Read Damsel in Danger (Danger Incorporated Book 1) Online

Authors: Olivia Jaymes

Tags: #Military, #Mystery, #Suspense, #Private Investigators, #Romance, #Fiction, #Former DEA Agent, #Murder, #Neighbors, #House Renovation, #First Date, #Police, #Contemporary

Damsel in Danger (Danger Incorporated Book 1) (21 page)

BOOK: Damsel in Danger (Danger Incorporated Book 1)
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Jason gently pressed
his lips to Brinley’s, overcome with desire, tenderness, and pure emotion for this woman whose mere touch seemed to make everything better. He’d admitted his great flaw, his broken psyche but instead of pushing him away in self-preservation she’d wrapped her arms around him tighter, not scared of him pulling her down with him. He ought to get the hell out of her life when this case was over but damned if he could even fathom the possibility.

He wanted her too badly.

“Jason,” she whispered against his skin as she pressed her lips to his shoulder. She shuddered underneath him as his hands roamed over her curves urgently, barely able to rein in his impatience. He needed to be inside of her. Now.

“Yes, honey. I know what you need.”

Her own fingers were exploring the ridges of his stomach before slipping down to encircle his hard and ready cock. Jason buried his face in her neck, breathing in the delicate scent of her skin as he kissed and licked a trail to her shoulder, shoving her oversized nightshirt aside to reveal her golden sun-kissed flesh.

Hurriedly he tugged the cotton material over her head and tossed it aside, not caring where it landed. Her lacy panties were next to nothing, barely any covering at all but he wanted nothing between them tonight. All of his own armor had been stripped away with her tender questioning and he was laid bare – body and soul. In the morning he’d have to rebuild it but for now it was a relief to shake it off.

Groaning as her hands caressed his cock, he cupped her breasts in his palms before lapping at a nipple with his tongue bringing it to a hard point. He moved to the other, licking and worrying it with his teeth until it sat up tight and proud in pink perfection.

The pressure was already beginning to build in his lower back, the tide battering at the door. Her own movements were frantic as she wriggled underneath him, rubbing her silky soft skin against him and sending frissons of electricity straight to his balls and cock.

Sliding his hand between her legs, he carefully pressed a finger inside her to test her readiness. Hot and wet, her body wrapped around his flesh and he added another digit to rub her sweet spot while his thumb brushed her clit.

“Yes, oh yes,” she moaned, her head thrown back and her eyes half-closed in ecstasy. She was trembling on the brink; he could feel it as her inner walls fluttered around his hand. He withdrew his fingers and reached for the nightstand drawer, fumbling until he found a condom square.

Clumsy in his haste, he ripped open the package and rolled on the protection. Brinley tried to help but it only made it more difficult with every brush of her hands against his already sensitized flesh. Fire licked his skin and his breathing was ragged as he hovered above Brinley, his gaze taking in every inch of the delicious feast before him.

Her long brown hair was tousled around her head like a halo, a few strands hanging down playing hide and seek with her flushed nipples. Her chest rose and fell quickly, her own breathing ragged even as she paused to allow him to look his fill of her beauty. One of his hands skimmed down her side, tracing the indentation of her waist, the gentle flare of her hip, and the long line of her legs, firm from riding her bicycle. He wanted to spend hours drinking in every minute detail…

But not at this moment. He was too needy and from the restless movements she made Brinley felt exactly the same.

“Are you ready for me?” His hoarsely voiced question was met with an eagerness that made his chest tighten. She deserved better and the right thing to do would be to walk away. Let her find someone less damaged, someone who didn’t dread the long, dark nights.

“Yes. Now.” Her fingernails dug into the muscles of his shoulders and he lowered himself between her legs until his cock lined up with her entrance.

Leaning forward, he captured her full lips with his own even as he surged into her with one stroke. So wet and ready for him, he slid in easily and paused to savor the feeling when he was in to the hilt, her channel walls tightly hugging his cock. He had to close his eyes and think cold thoughts to be able to hold back.

