Dangerous (10 page)

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Authors: RGAlexander

BOOK: Dangerous
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“Don’t stop,” Ken panted. “I couldn’t help it. Your tongue was in my mouth, your thick cock is in my ass and I wanted everything.”

Brady took both his hands and held them over Ken’s head. “I’m trying to give you everything, Tanaka. Don’t distract me.”

He’d loved it too much.

Having Ken completely unable to move, his legs over his shoulders and his hands over his head, made Brady wild. He’d captured his prey. He was in control. “Ken,” he growled. “Ken, let me… Don’t stop me.”

The blood was rushing so fast in his ears that he couldn’t tell if he’d gotten permission, but it was too late. He needed to fuck. He needed to claim. He dug into the bed and his hips were like pistons, pumping harder and faster and—
Oh Fuck, mine. This is mine.

He was looking down between their bodies, watching his cock disappear into that tight hole again and again, when he heard Ken’s broken shout. “

Primal satisfaction seared up his spine when he saw the head of Ken’s flushed cock pulse as he came. He wanted to taste it. Wanted to lick every last drop off Ken’s stomach and take him in his mouth until he was ready to do it again.

But he could feel Ken’s muscles pulsing and squeezing his cock as he came. It was too good. He needed to come. Nothing between them. Nothing to stop his climax from filling Ken’s ass. The last thought pushed him over the edge. He let go of Ken’s wrists, sliding his hands down to his slick shoulders as he came. “Inside you. Fuck, Ken, I’m coming inside you, baby.”
No one else.


He was blind with adrenaline and ecstasy and the feeling that he was home. Right now. With Ken… “Fuck.”

Ken wrapped his arms and legs around Brady, rocking him as he shook with the force of his orgasm. “That was…”

“I know.”

More than he could have expected or hoped for...

And scary as hell.



Chapter Six


The sounds of family surrounded him as soon as Brady walked in the door of Noah and Wyatt’s townhouse—barked orders, loud conversations and laughter. All the chaos of home that he’d missed when he was overseas, and the new voices that had been added along the way. He grinned as he took it all in.

“Stephen? Grab Little Sean before you go upstairs.”

“Rory, I told you to put those rolls in the oven
four times
. The roast is almost done and you’re still texting this week’s Romeo.”

“Wyatt, Penny drew on your bathroom wall.”

“Never rat out family, Jake. Your Great-Grandpa Finn learned that the hard way.”

“Wyatt, do
tell that story to the kids.”

Brady glanced over his shoulder at the wide-eyed Ken. “You still have time to escape. No one’s spotted you yet.”

Little Sean instantly made him a liar. “Uncle Necky!”

Brady bent down to scoop up the running three-year-old before he could reach Ken’s legs. “Uncle Necky, huh? Don’t
get a hello?”

Sean patted his cheeks with sticky hands and smiled. “’Lo, Brady.” His large brown eyes turned back toward Ken and his hands went to his own shaggy black curls. “Braid,” he demanded.

Stephen appeared beside them, no tie and his sleeves rolled up. Penny’s twin Wes was right behind him, the little blond mimicking every move he made. “There he is. Wes and I are supposed to get him washed up for dinner, but he keeps eluding us, the slippery bugger.”

a slippery bugger,” Wes agreed. Brady winked at him.

Stephen saw Tanaka and showed momentary surprise before recovering with his usual aplomb. He was a natural politician—he knew how to put people at ease. “Hey there, Ken. I didn’t know you were coming to the Finn Again.”

“It was last minute,” Ken responded. “I hope it’s not an imposition.”

Stephen laughed and shook his head. “If you’re brave enough to join this mob, there’s no such thing. Let me get the scamp scrubbed and we can talk more at dinner. I have something I wanted to run by Brady anyway.”

Brady frowned. He did?

Stephen grabbed Little Sean from him and headed toward the bathroom before he could find out more, and he and Brady watched Sean struggling to escape the senator’s grasp, shouting, “Braid! Uncle Necky! Braid!”

“Run by you later, Brady.” Wes threw him the peace sign, then raced after Stephen.

Brady looked at Ken and grinned. “You did say you wanted to come, Uncle Necky. This is on you.”

