Dane's Restraint (7 page)

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Authors: J.J. Ranger

BOOK: Dane's Restraint
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Dane reached around to her back and pressed the toy against the plug in her ass. Vibrations jolted against her ass sending a new wave of heat through her. Teeth sinking into her lip, Sara fought against coming. Pressure built in her pussy, her body hummed. She wanted him to plunge into her pussy but refused to beg as her body trembled and her eyes pleaded with him.

He leaned in and nipped her earlobe, releasing a steamy breath on her neck. She shivered and moaned softly. Reaching between her legs and allowing his forearm to brush against her clit, Dane took the vibrator from his other hand and traced the contours of her pussy. One side and then the other before inserting just the tip into her slippery slit.

Her head fell back, her mouth open, her chest heaving with ragged breaths.
Get on with it!
her brain screamed. If her hands weren’t cuffed, she’d rip the vibrator from his hands and show him how it should be used.

Her erect nipples beckoned him, begging for attention. His mouth latched around one, swirling his tongue around the taut bud, then attacked the other.

When she whimpered for release, he switched off the vibrator and stepped behind her again.

“Have you ever been sandwiched before?”

“You mean two men in me at once?” She shook her head. “Never.” Sara couldn’t think of a better teacher to introduce to these new experiences than Dane. The erotic mental image of being filled by him and another man sent her clit into spasm. She willed the sensation away, wanting to hold off orgasm until he was buried deep inside her.

“I’m not bringing another guy in, but you are going to know what it feels like to have two dicks in you at once.”

With a tug, he removed the plug from her ass, gave her a swat and lubed up the vibrator. When it was nice and slick, he inserted it slowly into her anus. She gasped but pushed back, wanting more, craving the sensation of having her ass filled.

As much as the dildo stretched and filled her, she needed Dane’s cock in her pussy. Instead of stepping around her, he dropped to the floor between her legs and licked her slit from back to front, then stood.

He quickly sheathed himself with a condom, bent at the knee and, keeping eye contact, slid into her. Sara moaned, biting her lower lip. Her pussy contracted around him, but again she willed the orgasm to remain at bay.

He’d told her she couldn’t have an orgasm until he gave permission, but dammit just having him inside her was enough to make her come. He swirled his tongue around her mouth, nibbling, teasing. Would he get mad if she kissed him back? At that moment, she didn’t really care.

“Dane,” she breathed his name and wriggled her hips, enticing him.

He gave one small thrust. “Is that what you want?” She nodded. “Well, I’ve got one more thing for you.” He flicked the switch on the dildo and it buzzed to life.

She shrieked but refrained from speaking. Again she gyrated her hips to get him to move, though Dane doubted she needed the extra stimulation. Her muscles clenched around him, spurring him into action. He thrust into her over and over.

Sara whimpered and he knew she was getting close. “Come for me, baby.”

She cried out as the orgasm hit its peak, and still he pounded her pussy. As her second orgasm hit, his cock grew harder and tensed, almost giving short spasms in anticipation. A tingling started at the base of his balls, the feeling of some electric current ready to charge. His balls warmed, the heat crawling up into the sac. With one final thrust he shot cum into the condom.

Breathing heavy, he pulled out and discarded the condom. Sara hung like a limp doll from the restraints. Tears ran down her cheek, her breasts heaved. With shaky fingers, he removed the vibrator, then released her bindings and she fell into his arms. His heart lurched at the trust she gave him, the way she clung to him, knowing he’d take care of her.

Dane lifted her into his arms, and strode to the bed. He flicked back the covers and without letting her go, lay down against the pillows.

“Are you okay?” She’d never asked him to stop but the tears scared the hell out of him.

She nodded against his shoulder but didn’t look at him.

“Sara.” He tilted her chin up so he could see her face. Her eyes glittered under wet lashes, and her lips were swollen from his kisses. Damn, he wanted her again. “Are you really okay?”

She gazed at him with trust and awe in her eyes. “Yes. I never knew giving over control like that could be so amazing.” Then she covered his mouth with her own.

When she pulled back, she traced his cheek with her finger. “I’ve never had two orgasms in a row like that. I thought I was going to have a heart attack.” She sighed and rested her cheek against his chest. “But what a way to go.”

