Damaged Souls (Broken Man) (13 page)

Read Damaged Souls (Broken Man) Online

Authors: Christopher Scott

Tags: #love, #sex and relationships, #love and healing, #sex and romance, #Romance, #sex, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Damaged Souls (Broken Man)
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“You going to be okay in here, Greg,” Jack interrupted their conversation as he entered the room with his bags.

“It’s perfect,” Greg replied as he again felt a sharp pain shoot through his head. “Thanks for everything, Jack.”

“Anytime,” Jack replied as he seemed to perk up a little. “Let me know if you need anything, okay.”

“You’ve got it,” Greg answered as he watched Jack exit the room and his hand found Delaney’s leg. Alone at last, he smiled as he turned to Delaney and immediately knew she had read his mind.

“Don’t even think about it,” she laughed and pushed his hand away. “You had your chance last night, now you are going to have to wait until you are all better. Sorry.”

“Very funny,” he replied to her teasing and then suddenly felt serious. “Delaney, I’m glad you are alright.”

“I’m fine, Greg, please stop worrying about me. If one more person asks if I’m okay, I’ll going to kill them.”

“Trust me, I understand. I won’t worry about you anymore, I promise.”

“Okay, that’s settled then,” Delaney responded as she stole a quick kiss and stood up from the bed. “Now get some rest, and if you are lucky, maybe I will visit later.”

“Sounds good,” he replied as he laid down and closed his eyes as his thoughts turned to her visit.

* * *

“Jack, there is nothing you can do right now,” Amanda tried to convince him as she cleared the last lunch plates off the table. “Why don’t you come back to the bedroom and take a nap with me. You could use the rest.”

“I’m okay,” he replied, still distracted by his thoughts and the papers he was studying.

“I’ll make it worth your while,” she offered a bribe as she brushed his shoulder with her hand.

“What was that.”

“Nothing Jack,” Amanda gave up as she took the dishes into the kitchen and realized talking to him right now was useless.

What is wrong with him? Why can’t he just talk to me? The lack of sleep certainly can’t be helping. It just adds to his stubbornness, Amanda washed the dishes as she thought about what to say.

We need to get back to normal as soon as possible, she thought to herself as she dried her hands with a towel. Delaney and Greg are going to be okay. Let’s just leave it at that and let the rest of the problem fade away.

But, we can’t do that. Jack is right. Mitch needs to be held accountable for what he did, Amanda understood the need to take a different approach as she reentered the dining room.

“Jack,” Amanda was careful to get his full attention as she sat back down at the table. “I need you to talk to me about this.”

He paused as he took off his reading glasses and put down the papers. “Amanda, I really don’t want to burden you. I’d rather just handle it myself and not involve you, Delaney, and Greg. It’s bad enough that they have to relive the entire night when they talk to Mike tonight.”

“I understand,” she carefully considered what to say. “But, you can’t keep it all bottled up and let it eat you up inside. You need to talk about it, at least tell me what’s going on.”

“I don’t want to worry you,” he said as he stood up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. “Right now, I just need you to keep your eye on Delaney and Greg and let me handle this. Is that okay.”

At least we can talk about something, Amanda found some comfort as she leaned her head against his arm and enjoyed him massaging her shoulders. “It’s okay, Jack,” she gave him his space. “And don’t worry about Delaney and Greg. They are doing fine.”

“Are you sure it’s a good idea, them taking a nap together.”

“I think it’s perfect,” Amanda replied and felt a tinge of jealousy at their quiet time together. “They are just protecting one another, helping each other heal. We also have to understand they aren’t children anymore,” Amanda looked up at Jack to see if he understood.

“They still are to me. I’d rather they didn’t nap together, at least not in the same bedroom.”

“Jack, we aren’t going to be able to stop them,” Amanda reminded him of how love works and wished he would remember. “I talked to Delaney about it, and I reminded her to be careful, to wait until she is ready. She understands, and I actually think both of them are ready. I really can’t believe they waited this long.”

“Well, don’t encourage them,” Jack protested but seemed to accept the inevitable.

“I don’t think I need to,” Amanda replied as she took his hand and moved it to her breast as she closed her eyes. “It just happens.”

