Dangerous Attraction: Part One (Aegis Group) (5 page)

BOOK: Dangerous Attraction: Part One (Aegis Group)
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“Fine.” Travis cleared his throat and took a step back, putting Bliss at arm’s length. “You okay?”

“Yeah, I didn’t think you were going to move that fast.” She laid a hand on her chest and blew out a breath. Her cheeks were pink again.

Damn. He could have touched her hair if he’d thought about it. Now that was a creeper idea. He needed to convince Bliss to stick to the sidelines, or she was going to become a distraction he couldn’t afford.

“Let’s get out of here.” He gestured behind her, and this time, waited for Bliss to lead the way out of the guard shack.

On the way out to the SUV, he pulled out his cell phone. Did he call Aegis? They were technically on the case to retrieve Wendy. He’d updated the chain of command via text after speaking with Grayson. But the FBI might have better intel. He wouldn’t mention that to their guys–it would chap their asses. Why not make two calls?

He hit dial, climbed into the truck, turned it on and flipped the heat to high. The Bluetooth activated almost instantly, and the call rang through the speakers.


“Gavin?” Travis frowned. “Where’s Zain?” The kid was another Zain in the making, except he had both hands. But Zain had ten plus years on Gavin and the kind of experience in covert and black ops that couldn’t be bought. Plus he could tech circles around anyone, even the FBI and other government agencies who regularly courted at least half of the people on Aegis’ payroll. Even Gavin.

“Captain Hook took the week off for some spacey, blue box thing. You know him, can’t resist the geek beacon. He forwarded your text to me.” Gavin muted whatever was playing in the background before speaking. “Zain forwarded your text. Pulled the info on the girl. She’s cute for a chubby girl. Did you know she works for a sex toy store? Man, some of those things—”

“She’s listening,” Bliss announced at the same time Travis disconnected the Bluetooth.

“Keep your fucking opinions to yourself. I’ve got a license plate I need you to run,” he said.

“Uh...Right, okay.”

Sex toys?

He kept his gaze straight ahead, but his mind was already working overtime. What exactly did she do for them? Product testing?

“Can she hear me?” Gavin whispered. If it were possible, the kid had worse customer service skills than Travis.

“License plate.” Fuck. Why did Zain have to be off on one of his nerd things?

“Right. I am so sorry, man. I’ll email the stuff to you. She’s clean. Well, I don’t know her medical history, but otherwise, nothing hinky going on there. Unless it’s in the bedroom. You think—”

Travis rattled off the plate number. Normally he wouldn’t care what shit came out of Gavin’s mouth, but this time it mattered. Without even looking at Bliss he was aware of her tense posture, the way she’d sat up straighter, smoothed her clothes down.

Chubby? That was not the word Travis would use. Gavin needed to grow the fuck up and stop looking at skin mags as his guide to women. Bliss was...real.

“Right. That plate traces back to a truck that was stolen,” he said.

“The plates were on a car. Buick Electra, 1970s make I think, beige.”

“Okay. Um, let me see what I can look up.”




“Are you going to bang her?”

Travis rolled his eyes and ended the call.

Fucking Gavin. The guy was freakishly smart, but not where it counted sometimes. Travis remained still, waiting for the feminine explosion of rage. When Bliss didn’t react, much less respond, he glanced her way. She’d pulled out her cell phone and was otherwise occupied. Should he apologize? He hadn’t done anything wrong, and yet he couldn’t shake the urge to make things right.

He’d call the BAU first. Maybe the right thing to do would come to him.

The call to his contact at the BAU went faster. They were no doubt working their own case and would go over the research when they could. By the time he hung up with the unit chief, he still didn’t know what to say to Bliss.

“Sorry about Gavin. He’s a stupid shit.”


That was good, right?

He reversed out of the spot and drove them out through the front gates.

“Your phone is really loud, just so you know.” She glanced up. “Where are we going?”


He was going to deck Gavin.

“Lunch? It’ll take them a while to search for leads on the car. I can drop you back at your car if you like.”

