Danger Zone (22 page)

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Authors: Dee J. Adams

BOOK: Danger Zone
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“It’s desert. At this speed the car will either flip or roll, and Ashley’s seat belt is broken.” When it hadn’t clicked into the buckle she’d sat on the stupid thing so it looked like it was working, thinking she’d have time to fix it in Barstow. “I’ll fly around like a puppet.”

“Fuck! Are you kidding me?”

“Do I sound like I’m kidding? I’m taking this off. Talk to you when we finish this.” Hopefully. The truck rolled closer and Ellie snatched her phone off the waistband of her jeans and pulled the headset off her face. She tossed both into the open bag on the passenger seat before sitting on the door frame.

Rain pelted her hard. Wind whipped her long hair around her face even as the rain soaked it. In two seconds she was drenched to the skin. Reaching out with her left hand, she caught the roof of the Mustang and eased off the Honda. If she could find the metal clip that latched the roof to the window, she could use that as a handhold. The sound of a distant horn made her look to the road where the semi flashed his lights.

Yeah. No shit, Sherlock
. The Mustang was head-on with the massive truck.

There! She found the hold and gripped it. With a deep breath, she let go of the Honda and grabbed on to the Mustang with both hands. Most of her body hung in the air, between the cars. Her calves still rested on the Honda’s frame. Rain continued to pour, continued to make everything slippery.

“Ellie!” Quinn roared.

A horn blared louder. Ellie inhaled and pushed off the seat. Her left leg slid and caught the wheel. The Honda veered sharply to the right just as she heaved her body into the Mustang, every muscle straining.

The car swerved as she landed on her back on the passenger seat, tucking her legs over herself to clear the window. The rush of the truck whizzed past, horn blaring. The Mustang skated over rough desert gravel, the noise of the rocks and sand seemed as loud as the downpour. The sound of a car crashing into cement rent the air.

Finally, they came to a jarring stop.

Ellie’s whole body trembled. She eased her legs over the door frame, content to lie there and soak in the fact that she was still alive. Barely. Just by the hair of her chinny chin chin.

Next to her, Quinn sat with his hands on the wheel. White-faced and white-knuckled. He glanced at her, teeth clenched tight, breathing hard. “You okay?” At her nod, he opened the door and got out. She craned her head enough to see him walk toward the trunk. Then he was bending over and she heard what he was doing. Vomiting. Poor guy.

If there’d been a sink or a washcloth in the vicinity she could’ve returned the favor from the other night, but somehow she didn’t think he wanted that. So she gave him his space, let him be sick in private.

The longer she stayed in the same position, the more her muscles shook out of control. And the rain poured. After a minute, she didn’t hear Quinn and she looked back. He was standing in the rain, head back, mouth open, catching the water then spitting it out. His hair and clothes plastered to his body, but he didn’t seem to notice.

She should’ve probably gotten up, but she couldn’t move. Her clothes weighed too much; her bones felt like noodles.

The door opened and Quinn gently lifted her legs from the frame and set them on the ground. He took her arms and pulled her up toward him. She didn’t really know how she managed to stand, but she did. His arms wrapped around her with steel strength and she fell into his comfort without hesitation. Their clothes squished together and his heart pounded hard beneath his wet shirt. Neither one said a thing. They just let the rain pound on top of them.

Finally, he leaned back and looked into her eyes, cradled her face in his hands. His thumbs roamed across her lips, her cheekbones, her jaw, as if making sure she were truly intact and in front of him.

Something needed to be said. “Good piece of driving,” she told him. Her voice didn’t sound as strong as she hoped for.

His face contorted and he swallowed hard before pressing her against him again. She held on tight, circled her arms around his waist and squeezed.

“I don’t ever want to do that again,” he rasped. “Ever. As in never. Again.”

“I’m with you.” The rain let up to a hard drizzle and Ellie looked beyond Quinn. The Honda was crumbled into a ball against the cement barricade. Smoke tried to drift out of the engine but the rain batted it down. “Look,” she said.

He turned and saw the Honda before shutting his eyes and holding her close. “Let’s get out of here,” he said. His voice was strained. Low.

