Read Dangerously Mine Online

Authors: A.M. Griffin

Tags: #Erotica

Dangerously Mine (16 page)

BOOK: Dangerously Mine
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Sa’Mya scraped long fingernails down the length of Eva’s ass. Then she followed the trail with her tongue, causing Eva to throw back her head. She wanted to come, needed to come.

Sa’Mya grazed a finger over Eva’s ass. “What of this one? Do you let him fuck you here as well?”

“No. He would rip me apart.”

“Good. This will be just mine.” Sa’Mya’s tongue pressed against the tight opening.

Eva yelled out as Sa’Mya’s hands gripped her ass cheeks, holding them farther apart. Sa’Mya’s tongue breached the tight opening.

Sa’Mya’s tongue slowly filled her up. Eva relaxed against it, allowing Sa’Mya to go as deep as she wanted. Instinctively, she slowly rocked back, encouraging her to go deeper.

She pressed her chest to the ground, her hot nipples feeling good against the cold tile. Eva groaned, the thought of the biggest bitch in the galaxy with her face buried in her ass was enough to send her over the edge.

The familiar buildup approached fast, her knees shook uncontrollably. Reaching down, she rubbed her clit hard and fast. Sa’Mya’s fingers covered hers, rubbing in unison.

“I’m going to come!”

Sa’Mya moved under Eva’s pussy to lap at her dripping cunt.

Eva shuddered as Sa’Mya drank, licked, then probed her pussy, as if she didn’t believe Eva was finished and looked for more. Eva shuddered again before falling flat.

“Maybe I’ll keep you around after all,” Sa’Mya murmured. “But know this, the moment I tire of you, I will give you to the guards.”

Sa’Mya climbed out of the bath and her soft footsteps walked away.

Eva didn’t want anything more than to knock her in her face. She wouldn’t spend another minute playing personal slave or sex slave.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Eva tapped her fingernails on her teeth, sitting in the overstuffed office chair watching the console on Taio’s desk.

“Ship, can you explain it to me again?” She squinted at the computer-generated simulation of the rotation of Sonis around the dual suns.

“For every rotation that passes on Sonis, one and a half rotations have passed on Earth. What you would consider a standard Earth month would equal to twenty rotations on Sonis.” Ship’s reply was dry and tired—this was the fifth time he’d repeated himself.

“Soooo… I’ve been on Sonis for about forty-two rotations.” Eva used her fingers as a guide. “It would have been sixty-three days or rotations on Earth?” she asked.

“That is correct.” His tone still sounded bored. He’d tried to explain this to her for the past half hour or was it one Earth hour? Argh!

After waking up this morning and vomiting all over the place, stress was the first thought that crossed her mind. Then she thought it had something to do with the food she had eaten the night before. It could have been anything but this.

I’m pregnant.

Her last period had been about a month before even coming to Sonis. Before that, it had been sporadic at best. She knew that because of high amounts of stress, it wasn’t uncommon not to get a period for months at a time. But there was no mistaking it. She was pregnant by Taio.

She’d noticed that her stomach was getting a slight bulge to it and had tried to work it down. There was no way she was going to have a potbelly with all these females walking around, vying for her man’s attention. Screw that.

So every day she killed herself doing crunches, to no avail. Now the morning sickness had kicked in. How far along was she? She couldn’t even be sure. Maybe somewhere between one and a half to two months?

What is a typical gestation for these people?

Oh my God! How huge is this baby going to be?


How would he even react? Maybe he would react well to the news? Maybe he would keep her and the baby here in the palace with him? Would he still find another mate? Would he be able to bond with her after finding out about the pregnancy? Could he even acknowledge the baby?

She was officially freaking out.

“There is no need to worry, Eva,” Ship said. “Taio will be more than pleased about the pregnancy.”

“Are you sure?” Her voice quivered.

“I am positive. He has long since given up the idea of a traditional birth. He will be pleased.”

She rubbed her belly.
My baby will be loved.
“What about me?” Even if Taio claimed the baby, what would become of her?

“You now carry the one thing he has dreamed about. An offspring. A means and way to populate Sonis.”

Her anxiety melted away. Taio talked about it nonstop. He needed to make Sonis a thriving world. What better way than an heir?

“Shall I connect him to you?”

Although it wouldn’t take more than a few minutes for Ship to establish a link between her communication console and Taio’s on the
Saia II
, she decided against it. She wanted to tell him, but she would wait until he came back from Holis. This was definitely face-to-face news.

“No, I’ll tell him tonight.” She smiled. She was going to be a “baby mama”.