“No, that’s fine. I told my boss I was going to be out for a few days. I have a few things I’ll need to do, but they can wait.”

Her at work...what did that mean? Did she test batteries in vibrators? Make them? Travis had never needed to use toys on a woman before. Everything he knew about them came from porn.

Shit. He wasn’t any better than Gavin.

“You can ask me about it. My job, I mean.” Bliss sighed and stared out of the passenger window.

He wanted to ask, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to know.

“So...what is it you do?”

“I’m the sales manager for the Blush Shoppe. We sell a wide range of adult toys.” She leaned her head against the seat and turned to watch him.

“You sell...what, exactly?”

“Have you ever seen a vibrator in person?” She chuckled.


“Oh, that was a fast reply.”

He merged onto the highway but didn’t miss the way Bliss rolled her eyes.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked.

“Guys and vibrators. You’re all so intimidated by them.”

“I am not.”

“You’re awfully defensive about it. What’s wrong with a vibrator?” She turned to face him and perched her elbow on the armrest, leaning closer.

Did she have one? He was willing to bet she did by the way she spoke. Unbidden images unfolded in his mind. Bliss on her back, her hands between her legs...

“Nothing.” He pulled into the first fast food restaurant he saw. The better to get out of this conversation.

“But you don’t like them. Guys have porn. Why can’t girls have vibrators?”

“It’s not like that.” He turned the SUV off and opened the door. Her sigh played on repeat to the mental image of Bliss pleasuring herself. It was damn frustrating to not be able to touch.

“Then what’s the issue?” She made no move to get out of the truck.

He closed his door and faced her.

“Why need it at all?” he asked.


“A man should be able to take care of his woman’s needs.” Oh, if Bliss were his...she’d never have needs.

“What about everyone else? Not all of us have a man. And even the ones that do, what’s wrong with it? I mean, do you only like one position for sex? Or do you change it up?” She froze, as if she hadn’t intended to pose those questions to him.

This conversation should end. He needed to get out of the car, get some air, and pretend this never happened.

But he now knew one very important bit of information.

Bliss was single.

Her cheeks grew bright red.

Damn him.

“I like all the positions,” he said.

Her, he’d do from behind so he could get his hands on her ass, a handful of her hair, bend her neck a bit for a hard kiss.

Bliss cleared her throat. Her hands were wrapped so tight around her phone her knuckles were white.

“That’s not the point. I just meant...why limit the ways to enjoy sex?”

“That’s never been a problem.”

“Okay, then what if it can be different? Not better, just a little change.”

“If a guy is doing it right—”

“But why does it have to be about the guy? Why can’t it be about the girl?”

“It is.”

“No, you keep coming at this talking about the man taking care of the woman, the man doing it right. It’s about you. Not your partner. That right there is invalidating everything you say about wanting the other person to enjoy themselves, because it’s about you. Let’s just eat.” She opened the car door and slipped out while he stared at the space she’d just vacated.

He wasn’t selfish in bed. Was he?


liss sat down in a corner booth with her tray.

“Oh my God,” she muttered to herself and buried her face in her hands.

Had she really just said that to Travis? A complete stranger? What had she been thinking?

She unzipped her hoodie and shed the outer layer. Her blush was still firmly in place, and to make it worse, she was hot all over now. The way Travis had looked at her and said...

Nope. She had to not think about that.

As if thinking of him summoned the man, he sank into the seat across from her. His legs immediately took up every available inch of below-table space she wasn’t occupying. His knee brushed hers, their feet touched, tapped, and shuffled around as they situated themselves.

At least in a crowded restaurant, with children on either side of them, he’d let the conversation drop. Right?

He leaned toward her. There was a determined, focused look aimed directly at her. She squeezed her thighs together. This was not the time.

How was it she’d started working for Blush Shoppe not even being able to say the word
, and now she was championing pleasure for all to a man she’d just met?

“I am not selfish,” he said, pitching his voice low.

“Can we drop it?” she whispered, glancing around as if everyone knew what they were talking about.

