Authors: Angel Wolfe

BOOK: Damaged Hearts
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Matt gently took the veil and folded it back before taking her face in his hands, touching her lips to his in a long, deep kiss that had the people in the room clapping in celebration of their union.  Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Matt broke the kiss and took Angel’s hand stepping back to allow Rick and Kat a little more room.


The judge then cleared his throat and looked at Kat knowing that there was no way she would make a promise she wouldn’t be able to keep.  At least his son had thought ahead and mentioned this to him before the ceremony allowing him to come up with an alternative.   


Clearing his throat, Edward began to recite the words he had altered to Kat.  “Do you Kaitlyn Elizabeth Carson take this man Richard Marcus Jamison as your lawfully wedded husband to live together in marriage?  Do you promise to love, honor and comfort and keep him for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health; forsaking all others, being faithful only to him for so long as you both shall live?”


Gazing up into Rick’s eyes, she knew she would never have any problem with keeping that kind of promise.  After swallowing a couple times to clear her throat, her reply rang loud and clear through the building.  “I do.”


Nodding again in approval, the judge turned to Rick and repeated the previously issued words; “Do you Rick take this woman Kaitlyn as your lawfully wedded wife to live together in marriage?  Do you promise to love, honor and cherish and keep her for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health; forsaking all others, being faithful only to her for as long as you both shall live?”


Smiling down at her, Rick’s reply left no doubt about just how sincere he was.  “I darn sure do and it’s about time.”


“Do you have the ring?”  His father asked Rick officially.  Taking the ring that was held out to him, he again held it up for everyone to see saying “The ring is a symbol of an unbroken circle of love, freely given and received equally with no beginning and no end.  It serves as a lifelong reminder and symbol of the wedding vows taken and the promises given.”  Turning, he handed the ring back to Rick.  “Please repeat after me.  With this ring I thee wed.”


Rick looked kindly into Kat’s eyes and repeated the words as he slid the ring into place on her third finger.  Smiling, the judge turned the couple towards the assembly and announced, “I give you Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jamison.  Son, you may kiss your bride.”


He folded the veil back away from her face before carefully wrapping his arms around her and meeting her lips for the first time as her husband.  Uncaring about the people witnessing the display of his affection, he deepened the kiss, taking her breath away.  As the clapping and cheers erupted, he grinned again before breaking the kiss and whispering “Hello Mrs. Jamison.”


Matt and Angel crowded close to them and the four exchanged congratulations to each other before they were enveloped by their bridesmaids and groomsmen also offering their good wishes.  Edward quietly informed them that it was customary to throw the bouquet and the garter before escaping to a waiting carriage while the well-wishers tossed rice.


Looking at her bouquet, “what if I don’t want to throw it, what if I want to keep it?”  Kat asked, looking at Angel for confirmation.


Josephine saved the moment by quietly handing her and Angel both smaller, more plain looking bouquets that had been made for just that occasion.  “Here, don’t worry about these.  Just turn around and toss them into the crowd of single ladies that are waiting over there.”  She nodded towards a small group clustered near them.


Kat looked at the new bouquet before turning her back to the ladies, closing her eyes, and counting silently to three before tossing the bouquet lightly over her head to where she thought Frances was standing.  Listening to the laughing and cheering, she spun around to see that her aim was indeed true.


Joining in the laughter, she stepped aside and let Angel have her turn.  After noticing that Kat had done what she herself was going to do, Angel decided that the next person she would wish a marriage blessing on would be their new sister-in-law Anna.  Angel spotted her and like Kat, turned, closed her eyes and counted to three before tossing the bouquet straight into Anna’s waiting hands.


The cheering and laughing started again as the grooms turned their brides back to face them and a chair that had been handed up by some well-wishing men.  Rick and Matt helped their brides settle their foot on the chair before lifting the hem of their wedding dress and each sliding a garter off the leg of their wife.


Laughing at the crowd of single men that crowed up close, Rick told them “Alright, whoever catches this garter has to dance at least the first two dances with Frances.  If anyone objects, I suggest you head to the back of the room.”  Turning his back to the group of men, he tossed the garter over his head and turned to witness a huge scuffle that erupted. 


Finally, Willie crawled out of the heap laughing as he waved the garter over his head.  “Guess that means I get at least two dances tonight.”  He smiled as he looked at Frances.  “Unless you object of course; but either way I promise not to step on your toes.”