Politics. Ranch bookkeeping. Golf scores. Government expense reports.

Dry, bland topics kept him from embarrassing himself but it had been too close for comfort. This woman was hell on any sense of equilibrium.

Slowly he pulled almost all the way out before thrusting back in, tingles shooting from the top of his head to the tip of his toes and settling in his groin, making it damn hard to think clearly—if at all. Brinley’s hips swiveled as he repeated the movement and he had to choke back a groan of pleasure so acute it was painful. Her fingers dug into his biceps as he sped up, pistoning in and out of her until both of them reached the pinnacle.

Brinley cried out his name as she tumbled over the cliff, her sex clamping down on his cock and making it impossible for him to hold back any longer. Stars whirled in front of his eyes as he dragged air into his starved lungs. The pressure in his balls gave way and his seed jetted into the condom. It seemed to go on forever but then finally he was done, wrung out. He rolled over onto his back, carrying Brinley with him and cuddling her damp body close until he was forced to take his leave for a few minutes.

When he returned he slid next to her on the cool sheets, their bodies still overheated from the passion they’d shared. Jason combed back a few stray strands of hair from her face and dropped a brief kiss on her lips.

“It just gets better and better,” she sighed, wriggling until her head was pillowed on her shoulder. “I don’t know any other word but

Jason chuckled, not at her inarticulate verbal skills but because he completely agreed. There wasn’t an adjective for the incredibly amazing hot sex…except
incredible amazing
hot sex

And somehow it didn’t seem enough. Too weak.

“Wow is right. You pack a wallop, honey.”

She balanced on her elbow so she could look into his eyes and poked a finger in his chest.

“I could say the same for you. I don’t think I could sleep after that. Do you want to watch some television or something?”

So sweet and caring but he was on to her. She knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep after the nightmare he’d had but she didn’t want him to feel badly about it.

“I’m not sure there’s much on but we could look for a movie or something,” he agreed. “It will be morning in a couple of hours.”

He reached for the remote but kept one arm around Brinley. He’d have to let her go at some point. It would be selfish to keep her but right now she was all his. He would hold on to her for as long as he dared.

Chapter Twenty-Three

’ll be fine
here with Logan. Go on,” Brinley urged Jason a few days later over breakfast. “You can tell me about your meeting with Damian Barnes when you get back.”

“Possible meeting,” Jason corrected, helping himself to another waffle and smothering it in syrup. “He hasn’t returned my messages so I’m just going to take a chance and drive to his home and try to corner him. I imagine this is a subject he’s not eager to discuss with me—or anyone else, for that matter.”

“Poor bastard found the body. That will change a person.” Logan leaned against the kitchen counter and refilled his coffee cup. He’d been spending his nights at Brinley’s house to make sure no one broke in but during the day he could keep an eye on it from a distance if needed. “What will we be doing today, Miss Snow? Painting? Wallpaper? No, wait…maybe ceiling fans?”

Logan had that boyish grin on his face so clearly he wasn’t worried. He’d spent the last couple of days helping her hang ceiling fans and replacing the kitchen backsplash with copper tiles. In fact, she’d been surprised to find how handy he was around the house and he didn’t complain a bit about his babysitting job, whether it was her or the house he was watching. She had to admire his “embrace each day and laugh about it” attitude.

“Nothing that interesting, I’m afraid. We’re going to take a break today. I have to meet the flooring company this morning. They’re coming to measure and give me an estimate for refinishing the hardwood. Then I need to go to the grocery store because we’re out of almost everything, unless you two want to eat cereal for dinner tonight.”

Both men vigorously shook their heads. Jason and Logan had healthy appetites and frankly so did she. It didn’t hurt that they raved about everything she cooked, whether it was as simple as waffles or as complex as a chocolate soufflé.

“So it’s a day of rest? I can live with that. We can go see a movie or something if Jason isn’t back yet.”

Jason tossed the newspaper aside. “If I can’t find Barnes I won’t be gone long. This case has come to a grinding halt. Anita didn’t see who shot her and we have no new evidence. Just a bunch of theories we can’t prove.”