“I’m not selfish,” he said again.

“Okay. Fine. I’m sure you’re very generous.”

“What am I supposed to think, though? I don’t have the right tools for the job?” He ducked his head at the word tools.

“It’s not that.” She unwrapped her burger. Her words needed to be chosen very carefully, not only because of where they were, but because Travis wasn’t arguing against her. He was just a guy with normal guy hang-ups.

“Then what is it?”

“You’re...focused on one type of tool. You don’t use the same tools for every job. And I think you’re only thinking about the...tab A in slot B scenario. What about everyone else? What about combinations of everyone else?” Their business served not just heterosexual couples, but every identification and sexual preference under the sun. Or close enough.

“Okay.” Travis’ brows were a dark line across his forehead, and his lips were pressed tightly together.

Neither of them had touched their food.

She needed another approach.

Think. Think. Think.

“Why do we have tools? Hammers, wrenches, all that stuff.” She grabbed a fry and popped it in her mouth. Yeah, so Gavin what’s-his-name had pegged her for being chubby. So what? She liked food.

“Because they’re a more efficient way of getting a job done.”

“Or...they do a job we physically cannot do. Think of...slot B...having parts that the human body cannot touch. Using the right tool you can. And...it’s fun. What’s wrong with that?”

He continued to stare at her for several moments.

“Nothing,” he finally said.

“Are you seeing my point?”


“Travis, it’s not about tab A being the wrong size or length, it’s about finding a fun way to get the job done. Try it sometime.” She picked up her burger and took a bite.

Victory tasted like a quarter pound of beef with melty cheese. Her stomach growled, driving home the point she hadn’t had breakfast.

“Mm.” She licked a bit of cheese off her finger and glanced at Travis, who had yet to move.

He was staring at her, but not in the same way he had when she was speaking. Now he looked more like he had in the car.

All the positions.

All of them? In one go? Or would he spread them out over a week?


Her sister might very well have been kidnapped, and she was sitting in a burger joint daydreaming about sex. She plucked a fry from the cup and crossed her legs, ignoring the sizzle of awareness that shot up her leg when she brushed against Travis under the table.

“What aren’t you telling me about the women that were found dead?” she asked again.

The heat in his gaze died, and a predator of another nature stared back at her. She had no doubt that Travis Ration was a dangerous man. He was her dangerous man for now.

“Believe me when I say you don’t want to know. We need to focus on finding your sister, fast.”

“How are we going to do that? This guy, he got into their house, changed their security system, and God only knows what else.” When she looked at it like that, there wasn’t a lot of hope left.

He sighed and rubbed the side of his head.

“Port Said.”

“What about it?” She didn’t really care anymore.

“When we went into that op, we had seven guys to rescue two girls that were being held by a trafficking group. They controlled the area, took two of our guys hostage, and injured three others. That left me and another guy to make the call. I’m shit at field medicine, so he had to take care of the other three while I went to get our guys back and find the girls, but they’d moved them out of the city. I spent a couple days on my own, tracking them down to a fishing village where they were waiting for pickup.”

“Shut up.” Her mind painted the images—a beautiful, Mediterranean vista, white buildings, blue mosaics, and men with guns. Lots of guns. In the middle of it all was Travis. She doubted he wore camo paint on his face, but her brain supplied that feature anyway.

“Found the girls first, which was shitty luck, because they screamed every time they saw their shadow, but we all got out of there alive.”

“Were you hurt?”


“How bad?”

“Took a couple bullets, broke my nose.” He shrugged as if it weren’t an issue.

“And you walked out of there?”

“Adrenaline works for you in an instance like that.”

She swallowed hard. Her brain wasn’t capable of comprehending what he’d done. It played in her head like an action flick, but it wasn’t entertainment. This was his life. He was the real deal.

“What were you? I mean, before Aegis?”

“I was a SEAL.”

“Working for Aegis is better?”

“It’s a good gig.” He shrugged. “My point is, if she’s out there, I’ll find her.”

Bliss chewed her lip. He might find Wendy, but would she be alive?

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