“Let me get my bags and see if I can salvage anything.” She gave him one last squeeze and he followed her to the Honda. Her stuff wasn’t in the front seat. She found it fifteen yards in front of the car, ejected over the barricade. Probably where she would’ve been if she hadn’t gotten out.

Quinn took her weight bag and she grabbed her pack. They stared into the interior of the smashed car where glass and plastic littered the front seats and Quinn’s jaw clenched tight. He took her hand and walked backward toward the Mustang. “C’mon. Let’s go,” he said, dragging her back with him. His movements were precise. Dominating. He took long, angry strides and closed the distance to her Mustang with her in tow.

She might’ve protested, but couldn’t find the words. His fear had manifested itself to anger and she didn’t want to get in the way. When he turned the Mustang around, she didn’t have the heart to ask where he was going.

“Aurora’s is the other direction,” was all she managed to say.

“There’s no car to deliver,” he ground out. “We’re going someplace else to dry off and get out of this car.”

She didn’t argue.

Quinn only had to backtrack ten minutes to find a Holiday Inn. Ellie used the bathroom in the lobby while he registered. Washing her hands in the sink, she forced her gaze into the mirror. The words
drowned rat
came to mind. Her hair was tangled and matted to her head. If there’d been a wet T-shirt contest in town, she’d have been in the running for the final round.

Ellie blinked and shook off the haze. A heavy dose of guilt blindsided her. She’d wrecked Ashley’s Honda. How the hell would she make up for that?

One thing at a time. She needed to get organized. She had to call Aurora and take a shower. Maybe the hotel offered some type of quick laundry service. It was worth a shot.

Taking her hand the second she emerged from the ladies’ room, Quinn led her through the lobby to a bank of elevators. He had a plastic bag in his hand that crinkled as he moved. He’d obviously purchased something. They got off on the third floor and walked to the end of the hallway. He opened the door and surprised Ellie with a suite containing all the amenities. A kitchenette, bar, a living area… Who knew Barstow could do fancy?

Quinn slid open the closet door and tossed a thick white terry robe on the bed. “Here,” he said. “Get those wet clothes off and get dry.” He rummaged through the bag and took a few things out. “I picked up a few things at the sundry shop, if you want to look through here.” Then he disappeared into the bathroom and shut the door.

Looking through the bag, she found a toothbrush, hairbrush and comb.

And a box of condoms.

It seemed as if getting dry wasn’t the only thing he had in mind. Anticipation mounted in her blood. As amazing as the morning had been, she didn’t know if now was the time for sex. She wasn’t exactly in the mood. Her brain was still in shock from the…stunt? That didn’t seem like the right word.

She heard the toilet flush, heard the water in the sink. She stripped off her clothes and underwear and slipped into the thick robe. Softness and warmth enveloped her and she loosely knotted the front tie. After spreading her wet clothes around the room, she combed out her knotted hair and stared out the window. The rain picked up and doused the desert city.

Maybe if they talked for few minutes. Got back to the jokes and the laughter—

The bathroom door flew open and surprised her. Quinn strode out, brushing his teeth ferociously. His eyes narrowed, the heat burning in his light gray gaze made her heart jump. His unbuttoned and unzipped jeans gave her the perfect view of his black boxer briefs and the erection straining against the cotton.

He grabbed the edge of the covers on the bed and yanked them back, then emptied the contents of his pockets on the dresser before disappearing into the bathroom again. Ellie rubbed her arms, suddenly tingling with gooseflesh. Less than ten seconds later Quinn stalked toward her, stripping off his wet T-shirt and tossing it aside. He pulled her fully against him and said one thing.


And he kissed her.

Gentle Quinn was nowhere to be found. This Quinn was rough. Fierce. He took her mouth with a possessiveness that stole her breath.

“I need a shower,” she said when he let her up for air.

“No.” He kissed her again, bruised her lips. His guttural voice cut through her heart. He’d been
scared. “I need you,” he rasped. “I need you now.” Lifting her, he crossed to the bed in two strides and laid her down. With jerky movements he shoved his wet jeans and underwear down his legs, exposing his monumental erection. In two seconds he had his hard-on covered with a condom. He kicked off his shoes. Socks, jeans and underwear hit the floor in a pile. He was on her so quickly she barely had time to register what was happening.

