Dance With Me, Baby: A Yeah, Baby Novella (6 page)

Read Dance With Me, Baby: A Yeah, Baby Novella Online

Authors: Fiona Davenport

Tags: #accidental pregnancy romance, #alpha male romance

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His confession moved me to the point where there was only one possible answer. “Call Dr. Frazier back in, and let’s find out the sex of our baby.”

Declan dropped one last kiss on my lips and walked over to the door. As soon as he cracked it open, Dr. Frazier peeked her head in. “What’s the verdict?”

“We’d like to know, please.”

She beamed a smile my way at my response. “I’m not surprised. Dr. McGowan can be fairly persuasive when he wants to be.” I darted a wary gaze between the two of them, wondering what she meant by that, and relaxed when she continued. “He’s done an excellent job talking donors out of money for the new pediatrics wing. It’s just too bad it won’t be done before your little girl is born since the wing will also be the home to new labor and delivery rooms.”

“Little girl?” I gasped.

“Hot damn!” Declan whooped, scooping me off the exam table and twirling me around. “A baby girl who’s going to be just as beautiful as her mommy.”

“Maybe she’ll look like her daddy instead,” I suggested shyly, gazing up at him when he set me on my feet.

Declan wasn’t the least bit self-conscious about Dr. Frazier watching us in such a personal moment. He cradled my face in his palms and captured my lips, kissing me tenderly. It might not have been the right time or place, considering Declan worked there, but it was exactly what I needed to feel closer to him. Lost in the kiss, neither of us heard the door click shut as we physically expressed all the emotions the ultrasound had evoked inside.

His thumbs swept across my cheeks when he lifted his head and stared down at me. Then he dropped to his knees and whispered against my belly, “Hello in there, baby girl McGowan. This is your daddy. I love you very much and can’t wait to meet you, my little peanut.”

Cue the tears—again. Although this time it was more than just stupid hormones. I was thrilled my baby girl had her daddy’s unconditional love. I just wished I did, too.


o you have to go into the studio today?” Declan murmured from the bed.

I stepped out of the walk-in closet, dressed for a day full of dance classes, and let my eyes linger on his naked chest. The sheet hung low on his hips, his eyes were sleepy, and his dark hair was tousled after a night spent making love to celebrate the news about our baby girl. We’d popped into his office after the ultrasound so he could get some work done, but we hadn’t stayed long. After a quick, early dinner, we’d spent the rest of the night in bed. Forget champagne and cake, sex with Declan was the best way to celebrate.

This morning was a return to the real world though, and I had to leave the private bubble we’d created around ourselves. I would have loved to be able to hide in it, particularly that day, but it just wasn’t possible. “I’m meeting with Serena today to talk about the pregnancy.”

His eyes narrowed and he tilted his head to the side. “She doesn’t know yet?”

“It’s only been three days since I found out,” I answered defensively. “Since you were able to get me an ultrasound appointment with Dr. Frazier for the same day as my originally scheduled one, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to wait until afterwards to let her know.”

He rolled out of the bed and stalked towards me, laying his hand gently on my belly when he got close. “You haven’t been pushing yourself too hard, have you? I know how important dance is to you, but you’re dancing for two now.”

“Dancing for two,” I repeated dreamily. The baby kicked at his hand, almost as though she knew we were talking about her. “I think that’s a sign that she likes the idea of dancing with her mommy as much as I do.”

“Maybe, but I think she just loves the sound of her daddy’s voice,” he teased.

“Then she must take after her mommy because I do too.”

“If you play hooky with me today, I’ll whisper sweet nothings in your ear for as long as you like,” he offered hopefully.

“Oh, please. We both know you aren’t really going to take the whole day off,” I answered, wagging my finger at him. “In fact, I’ll probably beat you home. Depending on how my meeting with Serena goes, I may be home super early. I’m not sure how she’s going to take the news of my pregnancy since I’m already four months along. It’s been years since one of the principal ballerinas has been pregnant, and she’d been happily married and trying for a baby for more than a year. This time around, it’s going to come as a shock to everyone. If they aren’t willing to let me continue with classes throughout the pregnancy, then earning my principle spot back would be incredibly difficult.”