She definitely had a lot on her mind. She was at the only place that would make her feel better, the training field. Eva sat on the sandy ground near the field, polishing her
. It really didn’t need polishing, the weapon already shone so bright that colored speckled lights danced off it. It was just something to do as she watched the guards train and enjoyed the suns high in the sky. Luckily for her, she didn’t have to wear the sun-resistant blanket anymore, her skin having growing accustomed to the harsh heat as the days passed.

The suns were bright, that was for sure. But the wind blowing off the Singha Ocean, the only ocean on Sonis, was a welcome relief. She hadn’t been there yet, but Taio promised to take her one day. Maybe he would take her before the baby was born?

Multiple footsteps came up behind her. Turning around, she watched as Princess Sa’Mya sauntered up to her with her personal guard and assistant in tow.

“I am surprised to see you sitting away from all of the barbaric activities known as training.”

Could she never get away from this chick? She’d spent the entire morning at the princess’s beck and call. Her only reprieve was when she finally introduced Sa’Mya to Yazmine. Only then was she finally able to escape for a private moment with Ship. She came to the training field to work her twisted muscles. With Taio set to come back soon, her nerves were shot.

“It looks as though I won’t need to travel far for a good fight, one is coming right at me,” Eva snarled.

Sa’Mya’s guard placed a hand on the blaster hanging on the side of his hip. The princess put a hand on his, stopping him.

Eva chuckled. Sa’Mya’s assistant placed a blanket on the ground next to Eva, which Sa’Mya slowly lowered herself onto.

“Well, this is somewhat…cozy.” Sa’Mya looked around, as if it were beneath her to sit on the ground.

“No one made you come out here and certainly no one asked you to sit down.”

“I am aware that you do not like me, Eva.”

Eva cut her eyes at Sa’Mya. Whatever would have given the princess that crazy idea?

“I think it would be best for us to get along or try to under the circumstances,” Sa’Mya said.

I don’t like the sound of that.
“What circumstances?”

“Master and servant, of course.”

Eva inhaled a deep breath, trying to remain calm. “I am no one’s servant. And you are no one’s master.”

“It seems you have forgotten already. Taio left a directive that you are to serve me in his absence. When we bond, I expect the arrangement will be much the same.”

“I’m pretty sure it was a mistake, one he’ll straighten out when he returns.” Her hands gripped her

Sa’Mya chuckled. “What do you think your role will be here once he and I bond?”

“I already told you. He won’t bond with you.” She looked the princess up and down. “You’re not his type.”

“My type, his type.” She flicked out her hand dismissively. “That hardly matters. What matters is what I can do for this little moon and what he can do for me.”

Eva looked away from her. Taio had told her countless times, the arrangement would be in name only. Please, anyone but the bitch princess, she prayed.

“Things have changed,” Eva said.
I’m going to have his baby.

“Whatever makes you feel better, human. I am rather looking forward to our business arrangement with,” she looked Eva up and down, “

Eva stood up. “Forget it, bitch. I’m speaking to Taio as soon as he gets back. If you need company, go find Yazmine, she’ll be more than happy to take care of you.”

“Think about it, Eva. Taraj Hazouto has gone back home and I am the only one left. It is inevitable that he and I will bond.”

“He told me he wanted to search some more before making a decision. Why settle for you? He’s in no rush, especially since he has me in his bed.”

Sa’Mya dipped her head slightly. “I am aware he buries himself in you night and day. That is why I thought we should come to some type of reconciliation. You will have to show me respect if you want to continue to bed my mate. Otherwise, you could come to some type of unfortunate accident.” Sa’Mya shrugged and looked toward her guard.

Eva didn’t flinch from her obvious threat. Taio would never let Sa’Mya harm her in any way, especially now that she carried his child.

“Threaten me again,
and I’ll cleave your tongue out with the first thing I find. And then for good measure, I’ll poke holes in your eyes. I will leave you unable to threaten anyone else ever again.

Before her guard could reach for his blaster again, she left to join the guards.
That bitch can sure make anyone want to pummel her into the ground
, she fumed as she walked away from the trio.


Sa’Mya watched Eva walk away. The conversation had gone better than she thought it would. Eva was wrong, of course. Taio would not resume his search for a mate. Sa’Mya wouldn’t return to her home world without the protection of King Taio.

He did spend much of his time fucking Eva. It should bother her, but it didn’t. She had never been with a male before and was not sure if she ever wanted to be with one. So if Taio fucked Eva, it meant he wouldn’t expect the same treatment from her.