Tell me about it.
He could die a happy man buried inside this gorgeous creature.

Dane stroked her hair, allowing the strands to slip through his fingers and onto her back. He took the time to study her face. Long lashes rested on creamy cheeks. Full lips parted slightly, warm air from her exhale puffing on his chest.

If he’d just let go of a little emotional control, he could easily find himself falling in love with her. It was too soon, though there was real potential for them to have a great relationship that didn’t necessarily have to center around sex.

His heart constricted. How in such a short time had she buried so deep under his skin? She only wanted a weekend fling, a bit of fun, but he could show her how great they could be together beyond the weekend.

Sara could very well turn him down and demand they keep to their current agreement. He trailed a finger down her nose, and touched her pouty lips. The corner of her mouth turned up and she kissed his fingertip.

Dane allowed himself to smile. She might resist, but he knew he could be pretty damn persuasive and he looked forward to the battle ahead.

Chapter Six

Sara woke and stretched, feeling very much like a well-fed cat. Her muscles were slightly sore but nothing unbearable. A glance to her left showed Dane sleeping peacefully on his back. She took a moment to study him. He really was gorgeous—chiseled jaw, a long, straight nose, and that body. Sleek muscles, rippled abs, strong arms that could also be incredibly gentle.

Female chatter filtered through the cabin window and Sara looked at the clock. Crap, if she didn’t get up now she was going to be late for the party. Bridgette would not be happy if that happened, especially since Sara had hardly participated in any of the weekend’s activities.

Quietly, so as not to wake Dane, she slipped from the bed. She threw on the first outfit she found in her suitcase—jeans and a black T-shirt—and drew a brush through her tangled hair. On tip toe, she passed through the room toward the door. Just beyond the bed, she spotted a pair of handcuffs lying on the floor.

Her gaze darted to Dane, who lay with one arm above his head, then back to the cuffs. He’d promised her she could have a turn putting him in restraints. How mad would he be to wake up and find himself cuffed to the wrought iron headboard?

Guilt swirled around in her head for a brief moment.
Turnabout’s fair play.

She picked up the cuffs, careful not to let them jingle, and slipped one around his wrist. Another click and the other side was fastened to the headboard.


Someone had decorated the dining hall with pink and white condom-shaped balloons. Sara bobbed and weaved between the decorations until she reached the table. Guilt ate at her when she thought of Dane tied to her bed, completely unaware of his predicament.

“There she is!” Bridgette danced to her side and gave her a squeeze. “How’s my little cousin doing? Are you okay? You’re walking a little bowlegged.” She planted a sloppy kiss on Sara’s cheek.

Sara wiped at the slobber and stared suspiciously at the bride. “Bridge, honey, how much have you had to drink?” She was going to ignore the bowlegged remark. Her body was a little sore, in a good way, from the very thorough loving Dane had given. Her clit twitched at the memory.
Damn. Down, girl!

“Just getting started.” Bridgette grabbed Sara’s hand. “Come party with us! Look, I have a present for you.”

Sara followed her to the gift table and barely caught the metallic blue gift bag as it was thrust into her hands. As Bridgette skipped away to accost another partygoer, Sara peeked into the bag. Nestled in gold tissue paper were a sugar candy bra and thong set and a purple vibrator with silver flecks. Hmm. Did Dane have a sweet tooth?

While they dined on steak and lobster, courtesy of Bridgette’s demands on the poor chef, Sara tried not to worry. But, a time or two, a bite got caught by the lump in her throat. It didn’t help that Shannon and Bridgette shot barbs back and forth.

“Please,” Shannon retaliated when Bridgette commented on her lust for Dustin Dumen. “You’re so hard up for sex right now you had to buy your own blow up doll and superglue Adam’s face to it.”

Sara choked on her diet soda. “Oh, my God, not only is it wrong, it’s so true!”

“No, seriously. My cousin decided she wanted to be a ‘virgin’ on her honeymoon, so she told Adam they couldn’t sleep together until then.”

Bridgette blushed but laughed with her friends. “It’s true. Gotta say though, I hope Adam can live up to Plastic Adam’s talents. That doll is an awesome fuck.”

