Dancing Dragon (5 page)

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Authors: Nicola Claire

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

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I shook my head at him and made a concerted effort to control the tears, reaching into my pocket for a tissue. Tissues, my best buds right now. They go where I go. 24/7.

He sighed, but didn't let go of my wrist.

“You know, I have known Michel for centuries, we were once very close.”

Yeah, I knew that. Michel had told me, Gregor had hinted at it, but they'd had a falling out, when Michel left Paris and the
, where they both worked, to come to New Zealand, in search of me. The Prophesied Nosferatin born in the New Land who would bring balance to the world. I am the Light to the Dark and Michel came here to wait for me.

But Gregor couldn't understand why he would give up what they had so readily. I don't think Michel ever told him the reason why he chose to leave. Not then anyway. Neither has spoken of that time in depth and even now their relationship is strained, especially since Gregor decided he wanted me too.

We had moved on from that, but if anyone knew Michel, Gregor would. I wondered what he would make of Michel's behaviour right now. Maybe it was familiar, maybe this is exactly what Michel did to him all the way back those many years ago.

Michel can be very single minded, I'm sure you are aware of that,
ma cherie
. Sometimes it can be to the detriment of those he loves. He can be blinded by his own desires and he fails to see the consequences of his actions until it is too late.” All of what Gregor was saying made sense. I knew what Michel was like when I got involved with him, but it still didn't make it any easier, did it? “I will say this though, Lucinda, he loves you, adores you, I have never seen him so devoted to another before. You are his life. Whatever he is doing right now, it will be temporary, he will come back to you. I am sure.”

Somehow, without me even saying a word, Gregor had pretty much hit the nail on the head, but I didn't agree with him. I couldn't see an end to this, I couldn't for the life of me picture Michel coming back. This felt so final, so monumental. I couldn't see an end.

I chanced a smile at Gregor and took a deep breath in. “I know, you're right,” I said with as much conviction as I could muster.

His lips quirked slightly and a shot of silver flashed across his eyes. He didn't believe me, but he wasn't going to push either. Gregor could be a diplomat when he tried.

I did, however, think he might be able to help me with one thing though. Gregor, although the Master of Wellington City, was also still an
council member. They called him the Enforcer and occasionally he would be called away to
laws. It didn't happen often, because when the Enforcer was called in, it was pretty much the end of the road for the one being enforced, but he was still privy to most of what went on in the hallowed halls of the

Do you know if the
has requested a meeting with Michel?”

His eyebrows raised at that. “A meeting,
ma cherie?

Oh bugger, I guess I wasn't going to get any insider information here. I might as well keep on trucking though.

“He's flying out to Paris the day after tomorrow, he didn't say what for, I just assumed it would be the

Gregor looked at me intently. I knew what he was thinking. Michel would normally tell me what was up, why he was travelling away. Hell, I'd normally go with him. If my tears hadn't have been a dead giveaway that something was not right in our joining, then this surely was.

“It would not be a false conclusion to make,” Gregor offered, quietly. “But I have not heard of any planned meetings or investigations regarding Michel.”

And with those softly spoken words, Gregor confirmed my worst fears. There would be no other reason for Michel to travel to Paris, Gregor agreed with me on that. It had to be the
but what exactly they were after neither of us knew.

I sighed, a weighty sigh. My heart was torn in two, my chest ached, my head hurt and now I was plain scared. Whatever Michel was doing, he intended to do it without me. Why?

Gregor rose up off the cushions in the usual Nosferatu glide, puppet-on-a-string movement and turned to offer me his hand. With his help I didn't look nearly as awkward getting up, but still, vamps had a way of making you feel ungainly.

“I suggest a night out on the town to wash away your sorrows, my dear. I promise, by the end of this evening I shall have you laughing and dancing and forgetting everything else but me. I have no doubt at all.”

I had to smile, I had no doubt he'd try his darnedest too, but it wasn't until Amisi came out of the bedroom and Gregor's whole demeanour changed, from broad-shoulder-to-cry-on to awestruck-love-sick-puppy, that I truly started laughing.

