Read Dangerous Pleasures Online

Authors: Bertrice Small

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Contemporary

Dangerous Pleasures (11 page)

BOOK: Dangerous Pleasures
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“Yes, my lord,” Annie said softly. “Thank you.”

“Would you like to be fucked, Mistress Anne?” His eyes still held her in thrall.

“Yes, my lord.”

“Here on the high board before my men, for all to see?” he said wickedly.

“If it pleases my lord, aye,” Annie answered him, for she realized it was what he wanted. And he thought she would protest such a thing.

“And afterward, if it pleased me to let my captains fuck you?” he pressed her.

“Yes, my lord. Whatever pleases you pleaseth me,” Annie told him.

“Your docile obedience pleaseth me well,” the Beast said. “I knew you were intelligent when I first saw you. I knew you could be trained to my fancy.” Then he lifted her from his lap and placed her upon the high board. “Spread yourself for me, Mistress Anne,” he commanded her, and when she did he leaped upon the great oak table and freed his enormous penis, which sprang forth fully engorged.

A roar of anticipation rose up from the men in the hall at the sight before them on the high board. They came to crowd about it, faces avid with their own lusts.

Annie’s body was throbbing eagerly for the Beast’s penis. She could scarcely wait to have him impale her with it. It seemed she had waited her whole life for this fierce lover. She held out her arms to him. “The Channel is now closed,” came the hated voice.

No! No!
Annie screamed silently.
Not yet! Damn it, not yet!
But she sensed her fantasy dissolving about her, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. It would be sixteen hours until she could get back to the Beast. Would her fantasy pick up where it had left off? Would he fuck her before his soldiers on the high board in his great hall? Tonight she had begun where she had ended last night, so surely it would be the same again. It had to be. She needed to be fucked.

She felt hot, and threw the coverlet off her fevered body.
Oh, God!
Why did it have to end the way it just had? Lust seemed to be consuming her. Getting up, she went into the bathroom and took a cool shower. Then, taking two aspirin, she got back into bed. It was quarter to five in the morning, and she needed to get a little rest. Soon enough Devyn would be coming to wake her. Annie closed her eyes.


he felt feverish when Devyn came to awaken her. He noted it immediately. “You look as if you didn’t sleep,” he said, concern in his voice.

“I did and I didn’t,” she answered him. “Do I have to get up right now?”

“No, of course not,” he said. “I’m going to go and get Ms. Buckley, Annie. You look drained, and we can’t have our grand-prize winner getting sick on us.” He hurried out, leaving her to fall back on her pillows.

Nora Buckley came immediately to see what was the matter. “Go and bring her breakfast here,” she instructed Devyn. “She’s not used to all this luxury and is probably exhausted now that her weariness is beginning to set in, poor woman.” Nora entered Annie’s bedroom, closing the door behind her. Sitting down on the bed, she reached out to feel Annie’s forehead. It was damp, but not hot. “You look like you’ve been run over by a truck,” Nora said candidly. “Now tell me why.”

Annie flushed. “It’s embarrassing,” she said.

“Ah,” Nora murmured, “it’s your fantasy, isn’t it?”

Annie nodded.

“What’s it about?” Nora queried gently.

“You’ll think I’m awful,” Annie began. “I never had a fantasy before, and I never knew what I’d been repressing all these years.” Then she went on to explain the fantasy she seemed to have created for herself.

When she had finished, Nora smiled slightly and said, “My goodness, you are a very bad girl, Annie Miller. I should have never thought it,” she teased.

“I knew you’d think it was awful,” Annie half sobbed.

“Oh, you poor dear,” Nora said, patting her hand. “Not at all. Your fantasy is really quite mild compared to some of them. You just let yourself be sexually tortured too long. You needed to be fucked, and the Channel closed just as it was about to happen. It takes a while to get used to time within the Channel. Tonight you’ll just pick up where you left off, and oh, my, what a delicious beginning. Tell me, what is your Beast like, Annie?”

“He’s human, but part of his face is covered by a silk-and-leather mask. I think he is scarred. He’s very tall. Big. His hair is dark. I haven’t yet seen the color of his eyes. Nora, why did I create a fantasy that tortured me?” Annie asked the woman.

