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Authors: Blue Suede Clues: A Murder Mystery Featuring Elvis Presley

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BOOK: Daniel Klein
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“He's dead!” she cried.
Elvis's heart accelerated. “Who's dead
“The President,” Miss Ann moaned. “He's been shot. In Dallas.”
“President Kennedy?”
“Oh Lord! Who did it?”
“They don't know,” Ann-Margret sobbed.
“They don't know.”
Elvis threw his arm around her and guided her to a sofa. He turned on the television set and sat down beside her, trembling himself now, tears flooding from his eyes. Behind them, the phone began ringing. Elvis reached into his pocket for his bottle of painkillers.
Kill Me Tender
A Murder Mystery Featuring
Elvis Presley
“Where's Elvis?”
(with Hans Teesma)
Beauty Sleep
Magic Time
This is a work of fiction. The incidents portrayed and the dialogue are all fictitious. All of the characters are either fictitious or have been used fictitiously. This book has not been authorized or endorsed by the estate of Elvis Presley, or by any other person who may appear in the book. or by the estate of any such person.
BLUE SUEDE CLUES. Copyright © 2002 by Daniel Klein. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information, address St. Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
THERE WILL BE PEACE IN THE VALLEY FOR ME, by Thomas A. Dorsey © 1939 (Renewed) Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. All rights reserved. Used by permission Warner Bros. Publications U.S., Miami, FL. 33014
eISBN 9781429976367
First eBook Edition : March 2011
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Klein, Daniel M.
Blue suede clues: a murder mystery featuring Elvis Presley / Daniel Klein.
p. cm.
ISBN 0-312-26249-3
1. Presley, Elvis, 1935–1977—Fiction. 2. Hollywood (Los Angeles, Calif.)—Fiction. 3. Rock musicians—Fiction. I. Title
PS3561.L344 B58 2002
First Edition: March 2002

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