Dangerous Embrace (Embrace #1) (26 page)

BOOK: Dangerous Embrace (Embrace #1)
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“What?” she asked, holding her breath, waiting for him to finish his sentence.

“I’m afraid when I tell you...I don’t want you to compare me to him.”

“I swear to God,” she grunted through gritted teeth. “Eight freaking years later and he is still interfering in my life.” She put both hands over her face to rub away the anger she felt toward Kevin. “I’m sorry. Geez, I come with a lot of baggage. I don’t blame you. I told you to run when you had the chance.”

“Now you stop,” he whispered. “My point is, my feelings for you are healthy, not controlling like his. I just want you to know that first, before anything else.”

“I’m telling you now, I trust you, even if I overreact sometimes.” She looked at him earnestly, wanting him to understand.

“Okay, I want you to know that I love being with you too. If I have to wait until this bad stuff goes away, I’m willing to wait. Last night I realized how much I was pushing and I don’t want to pressure you.”

“Ah...I’m not sure what happened last night. I’m sorry.” Her face felt hot again. “I don’t want to wait. I want to start over...I’m just not sure how.”

He tilted his head. “Well, let’s see,” he said. “Yeah, we certainly aren’t traditional considering we’ve pretty much been living together for the last couple of weeks.”

“Exactly—now you understand,” she said, relieved. “Maybe we shouldn’t do that any longer.”

“No. Not a good idea. Let’s not forget you received a new note from this guy just yesterday.”

“Yeah, you’re right. What else then?”

“How about...we date?”

“Like, go out on a date together...like
a date

He snickered at her reaction. “You have been on a date before, haven’t you?”

“Duh, yeah, but how will that work when we go home together after the date.”

“We’re adults, we can handle this. It’s not like we sleep in the same room.”

“Well, not
every night
,” she said, blushing at the memory of falling asleep in his arms last night. When her phone rang, she stuck up one finger. “Hold that thought.”

She bounced off the sofa and reached over for the phone. “Hello?”

...what? Are you mad at me or something?”

“No.” She grinned at the sound of his voice. “What are you doing?”

“You don’t call, you don’t visit, and you stopped writing.” Gabby laughed into the phone.

“I know, I’m sorry, what’s going on, Gabs?”

“I’m throwing myself a twenty-nine-and-a-half year birthday party and you must come. It’s Wednesday, at The Suite. Whadda ya say?”

“You are too much.” She chuckled. “Any reason to throw a party, right?”

“I know—right?” he said, laughing with her. “I miss you...come out and play with me.”

“Well, I have a lot going on.”

She looked at Mark and smiled. “Gabs, do you mind if I bring a date?”

“Oh, I get it now, you’ve been held up with some hunk of a man. Bring him along—wait! Is he hot? Gurl...if he’s hot, don’t come without him,” Gabby teased.

“What time?”

“Seven o’clock, The Suite, you’ll break my heart if I don’t see you.”

“I’ll see you then.” She smiled and went back to the sofa, resting on her knees, next to Mark.

“What was that about?”

“That was Gabby and we are going to his half-year birthday party Wednesday night at The Suite.”

“A party at a club, Sarah, that’s not a good idea.”

“Why not? It’s not like I’m going alone.”

“It’s too volatile of a situation. I can’t control what happens in a club with a bunch of drunk people around.”

“So you believe this guy is going to follow us into a club and try to attack me again.” She couldn’t help the sarcastic tone in her voice. He was being ridiculous and way over protective.

“It’s possible, Sarah. He’s not going to give up, and the longer it takes him to get to you, the more desperate he’ll get.”

“I’m going. Sorry, I’m tired of being cooped up. I need some normal in my life right now.”

“It’s a bad idea. I’m telling you—it’s not safe.”

“I don’t care. I would rather face him again than live my life trapped in this house.” When she said it, she felt a flutter of nerves in her stomach.

Mark stared at her without expression.

Regardless of what he wanted, she wouldn’t give in. “If you’re some master protector, then you better come with me,” she batted her lashes and leaned toward him, a little hip shake and a real big smile. “Come on, it can be our first date.”

Mark reached up, wrapped his hand behind her neck, and pulled her into a hard kiss, sliding his other hand around her lower back as he moved up on his knees too.

Sarah couldn’t think about anything other than him, his lips, and his body. Her head started spinning when he pressed against her. Mark moved his hand to her face and pushed her away very slowly.

“You have to stop doing that,” he said, and they both took a deep breath.

“Apparently Mama was right about the eyelashes and the hip shake.”

“You just can’t be all sexy like that and not expect me to kiss you.” He ran his hand through his hair as he sat back. “This is going to be interesting.”

“So, we’re going, right?”

“Ah, yeah, sure, if it’s that important to you,” he said, defeated.

She pulled him back toward her.




Mark leaned into her and into the kiss. Sarah’s hands found his face and then traveled up through his hair.

“Sarah,” he breathed.

She stopped kissing him and looked into his eyes.

“I don’t think...” He gazed at her and knew it was the first time he’d really seen Sarah, the woman. Her penetrating stare filled him with pure desire, and he watched a rush of blood color her face. “You know...we haven’t even had our first date yet.”

She smiled at him. “I don’t care.”

“I have an idea if you’re willing to try.”

“I’m willing to try anything.”

Mark kissed her again before leading her to the bedroom and closing the door behind him.

Sarah turned into him and covered his mouth hard with hers.

“Baby,” he said, pulling out of the kiss. “Please slow down before we screw this up again.”



She stopped and looked into his eyes.

“May I take off your shirt?”

By the glow of the sun behind the curtains, he saw a smile spread on her face and a slight nod.

