Dangerous Depths (The Sea Monster Memoirs) (12 page)

BOOK: Dangerous Depths (The Sea Monster Memoirs)
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“It’s hard to picture Rownan that way.”

Treygan looked vexed. “Really? He never faked being romantic those couple of weeks you dated?”

“Whoa. Let’s clear this up so there’s no more confusion. Rownan and I never
dated. You know that. He mysted me into thinking we were a couple. None of our so-called relationship was based on truth or real feelings.”

“You never felt anything for him?”

“During those weeks we fake-dated, I don’t know what I felt because none of it was real. But after the fact, there were many times I wanted to throw Rownan into a tank of killer jellyfish and let them sting the stupid out of him. I don’t think anyone would describe that as lovey-dovey feelings.”

Treygan smiled. “Point taken.” He fidgeted with some flowers beside him. “I’ve been worried that maybe you would have had feelings for him if circumstances were different.”

What circumstances? Did he mean if Rownan wasn’t married? Or if I had been turned selkie instead of mer? My feelings for Treygan would have been the same no matter what, I was sure of that. “It doesn’t matter what the circumstances might have been. Like it or not, you are stuck with me and my hodgepodge sea monster craziness.
are my destiny, Treygan.”

His eyes lit up. “Destiny? Now who’s talking romantic?” His fingers traced the vines of hallmarks where my tail melded into skin.

My fins curled in response to his touch. I closed my eyes, relishing the way his fingertips stirred my insides. My reply came out breathless. “We’re romantics. We need to accept our shame and carry on.”

He kissed along my collarbone. “You make me proud to be a romantic.”

His closeness to my ear made me realize Sage was gone. Her absence reminded me that Vienna was gone too. Guilt sucker-punched me back into the severity of our situation. Hard as it was, I pulled away from Treygan’s kisses. “We strayed off track. Let’s get back to Vienna.”

“Vienna who?” he whispered.

I playfully splashed water on him. “Stop it! We need to focus.”

“Fine,” he sighed, wiping water from his face. “Let’s see. More about Vienna. I have so many memories of her and Rownan.”

“Perfect! Why didn’t we think of that earlier?” One of the most amazing gifts merfolk had was the ability to share memories with other merfolk. Treygan and I had linked souls and lived each other’s memories several times, and every time it strengthened our bond. “Share some memories of her with me.”

“Let me think of one or two good ones.” His eyes shifted to the sky. “I have one.”

His cobalt eyes focused on mine. Water lapped gently between us. We both held our breath. The calm before the storm was my favorite part of the soul sharing process. So much could be said in the silence between two people. Treygan and I had some of our most meaningful conversations in complete silence. He knew how much I loved the build-up, so he took his time, but eventually clouds passed over his eyes. My soul connected with his as I was pulled out of the present and into Treygan’s past.

I became him, Treygan in a time and place long ago.

For the first time ever, I saw Vienna. With Rownan. And if I had any traces of doubt about them before, they vanished the moment I witnessed them together.

I had a new understanding and appreciation for who, and what, we were saving.

Treygan and Yara were determined to return home. I would come back with Vienna. I had never been surer of anything in my life.

Schools of fish circled nearby. And a pod of dolphins. And a few sea turtles. Everywhere we went, Rathe’s creatures were all trying to meet Yara, or at least watch what she was doing. The crowds were annoying, especially when we were trying to work.

Once we’re in Harte,
I explained to Yara and Treygan,
we’ll shadow Vienna. I’m sure she’ll be easy for me to find since our connection is so strong.

Yara waved away two curious manatees.
I agree. Your relationship was like something from a fairy tale.

I snickered.
You have no idea.

Yes, I do. I’ve lived several of Treygan’s memories of her an
d witnessed you two together. I sort of feel like I know her now.

My body tensed from my forehead to my fins. Treygan’s eyes met mine and he squared his shoulders. I wanted to body slam him. My teeth were clenched so hard I thought they might crack.
You shared memories of Vienna with her?

She needs to know what Vienna looks like. She’s helping us find her.

I lurched forward.
You had no right!

Why are you so upset?
Yara asked.
Me knowing what she looks like can only help us.

Treygan said, swimming closer to me.
I’m sure it’s infuriating that you can’t relive memories of her, but I thought it—

You didn’t think anything!
I shouted.
Even if you two did do something so violating behind my back,
I pointed at Yara,
you should have been smart enough not to tell me about it.

She flinched.
I’m sorry, Rownan. I didn’t mean to—

I don’t want to hear another word from either of you.
I swam away, angry and hurt, but then turned back. I felt emotionally out of control. I grabbed Yara by her upper arms.
I changed my mind. What memories did he share with you? What was she doing?

Treygan grabbed my forearm and pulled me off Yara.
Calm down. And don’t ever grab her like that again.

Don’t tell me to calm down.
I wriggled out of his grip.
Was I there? Was I in the memories?

Treygan’s eyes were still narrowed, but I saw sympathy seep in.
Of course you were.

Was she … happy?
The water around me felt heavier, like it was trying to crush me from the outside.
Were we happy?

Treygan’s tone was much calmer.
You already know the answer to that.

