Dancing with Deception (5 page)

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Authors: Avery Gale

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Dancing with Deception
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Looking to the side, Brandt saw a petite blonde standing next to Ryan. She was clearly trying to get his cousin’s attention, but Ryan didn’t seem to be taking the bait. There wasn’t a chance in hell Ry didn’t know she was there—you don’t get close to a Navy SEAL without them knowing you’re there. He’d known men retired from the teams for decades who swore they still sensed people approaching long before they were close enough to do harm.

Knowing Joelle was worried he already had a submissive gave him an odd sense of satisfaction. “No, minx, she doesn’t belong to me. I hadn’t even planned to play this evening. But I did come here to talk to Master Nate about a woman who’d been avoiding me all week.” She didn’t respond, but her lips formed a perfect O letting him know she’d understood he’d been referring to her. “Oh is right. We’ll have a discussion about
later as well, but right now I’m going to lay three stripes on your lovely ass as a reminder to follow instructions.” He wasn’t going to give her the ten he’d planned on—damn, he was probably making a mistake going easy on her. But he didn’t want her first experience with him to be all about pain, either. Since they hadn’t played together before, there wasn’t any foundation of trust to rely on.

Brandt didn’t give her any time to worry about what was to come, he stepped behind her and administered three solid strokes. He spaced them evenly though one lay directly over the crease between her ass and thigh—that one would be a reminder of their time together for a couple of days. He’d finished before her mind caught up. She’d hissed at the burn of the first strike, but the second and third were so quick he was finished before the heat even registered. He dropped the leather strap to the floor with a clatter and immediately pushed two fingers into her soaking wet pussy.
Yeah, I think somebody enjoys a bite of pain—fucking perfect.

Years of being a sexual dominant gave him the experience necessary to find her G-spot in one thrust. He hadn’t intended to end the scene so soon, but it was more important for her mind to link the pain and pleasure than it was to give the audience a protracted scene. Leaning close, he spoke against her ear, “Come for me, minx. I want to hear you scream your pleasure.” He’d barely finished the words when he felt her vaginal walls lock down on his fingers. The rush of her honey over them made him want to shout in triumph. She screamed his name as she shattered and hearing his name cross her lips while she was in the throes of passion was incredibly satisfying. The only thing would have made the moment even sweeter—if it had been his cock rather than his fingers giving her pleasure.
Soon…very, very soon!

Joelle was so
lost in the aftershocks of the most powerful orgasm of her life, she was barely cognizant of the fact Brandt had released her from the club’s strange cross. Even as she felt a soft blanket being wrapped around her, her mind and body still didn’t feel like they belonged to the same person. She’d never experienced anything remotely like the disconnection she felt now—and the harder she tried to figure out what was wrong with her, the more distant it all seemed. Soft lips pressed against her forehead in a chaste kiss and she suddenly realized she was horizontal again. But this time, she was on her back and moving…
Wow, who knew magic carpets wrapped around you before they took you from place to place?

When she drifted back to herself again, Joelle realized she was sitting on someone and panicked. She flailed inside the cocoon of the blanket, trying to free herself from its confines. Strong arms banded tightly around her and she heard Brant’s voice, “Settle down. I’ve got you, minx. Here, drink some of this.” She hadn’t managed to open her eyes yet, but she felt the straw he pressed against her lips. Taking a big drink, she was surprised by the tangy taste of orange juice. “Good girl, now relax for a few minutes. I just want to hold you—can you do that for me?” Joelle tried to nod her head but wasn’t sure she’d succeeded. Letting everything fade into the background once again, she let go and slid into the darkness.

Ryan Morgan handed
his cousin a beer then settled into one of the chairs facing the sofa where Brandt sat with the beautiful redhead he’d punished—if that’s what you wanted to call it. Nate had explained the circumstances and Ryan understood Brandt’s strategy, but he and Big had laughed about the effectiveness of a punishment that involves an orgasm so intense it probably registered on the Richter scale.

He’d met Joelle Phillips at a party when he worked for Templar Enterprises Group’s Security Division. Even though they’d been formally introduced, he had only gotten to speak to her briefly—but she’d certainly made an impression. He’d planned to call her after that first meeting, but work obligations had made it impossible.
Who would have ever imagined Miss Formal, Heiress to Phillips Pharmaceuticals would be into the kink scene?

“You’re early.” Brandt never had been one to beat around the bush, a trait shared by most Special Forces operators. But, in Brandt’s case it could easily be a genetic trait—
yeah, we Morgans aren’t typically known for being suave.
Ryan didn’t answer, he just nodded in agreement and grinned. “Christ, I don’t know why I didn’t think about you and Big being friends.”

Big was walking behind the sofa and smacked the back of Brandt’s head. “Watch it Star Boy, that badge doesn’t give you the right to disrespect me in my own club.” Ryan snorted a laugh, it was this sort of comradery he’d missed these last few months as he’d finished up his Residency. His classmates had been nice enough, just young and naïve. They’d also been cutthroat competitive, something that had grated on Ry’s nerves. After years spent working as a part of a team—where your life depended on
member’s success, he’d had little tolerance for their games. Ryan didn’t regret the time he’d devoted to serving his country, he’d benefited from the experience in more ways than he’d probably ever know. But he’d seen a lot of the worst the world had to offer and those experiences had a way of changing a man.