* * *

“Do you wish we were at the beach with all the other kids,” Delaney asked Greg as she laid her head on his chest and enjoyed the quiet peacefulness of his darkened room.

“No, I’m happy right here,” he said as he kissed her forehead and she could sense him going to sleep. “How about you.”

“This is perfect,” she replied as she put her hand on his chest. “We’ll see everyone at graduation Friday.”

“Yep,” he kept his answer short as he fell asleep.

I wish he would do something, Delaney wondered why Greg was keeping his hands to himself as she shifted her hand to his stomach and tried to give him a hint. Maybe he just isn’t feeling well, she thought as she moved her hand ever so slightly lower. What happened to the guy who couldn’t keep his hands off me last night?

That felt really good, Delaney settled for the thoughts running through her head as Greg’s breathing deepened and she knew he was asleep. I wish we would have had done it then, I was definitely ready. Maybe we would have if we had protection, she remembered one of the reasons they stopped and reminded herself to take care of that errand.

I wonder what he thought of me. I hope I didn’t do something wrong, Delaney suddenly felt insecure as she remembered Greg stopping her. He’s probably been with lots of other girls, girls who knew what they were doing. He must know I’ve never done it, that must be why he isn’t doing anything.

What did he mean when he said he’s been waiting his entire life for this? It must just be a line, but a really good one, Delaney remembered how special it made her feel. But, he has to have done it before, this couldn’t be his first time, could it?

Has he been waiting for me all this time, saving himself for this moment. That would be too good to be true, Delaney realized boys didn’t have the same self control as girls, at least some girls anyway. No, she decided, this isn’t his first time, although she didn’t really care as she closed her eyes to try to go to sleep.

It’s his first time with me, and that’s all that really matters.

* * *

She is driving me crazy, Greg tried to think about other things as his mind focused on her hand on his stomach and he pretended to sleep.

We can’t do this here, he panicked as he hoped Delaney couldn’t feel how excited he was. Not with Jack and Amanda in the other room, not without being prepared. I can’t take this, Greg decided to roll over on his side as her hand moved lower.

That’s a little better, he felt her roll over with him and her breasts press against his back. Maybe not, he shared every movement of her body as he grew even more excited and her hand nearly brushed against him as she reached for his leg. I can’t take this anymore, he thought to himself as his mind drifted to their encounter the night before.

I am so glad that didn’t happen, he was thankful she had stopped just in time as he remembered how it felt when she touched him, how his body had nearly responded too soon. That would have been embarrassing, Greg cringed as he felt Delaney shift her hips and he realized how close he was to embarrassing himself again.

Think about something else, Greg, he commanded himself to shift his focus and decided the pain shooting through his head might be a good distraction. Think about the pain, think about the pain, think about the pain, he silently said to himself as his mind disobeyed his words and visions of the night before clouded his focus.

Her mouth, her breasts, her hips, her legs, her beautiful face. All at the forefront of his mind, all right there pressed up against him ready to share. All I have to do is turn around.

I can’t do that, Greg resisted temptation and refocused on his pain. Not yet, not now, he reminded himself as he felt everyone one of his senses respond to her presence. It’s going to be a long afternoon, Greg realized as he closed his eyes and tried to sleep.

* * *

This is so frustrating, Amanda laid in bed with her eyes wide open but her clothes still on.

At least he is sleeping, she tried to focus on his breathing as his body spooned her’s and her arousal played tricks on her mind. What is wrong with me, Amanda felt tied up in knots, held back by restraints, ready to explode, and all in all in need of being satisfied. This isn’t like him to leave me like this. Especially not on a Sunday.

Sunday is our day. Our day to forget about the stresses of work and children. Our day to spend some time together alone and to express ourselves physically. Sure, we might get in a quickie every once in a while, but it’s hard to find time during the week with Jack’s long hours and my chasing a four year old around the house. Sunday is supposed to be special.

But, this Sunday is different. Everyone responds to stress in different ways. I try to get back to normal and find a routine, Jack has to fix things, he has to regain control. And until he does, I’m stuck.

Maybe he is right, Amanda considered the pettiness of her needs as she felt her breasts about to burst. Making love isn’t going to fix anything, having sex isn’t going to solve our problems. But, it would certainly make me feel better, she closed her eyes and decided to use her imagination.