She wanted Eva to stay to fulfill those needs for him, but she also wanted them both to tone it down after the bonding ceremony. Even if she didn’t want to have sex with her mate, she didn’t want the rest of the palace to know it was still going on.

She would have to speak with Eva again, this time forming her words better so Eva wouldn’t walk away before she got her point across.

She watched as Eva finally reached the training field and began to swing at the structures, undoubtedly wishing it was her she was beating. She had been truthful when she told Eva she understood why Taio kept his head between her legs. Eva was a fine specimen.

“Find the servant Yazmine and have her meet me in my chambers,” she said to Moira.

Sa’Mya smiled as she listened to her assistant carrying out the order. Yazmine would keep her busy until Taio arrived.

Chapter Twenty-Three


“It is my honor to introduce you to my chosen mate, Princess Sa’Mya.” Taio wrapped his arm around Sa’Mya’s shoulders. They both exchanged a smile as the room erupted in cheers and hollers. Everyone around her was ecstatic.

Eva plastered a smile across her quivering lips.

What did I expect?








She was clearly the fool, again.

The only fool in the room.

The only fool who believed an orphan from Earth could be wanted by the King of Sonis.

An elephant sat on her chest. Pain radiated from her jaw down to her left shoulder and arm. The room was getting dimmer.

Good Lord. I’m having a heart attack.

Lo’Ren approached her.

What the hell is she talking about?

Was she asking her if she was okay? For real?

Her entire world, being, had come crashing around her.

Why does she have that look on her face?

She tried to smile harder for Lo’Ren, wanting the other female to see she was fine and leave her alone.

She took a wild sweeping glance around the room. Who the hell was turning down all the lights? And who turned up the heat, sheesh. She was on fire.

Her eyes swept to Taio and Sa’Mya again. Sa’Mya was smiling broadly at Taio’s mother and sister while he stood by her side, his arm now around her waist.

The fucker. Son-of-a-bitch cocksucker.

Her fingers began to tingle.

Oh yes, she had almost forgotten she was having a heart attack.

“Excuse me, Lo’Ren. I think I may be having a heart attack. I don’t want to embarrass myself any more than I have, so I’m going to leave now.” She turned and made her way toward the exit.

Smiling at everyone she passed.

Lips still quivering and eyes misting over.

She walked down the corridor, picking up her pace the farther she got away from the reception room. She started for her apartment but stopped short.

“I have nowhere to go,” she whispered. She stood in place for a little longer as the realization hit her.

She didn’t want to go back to her apartment. The apartment that belonged to Taio.

She turned in the opposite direction, toward the training field. Only after reaching the dark and deserted training field did she allow herself to crumble. She had endured loss and abandonment before, being alone and being unwanted. She would get through this as well.

But right now it hurt.

* * * * *


Opening her eyes, she stared at the dusty ceiling. It was familiar to her, as it should have been. She had looked at the same rain spot for what seemed like forever.

She let her eyes focus on the right corner, where a green-and-orange-spotted spider had its web. She had never seen a spider that big, that orange, that hairy or that ugly before. At first she had been afraid of it. Then she began to welcome its bite, hoping it was deadly and quick. Now she realized it was just a fat, ugly, lazy spider.

She did feel somewhat better. She no longer wanted to lie in the equipment room and die. This was her first pity party and hopefully her last. If Taio didn’t want her, then fine. He was not the first person who rejected her, but he would surely be the last.

She was so much stronger than this. There’d been walls in place to prevent this sort of thing. Whose idea was it to let them down anyway?

Rolling to a sitting position on the side of the training mat, she let her feet hit the floor. Her head immediately dropped to her hands and arms to her knees. She was exhausted. She only moved to empty her bladder. She’d cried herself dry.

Time to get up and get on with her life. With or without Taio.

“You have decided to get up now?”

Although he had not spoken to her, she never doubted that he was never far from her side.

“Hi, Ship.”

“I want to offer you my condolences.”

“No one died, Ship. You don’t offer condolences because someone got dumped.”

“I thought it was the appropriate word choice. Your intimate relationship with Taio has died. Never to be the same again. An ending to a love affair. The ending to—”

Eva threw up a hand. “Point taken. Thank you.”

She wanted to ask if Taio knew where she was, then thought against it. He probably did, all he had to do was run a heat signature sweep of the palace and find her. He had no need to seek her out. Did not care. Did not miss her.

She shook her head, attempting to get those hurtful thoughts out of it. Her pity party ended two minutes ago.

She slapped her knees. “Better get this show on the road.” She attempted to will her legs to straighten and support her weight.

