Dan & Tyler 2 - Wintergreen (11 page)

BOOK: Dan & Tyler 2 - Wintergreen
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Dan sighed and shifted position on the worn rug cushioning their knees. Tyler wasn't sure what would come next; the brief, wrenching loss of Dan's finger, fucking him gently now, followed by the blunt, hard stab of Dan's cock, breaching him inch by inch, discomfort melting to a clamor for more from his body? Or would Dan use him, rub off on him, let Tyler suffer, hard and aching, through Dan's climax, come spilled over him in warm, thick splashes? The thought of Dan doing that to him brought a harsh whimper from him, his balls tight and his cock rigid, craving a touch.

"Shh," Dan said, his breath a tickle against Tyler's skin. "Let me do this."


"God, do it," Tyler begged. "Do anything you fucking want to."

Dan chuckled, the sound shaky and dazed. "Yeah? Anything?" Before Tyler could reply, Dan's tongue, soft and liquid, curled around his slowly moving finger and slid with it, just a little way, into Tyler's hole.
"Fuck!" Tyler's muscles clenched, and he forced himself to relax. "Fuck," he said again, helpless as Dan's tongue swirled and lapped and sometimes dipped inside him, the smooth, regular push of Dan's finger allied with the more unpredictable, less successful, infinitely more arousing flickers of his tongue.

Dan let his finger slide out, and Tyler, panting into the green velvet couch, eyes screwed closed, felt lube, cool and quick, drizzle over his cleft and down to the hot, hungry hole. Dan worked it in with his thumbs, pushing one, then both inside Tyler, holding him open and making space for Dan's tongue to plunge inside, once, twice. Tyler, words lost, gone, bit down on his forearm, needing something to fill his mouth.

It didn't last. It couldn't last. With an inarticulate moan, Dan pulled back and fumbled on a condom, the familiar sound of foil being ripped as welcome as any Tyler had heard.

Dan placed a kiss on Tyler's shoulder, sweet and slow, distracting Tyler from what was happening elsewhere so that the first raw burn no amount of lube could entirely douse seemed distant and all that mattered was Dan's mouth, moving to suck and nip at Tyler's earlobe, sending a cool shiver over him.

With an easy rhythm Dan had learned using Tyler as a textbook -- because Dan sure as hell hadn't had a clue the first time he'd fucked Tyler -- Dan took them both to the point where pausing would have been torture and stopping impossible. Tyler was sweating, grunting, braced against the couch and meeting every stroke eagerly.

From somewhere, Dan found words, hissing them into Tyler's ear. "Don't you ever fucking go 'way again, you hear me?"

Tyler wanted to tell Dan that he wouldn't; he had the words shaped and ready in his mind, but Dan chose that moment to reach around and grab Tyler's cock, working it with an expert hand since it was an angle he was familiar with, Tyler guessed.

Tyler didn't howl, but it was close. Couch, rug, his stomach; he marked them all with come, feeling it leave him in a climax that took away every ache and left him euphoric and drained. Dan's climax a few moments later sent an aftershock through him as over-stressed nerve endings sent up white flags, but when Dan began to ease out, one hand holding the condom in place, Tyler reached back to stop him, murmuring something plaintive.

"Sorry," Dan said, his voice soft and apologetic. "Got to."

Tyler sighed and rolled over as Dan went to dispose of the condom, the throb in his ass a pleasant reminder of being fucked, although later he might wish they'd been a little less enthusiastic. He stayed there, sprawled out and naked, trusting Dan to return with a wet cloth, or at least a handful of toilet paper, to deal with the mess.

"You look…" Dan chewed his lip thoughtfully as he sat down next to Tyler on the floor. He'd brought two washcloths, which Tyler appreciated. "Relaxed."
"Huh. I’d go for well-fucked," Tyler said, mopping the streaks of come off his belly and wondering why the stuff got everywhere. Dan dealt with the couch and rug, which would soon dry, and then tossed the cloth aside and squirmed closer inside the waiting circle of Tyler's arms.

Tyler sniffed. Mint. "You brushed your teeth?"


"Would you have kissed me if I hadn't?"


"Probably not," Tyler conceded. He gave Dan a long kiss, his tongue darting between Dan's lips and finding nothing to taste but more toothpaste. "Don't mind kissing you now."


"I can see that."


They sat on the floor, trading kisses and spit, until Dan shivered. "Okay, maybe we can save going nudist for the summer?"