Her breath caught in her throat as he unfastened the knot with quick fingers and spread her robe open. His jaw clenched, his nostrils flared. He’d become a ferocious hunter and she was his prey.

“Maybe we should talk a minute befo—”

His kissed her. Hard. His weight came down on top of her, pushing her into the mattress. She didn’t deny him. Didn’t
to deny him, but her brain was still on a situation that had nothing to do with sex and her body wasn’t ready.

“Quinn.” She needed to get his attention. “Let’s talk a second.”

His busy mouth trailed to her ear. “No.” He nipped her lobe before licking her neck. Her hips came off the bed. Maybe if he kept up the kisses, she’d get in the mood before he actually tried to—

He guided his penis to her opening and a twinge of fear and doubt bubbled to the surface.


Suddenly, he stopped, breathing hard. He rested his forehead against hers. “Jesus,” he panted. “I’m sorry.” He pulled back and rolled to his side, taking her with him, holding her close. He ran his hands along her body, skated his lips over her cheek and ear. “I’m sorry.” Then he kissed her. More softly this time. More like the Quinn she was used to.

“I just need a minute,” she told him. “My head is still back there, you know. My body has to catch up with you, that’s all.”

“Not a problem.” He kissed her again, more slowly this time. Wet and deep and just the way she liked it. But he didn’t linger on her mouth for long. He rolled her back, moved down her body, licking and tasting and in general driving her wild, forcing her to accept the here and now. Cupping a breast in his hand, he took her nipple in his mouth and sucked her hard, drawing her in as far as he could.

A scream lodged in her throat as she arched into him. Pleasure and pain all at the same time. Wet heat gathered between her legs and he fingered her, teased her. Then he moved down. Very far down. He licked the inside of each thigh.

“Open for me,” he said.

“Oh, God,” she breathed. He had no idea how much it turned her on when he spoke like that. Spreading her legs wider, she held her breath, waiting for the contact.

It didn’t come, and it didn’t come and it didn’t come. She nearly went out of her mind waiting. When she opened her eyes and looked at him, he was staring at her, his eyes glittering with heat.

“I love being between your legs. Love this little strip of blond hair. It’s so fucking sexy.” His rough voice caused her skin to prickle. While his gaze stayed locked on hers, he flicked his tongue along her most sensitive flesh, making her gasp and jump when he reached her clit. “Oh, yeah,” he whispered.

“Oh, God.” Her body bucked of its own volition. She’d never had a man talk to her about her body or where he wanted her during sex. She never knew what a turn-on it would be. Her mouth was parched.

“I’m gonna take you to the edge before I fuck you. But I want you to come when I’m deep inside.” He stroked his tongue against her hot flesh. She thrashed as he licked her, unraveled her senses. Moved restlessly while his tongue drove her to the brink of insanity. “You taste so good,” he said.

She couldn’t take anymore, she was going to climax. One more touch and she’d shatter into a million pieces.

“You’re ready to come, aren’t you?” When she whimpered a reply, he kissed and licked his way up her body until he covered her. This time he set himself at her entrance and moved in until he was imbedded inside, stretching her, claiming her. Every beat of his pounding heart radiated through her. “I won’t be able to stop,” he said.

Ellie shook her head. “Don’t stop,” she panted. She needed him to move before she lost it. If he didn’t, she might die of frustration. “Please, Quinn. Please.”

“I’m going to pull out slow,” he whispered in her ear, but his control was at the end. She heard it in his husky tone. “Then I’m going to fuck you. Hard, this time. Really hard.” His words sent a shiver arcing through her body and she clasped him tightly with internal muscles. He inhaled sharply and shut his eyes. “Jesus, that’s good.”

Moving out of her inch by inch, he watched her eyes and something passed between them. No man had ever made her feel so much. No man had sent her senses reeling on such a roller coaster. Heat flashed up through her center, every nerve ending tingled in anticipation.

He got almost all the way out and shoved back in hard. So hard she screamed as she rammed her head up against the pillow along the headboard. The sensation was too much. She was too full. Going to explode any second. “Again,” he muttered and he did it again. Pulling out and shoving into her even harder than the first time. “That’s it.” He kept a rhythm. Every thrust rubbed her clit against him in maddening ecstasy. “I want you to take more of me.”

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