That’s it, Jack, Amanda sensed his hand caressing her breast. Oh yeah, she felt his body harden as she welcomed him to join her and he enthusiastically obliged. Don’t you dare stop, they finally started to move as she felt him inside of her and all of her senses heightened.

What happened?

Jack suddenly rolled over onto his back as Amanda reopened her eyes. This isn’t working for me, she felt the tension in her legs as she rolled over and rested her head on his chest. I need a release, she selfishly thought about waking him up and trying again. Am I that desperate, Amanda remembered her earlier failed attempts to gain his attention and decided not to embarrass herself again.

I wish he would let me make him feel better, Amanda moved her hand to his leg but received no response. Who am I kidding, I wish he would make me feel better, she scolded herself for her selfishness. Just rest for now, Jack, Amanda decided to let him sleep as she got out of bed, too worked up to sleep.

I’m sure you will make it up to me later.

Chapter Fifteen

“Hey, Greg,” Jack was surprised to see him as he stepped onto the screened porch. “What are you doing up so late.”

“Couldn’t sleep,” Greg replied as he sat down at the table. “My schedule is all screwed up. How about you.”

“Couldn’t sleep either,” he didn’t go into details. “You want a drink.”

“The doctor said I’m not supposed to because of my medication, but I don’t think one will hurt.”

“It should be okay,” Jack approved as he got up and walked behind the bar. “What will it be.”

“Just a beer I guess,” Greg paused as Jack returned with his drink and sat back down. “Jack, can I ask you something.”

“Sure, Greg.”

“You think anything is going to happen with Mitch.”

I doubt it, Jack thought to himself as he considered how to respond and why Greg was asking the question. “We’re trying Greg, why do you ask.”

“I don’t know,” he responded as he tried to figure it out. “Maybe it would be better if we just dropped it.”

This doesn’t seem like the Greg I know. I wonder what’s going on with him, Jack tried to figure out his motivation as he attempted to put himself in Greg’s shoes.

“Are you worried about earlier,” Jack questioned him as he watched for a reaction. “I know that was difficult for you and Delaney, but it had to be done. What Mitch did to the two of you was wrong, and he needs to be held accountable.”

“I get it, Jack,” Greg seemed almost short in his response. “It’s just that Delaney is doing better and I don’t want her to have to go over it again and again. You know what I mean.”

“I do,” Jack understood Greg’s point of view as he remembered Delaney’s interview with Mike earlier in the evening. “But, I can’t just let Mitch walk away, that wouldn’t be right.”

“I think he learned his lesson,” Greg took pride in his defense of Delaney. “He’ll think twice before doing anything like that again.”

“Maybe he will,” Jack wasn’t sure he should tell Greg about what happened when they picked up his truck. “But guys like Mitch and Mitch’s father for that matter never seem to learn.”

Jack sensed something was wrong as he watched Greg suddenly close down. What did I say? I’m not going to make the same mistake I made before, he decided not to let it go as he pursued a new line of questioning. “Greg, is there something you’re not telling me.”

“No, it’s okay,” he replied as Jack could tell he was hiding something.

“Look, Greg, I know it’s not easy and I know it’s a bit uncomfortable, but I need to know everything. I’m not going to screw this up again.”

“What do you mean.”

“This entire mess is really my fault. I’ve known Mr. Caldwell for a long time and I know the kind of man he is. I should have never let Delaney go anywhere near that son of his. If I had done my job, none of this would have happened.”

“That’s not true, Jack,” Greg explained his faulty logic. “You can’t keep Delaney locked up her entire life and you didn’t know what Mitch was capable of, what was going to happen,” Greg’s voice suddenly trailed off.

There is something he’s not telling me, Greg’s hesitation confirmed Jack’s suspicions as he tried to figure out what it was. “Greg, is there something you want to tell me.”

Jack realized he had lost him, and he watched as Greg took a sip of beer and seemed to drift away into his thoughts. This poor kid, Jack again felt guilty as he realized all he had been through. I should have done more for him.

“It’s a long story,” Greg suddenly returned to the present but still seemed hesitant to share.

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