“I’d love to dance with you Willie and I’m sure your dancing abilities are fine.”  She smiled.  “Let’s see who Anna gets to dance with.”  Allowing Willie to take her arm, they moved over to the side to watch the rest of the activities.


Matt slowly slipped the garter off of Angel’s leg and turned like Rick had, letting the garter go intending for it to go sailing into the crowd of men one more time.  Instead, Angel’s foot slipped and she grabbed at his arm throwing his aim off.  The garter smacked Jacob right in the forehead falling into his hands, as he looked around the room comically surprised. 


“Looks like someone’s going to get some dancing in tonight.”  Judge Jamison laughed as he smacked Jacob on the back.  “And I wouldn’t even for a moment entertain the notion of not showing up.”


“No sir.”  Jacob squeaked out, apparently having temporarily lost his voice.  Clearing his throat, he added more clearly, “I wouldn’t dream of leaving Anna standing by herself.”


“Ok son, see that you don’t.”  Edward patted him on the back again before moving to escort the two newlywed couples to the door so they could escape to the reception hall.


“Excuse me; ladies and gentleman.”  Sarah Jamison’s voice escalated over the crowd.  “We will all be moving over to the Grange Hall for the reception.  If everyone wants to migrate that way, we can begin the festivities.”


As she stepped off the chair that she had stood on to gain everyone’s attention, the door flew back open again and a child of about eight or nine years old ran in.  “Someone, anyone…we need some help.  We were moving our cattle into the holding pens at the edge of town and something spooked them. 


After looking around the room, Mark decided that he and Charley could easily go help the boy before heading on to the reception.  “Ok Son.  Just lead the way and we’ll help ya out.  Everyone else, we’ll see ya in a bit over at the Grange Hall.  Just someone save me a dance.”  He laughed as he and Charley headed out the door following the small boy.




The newlyweds loaded up into the carriage and headed for the hotel to change while Mark and Charley went to chase cattle; everyone else dispersed in different directions some going to help Mark and Charley with the cattle, others going to change before the dancing and festivities started.


After dropping the newlyweds off at the hotel and agreeing to return shortly, Frank decided to drop by the Tumbleweed for a quick drink before going back to his duties as temporary driver.  He downed a shot and ordered another as he turned and looked out the window.  Seeing Marie hurrying by, he decided that he definitely needed that second shot to get his courage up before attempting to talk to her again.  Downing it, he tossed the money on the bar and turning back around to grab his hat before rushing out the swinging doors.


“Marie, hold up for just a moment.  Marie…Marie!”  He yelled, finally grabbing her by the shoulders when she didn’t stop.


“Where are you going and what are you doing that has you so preoccupied that you can’t stop and acknowledge someone when they are talking to you?”  He asked, clearly frustrated at being ignored.


Shrugging one hand off her shoulder, she replied.  “Like you even care Frank.  I bet that not even once all day long have I come to mind.  You haven’t wondered about me or worried that I might be upset about all this going on with my father.  In fact, I’m sure that you don’t even have the vaguest idea where I’ve been all day.”  She shrugged off his other hand before turning back the direction she had been heading and went about to ignoring him again.


“Marie now dang it, listen here!”  Frank said finally having enough of her attitude.  “You are either going to talk sensibly to me like an adult of I’m going to be forced to take drastic measures.”  He threatened.


“What are you going to do Frank?  Tell my Daddy?”  She smirked.  “Well you’re too late; there’s nothing he can do about it even if he wanted to.  Remember; he’s in jail and scheduled to hang tomorrow?” 


Stopping abruptly in front of her, he bent down on one knee and brought her to the ground kicking and screaming as he proceeded to lay her across his other knee.  Taking careful aim, he swatted her rather hard, twice on her backside before pushing her off him to the ground.  “Until you can grow up and stop acting like a child, I can see that you will have to be treated like a child.  When you can come to me and be the woman you were that made the adult decision to make love with me, I’ll be waiting.  Until that time though, I’m sorry Marie but I’m done trying.”  And with that he walked away in the opposite direction.


“What are you talking about?”  She yelled.  “Frank, now wait just one minute.”  She stomped her feet.  “You come back here right this instant and apologize for embarrassing me like this.”  She screeched.