"You ever had a sunburned dick?" Tyler shook his head and swatted Dan's ass playfully before standing. "It's not something I'd recommend."

"It's happened to you?" Dan asked as they dressed. He dragged on his jeans with a bounce to get them in place and yanked at his zipper with the careless confidence of a man who knew his dick was safely tucked away. "For real?"

Tyler winced, remembering a week of sheer agony. "Yeah. Want a life lesson? Never get drunk on a beach with people who get playful when you pass out. I never did find my shorts."

"Ouch." Dan stretched, his shirt riding up to show a flat stomach, the flash of skin enticing even though a few minutes earlier Tyler had seen everything Dan had to show. "So do you want to eat now?"

Saliva, warm and soft, flooded into Tyler's mouth, and he swallowed. "I'm starving."


Dan turned to go to the kitchen and then paused and came back, wrapping his arms around Tyler in a hard, fierce hug. "Don't make me do this again."


"Fuck me and feed me?" Tyler said, evading the issue and he knew it.


"Think about leaving."


"I don't want that to happen," Tyler said, and hoped that Dan could see he meant it. "I really, really don't."

"I don't either, but if you make me feel invisible, I just lose it. I can't stand it." Dan looked up at him. "I felt like that on the road. All these people driving by… they didn't even look at me, most of them. Didn't look sorry, or wave… miles of empty road, and they had to have seen me there, this little dot getting bigger, but it was like I didn't exist to them."

Tyler sighed. "Dan, you're the only real, solid thing in my life right now. There's you and then there's a whole heap of confusion and fog. You, I'm sure of. The rest of it…"


"So let it go," Dan said. "Tell Cole that you can't do whatever the hell it is anymore."


Tyler broke away from Dan's arms. "I can't. I'll take the rest of the day off and we can do whatever you like, but I can't stop."


"Well, that just fucking sucks," Dan said flatly.

"Not really," Tyler said. God, he wished he could just tell Dan what he was doing, but Cole was right; it was too dangerous for Dan to know, and the boy didn't really need to, not in the true sense of 'need to know.' "I don't mind doing it. I just don't like the fact that it's taking so long for me to finish it. I thought it would be over in a week or two, but I just keep hitting dead ends… The delay's hurting more people than you, believe me."

Dan shrugged, his disapproval evident, but let it drop until the food -- roast beef and potato wedges -- had been reduced to crumbs on their plates, and Tyler, full and mellow, was halfway down his second beer.

"Isn't there anything you can tell me about what Cole's gotten you into?"


The beer lost its flavor. "No."


"Why not?" Dan persisted. He didn't sound argumentative, but he did sound stubborn. "You say you can't, but is it just habit? A dumb rule?"


"It's top secret, my eyes only shit," Tyler said. "You know."


"You're not James fucking Bond," Dan said, clearly unimpressed. "And I'm an American citizen with the right to know what's going on."


"Oh, very nice," Tyler said approvingly. "Now tell me you want to know how your tax dollars are spent. Oh, wait; you've never paid any."


"Are you researching a target?" Dan demanded, ignoring the gibe. "That's what you used to do, right? That's what you were good at, besides the actual shooting."


"No and yes." Tyler felt a familiar twist in his gut at the reminder of what he'd been and what he'd done. "This is nothing to do with getting anyone killed."


That wasn't entirely true. Whoever was responsible for the leak could well end up dead, one way or another, but Tyler knew what Dan was worried about.


"Then it's not that secret," Dan said.


"It doesn't matter," Tyler said, impatience bubbling up and ruining his improved mood. "You don't have the necessary clearance, and this is between Cole and me. End of story."


"Then clear me and ask Cole if you can tell me."

"Jesus, Dan, will you just let it fucking go?" It wasn't the first time that he'd really yelled at Dan, and it probably wouldn't be the last, but he hated the lost, hurt look he saw before Dan's expression shut down. "I talk to you and you're at risk. You say something -- no, I know that you wouldn't mean to, but you might -- and God knows what might happen."

"You don't trust me," Dan said, his voice cold with disillusionment and disappointment.


"I do, I just--"


"You trust yourself not to talk."


"Well, of course I do. Dan, I'm trained--"


That got him a disdainful sniff. "Doesn't take training to keep a secret. I've never told anyone what you used to do, and yeah, people have asked me."