Brandt rolled his eyes at Big’s comment. “Hell, I know why you’re waiting to go up to Pine Creek.” Ryan started grinning like a fucking loon and Brandt knew he’d nailed it. “Just so you know, they left last night. Did Dad know you were holding back?” Ryan wanted to laugh out loud, he and his uncle had been talking at least once a week for months. Ryan loved his Aunt Patsy, but damn she could steamroll the most stubborn among them. Ryan wanted to view the town and medical facilities without being subjected to the family dynamo’s hard sell techniques.

“You aren’t the only one who called me about Doc “Slow” wanting to retire—and when I find out which one of you gave that crotchety old fart my phone number, there’s going to be hell to pay.” Ryan knew the elderly doctor hadn’t told any of his patients the real reason he was planning to retire, and Ry had promised he wouldn’t share the grim diagnosis Doc had gotten a few months back. Nodding toward Joelle, Ryan asked, “So, tell me how a world renowned medical researcher like Joelle Phillips ends up in a kink club in Montana?”

Ryan became aware of several things at the exact same instant. First, Joelle was no longer snoozing, he’d seen her muscles stiffen at his question. Second, neither Brandt nor Big appeared to know what the hell he was talking about. And third, his cousin was fucking furious—although Ryan wasn’t entirely sure why. Phoenix stepped up behind Brandt as Ryan asked the question, his eyes going wide. Ryan was betting Brandt’s younger brother knew more about Joelle than the Sheriff—and wasn’t that going to go over like a lead fucking balloon?
Real smooth, man. Hell, no wonder my residency mentor kept saying my bedside manner needed work.

Chapter Four

randt saw Phoenix
in one of the club’s many mirrors when he stepped up behind him. At Ryan’s question, his younger brother’s eyes widened in guilt and he’d attempted to meld back into the shadows, but Brandt wasn’t having it. “Don’t even think about it, little brother.”

Phoenix’s muttered, “Fuck” was all he needed to hear. Obviously, his little brother already knew all or part of what Ryan just said—it was unlike one of his brothers to keep something like this secret, so Brandt was more than a little interest in his explanation.

The woman in his arms also reacted to Ryan’s comment letting him know she’d recovered enough to realize there was trouble brewing. He leaned down, speaking against her ear, “I know you’re awake, minx. You might as well open those pretty gray eyes. I’m interested in hearing the answer to Master Ryan’s question myself.” Her eyelids fluttered open, her apprehension easy to see. Under different circumstances, Brandt might have enjoyed seeing her uncertainty, but as it was—he wasn’t happy to know she was so unsure of his reaction she looked like she was a half second from bolting.

Nate leaned forward, resting his forearms on his knees and spoke softly, “JoJo, I can only think of one reason I shouldn’t kick you out of my club for lying on your application—are you in danger?” Joelle seemed to instinctively recognize what Brandt and Ryan both already knew, the cold tone of Nate Ledek’s voice was not something she should ignore. The man had deadly accurate instincts, stories about the former SEAL’s “calm before the storm” awareness were legendary among the club’s members. Many attributed his ability to sense what was coming to his Native American ancestry, but Brandt had always believed Nate’s true
was his ability to read people. He understood their motivations, so he was better prepared to predict their behavior—and his quick assessment of the current situation was proof of how easily Nate could see through smoke and mirrors.

Joelle sat up still clutching the blanket around her and glanced between the three men she could see. “Can we talk about this upstairs? This isn’t a conversation I’m comfortable having out in the open. And I’d like to get dressed first, also.” Brandt agreed, but it didn’t mean he wasn’t reluctant to let her go at the door of the women’s locker room. Her defeated expression and the complete lack of affect in her words worried him—the last thing he wanted was for her to run.

“Come straight up to Nate’s office, minx.” When she didn’t meet his gaze, he used his fingers to lift her chin. “Don’t even think about trying to skip out on us. Nate will have already seen that coming and you’ll only get yourself into trouble if you try it.” When her breath hitched, he knew he’d been right. “I’m guessing you think you’re brave by handling whatever this is by yourself. But, sweetheart, sometimes the bravest thing you can do is ask for help.”

He leaned forward and kissed her on the tip of her nose. “Don’t forget that, minx. Now scoot. You’ve got five minutes. If you aren’t in Nate’s office on time, we’ll be looking for you. And three former SEALs will be damned hard to hide from.” He pushed the door open and turned her before giving her tender backside a sharp swat. Smiling to himself at her gasp, he headed upstairs.

Ryan stood when
Brandt walked through the door. “Hey, man, I’m sorry. I had my head up my ass after watching the scene.” Pushing his fingers through his short hair in frustration, he shook his head. “Listen, before she gets up here, I want to tell you what I’ve heard. Word in the medical community is Joelle Phillips made a major discovery related to cancer treatment, but she was shut down by the Phillips Pharmaceuticals Board of Directors. Several of those board members have major holdings in companies who would take a big hit if her discovery becomes public. The last I heard no one knew where she was.”

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