Of course we were happy. I sank to the bottom of the shallow ocean and sat in the sand. Yara and Treygan both swam down after me. I caught a snippet of Treygan’s mental conversation with Yara as he asked her to give us a minute alone.

Treygan hovered in front of me.
I’m sorry. I should have realized how upsetting that would be for you. I’d give you my ability if I could. I swear it.

A throbbing pain burned in my chest. I closed my eyes, not wanting Treygan invading my thoughts. I didn’t need Treygan’s ability. I relived my memories of Vienna all day, every day. Intimate moments that no one else could ever re-experience. What had me so upset was knowing I might have ruined everything. Our powerful love, and Vienna’s soul and life, had been jeopardized because of my stupid decisions. Memories were all I had left. And they weren’t nearly enough. I opened my eyes.
I miss her so much.

I know,
Treygan said.

Less than a week ago we were at each other’s throats and doing physical harm to one another. Treygan was noble, but it was still hard for me to believe that he and Yara were risking their souls, and the rest of their happy lives together, to help me find Vienna. He had to have some kind of ulterior motive.
Why are you doing this?

Doing what?

Helping me rescue Vienna. Risking your life and your future with Yara.

You’re my brother.


His eyes had a faraway look, much farther than the ocean stretched. He finally refocused on me and said,

What’s that supposed to mean?

It means we share blood. You’re my family. I’d do anything to protect my family.

Last week you wanted to kill me.

Last week you were an arrogant bastard who needed some sense beaten into him.

I couldn’t argue with that.

And, truth be told
, he continued,
you’re probably going to be an arrogant bastard when we get to Harte. Your emotions will lead instead of your head. You’ll make risky moves and life-threatening decisions, so if I need to beat sense into you while we’re there, I will.

I tried not to crack a smile, but I couldn’t help it. Treygan had my back. Just like when we were kids.
Fine. But fair warning: don’t come between me and Vienna. If you do, my claws will come out.

He cracked a smile too.
You’re forgetting that no one and nothing could ever come between you and Vienna.

I glanced around, wanting to apologize to Yara for overreacting. Maybe even tell her she landed herself one hell of a guy, but she was gone.
Where’d Yara go?

I don’t know. But this is the perfect opportunity for us to try shadowing her again.

I thought you said that was impossible.

Isn’t this whole mission supposedly impossible?




We couldn’t find Yara through shadowing, but we did spot her after only a few minutes of regular searching. Her white hair and tail were bright beacons we could’ve spotted from miles away. She had found the two manatees from earlier. They had joined three more manatees, and Yara was petting and hugging all of them like they were old friends.

Should we join her?
I asked Treygan.

No, she looks happy and relaxed. Let her have some alone time with them. She’s under a lot of pressure.

I watched her grab one of the manatees by the sides of his face and kiss his snout. He nuzzled her and she giggled.
Yeah, she does look happy.

As we swam away, Treygan asked,
How’s your arm?

Seems to be back to normal.

Ah, as weak as usual,

I punched him in the shoulder.
Shut up.

I missed this. I missed getting along with my brother. We had been closer than ever before the gate closed—almost inseparable. I finally asked the question I had been wondering for years.
Did you know something awful was going to happen?


Ever since my wedding, you were different. So cautious about everything. You kept a much closer watch over Vienna and me. I kind of suspected you knew something and were afraid to tell me.

He looked away, staring at the ocean in front of us. I clutched his shoulder and forced him to stop swimming.
Tell me, Treygan. I won’t be mad.

I can’t.

What do you mean you can’t? We’re about to enter hell together. There can’t be any secrets between us.

He hesitated, but then,
At your wedding, when you and Vienna did your future reading with the High Priestess, she told you she didn’t see anything … but that wasn’t true.

I tensed, remembering how flustered the High Priestess had seemed during our reading. She had told Vienna she couldn’t make a connection because of the energy from the Northern Lights, that we were too far from our realm, that nothing she saw was clear.
What did she tell you?

She said a time would come when I’d have to decide how far I’d go to protect you.


Treygan shrugged.
She emphasized the words ‘far’ and ‘protect.’ For years I wondered what she meant. Even when the gate closed, it didn’t make sense because we were together, and there wasn’t much to protect you from—except your own stupidity.

Seriously, don’t make me hurt you before our trip.

Treygan almost smiled, but then seriousness reclaimed him.
The day our father told us you were going to Harte to try to find Vienna, I knew this was it. This is what the High Priestess warned me about.

That’s why you’re going? Because of one conversation with some old lady you hardly knew?

I had no idea what she meant that day. You can’t imagine the horrible scenarios that ran through my head. But I always knew I’d do whatever it took. I didn’t care how far I’d have to go.

I didn’t want to get all sappy, but I was touched. Would I have done the same for him? I wasn’t sure. Treygan had always been the noble one.
Did she say how it would turn out?

No. I just know you’re going to need me.

Don’t be so cocky.

It’s not me being cocky. This was written in the waters long ago. I have to go with you.

I didn’t know if that High Priestess was still alive, but I either owed her a thank you for preparing my brother for this mission, or I needed to curse her for making him feel obligated to go with me.

BOOK: Dangerous Depths (The Sea Monster Memoirs)
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