"It takes training not to spill your guts if you're being tortured."


Dan gave him a scornful look to go with the sniff. "Tyler, even I know that they'd just shoot me full of something and I'd start babbling. There's nothing you can do about that."


"Yeah, there is." Tyler stood. "I can make damn sure an untrained, wet behind the ears civilian doesn't know anything."

"Do you really think being ignorant would save me if I got captured?" Dan said, the words spoken so quietly that Tyler had to strain to hear them. His voice rose. "Do you seriously think they'd believe me when I said you kept me in the dark and I didn't know anything, so could you let me go now, please, and I swear I won't get you into trouble for kidnapping me?"

Dan got to his feet and faced Tyler across the cluttered table. "You're spinning your wheels. Whatever it is that you're supposed to do, you're not doing."


"Yeah." Tyler nodded. "That, at least, you're right about."

"Do you need--" Dan's voice faltered. "Do you need to go somewhere? Do something? Is staying here making it harder?"
"Probably, but that carries risks, which is why I've been working from here, online. If I'm seen where I shouldn't be, it could set off alarms," Tyler said, picking his words carefully. "This is… it's sensitive. I spook someone--" He ground to a halt. "I'm saying too much. Dan, please -- don't ask me any more questions."

Dan scrubbed at his face with his hands and then ran his fingers through his hair, ruffling it wildly and destroying whatever look Maggie had been going for. Not that there'd been much of it left after all the kissing; Tyler always found his hands in Dan's hair when they kissed for some reason. "Okay.
. No more questions, no more getting on your back for shutting me out--"

"No, you can do that," Tyler said. "I was being stupid. Working without a break is okay sometimes, but it can be counterproductive long-term. I'd gone stale. Feel free to go along with the hitting me over the head plan if I do this again."

"I could probably find less painful ways of distracting you."


"I'm sure you could," Tyler said, already anticipating them.


"So, do one thing for me?"


"What?" Tyler said warily. Dan was being reasonable, and that was enough to worry him, even as he felt a wave of relief that they weren't headed straight for another argument.

"Finish this fast." Dan began to clear the table, stacking plates neatly and quickly, the way he always worked. "Cole wouldn't have asked you to do it if he didn't think you could hack it -- and that wasn't a pun. Stop getting hung up on stuff and just do the fucking job." He gave Tyler a wry look. "Whatever it is."

"What do you think I've been doing?" Tyler demanded, the weight of the weeks of work he'd done making him snappish.

"Failing." Dan let a handful of cutlery slide with a clatter into the sink. "Hiding in a small room, the way you've been hiding in a small cabin in a small town these past few years. Cole's opened the door to that big scary world you ran away from, and you're doing everything you can to keep from stepping through it, but where you are, there's only room for one person. Has to be lonely." He started water running into the sink, his hand under the stream to test its temperature. It took a while for the icy well water to warm up. "God, listen to me channel Oprah. You want to wash or dry?"

Tyler took a clean towel out of a drawer. "Dry," he said. He wasn't going near what Dan had said. It didn't lack for insight, but he was doing more than hiding; he was healing. If he'd had a broken leg, Dan would have expected him to be running a marathon a week later, he reflected a little sourly.
They worked side by side in silence and then, the chore finished, Dan raised his eyebrows. "So? You want to pretend we're back to normal some more, or do you want to take another crack at your job?"

There wasn't really much choice involved. "I'm going back into that small room for the rest of the afternoon," Tyler said. "All alone, yes, but I'll leave the door open, okay?"


"Okay with me," Dan said. "Supper's at -- well, whenever I get around to defrosting something you cooked."


"Thanks, Martha. And give the couch another scrub," Tyler said over his shoulder as he went back to work. "If I'm going to sit on it tonight and watch a movie or something, I want it clean."
Chapter Seven
"Oh, you son of a
I've got you now."


Dan, reduced to working on a jigsaw puzzle so old that the colors on the pieces had faded and the backs were fuzzy, looked up, startled.


"What?" he called out. "Tyler?"

Tyler emerged from the bedroom and walked over to the kitchen table with long strides, his gray eyes bright with anger and grim satisfaction. "I've got him," he repeated, and slammed his hand down on the table, jarring it so that a few puzzle pieces, muted browns that Dan had shoved to the side to work on later, fell to the floor. "I don't know how I missed it, but it doesn't matter. I've got him now."

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