“What show? Is the lack of food making you delusional? I found out humans cannot go more than two to three Earth days without food or water. I was monitoring you to make sure you did not die of starvation.”

“How kind of you.” She genuinely meant that. It was not often that someone looked out for her well-being. “I really appreciate it.” Finally straightening, she reached out to a piece of equipment to stabilize herself.

“What do you plan to do now?”

she going to do? “I don’t know, Ship.”

* * * * *


“Sir, Eva’s heat signature showed up in the training hall,” Jor’Dan said.

Taio inhaled sharply. She had been found. That was the best news he’d heard in a lifetime. He’d had everyone searching the palace from top to bottom. Everyone helped in the search except Ship, who had been tight-lipped since the announcement.

He was about to make the call to have the search extended outside, not believing or wanting to believe she was dead. That would have been the only reason as to why her heat signature would not have shown up.

He hadn’t known it would hurt as it had to make the announcement. Looking at her made it worse. His first instinct had been to run over and hold her. It had taken all his resolve not to look at her again, for fear he would do just that.

Sonis needed this match. With Laconia behind the bonding, Sonis could finally be a thriving world. He had more important responsibilities to think of. It would be extremely selfish of him to make a decision with his cock instead of his head.

“How did she get into the training hall without being detected? We searched that entire area.” He turned to Rasha.

“We didn’t bother to look in the old equipment rooms,” Rasha said. “The heat sensors were draining energy from the ionized weights held there. Remember, you had the sensors disabled. They’ve been unused for many cycles. If she was hiding in there we would not have picked up on her heat signature.”

“She hid in there for two whole rotations?”

His initial relief was now turning to fury. He’d turned the entire palace upside down looking for her while she hid away. What did she hope to prove by this little stunt? Besides, Eva knew this day was coming. He still had to marry Princess Sa’Mya, who was none too happy that he put their ceremony on hold while he searched high and low for Eva.

Taio stormed the restroom as Eva was coming out. He didn’t know if he should crush her close to his body or grab her, shaking some sense into her little human brain. When he reached her, he did neither.

“Do you know how much time I wasted looking for you?”

Eva blinked in surprise. She was red in the face, and she narrowed her eyes, peering at him through the slits. “I’m sorry to have
your time. But I don’t recall needing to be found and I don’t recall asking you to be the one to do it.”

“I’m glad you are unharmed, Eva.” Rasha stepped up, clearly trying to diffuse the situation.

Eva kept her eyes glaring at him. “I appreciate your concern, Rasha, but I was never in any danger.”

“You could have been in danger. How were we to know you were safe while you were hiding in the equipment room? You are still my responsibility.” Rasha clenched his fists at his sides.

“For your information, I was
hiding. I don’t hide, not from you or from anyone else.”

“If you weren’t hiding, what were you doing?”

“I actually don’t owe you an explanation. But if you must know, I was making plans.”

“Plans?” he asked, perplexed. “Plans about what?”

“Plans about my future. If I have to be trapped here with you, I thought it would be a good idea to figure some things out.”

“Trapped? You are not trapped!”

Rasha took a step to move in front of Taio. “Maybe we should allow you to have a nice warm bath, eat and then revisit this conversation later. Does that sound good?” Rasha took Eva’s elbow and tried to lead her out the door.

Eva snatched her arm away and spun around. “I am too trapped. You told me you have complete authority over me and I can never leave! Where I come from, that’s considered trapped!”

Taio straightened his shoulders. Never had anyone yelled or spoken to him as Eva was doing. Did she really feel forced to stay with him?

“You are free to go wherever you desire,” Taio said calmly.

“Now, it would not be beneficial to say things we do not mean,” Rasha interjected.

“I mean what I say, Rasha, do not involve yourself in matters that are not your concern.” Rasha nodded once and stepped out of the way.

“Eva, you have plenty of credits in your account. Coyl and the others were not rich, but they had well-paying salaries. Once they attacked you, they immediately forfeited their worth to you. You have enough to be comfortable with for a while.” He turned on his heel, but stopped before leaving. “I will have Mazel look for vacant properties on Sonis for you. If you don’t find one to your liking, feel free to build one.”

“I won’t need her help,” she said. Taio turned just in time to catch her squaring her shoulders. “If I’m free to go, then I’ll go. Ship, will you help me find the first transport off Sonis?”

“Where is your destination?” Ship asked.

“Anywhere but here.”

Taio walked away, not looking back. If she planned to run to Alexion, he would let her go.

BOOK: Dangerously Mine
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