“I know how important your career is to you. I think I proved that with how I handled your four-month absence.” I shook my head in confusion, but he didn’t notice since he was staring down at his hands on my stomach. “You have my support, one-hundred percent, but I want your promise that you’ll be careful and won’t overdo it out of fear for what will happen after the baby is here. I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to either of my girls.”

“You have it,” I vowed, linking my fingers through his and holding them against me.

We stood together like that for longer than I’d realized. When we finally broke apart, I had to make a mad dash across town to the studio and was almost late to my meeting with Serena. The company’s ballet mistress adored me, but tardiness was one of her biggest pet peeves. It was a fact I was reminded of when I barely made it into her office with one minute to spare and she pointedly looked at the clock on the wall.

“I trust the reason for this meeting is urgent since you almost made me wait for you?”

“I’m four months pregnant,” I blurted out, skipping the entire speech I’d practiced in my head for the last couple days.

“Well,” she murmured, dropping into her chair with her eyebrows raised as her gaze swept my body. “That would explain the weight gain.”

“It’s five pounds,” I grumbled. “And it was only four the last time you saw me.”

“There will be many more pounds to follow, I’m sure. Four months along, you said?”

“Yes, I just found out this week, and had an ultrasound yesterday. It’s a girl, and a perfectly healthy pregnancy.” I shoved some papers at her that the doctor had given me upon my request. “I’ve already spoken with my doctor about this, and she’s supportive of me continuing with my workout as long as I’m careful and listen to my body’s signals.”

“You can dance,” she conceded after reviewing the information from Dr. Frazier, and I heaved a big sigh of relief. “In classes only, where I can ensure you’re being cautious as your body changes throughout the pregnancy. I’ll speak with Hayes about your unavailability for casting.”

“I don’t want to do anything to put my baby at risk,” I assured her, feeling relieved that she was going to tackle the conversation with our artistic director for me. “My doctor even said it will help me maintain my body strength, which might alleviate some of pregnancy’s negative side effects. Plus, the baby’s father”—she sent a pointed look at the ring on my finger, and I corrected myself—“my fiancé is a pediatric surgeon. I’ve recently moved in with him, and he’s going to want to keep a close eye on my health, too, so it’s not like I’m going to be able to get away with much, even if I wanted to. Which I don’t.”

“Yes,” she agreed. “We will work to keep your core strong to help you avoid back pain. This we can do, but no performing. No lifts. No grand jetés.”

“Whatever you think is best,” I agreed.

“Remember, Juliette. You have many years to dance, even though they might not all be on the stage, but you only have so many to become a mother.” She looked sad for a moment, and I couldn’t help but wonder if she regretted never marrying and having children of her own. The dance world was different when she was a prima ballerina. I was deeply grateful for the changes over the years, which allowed me to live my dream and be a mother too.

Chapter 8

rom just outside the door, I watched Juliette’s graceful body float around the empty dance studio. The walls of mirrors magnified her elegance and her ballet slippers gliding along the polished, wooden floors.

Her honey brown hair was twisted into a bun, baring her slender neck. Her slim body was poured into a black leotard, nude tights, and well-loved, pink toe shoes. The lines of her body were only interrupted by the growing roundness of her six-month pregnant belly. She was fucking gorgeous and I was transfixed, unable to look away for fear I would miss one single movement. She was strong and postured, and yet, she moved like liquid, flowing and free.

I would never tire of watching my beautiful ballerina. Every dance step reminded me of the way I loved her, it looked effortless, but I knew it was strong and full of emotion. The last two months had been amazing, living with her, planning our wedding, watching our baby grow. The only downside was that my schedule at the hospital had been packed and I’d missed her like crazy. But, we were about to have a whole week off together while we finalized wedding details. Finally, it couldn’t come a moment too soon.

After several more minutes, she came to a stop and carefully walked over to one of the walls, bending down (giving me a spectacular view of her mouthwatering ass) and picking up a tattered notebook. She scribbled something in it, then looked out at the room, her eyes sweeping around as though she was watching something play out in front of her. Her head dipped once more and she wrote furiously as she walked over to a table and set it down. Then a bright smile grew on her sweet lips and it took my breath away.