She’d been thinking about that very thing last night as Jason had finally fallen asleep around midnight. The fact was she couldn’t live here forever. No matter how nice that sounded. Jason hadn’t said anything these last few days but the question of what they were going to do about her living arrangements was going to rear its ugly head eventually. They couldn’t go on as they were now. At some point she was going to have to suck it up and move back to her house whether it was dangerous or not.

“I’ve been thinking about that. Maybe I should move back to my house as a sort of bait. My presence there might bring out whoever broke in and lead us to the killer if they’re not one and the same person.”

“No,” Logan and Jason practically shouted in unison. Jason looked horrified at the suggestion and even the laid back Logan appeared alarmed.

“I don’t think we’re desperate enough to use an innocent young woman as bait for a multiple murderer. Holy hell, woman, that’s the craziest idea I’ve ever heard.” Jason slapped his forehead and stood so he was hovering over her. “We will solve this eventually but we don’t need to put you in harm’s way to do it.”

“It was just an idea,” she replied weakly. “I can’t stay here forever. No one solved the original murder. What if you can’t get him again?”

Jason looked so affronted she immediately wanted to take her words back. “I always get my man, Brinley. I realize you’re not familiar with my body of work but I dig until I find what I’m looking for. I can assure you Logan and Jared are the same. We’ll get him. I’m sorry that you can’t stay in your own home, but until we know what’s going on here I just can’t take any chances.”

Before she could apologize he’d slapped his cowboy hat on his head and snatched up his keys from the counter. He was striding out the door when she finally found her voice.

“Jason, wait a minute.”

“Got to go.” He didn’t turn back but he did pause. “I’ll call later and let you know how it’s going.”

He headed out the door but this time she was ready for it. She grabbed his arm just as he hit the bottom front porch step.

“Please wait.” She tugged at his shirt until he looked at her. The hurt she saw in his eyes almost took her breath away. She’d insulted him and she hadn’t meant to. “Listen, I’m really sorry. I’ve got a big mouth and I let it run this morning. I know you’re going to catch this guy. You’re so close. I just feel like I’m imposing by staying with you. I’m sure you like your privacy and now I’ve got makeup crap all over your bathroom.”


Brinley had no
earthly idea why Jason was really upset and that was probably a good thing. When she’d started talking about going back to her own house, Jason’s heart had skipped a beat or two in his chest. He didn’t want her to go. He liked having her things strewn through his house. Before she’d come into his life his home had been quiet but sterile. Now it was full of life and he had her to thank for that. Her clothes and mascara didn’t seem like a big deal when the remedy meant he’d be alone. Again.

But she thought he was upset that she’d wondered aloud whether he was going to be able to solve the murders.

That didn’t bother him in the least. Hell, he’d been wondering the same goddamn thing for days so he couldn’t blame her for doing it too. He couldn’t guarantee success although he had a track record that other agents envied. He’d do his best, but in the end sometimes these things had an element of luck to them.

So was he lucky if he didn’t solve the murder and she stayed? Or was he lucky if he found the killer and she went back to her own house?

He didn’t have a fucking clue except that he couldn’t be in this for the long haul. She deserved a better man. A whole man, and that left him out of the running. He hadn’t expected to fall so far, so fast. He never had before. Brinley had changed more than she knew.

“It’s fine. You didn’t say anything wrong. I’m shooting off my mouth too, acting like I know for sure I’m going to solve it when I really don’t.”

He could see the doubt in her eyes and didn’t have a clue how to make it go away. He didn’t like lying to her much either.

“My words were thoughtless and I’m so sorry, Jason. Please forgive me.”

Brinley squeezed his arm, her eyes beseeching him. Dammit. He’d forgive her damn near anything. He couldn’t let her feel like crap when it wasn’t her fault. They needed to talk about this sooner or later, although he’d been hoping for the latter.

BOOK: Damsel in Danger (Danger Incorporated Book 1)
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