“I’m no expert,” Nora Buckley said, “but I think you felt guilty about having a sexual fantasy. The realistic part of you knows you are a widow, and have been for several years, but the emotional part of you is still attached to your husband. However, he’s dead, and you are very much alive. You have needs that should be fulfilled, but you also have five children, and you don’t want to set a bad example. That’s why the Channel is such a good thing, Annie. You can satisfy those needs privately. No one has to know.”

Annie nodded. “I have to admit I am enjoying myself,” she said softly.

There was a knock on the bedroom door, and Devyn came in with a breakfast tray. “Thought you could use this,” he said cheerfully.

“Set it down on the table,” Nora instructed him, “and then go and bring me Annie’s schedule sheet for today.” She turned to her companion. “I’ll sit with you while you eat breakfast, and we’ll talk some more.” She took the clipboard Devyn handed her. “Are you up for a walk?” she asked, and Annie nodded. “And how about some time in the pool doing aquacise? The water is heated and just delicious. And a massage with Lars. I’ll tell him you need a stress treatment. It will be an hour and a half or more. I think that should get you back on your feet.” She handed the clipboard back to Devyn. “Set it up, and then wait for Annie in the living room. Close the door as you go out.” And when the young man had left them, Nora turned back to Annie. “You know, you could take Devyn to bed if you wanted. Our personal assistants are trained to give their ladies sexual pleasure if they want it. The Spa is set up to give full service.”

“He’s a kid!” Annie said, just a little bit shocked.

“He’s at his sexual peak,” Nora said, “and I happen to know he has a very talented cock. It’s perfectly all right to screw him if you want to between fantasies.”

“I think I’ll stick with the fantasy for now,” Annie answered. And then she asked mischievously, “I wonder if Carole Kramer and Susie James have taken advantage of this full-service element of the Spa.”

Nora laughed. “They were quick to figure it out, and yes, they did, although you did not hear it from me. Come on now. Get up and eat. You’ll feel much better if you do, I promise you.” She helped Annie from her bed.

Annie did feel better after she had eaten, although she wasn’t certain whether it was the food or talking with Nora Buckley that had done it. She spent an hour outside in the August sunshine walking with Elise Van der Veer and Susie James. The young reporter from
turned out to be quite nice, and very amusing.

“This is really a plum assignment for me,” she said. “I usually work out of the office, but my editor heard Carole Kramer was coming from
Pampered Woman,
and decided she wanted a younger take on the Spa for

“How will you explain
the amenities?” Elise Van der Veer asked wickedly.

“Oh, we have code words for all kinds of stuff,” Susie answered with a grin. “Our readers are pretty hip.”

What the hell code word could you possibly have for personal assistants who will fuck on demand?
Annie wondered.

She swam several laps in the Spa’s lap pool, and then joined the rest of the guests for aquacise. The personal assistants exercised with them in the water. Annie couldn’t help but notice that Devyn had great pecs and a cute ass. Afterward he escorted her to Lars. She lay on his massage table for close to two hours, and she had to admit that the aching in her nether regions was gone when he had finished with her. She had no idea what he had done or how he had accomplished this miracle, but he had. Annie thanked him, and Lars nodded his acknowledgment. After a long nap she joined the other guests for dinner, but she couldn’t help glancing at her watch now and again. So were most of the other women.

“We’re going to be showing that wonderful old Audrey Hepburn movie
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
tonight in the lounge,” Nora announced brightly as they were finishing a heavenly chocolate dessert made from egg whites, dark chocolate, and sweetener.

Only Carole Kramer and Elise Van der Veer seemed enthusiastic about the prospect.

“I adored the clothing of that era,” Elise Van der Veer said. “So elegant, and so stylish. And Hepburn had a wonderful figure. Not like all these little anorexic girls today in the tacky clothing they seem to favor.”

“I’ve never seen that movie,” Carole Kramer noted.

“It’s a classic,” Elise Van der Veer remarked.

“Maybe I’ll stay then,” Susie James said.

But Annie and the other guests demurred, scattering to their own rooms as the tall clock in the central lobby struck eight p.m. She didn’t even bother to undress or brush her teeth. Annie flung herself onto the bed, grabbing up the remote as she did, and pressed the open/close button, and then A. The roar of the soldiers in the hall sent a thrill of excitement through her. She was flat upon her back, her legs spread wide, and the Beast was standing over her, releasing his great cock from his breeches. He looked down at her, a cruel twist to his narrow lips as he considered his prey.