Dressed in skin tight black leather pants and an equally skin tight cropped black T-Shirt, showing a bronzed and toned midriff, with red blood dripping letters saying
Desire de Sang Staff
right across her breasts along with three inch high heels on her feet, Amisi looked older, sexier and infinitely more dangerous than I had ever seen her before. She took in the look on my face and then Gregor's and lifted her chin, then sailed passed us with all the grace of a catwalk model.

Gregor was struck dumb and all I could do was laugh.

“If you say one word, Lucinda Monk, I
slice you with silver. And Gregor, close your damn mouth, you're catching flies.”

That's my girl.

Chapter 4
Blood Lust

I chuckled the entire short trip in Gregor's car from the apartment at one end of Lambton Quay until the club at the other. Amisi just sat stony silent in the front passenger seat, arms crossed defiantly over her chest, with Gregor casting the odd covert glance her way. Taking in her profile, her body, the line of her neck. It was actually the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. The way he looked at her. It whispered of longing and desire and to a certain extent, worship.

Gregor Morel, the Enforcer, the
Iunctio's guillotine,
worshipped the ground Amisi walked on.

I might have issues with a particular vampire right now, but I am still able to appreciate that they are not all tarred by the same brush. Gregor has a bad boy bone, that was for sure, but he also had an enormous amount of Light within. He was a constant challenge, a borderline rogue, Nosferatin blood called to him in a way no other vampire could claim. That made him dangerous. But danger can sometimes be attractive. Gregor Morel wore danger like a dinner jacket, it suited him well.

I couldn't think of a more appropriate kindred for my Amisi.

The club,
Desire de Sang
, French for Blood Lust, was already at full capacity when we arrived. It had been open for a couple of hours, but by the time the sun set, it had got its groove on for sure. A mixture of high end dressers and Goth wannabes covered the dance floor and mingled around in the dark crevices bordering the central space. The music, along with the lighting, was seductive and alluring, an unusual combination of base and haunting riffs. No covers being played here.

We followed Gregor in through the side entrance to the club, Amisi flashed me a smile then waltzed off to the bar and set up shop like she'd done it a million times before. Suddenly the men who had been waiting to be served by a male vampire behind the bar, switched allegiances and lined up in front of the tall, statuesque Egyptian. Gregor's low growl could only be heard by those next to us, all of which had luckily been vamps.

He rolled his head on his shoulders and led me to a reserved table in the corner, drinks were immediately placed in front of us. A
Bacardi and Coke
for me and something dark and no doubt potent for Gregor.

“You know, Morel, considering the country she comes from, having her serve alcohol behind the bar is a bit gauche,” I said, quietly, whilst sipping my drink.

Gregor's eyes flashed silver, still fixed on Amisi at the bar, then slowly returned to look at me.

“It was either that or have her as part of the entertainment.” The entertainment wore even less than Amisi had on, short-short leather mini skirts, minuscule leather straps and fabric strips as tops and six inch thigh-high leather boots. They also were tasked with enticing the clientèle into nefarious deeds, none of which I really wanted to be privy to. “Besides, she follows Nut. Nut would understand.”

I couldn't argue, given the choice I'm sure Nut would, but it's more than that. Gregor was a Nosferatin before he was turned. Nut herself engineered the turning, he has met her, he knows her as well as I. It was not an arrogant vampire talking, but a former hunter like me.

“I dread to think what you would have had me do,” I muttered under my breath.

That received a winning smile, the tiniest flash of fangs. “Lucinda, you would only ever have been my personal entertainment. The leather straps would have looked good on you.”

“And they wouldn't on Amisi?” I asked, incredulously. He still comes on to me after all this time and with Amisi across the room?

He paused, considered his words, then said, “Amisi is not exactly like you,
ma cherie.
She is... precious. She requires my protection. You are more than capable of holding your own with my kind.”