“I can’t believe he remembers me.” Ken was still staring after Sean. “I haven’t seen him since Tasha’s wedding.”

“You made a big impression.”

“I gave him cake.”

Brady snorted. “Everyone gave him cake. Have you
him? He’s adorable and he always gets his way. Seamus said he was on a sugar high for the next day and a half.”

Ken put his hand on Brady’s forearm. Just a light touch, but it felt too intimate for the family setting. “Did Stephen say this was a

“Not Finnegan. Finn. Again. Blame Tasha. She got her way because no one else wanted monthly takeout from Ruby’s.”

Ken was smiling. “I know how she seriously she takes Ruby’s. Why Finn Again?”

“I told you we started doing this every month, all the cousins getting together to eat and catch up?”

Ken nodded. Brady had told him how new it was. With their fathers’ long, silent war, the cousins had rarely spent much time together unless they took it for themselves. Brady’s move to Owen’s house and job with Stephen had given them more of an excuse.

“Well, we’ve actually done it
a month since Uncle Shawn got out of the hospital. The other meal includes our parents, which, thanks to Solomon the Elder, is awkward, short on interesting details and long on uncomfortable silence. Tasha called this one the Finn Again so we wouldn’t forget which meal was which and whether or not we had to behave. I guess it stuck.”

Ken’s expression was bemused as he took in the chaos around him. “You do this twice a month?”

Brady’s smile faltered. “It’s not mandatory and it’s rarely at the same location, but yeah. More or less.”

Had this been a mistake? Ken was used to a lot of space and a solitary lifestyle outside of the club. Wyatt and Noah’s townhouse wasn’t as small as Rory or Solomon’s place, but with everyone crammed inside, it might as well have been.

He’d only mentioned the dinner because they’d both been tense about tomorrow’s task and he thought Ken might get a kick out of the madness. Now he was worried it was too much. After the last few days, he didn’t want to do anything to push him away.

Brady couldn’t think of another relationship he’d been in where his emotions had been so complicated and intense. One minute, it felt like it was happening so fast that he wasn’t even sure there’d been time to
it a relationship. The next it was—something. Definitely something. With potential for more.

For him it already felt like more. At night he still slipped away and slept across the hall to deal with his nightmares alone, but the rest of the time he was equal parts anxious, aroused and over the damn moon, discovering a side of himself, both in and out of the bedroom, that he’d always been afraid to explore until Tanaka.

Brady had been learning more about him as well. His parents had both been workaholics, despite their financial comfort. He had memories of traveling all over the world, but not that many of family dinners or fun. The details about his time as foster brother to the Wahls made it clear it hadn’t been an easy fit for any of the boys—not just Ken. Dale and Terry had been younger and angry that Ken’s presence caused so much upheaval. They’d had to share a room, their mother had had to get a new job with longer hours and Ken was too caught up in his own grief to be interesting. It set the tone for three years of thinly veiled animosity that Patricia had never seen.

It hurt Brady’s heart to know that Ken had been punishing himself for something he’d had no control over. He couldn’t have saved Dale from his fate, but he was doing everything in his power to save Terry so the woman who had taken him in wouldn’t lose both her sons. Brady couldn’t help but admire that.

Ken Tanaka had been alone for most of his life. Love interests and kink mentoring aside, he’d had no family to support him. No one to praise his accomplishments or give him hell when he was making the wrong decision.

In a small way it reminded him of Jeremy’s situation. His parents hadn’t died but they might as well have, kicking him out of the house when he was fourteen, but at least he’d had Owen, Ellen and Shawn to help him heal. Ken hadn’t been able to really connect with anyone apart from lovers and professors until he joined his first fetish community. People accepted him there, appreciated his talents. Gave him friendship without asking for something in return.

Ken deserved to be loved, to have family, but Brady didn’t know if that was what he wanted. Tanaka had been an island for a long time. Maybe he was happy with what he had and Brady was projecting. Looking for a sign that Ken might want to be a part of his crowded, messy life. 

Tomorrow Brady would have his last date with Cal, meet this Vargas guy and force himself to smile so Ken could find his foster brother. Maybe they’d get lucky and Terry would be there. Brady wasn’t sure what came after that. He wasn’t sure if Ken wanted anything to come after that. He hated the uncertainty.