“Bring her legs back!” he said, and two soldiers jumped forward, pulling Annie’s legs up and then back, revealing her sex to the men crowding about the high board.

Annie’s heart was pounding against her ribs in anticipation. She watched as the Beast conjured from the air a long, thin feather with a narrow point. He was going to torture her first, and she instinctively knew he wanted her to protest. “No!” she cried to him. “Not the feather, my lord! Not the feather!”

The men in the hall howled with laugher at her cries. “Give it to her, my lord,” they called. “Tickle her up and make her scream!”

The Beast knelt and, spreading her wider to reveal her throbbing clit, he ran the pointed feather down both sides of her nether lips several times. Then he touched the tiny tip of it to the center of her clitoris.

Annie bit her lip. That tiny point worrying at her sensitive flesh was pure torture. She cried out as he began to ply his weapon more vigorously. “Please, please!” she begged him. “No more, I pray you, my lord! No more!” She was going to have a clitoral climax, and it came quickly, sending a shudder of pleasure through her as her eyes closed.

A sharp pinch to her buttocks, however, sent her eyes flying open again. “You will look at me,” the Beast said, and he teased at the opening of her vagina with the feather. “Come, Mistress Anne, you are almost ready. But a moment more.” And the feather slid into her, twirling about and causing her juices to begin to flow. “Good! Good!” the Beast said approvingly as he moved himself forward. “Keep her legs up, men. I will deflower this virgin daughter of the merchant now.”

“Plow her deeply, my lord,” one of the men called out.

“Now, wench, you will acknowledge your master,” he told her, bringing the head of his penis to the entry to her vagina and rubbing it against her. Leaning forward, he murmured softly so that only she could hear him, “Fight me and protest, Mistress Anne. Give my men a good show this night.”

“No! No!”
Annie screamed. “You shall not have me! I was to be your housekeeper, not your whore!” She struggled against the two men holding her legs up and back. “I shall go to the king! I shall!” Annie tried to claw him, but the position in which she was being restrained made it next to impossible.

“Your father gave you to me knowing full well my intent,” the Beast told her. “Yield yourself to me, and cease your foolishness!”

” Annie shrieked.

“Fuck her! Fuck her!” the soldiers in the hall began to chant.

The Beast pushed the head of his penis into her. “Now, wench, you will be well and truly fucked,” he told her, and he thrust himself deep.

She was the merchant’s virgin daughter, and he smashed past a tightly lodged hymen, sending a burst of burning pain through her. Annie screamed in genuine distress as a sigh went up from the men crowded about them. The Beast’s great cock buried itself to its hilt within her. She moaned as the agony subsided and a tingle of pleasure began to infuse her. And then he began to ride her. With each smooth stroke of his penis her desire rose higher. She could feel the life pulsing through the thick organ as it delved deeper and deeper. Annie’s head thrashed back and forth. The two soldiers holding her legs wide grinned down at her, one licking his lips suggestively.

“Put her legs over my shoulders,” the Beast growled, “and step back.” He caught at the hands that attempted to hit him, holding her two wrists in a single big hand and forcing her arms above her head. “You’re a born whore,” he told her, sounding pleased. “Now I shall make you climax before all of these rough fellows, Mistress Anne, and then you will entertain a few more sturdy cocks before I permit you to rest.”

“You cannot!” she gasped.
I can end this. I can!
But she did not.

“You are my possession,” he reminded her, and then he found the tiny spot hidden deep within a woman that drove her to near madness. He worked it hard.

Suddenly Annie felt herself losing control. Fierce spasms began to rack her. Her eyes could not focus. The terrible pleasure washing over her was more than she had ever known. She moaned, and was close to giving in to it when she remembered that if she was to be safe within this fantasy she must tame the Beast. Concentrating, she contracted the muscles of her vagina, squeezing the great penis within her.

“Ah, bitch!” he groaned, surprised.

“You will come with me, my lord,” she told him. “If you do not, I will not!”

BOOK: Dangerous Pleasures
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