Mark’s eyes followed his fumbling fingers as they traveled down her shirt buttons one at a time. He had to fight for patience, giving her time to be comfortable with his touch.

After getting her buttons out of the way, he opened her shirt to lace and skin. He lifted his eyes to her lips before leaning in to kiss her gently, taking his time to taste her.

It was imperative he let her maintain control over her body and her actions. This was the only way he could think of to get past this paralyzing fear she had, and if that meant asking for permission before laying a hand on her, he could do that, and he would enjoy every touch she allowed him to have.

Mark lowered the sleeves of her shirt, letting it fall to the floor.

“Sarah, may I take off your bra?” The words came out in a quiet whisper, making her smile and nod again.

Mark breathed a sigh of relief.
Thank God
. He didn’t think he could take another rejection like last night.

He unhooked her bra and slid the straps down her shoulders one side at time, exposing her perfect naked breasts. He took her face in his hands to kiss her again. He could feel her anticipation building as his lips trailed down to her chin and along her jawline to her ear. He carefully walked her backwards to the bed and laid her down.

“Sarah, may I touch your breast?” he asked, caressing her ear lobe with his lips.

Mark felt her mouth curve into a smile and she whispered, “Yes.”

He cupped her breasts with careful hands. While his hands moved over her, his mouth moved back to hers, tracing her lips with his tongue, forcing a husky moan from her throat.

Mark’s kisses traveled down her shoulders and followed the trail of freckles across her collarbone. Heat radiated off her skin like fire, and her breath quickened with each kiss. He worked his way down her shoulders, nibbling her sweet skin.

Sarah ran her hands through his hair and over his shoulders while she arched against him impatiently.

. He kept repeating this word to himself. He couldn’t afford to lose his focus. At this point, she needed to get through this more than he did.

“Slowly, baby,” he whispered, before he lowered his mouth to her breast. When his mouth surrounded her tight nipple, she gasped and dug her fingers into his back. Mark focused his attention on a steady pace. He had to take his time with her, let her build. Slowly.

“Mark—please.” Sarah’s urgent need was evident in her voice. He grazed her nipple with his teeth, teasing her as her breathing turned frantic and her body quivered under his. He went down her silky smooth stomach with gentle kisses and moved back up her body one kiss at a time until he reached her face. When he kissed her chin, she moved her mouth to his, lifting into the kiss with uncontrolled yearning.

“I can’t—” Her hands fisted in his hair as she quivered under him.

“Sarah,” he whispered to her lips. “I’ve got you, baby. I’ve got you, trust me."


“Sarah, may I take off your pants...

She started nipping his lip with her teeth as he moved his hand from her breast to her lower back, pulling her closer.

He was losing it—slowly but surely he was losing his focus. Her lips felt like fire against his mouth, and if she kept doing what she was doing, he was going to explode.


Thank you
, he thought and with her permission, his hand traveled down and circled her waist, purposely moving slowly. He felt her inhale sharply, and he stopped to look at her.

“Sarah,” he whispered again.

“Yes, Mark—you’re making me crazy.”

Crazy he could relate to.

Mark pulled at her jeans and felt the button and zipper give. She lifted her body so they could slide off easily, and he pulled one leg off at a time. He ran his hand up her leg as he went back to her lips to kiss her again.

She pulled at his clothes, sliding her hands under his shirt.

It took every ounce of strength he had to maintain an easy pace. If he had to stop now, it would destroy him completely. He pushed her harder by rubbing and grinding against her, testing the waters to see if she was ready for him.

Sarah wrapped her legs around his waist, arching up, nearly climbing him as she struggled to get closer.

He gripped her waist to lift her off the bed and into his lap as he sat back on his knees.

Sarah clung to him with her arms and legs as he sucked and kissed her breast, his hands holding her against him. She pressed her body against his, and he could feel her impatience as she leaned in and pulled away the neck of his shirt. She tasted him, nipping the skin along his neck and shoulder.

When he laid her back down, she jerked the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head before he could stop her. She went for his collarbone, nibbling with heavy breaths, her face tucked into his chest. The skin-on-skin contact felt incredible.

Sarah’s hands greedily gripped his waist...then went around him and under the waistband of his loose fitting jeans. His heart pounded madly as her hands traveled his bare skin.

“Sarah, may I take off your panties?”

She opened her eyes, giving him a look of pure passion. Her eyes were almost blue and so bright, the expression so trusting, he couldn’t help but smile. He kissed her before he pulled back to memorize her face, sure he would remember this moment for the rest of his life.

Mark looked at her naked body with wonder, every inch of her more stunning than the last. His gaze traveled over everything, her flat, firm stomach, full breasts, and milky skin, pale as moonlight. His hand slid up her leg and followed the curve of her hip, the faint light glowing from the sun behind the curtains illuminating the room just enough for him to see her fully.

When she grabbed his hand to pull him back to her, Mark brought her hand to his lips and kissed it as he stared into her eyes. His heart raced. It was all he could do to keep from taking her that moment.
, he chanted to himself again.


Before he could say another word, she moved to her knees and took his face in her hands, passionately kissing him. His blood boiled as her hands slid to his chest, slowly touching every inch. She pulled out of the kiss to explore with her eyes as well. Mark watched her, taking in her inquisitive features and flushed expression.

She let her fingers linger and tease, the tingle driving him mad while he watched her graceful, naked body come toward him completely unabashed. He reached down to unbutton his jeans as both pairs of hands simultaneously pushed them past his waist. Her hands traveled down his waist and hips, sending a surge of pleasure to his core. He fought to go slow. Her touch made it almost impossible to maintain control.

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