Oh, he was so wrong there. “Amisi has more skill in her little toe than I do in my whole body, Gregor. She can take care of herself and she wouldn't appreciate you thinking otherwise.”

His smile broadened. “I feel compelled to protect her. She is mine to protect.”

And there you had it. The vampire within him had already claimed her as his kindred. I may have been an attraction to Gregor, a distraction from his self hatred at the time, but Amisi was now his sole purpose in life. If there is one thing to be said about vampires, they are proprietary. They mark something as theirs and they will not share.

I smiled back. “That's better,” I said, holding his gaze.

“Do I pass the test, little Hunter?”

“Just in the nick of time. Any longer before you declared your undying love and I would have had to stake you.”

He held a hand to his chest, above his heart and gave me a mock sigh. “You are so harsh,
ma cherie.
So harsh.” And then flashed a smile and a wink.

We passed the next two hours just talking and teasing one another, it was a balm on a hot summer's night, a welcomed distraction from the pain in my heart. Gregor knew how to bring me out of myself, he knew how to make me forget my worries and concentrate on the here and now. Gregor had always been a closet hedonist. Hell, at one stage I don't think it was a hidden trait at all. But, he couldn't bear the thought of me suffering now and not try to make me find a way to have pleasure.

After two hours of his undivided attention I brought myself back to reality and ushered him to his office. He was the Master of the City, I had monopolised his time long enough. He didn't fight me on it, so he'd probably been dealing with some of his business telepathically with his line. I appreciated the fact that he had spent so long in my company. His time was precious and he had given more than enough to prove he cared.

Before he left me, he cast a glance at Amisi, still surrounded by throngs of attentive male customers and pursed his lips.

“I think it time our Amisi takes a break for the night. In fact, she can have the rest of the evening off. It's not often the
Lux Lucis Tribuo
visits our city after all.”

He leaned down and lifted my hand to his lips, brushing a light caress across the back.

“Enjoy your stay,
ma petite chasseuse
. You are always welcome in my city.” And then he was gone, in a flash of preternatural speed, so fast that even the Norms nearby wouldn't have realised what they had witnessed.

I glanced up as Amisi came out from behind the bar, two vampires escorting her across the dance floor, pushing would-be suitors out of their path and depositing her at my table, They melted into the shadows, but I could still feel them nearby. They oozed
Sanguis Vitam

I lifted my eyebrow at Amisi and finished the last of my second drink for the night. Two more full ones appeared within a second, in front of us both.

“I have the rest of the night off apparently," Amisi said through gritted teeth, "and my
are to stay by your side and
entertain any gentlemen. His excuse: you don't need the distraction right now, your kindred awaits your return with much impatience.” She did not sound happy at all. I couldn't blame her. Gregor was walking a very thin line.

I let a huff of breath out in an indignant laugh, hoping she would take the sound as solidarity with her anger at Gregor, but I forgot Amisi's new talent for empathy. It brokered no misinterpretation. I was indignant at Gregor's comment of Michel waiting impatiently for my return and she knew it.

She took a sip of her drink and levelled her beautiful almond shaped eyes at me, flashes of bronze hinted in the chocolate depths. I blinked. Only Nero had ever had that sort of ability, his eyes reflecting his emotions like a vampire. I had put it down to his vast age, over 500 years old. Normally Nosferatins like me have more human-like eyes, just bright and big and deep of colour, but no tonal changes and flashes of light. Maybe, it had been more to do with his lineage, than age. Maybe Amisi, being part of his Nosferatin community, shared something of Nero's blood. I had never considered that before.

“Are you going to tell me what Michel has done? Or do I have to guess?”

I didn't say anything, suddenly my mouth was very dry.

“OK. I'll guess.” Ah crap. Give it a rest Amisi. “He is punishing you for something, maybe a hunt gone bad. You got hurt, he got angry. Now it's escalated into a power play for dominance, neither of you giving purchase to the other.”

I just stared blankly ahead.
Never show fear. Never give an inch. Always stay on guard.