My heart was racing and my cock was hard and aching. I glanced around, confirming the empty halls. It was after ten and the place was pretty much deserted since the season hadn’t yet begun. I stepped inside the room and closed the door behind me with a soft click. Juliette had made her way to the sound system and was searching through her iPhone intently. Between her focus and the music, she didn’t hear my entry. One wall of the studio was windows, looking out into the hallways of the building. But, there was a button by the light switch that lowered shades for privacy and I pushed it before striding over to her.

The movement finally caught her attention and she spun around in surprise, losing her balance and tipping right into my arms.
I grinned at her for a moment before claiming her mouth in a deep kiss. The flavor of her kisses were as addictive as the taste of her pussy.

That thought spurred my body into action and I palmed both butt cheeks, lifting her until her legs wrapped around my waist. I could feel the heat of her sex burning through the thin layer of my scrubs and her leotard.
Leotard. Fuck.
That thing was like a fucking chastity belt. Luckily, I happened to know Juliette had plenty of others, so I felt zero remorse when I slid my hand between us and ripped a hole through the stretchy fabric, as well as her tights.

She gasped and reared back, glaring at me. “Declan!” Her eyes darted around nervously.

“Relax, baby,” I purred. “Even if this place wasn’t deserted, no one can see us, or hear us over the music.”

“But, my clothes—”

“Yeah,” I grumbled. “We’re going to need to do something about those. I need easy access.”

She sputtered as I pivoted and walked over to the wall sporting the ballet barre. I set her down right in front of it and turned her to face the mirror. Her skin was flushed and she looked like she’d been thoroughly kissed. I placed hot, wet, open-mouthed kisses along her neck and nuzzled the sensitive spot behind her ear. She shuddered and moaned, amplifying my need.

“Hold onto the barre, baby,” I whispered, then waited for her to grip it tight. Giving a little squeeze of her hips, I encouraged her to go up onto the toes of her slippers. It put her at just the right height for my cock to nestle into the crack of her ass. Her cheeks were round and firm, pressing against me in the most delicious form of torture. I needed her.

Slipping a hand under one leg, I lifted it and straightened it out so it rested on the barre, opening her up. I loved how flexible she was, it made our sextivities a lot more adventurous.

Keeping one hand on her hip to help steady her, I brought the other around to her front and dipped it into the wide, round neckline of her body suit to play with one of her hard nipples. I twisted and plucked it, enjoying her moans and the way her firm little ass pressed even harder against my dick. Watching her face in the mirror, her violet eyes cloudy with passion, had me on the verge of coming.

After showing both tits equal attention, my hand traveled down, caressing her stomach, then onto the tear in her outfit. I dragged my index finger through her pussy lips and lifted it to show her the glistening digit.

“You’re so wet, Jules. Fucking soaked. I love how much I turn you on.” I sucked my finger clean and groaned, “You taste so damn good, baby.”

Lust roared through my body and I couldn’t wait any longer. I practically tore my scrubs trying to extricate my cock, then used my free hand to line him up and thrust hard and deep into her drenched pussy.

“Keep holding the barre, Juliette, and lock your knee, so it doesn’t buckle.” With both hands on her hips, I drove into her over and over, staring at the picture we made in the floor to ceiling reflective glass.

Juliette cried out with each plunge inside her and her head dropped back, her eyes closed. “Open your eyes, baby,” I demanded softly. “I want you to see what we look like, how perfect we are together. Let me see your beautiful eyes while I fuck you from behind. I want to see you come in this position.”

She dragged her lids up and met my gaze, fire swirling in their depths. “I want,” she panted, “to see you too.”

“You will, baby,” I grunted. “But first, I’m going to make you come so fucking hard. Starting tonight, I get you all to myself for a week and I’m going to make sure you feel me every time you move when the week is over.”

My words sent her skyrocketing up, reaching for her orgasm, and her eyes began to close. I released one hip and slapped her ass before I growled, “Eyes!”

They flung open and I bent my knees for a deeper angle, reaching around to pinch her clit. She screamed my name as she shattered and her walls squeezed my cock in a death grip, milking my orgasm along with hers. I shuddered violently, dizzy with the force of it. But, I held tight to her, keeping her steady and safe.

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