To his credit, Frank kept walking and never missed a step.  Inside his nerves were quaking but he knew unless some boundaries were set, they could never come together as man and wife and she would never understand just how severe some of her actions were.


Seeing that Frank was set in his decision, Marie dusted herself off before heading towards Frances’ home to change for the dance.  “Maybe seeing how a real lady should be treated will change his mind.”  She muttered under her breath.


As she neared the edge of town, she could see Kat and Angel’s brothers and several other townspeople both on foot and on horseback chasing some odd looking cattle trying to move them to the holding pens.  Then her eyes caught sight of something she had never seen before.  There was a woman, riding the largest cow...oh wait the largest bull she silently amended; that she had ever seen.  There was no saddle or anything and the woman seemed to control the beast with a small rope tied to a ring in the bull’s nose that looped around its neck like reins.


Fascinated, she stood and watched for what seemed like an eternity before slowly walking the rest of the way to the Andrews home.  Finding no one there but Thurston, she ignored his questioning look and went straight upstairs to the room she used when she stayed there.  Selecting a very provocative dress, she decided that it just might do the trick to make Frank jealous.


While Marie was in the house changing, Frances and Anna were standing across the street watching the woman that had just intrigued Marie.  “Can you believe she’s riding a bull?”  Frances asked Anna in amazement.  “I mean, she rides him like he was a horse and he actually lets her; even more he listens to her commands.”


“I’ve never seen anything like it.”  Anna whispered her eyes wide in disbelief.  “And look at that little boy on that pony.  He’s herding the cattle like he’s done it for years and the cattle haven’t even begun to act like they’ll step on that little pony.”


“Well, let’s go get changed and get over to the hall.  I for one am ready to dance all night if I have the chance to.  One thing’s for certain, we are guaranteed at least two dances each.”  Frances laughed, her eyes shining brightly with excitement.


“Yes, Rick and Matt definitely made sure we had a partner for at least part of the night.  Just think” Anna replied dreamily.  “Tonight I get to dance with Jacob.”


“And I get to dance with your brother.”  Frances giggled.  “You never know, maybe we’ll hit it off and you and I will be sisters before much longer.”


“I know one thing.”  Anna said with a grin.  “If we don’t get changed and get back over there, we’ll never know for sure.”


Laughing, the girls rushed upstairs and into Frances room never once thinking that Marie might be in the other room changing.  Overhearing the two just made Marie even more miserable and depressed.  Now, not only had she lost her father, but from the sounds of things, she had lost her best friend and her beau too.  Dejected, Marie promised herself that they would all be sorry in one way or another.


Quietly she slipped out of the room, down the stairs and out of the house.  Not thinking her actions all the way through, she went to the barn and proceeded to saddle up Flower like Frank and Anna had shown her and led the horse out to one of the mounting blocks.  After several attempts, she finally managed to get up on the horse before it moved again.  Catching up the reins from where they dangled, she clicked to the horse and headed off towards the jail to see her father for what might possibly be the last time.


While Marie was going towards the jail, Mark and Charley were finishing with the cattle that they had helped round up and contain.  After sliding the fence slats into position, Mark stopped to mop his forehead with his glove; unconsciously leaving a streak of dirt where he had swiped. 


Sliding off the back of the bull she had been riding; the tall, slender woman approached Mark sticking out her hand.  “I sure do appreciate all the help you gave me.  I’m Lilly Percy.  I am new to town but was told that there is some prime ranchland for sale around these parts.  I aim to continue raising Brahman cattle and possibly a few horses too.  I believe you have already met my son Patrick; he was the boy that asked you to help us.”


“Pleased to meet you.  I’m Mark Carson and this is my brother Charley.”  Mark replied taking her hand in his.  “I was just over at the land office earlier today.  If you’d like to ride along tomorrow, I was going to head out and look at a few places that are for sale.  Charley and I had discussed raising beef cattle but I’m not real sure what we are going to do now.  I was offered the job as sheriff only this morning so I guess I have some thinking to do.”


“I wouldn’t mind a guide, just as long as Patrick can ride along too.  If we find a place, it will be his place as much as it is mine.”  Lilly agreed


“That’s fine with me.  As a matter of fact, my daughter Emily will be going too so it should make for an interesting day.”