“No. All right then, how about this? He's jealous, you've had some unwanted attention from a male, probably vampire and he's spat the dummy. Tightened the apron strings and not letting you out of his sight.”

Jeez, when did Amisi learn all of these colloquial sayings? Still, I didn't move, not even a blink. Just held my breath. She'd never guess, but part of me hoped she would, it would be easier than saying it aloud. My kindred no longer wants me, he's cast me aside. Oh damn and there's the ache in my heart again.

Amisi blanched. Her voice whisper quiet. “He hasn't... he hasn't been unfaithful has he?” She asked tentatively, pain etched on her delicate face.

I shook my head once. I couldn't be sure what he was doing right now, there could have been another he was seeing, how would I know, but the thought alone was enough to make me deny it. The shaking of my head more a movement to clear the image her words had created in my mind, than an outright denial of his unfaithfulness.

“No,” she said, still quiet, still laced with pain. “It's more than that.” Oh and now the ache was a stabbing pain, cleaving my heart in two.

She straightened her shoulders and held my gaze. I saw resolution there, determination, empathy, but a whole lot of whoop-ass. Amisi was a fighter, she knew I was too. My current state was not something she would tolerate lightly, no matter how shattered she knew me to be. She would expect me to fight to the bitter end. I just didn't have it in me anymore.

“I'm not going to guess anymore, Lucinda.” Thank fuck for that. “I think we both know what's going on.” Huh? “Do you trust me?”

I slowly nodded, unsure exactly where she was heading with this.

“I know vampires, I have lived my entire life amongst them. They don't think like we do.” She laughed delicately at her understatement. “They don't act like we do either. But, it's pretty easy to break them down, if you know what makes them tick. Whatever Michel is doing right now it's hurting you.” She held her hand up to placate me when she must have seen the cringe that graced my face. “I know words are inadequate for what you are feeling, I feel them too. Remember?” Yeah, empathy, her new gift. “Let me ask you this; is he yours, Lucinda?”

I stared at her for a moment, what was she asking? She was asking, not as a human, not as a Norm. A human relationship is not based on possession, but a vampiric one is. Michel was mine the moment I saw him, but I didn't claim him until I marked him with my
. Yes, he was mine now, no one else's. I nodded.

“Good.” She seemed satisfied with my answer. “This is what you do. Don't make him jealous, vampires don't respond well to ultimatums, but go back to Auckland, to
and take what is yours. He
yours, Lucinda, remind him of that. Publicly, strongly, make a statement, dress to impress and do it in front of his line. If what he is doing is what I think it is, his line will be waiting for you to respond to the challenge.”

“The challenge?” The words were out before I could stop them. Michel's behaviour was not a challenge, it was a rejection.

Quietly, softly, she asked, “How long since he has slept in the same room as you?”

The world closed in to just us. She'd guessed, she hadn't voiced it, she didn't need to, like she said, we both knew what the problem was.

“Three weeks.” My voice was small, broken. She cringed, then reschooled her features.

“OK.” She took a deep breath in. “You're a bit late in replying to the challenge, but that could be put down to your independent nature. No one makes you do anything until you are well and truly ready. The line would have thought it unusual, but not necessarily a lost cause just yet, but you must act immediately. Another week and it could be too late.”

“What do you mean too late?” It was already too late as far as I was concerned.

“If you do not answer the challenge of his... rejection, then it will be assumed you no longer consider him yours. That would mean, although still his kindred Nosferatin, you would not be his mate, or wife and your position in the line would falter. Also,” - it gets worse? - “he would then be free game for any suitor willing to claim him as their own. He may love you dearly, Lucinda, which I have no doubt he does, but without your claim, he will stray. It is in their nature. If he means anything to you, other than just your kindred Nosferatu, then don't let that happen. Once it does, reversing it can sometimes be damn near impossible. Everything in the world of vampyre is based on illusion and presentation. What they perceive is fact.”

She took a break to sip her drink and catch her breath and then she looked hard at me. Somehow I knew the actual lecture hadn't happened just yet, she was just warming up.

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