Sara groaned. “That is a visual I really don’t need right now.” The camaraderie between her cousins was familiar and made her feel less homesick. She loved her parents and her brother, but she was more like Shannon, and when moving to a new place, it helped to have a loved one nearby.

Dane’s face flashed before her eyes and her heart fluttered. She’d never felt this connected with Ben. But how could she have any kind of feelings for Dane other than lust? She knew nothing about him, except he was great in bed.

A staff member came out of the kitchen pushing a bakery cart, breaking her train of thought. On the cart was the biggest penis Sara had ever seen. Leave it to Bridgette to plan a party with a penis-shaped cake complete with flesh colored frosting. Hopefully her wedding cake was in better taste or her parents would have Texas-sized fits.

“Anyone want to bet she had them add cream filing?” Sara teased and laughed when Shannon spit her drink across the table.

“Now that’s what I call satisfying.” Bridgette clapped her hands together. “Let’s dig in!”

Sara took her cake and settled at a table in the corner. She took a bite of dessert, allowing the sweet icing to roll around her tongue. She didn’t regret the decision to move to Texas—she looked forward to starting work at the elementary school.

And then there was Dane. No, she didn’t regret hooking up with him. Against her desire for a weekend fling, she’d allowed her heart to get involved. But could it work? Would
want it to work?

The chair across the table scraped over the wooden planked floor as Shannon took a seat. “You look very deep in thought.”

The shit eating grin on her cousin’s face only served to deepen her guilt of going back on her word. “Just enjoying my cake.”

Shannon’s eyebrow rose. “Uh-huh.” She leaned her forearms on the table, smirking. “You fell, didn’t you.”

This spoken from a woman who had her own Dumen to fight. Sara lifted a shoulder. “It’s a little early to fall in love, doncha think?”

“I told you, these guys were dangerous. You don’t need time. All it takes is one smile, one touch, and boom!” She smacked her palm on the scarred wood table. “You’re toast.” Shannon laid her hand over Sara’s. “You came to Bandera to start over. Maybe that new start includes Dane.”

Sara frowned thoughtfully. Her cousin had a point. She wanted to start over. If Dane was interested in seeing where this relationship could go, she was willing.

“Thanks for the advice, Shay. I’d better get back.”

“Back where?”

She gave a wicked grin. “I left Dane handcuffed to my bed. I have to go free him.”

She walked out of the dining area, her cousin’s whooping laughter echoing behind.


Dane yanked against the handcuff restraint and growled in frustration. How the hell had she managed to cuff one hand to the headboard without him knowing? And where the hell was she?

He looked at the clock. After ten, which meant she was probably still at the bachelorette party. Who the hell knew how long she’d be there. And dammit, he had to piss.

Finally, the door opened and Sara walked into the room. Dressed in thigh-hugging jeans and a fitted T-shirt she was mouthwatering.

“Good, you’re finally awake.” She sauntered over and dropped a kiss on his open mouth. There was something different about this kiss, more emotion, hunger.

His dick lurched in response. “Are you going to keep me chained up all night?” His gaze travelled down her sexy body. “I can’t wait to see what you’ve got under those jeans.”

With a wicked smile, she straddled him and smoothed her hands up his chest, then threaded her fingers through his above his head. She leaned forward, the tips of her breasts bumped his chin.

Sara grinned. “I think I’m going to keep you right where you are. I always wanted my own love slave.”

She slid off him and shucked her jeans, revealing her toned, naked ass to him. She bent over to yank the denim from her ankles, giving him better view of her pussy.

Fuck me.

“Come on, baby. Let me loose.”

Sara peered over her shoulder, and her mouth curved in a smile. “Why would I want to do that?”

He wanted to be all sexy and spout poetic verses that would make her all soft, but his bladder screamed for attention. “It’s either release me or I pee all over your bed.”

Her hazel eyes grew wide. “Oh.” She hesitated and, for a second, he thought she’d let him stew in his own misery, then she leaned over him and fit the key into the lock, releasing his hand.

He jumped off the bed and strode to the bathroom, making short work of draining his bladder. When he walked back into the bedroom, he found Sara seated on the edge of the bed. She rose to face him in all her naked glory, and his gaze devoured her breasts—large and beautiful.

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