After receiving a nudge from Charley, Mark reluctantly nodded remembering their plans.  “Would you and Patrick care to come to a wedding reception and dance this evening?”  Mark asked on a whim.  “Our sisters just got married today and there’s a bit of a reception going on over at the Grange Hall.  If nothing else, it will give you the chance to meet some of the people from this town and plus give ya a free dinner.”  Mark laughed.  “I know I’m always game for free dinner.


“I don’t know.  Patrick and I are new to these parts, it may be considered rude for us to show up to dance and eat when we don’t even know the bride or groom.”  She said carefully. 


“Ok, look at it this way.”  Mark started.  “You will get to meet pretty near everyone in the county by going to this reception so you don’t need to worry about not knowing anyone.  As for your other worry, if you knew my sisters you would understand that they would be among the last people to think you rude for joining in.  In fact, they will probably welcome you in like you’re part of the family.  Actually, once my sister Kat figures out you have Brahmans; you’ll be her new best friend.  Kat raises Angus and Palominos.”  He added.


“What are we waiting for?”  Charley asked impatiently.  “Let’s get back to the hotel so we can get cleaned up, changed and join in the fun.  Do you and the boy have somewhere to stay?”


“We had planned to just stay with Brutus and his cows tonight before starting out to look for property in the morning.”  Lilly told him.  “It’s really no big deal.”


“I tell ya what, Mark and I both had our own room since we have Emily with us but since she is staying at a friend’s house for now, you might as well have my room.  I wasn’t really using it much anyway.  That way you and the boy can clean up a bit and change, then we can all go on over to the Hall together.  It will make it a lot easier to get together to go find land in the morning too.”  Charley added.


“I won’t be taking charity from anyone and I’d thank you not to be offering it.”  Lilly said stiffly, clearly put out with the notion. 


“It’s not charity we’re offering; more like a solution.  If you and Patrick were here at the hotel, it would save Charley and me quite a bit of time both tonight and in the morning.  If nothing else, you would be doing us a huge favor by taking the room.”  Mark spoke up.  “Now please, let’s not fight about this.  The room has been paid for and I rather it be used then left empty.”


Looking cautiously back and forth between the two men, Lilly debated with herself.  Very seldom had she ever seen acts of kindness what weren’t expected to be repaid in some way or another. 


Seeing her wary look, Mark hastened to reassure her.  “The room is a non-adjoining room.  There is only one door and it has a very functional deadbolt lock.  You and Patrick will be quite safe.  Safer than if you were sleeping with that big bull anyway.”


“Brutus may be a bull but he’s very protective.”  She informed him haughtily.  “I raised that bull from a calf and I’ve never once worried for my safety or for Patrick’s where he’s been concerned.  I find more to worry about in the human form than in bovines.”


“I couldn’t agree more.”  Charley interrupted.  “But if we don’t get cleaned up and get over to the reception, our worry is going to come haunt us in a flurry of petticoats I’m afraid.”


“Well, what do you think Lilly?  Do you trust us enough to take the room or are you going to make our lives rough for the next couple days?”  Mark asked.


“Ok, ok.  Let me get some of our things.  Where do you suggest we leave the rest of our stuff so it’s not bothered?”  She asked finally giving up the fight temporarily.  “And how do you suggest I get to the hotel?  I’m not sure they will allow Brutus at the hitching post even if he is gentler then some of the horses I’ve seen.”


“Well, Patrick has his pony so we know he is taken care of.  I tell you what; Charley, while Lilly gets some things gathered up, why don’t you ride over there to the Andrews’ place and saddle that spare palomino that’s in the barn.  I’m sure Kat won’t mind.”  He said before turning back to Lilly.  “Will that work for now?  I know you say Brutus has good manners but people in this town are a little set in their ways.”


“Let me talk to Patrick and I’ll be right back.”  She said taking the bull’s reins and swinging up onto his back.  Turning him, she clicked as if she sat astride a horse and they took off at an awkward gait towards the corral where the cows were currently contained.  Motioning her son over, she looked towards the men before speaking.


“Patrick; those men that helped us round up the cattle are offering us a place to stay for a day or two and would like us to come with them to a dance and festivities.  They have lots to eat there and we would be able to meet the townspeople and the men’s family.  What do you think?”  She asked cautiously knowing his aversion to strangers.

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