“Brady? Is everything okay?”

He didn’t get the chance to answer Ken’s question because the others had seen him and finally made their way over.



“Who invited Hacker Guy to the Finn Again?”

Tasha pushed through the crowd of males and wrapped her arms around Ken with a sexy smile. The soft swell of her abdomen, only just beginning to show in her fourth month of pregnancy, made her curvy figure even more beautiful. “It’s so nice to see my two heroes together again.”

She leaned back in his arms and sent Brady a wink. “Hey there, Hot Body Man. What’s a piece of apple pie like you doing with this salted caramel confection?”

Brady raised his eyebrow. “He’s just visiting his good friend, Sugar Buns. Speaking of…how’s the one in your oven?”

“I like it when you sass.” She smirked and met Ken’s gaze. “Can that be my new nickname in the media? Sugar Buns sounds so much sexier than
Senator Finn’s Baby Mama

Ken kissed her and smiled. “I thought the
Baker of the Finns
was interesting if a little cannibalistic. But for you, I’ll work on Sugar Buns. You look good, Tasha.”

Brady’s brother Noah joined them, chuckling. “Baker of
what now
? Who pays them to write that shit?”

“Morons.” Solomon nodded to Brady, his blue eyes sparkling despite his ever-present frown. “Nice to see you, Brady. I wasn’t sure you’d make it. Now that you have, tell Noah to watch his mouth. Apparently Penny and Wes spent days repeating what they heard here. So did Jake. His middle school takes that kind of language seriously, even when it’s a bookworm defending himself against a bully. His teacher sent him to detention.”

“Is Jake being bullied?” Noah’s voice lowered dangerously. “I can show him a few moves if he wants. He damn sure won’t need to swear to get his point across.”

Solomon sighed. “Yes, let’s teach him how to fight. I’m
Seamus would approve. Jackass.”

Brady bit the inside of his cheek, knowing it would be a Herculean task for his brothers to get through an entire meal without swearing. They’d always blamed Salty Sol and the lack of a good female influence, but with Papa Seamus around, that excuse wasn’t working anymore.

The door behind them opened and they all turned around in time to see Brady’s cousin Jennifer rushing in with a large, plastic container. She blew a strand of strawberry blonde hair out of her eyes and smiled. “Am I late again?”

There was a collective gasp when the container slipped from her hands and the bisque she’d been in charge of getting from the deli splattered all over the floor, her shoes and the cuffs of her jeans. “Son of a bitch,” she swore loudly, bending down to start scooping the hot soup up with her hands. “I’m so sorry. Ouch—
damn it
. I definitely need a towel for this.”

“Son of a bitch!” Penny sang as she ran past them toward the kitchen, and all the men started to laugh.

“Not my fault this time,” Noah chortled, towel in hand as he tugged Jen gently to her feet. “Go clean yourself up, princess. We’ve got this under control.”

Brady frowned as she headed up the stairs. Her hands had been shaking and she looked frazzled. “What’s going on with Jen?”

“Little Finn?” Tasha responded lightly. “She just spilled soup on her pants. Oh, and I think she has a test coming up. She’s fine, Brady.”

He narrowed his eyes on Stephen’s wife.
Leave it alone.
That’s what she was really saying. Which meant something was definitely up.

Was her ex-fiancé back? Someone from the club bothering her? Or was this about Trick?

Seamus distracted him by grabbing the back of Noah’s collar and fast-walking with him to the kitchen. “I think something’s burning in your oven, Firefighter.”

Solomon flinched and then he was right behind them, shouting for Rory, who’d apparently forgotten to set a timer for the rolls.

It took forty minutes to air out the kitchen, get the table set, sit the four kids in front of the flat screen and settle everyone else around the card tables Wyatt and Noah had pushed together and covered with a brand new tablecloth. When Brady pointed out the price tag still attached to the fabric, Wyatt shrugged. “We don’t like to cook. I’m just glad we didn’t have to buy silverware.”

Noah lifted his beer bottle in agreement. “We do, however, have enough takeout menus to live like kings. And now, thanks to this becoming a regular thing, we have something to bring back to the firehouse besides stories of debauchery and our own charming selves.”

Wyatt clinked his beer bottle to Noah’s. “To leftovers.”

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